您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 制浆黑液


制浆黑液的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计254篇,主要集中在废物处理与综合利用、轻工业、手工业、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文85篇、会议论文15篇、专利文献6471篇;相关期刊41种,包括生物质化学工程、西南造纸、黑龙江造纸等; 相关会议12种,包括山东造纸学会第七届会员代表大会暨山东造纸学会2012年学术年会、'2008(第十六届)全国造纸化学品开发应用技术研讨会、华东六省一市造纸学会第二十一届学术年会暨江苏省造纸学会第九届学术年会等;制浆黑液的相关文献由492位作者贡献,包括吴创之、周肇秋、袁洪友等。



论文:85 占比:1.29%


论文:15 占比:0.23%


论文:6471 占比:98.48%





  • 吴创之
  • 周肇秋
  • 袁洪友
  • 阴秀丽
  • 曹光春
  • 李晓光
  • 李洪法
  • 杨吉慧
  • 华亚民
  • 李大方
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 苗文康; 杨桂花; 李凤凤; 彭建民; 蒋启蒙; 陈嘉川
    • 摘要: 为了提高造纸废液的利用价值,在未加硫源和活化剂的前提下,以桉木硫酸盐废液为原料,在不同煅烧温度下制备了硫掺杂多孔碳材料,并将其应用于锂离子电池负极材料。在600°C下煅烧制备的多孔碳材料(黑液-600)初始放电比容量高达688 mAh/g,首次库伦效率53.96%,在较大的充放电电流密度下(2 A/g),仍然可以保持150 mAh/g左右的充放电比容量,1 A/g的电流密度下循环1000次比容量保持率为68%,展现了良好的循环和倍率性能。通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、拉曼光谱仪(Raman)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、元素分析、比表面积及孔径分布、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)等表征,结果显示黑液-600具有较大层间距(0.392 nm),2.94%的硫掺杂,含有丰富的缺陷、孔结构且具有190.8 m2/g的比表面积,这种多孔结构和元素掺杂使得碳材料具有优异的电化学活性和稳定性。
    • 吴奂
    • 摘要: 对某纸浆公司制浆黑液处理工艺改进前后的工艺变化和排污情况进行了分析,说明了改进后处理工艺的优势及环境效益,促进了纸浆公司黒液的回收利用,变废为宝,提高了资源的利用率,减少了水污染物的排放,有利于资源节约和环境保护。
    • 唐华; 王大伟; 栾小娟
    • 摘要: 国内外学者对制浆黑液的燃烧特性进行了大量研究,取得了一系列研究成果,但这些成果大都侧重于对黑液某个方面的燃烧特性,缺少系统和全面的研究分析.本文通过分析和梳理黑液液滴燃烧实验的研究成果,对黑液膨胀特性、燃烧过程、热解特性、烟雾生成机理和碱灰沉积特性等进行了介绍,较全面阐释了黑液燃烧的化学反应机理.
    • 李伟; 方永义; 高玲玲; 王茂军; 夏云飞; 李静; 周万鹏
    • 摘要: 本研究利用化学方法合成新型导电高分子吸附材料聚间苯二胺,并将其作为宣纸燎草制浆黑液中Na+吸附剂.采用扫描电子显微镜、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对吸附剂进行了表征.考察了吸附剂用量、吸附时间、宣纸燎草制浆黑液中Na+浓度对吸附效果的影响.结果表明,聚间苯二胺粒径为0.5 μm,具有利于吸附的梯形结构.聚间苯二胺用量为10 g/100 mL黑液,对宣纸燎草制浆黑液中Na+的去除率达73.3%.Lagergren准二级动力学方程能很好地描述Na+在聚间苯二胺上吸附的整个过程,吸附以化学吸附为主.
    • 徐红霞
    • 摘要: 传统的挤渣机驱动装置是直接采用电机减速机与挤渣机直连,将减速机的输出轴插入挤渣机的挤压辊中,带动挤渣机旋转。由于挤渣机在对浆渣进行挤压时会排出制浆黑液,而挤渣机同减速机中间所采用的橡胶密封件极易老化而泄漏,这样浆液就会顺着轴流到减速机中,对减速机中的润滑油造成污染,导致润滑效果下降,大大降低了设备的使用寿命。
    • 黎演明; 吴学众; 杜芳黎; 龙思宇; 黄华林; 唐培朵
    • 摘要: Lignin is mainly obtained as a byproduct from pulp industry, which is the only renewable aromatic carbon source generated in nature, containing 3 major structures, 4-hydroxyphenyl, guaiacyl, and syringyl structures. Lignin can be efficiently transformed into highly value-added fine chemicals such as phenolic monomers and other high-grade biofuels such as alkanes through catalytic depolymerization methods. With the growing concern over the excessive emission of greenhouse gases and the depleting stocks of fossil fuels, the lignin conversion has become an important part of the renewable energy strategy for the governments. In chemical pulping, black liquor is a process stream containing both organic and inorganic components. One of those organic components is lignin which can be separated effectively by using acidification-flocculation. This present study describes the precipitation of lignin by acidification-flocculation of black liquor produced by soda pulping of bagasse. Firstly, the cross-linked cationic starch (CLC-St) was obtained by the cross linking reaction and etherification reaction with cassava starch, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and 3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium as raw material. Then cross-linked cationic starch grafted by polyacrylamide (CLC-St-PAM) flocculant was prepared using the CLC-St as backbone through the graft copolymerization reaction with acrylamide. The structures of CLC-St-PAM were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscope (SEM). The results showed that PAM was grafted into the base of CLC-St successfully, the grafting copolymerization reaction occurred on the surface of the starch particle, which was in agreement with the SEM micrographs, and the aggregation phase of CLC-St-PAM was changed to amorphous aggregation state. The CLC-St-PAM flocculant was added to the black liquor of bagasse soda pulping to form lignin-rich precipitate under different pH value conditions (varying from 7 to 2). The effects of selective important factors, such as dosage of CLC-St-PAM flocculant, pH value of black liquor, on the obtained lignin mass precipitated, the concentration of acid soluble lignin, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in filtrate were studied systematically. It showed that organic matter and COD in black liquor had been efficiently removed under suitable flocculating conditions. When the pH value was 2 and the dosage of CLC-St-PAM was 0.015 g/L, the lignin recovery rate reached 89.02%±0.54% and the COD removal rate reached 69.06%±1.42%; meanwhile, the concentration of acid soluble lignin was reduced from (0.561±0.021) to (0.187±0.008) g/100 mL, and the color of the liquor was strongly modified from dark brown to pale yellow. The recovered lignin was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (1HNMR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The results indicated that the recovered lignin consisted of syringyl and guaiacyl units and was connected together by C-O and C-C linkages. There was large variation among the molecular weight of the recovered lignin molecules, the GPC spectrum of recovered lignin contained 2 continuous peaks, and the number-average molecular weights of these 2 peaks were 105 691 and 11 270 g/mol, respectively. In the acid-flocculation process, pure lignin molecules were precipitated in high pH value, and with the further decrease of the pH value, more lignin-hemicellulose complexes were formed and precipitated.%该文通过制备耐酸型絮凝剂,以酸析絮凝法处理蔗渣制浆黑液高效回收木质素.首先以木薯淀粉、5-羟甲基糠醛以及3-氯-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵为主要原料制备交联阳离子淀粉(cross-linked cationic starch, CLC-St),然后以CLC-St 为骨架与丙烯酰胺在引发剂作用下进行接枝共聚反应,合成了交联阳离子淀粉接枝聚丙烯酰胺(cross-linked cationic starch grafted polyacrylamide, CLC-St-PAM)絮凝剂,并通过红外光谱、X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜等手段对 CLC-St-PAM 进行结构和形貌分析.结果显示,交联阳离子淀粉分子与丙烯酰胺成功发生了接枝共聚反应,反应主要发生在淀粉颗粒表面,接枝产物呈现为无定形的聚集态.以CLC-St-PAM为絮凝剂处理pH值为2~7间的蔗渣碱法制浆黑液,系统考察了pH值、CLC-St-PAM用量等因素对木质素的回收率、滤液中酸溶木质素含量和化学耗氧量(COD)的影响,结果表明,酸析-絮凝处理可以有效的去除制浆黑液中的酸不溶木质素、酸溶木质素以及COD,在pH值为2时投入0.015 g/L的CLC-St-PAM,木质素回收率高达89.02%±0.54%,COD去除率也达69.06%±1.42%;同时,酸溶木质素质量浓度由原来的(0.561±0.021) g/100 mL下降至(0.187±0.008) g/100 mL,黑液由原来的棕黑色变为清澈的淡黄色.不同pH值回收得到的木质素结构通过核磁共振氢谱和凝胶渗透色谱表征,结果表明酸析-絮凝过程中首先析出来的是相对纯净的木质素分子,随着体系pH值的进一步下降,更多与半纤维素通过稳定的共价键形成的木质素-半纤维素复合体也逐渐沉淀析出.
    • 熊静
    • 摘要: 制浆造纸工业的黑液废水污染严重,生物厌氧处理能够改善水体环境.本文探索了不同浓度的黑液在不同温度、不同pH条件下与污泥以一定的比例混合厌氧发酵10 d,考察黑液中的COD值、酸溶木质素及酸不溶木质素含量的变化,对厌氧处理条件进行效果比较和综合评价.
    • 谢友
    • 摘要: 造纸产业作为我国在发展过程中必不可少的核心产业,随着近年来造纸产业的不断发展,其所引发的环境污染问题也日益引起了社会各界的广泛关注。其中,废水是造纸产业中所产生的常见污染物,尤其是其中的制浆黑液,基于其包含的化学物质相对较多,因此,如何通过对制浆黑液的有效处理成为了促进造纸产业发展的主要任务。基于此,本研究将针对制浆黑液的形成及其主要特点进行分析,从而提出了制浆黑液的处理与利用技术,期望以此来减少制浆黑液对环境所产生的污染,推动造纸产业的可持续发展。
    • 张祥胜; 邹学东; 顾光辉
    • 摘要: The enhancement effects of different additives,including tween,rhamnolipids,CuSO4,ethanol,etc. on the treatment of white-rot fungi treated black liquid have been studied. It is found that rhamnolipids can enhance reme-diation effect better. When its mass concentration is in the range of 50-60 mg/L ,the treatment effect is the best. Cul-turing after the rhamnolipid-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain and white rot fungi inoculate black liquor ,the COD can be reduced by 44%. This research provides a new idea for the microbial treatment of pulping black liquid.%研究了吐温、鼠李糖脂、硫酸铜和乙醇等不同添加物对白腐菌处理黑液效果的强化作用,发现鼠李糖脂能够较好地强化修复效果,当其质量浓度在50~60 mg/L时处理效果最佳。将产生鼠李糖脂的铜绿假单胞菌与白腐菌共同接种黑液后培养,可将COD降低44%。本研究为黑液的微生物处理提供了新的思路。
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