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制动蹄的相关文献在1982年到2022年内共计1035篇,主要集中在公路运输、农业工程、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文124篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献96164篇;相关期刊81种,包括农业开发与装备、山东农机化、现代农机等; 相关会议5种,包括第十届(天津)国际摩擦密封材料技术交流暨产品展示会及首届国际汽车摩托车零部件专利新产品技术交流暨展示会、第三届河南省汽车工程科技学术研讨会、第六届国际摩擦材料技术交流会等;制动蹄的相关文献由1311位作者贡献,包括敖良均、田洪相、陈少元等。



论文:124 占比:0.13%


论文:5 占比:0.01%


论文:96164 占比:99.87%





  • 敖良均
  • 田洪相
  • 陈少元
  • 吴志强
  • 张玉平
  • 张种如
  • 王欣
  • 李丽
  • 黄森
  • 黄铖
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 丁介然
    • 摘要: 基于对鼓式制动器的力学性能分析,完成了对鼓式制动器执行部件和支撑部件的结构设计和材料选择.其中,力学性能分析从制动器在正常工作中的压力分布和制动力矩两个方向展开,而结构设计与材料选择则在制动鼓、制动蹄、及支撑部件中展开.两者紧密联系,使零部件的强度、刚度等属性实现参数的最大化,充分保证了鼓式制动器的安全性和实用性.
    • 竺熔; 俞亚新; 周志栋; 刘磊
    • 摘要: To meet the requirements of the automated production of motorcycle brake block,clamp the friction plate and horseshoe-shaped aluminum block and maintain pressure under high temperature,a kind of cam-slider clamping apparatus was designed in this paper,maintaining pressure between friction plate and brake block.The effect of cam speed and transmission speed on clamping force was gained through simulated analysis analyzed of different operational speed on the clamping force,through kinematics and dynamics simulation of clamping mechanism.Coupling analysis of temperature field and stress field was conducted in the thermal insulation box for the brake block in clamping state to gain the displacement changes of clamping mechanism and work piece.Thermal-structural coupling analysis of the clamping apparatus was conducted to analyze the change in displacement of the various components of the clamping mechanism,with the help of the finite element software,in the incubator.The results of the simulation demonstrate that the displacement of the slider in the thermal-structural coupling state was 0.7 mm larger than that in the normal temperature structural state,and leading clamping force to increase by 1 1 .6 N. Owing to the special structural characteristics of clamping mechanism,the change of clamping force will not affect normal loosening of clamping mechanism,so this kind of clamping mechanism,in the paper,can release normally in spite of the change of clamping force, thus working properly meet working requirements under high temperature environment.%为了满足摩托车制动蹄自动化生产要求,实现摩擦片与蹄形铝块之间夹紧并在高温下保压,设计了一种凸轮滑块式夹紧机构。通过对夹紧机构运动学和动力学仿真分析,获得了凸轮转速和输送速度对夹紧力的影响。对夹紧状态下的制动蹄在保温箱内进行温度场和应力场耦合分析,得到夹紧机构和工件的位移变化情况。结果表明:在热-结构耦合状态下夹紧滑块位移较常温下增加了0.7 mm,夹紧力增大了11.6 N。由于夹紧机构的结构特点,夹紧力的变化不会影响夹紧机构的正常松开,故该夹紧机构能满足高温环境下的工作要求。
    • 杜秋丽
    • 摘要: 介绍了重型卡车车桥用STR后制动蹄的铸件结构及技术要求,并详细阐述了原铸造工艺及存在的问题.为解决铸件出现的夹渣、缩孔问题,进行了分析和对比试验,得出以下结论:(1)制动蹄属于壁厚相对均匀的球墨铸铁件,采用无冒口、分散内浇道进铁液工艺能防止缩孔缺陷;(2)在挡渣效果不良的浇注系统内设置SiC陶瓷过滤器能较好地解决STR后制动蹄夹渣缺陷问题;(3)在保证不出现其它缺陷的前提下,严格控制浇注温度和化学成分对铸件的稳定生产很重要.
    • 赵国伟; 唐进元; 张质子
    • 摘要: 以制动器强度和刚度作为约束条件,采用计算机辅助集成技术对领从蹄式制动器中的制动蹄进行轻量化设计研究。使用ABAQUS软件对领从蹄式制动器进行有限元分析,得到制动蹄的应力分布情况,并提取分析过程中制动鼓受到的摩擦力矩。通过ISIGHT软件集成CATIA和ABAQUS对制动蹄进行参数优化,对优化结果再次使用ABAQUS进行进一步分析,以提高分析精度,确定制动蹄最终的优化尺寸。研究结果表明:由分析得到的摩擦力矩与实验的制动力矩比较可知基于ABAQUS的分析步骤与方法正确可行。使用轻量化方法对制动蹄进行轻量化设计的效果较好,质量降低17.87%,应力仅增加2.86%,既实现了制动蹄的轻量化,又保证了制动蹄的强度和刚度。研究结果可为同类产品的有限元分析以及轻量化设计提供参考。%Computer aided technology for brake shoe’s lightweight study with brake’s strength and stiffness as constraints was used. The leading shoe and trailing shoe brake were analyzed by ABAQUS software, and the stress distribution of brake shoes and the friction torque of drum were obtained. Brake shoe was optimized by ISIGHT software integrated CATIA and ABAQUS. To improve the accuracy of analysis and ensure brake shoe’s optimization size, ABAQUS was used to analyze the optimization results again. The results show that the ABAQUS analysis steps and methods are correct and feasible by comparing the friction torque and the barking torque gotten by experiment. This lightweight method can make a good effect on brake shoe, i.e. the mass decreases by 17.87%, and stress only increases by 2.86%. This research work realizes the lightweight design for brake shoe and guarantees its strength and stiffness, It can provide technical information and reference for similar products finite element analysis and lightweight design.
    • 张伟; 于宵; 刘红梅; 杨杰
    • 摘要: 制动系统是整个车辆底盘系统中一个很重要的系统,它既要使行驶中的汽车减速,又要保证车辆能够在各种道路条件下稳定驻车,同时使下坡行驶的汽车车速保持稳定。因此,汽车的制动系对汽车的安全行驶起着十分重要的作用,本次设计中,根据已有的HFC3030车辆的数据对鼓式制动器进行设计,重点对制动器的组成、制动器的方案确定、鼓式制动器的结构参数的设计、制动器相关部件的校核等方面进行了理论设计分析,从而给出建立三维模型的有关数据。%The braking system is a very important system in the whole vehicle chassis system. The system is not only to slow down the running of the vehicle, but also to ensure that the vehicle can be stable in a variety of road conditions in the car, while the downhill speed of the car to maintain stability.Therefore the brake system plays an important part in security steer. In the design, which based on the data of drum brake used in HFC3030. Focus on brake, brake scheme and design of the structural parameters of the drum brake, brake parts for the checking of design theory analysis,and the relevant data of the 3D model is given.
    • 王吉忠; 王增文; 杨志诚; 夏波
    • 摘要: 为评估某鼓式制动器的制动蹄在提高制动气压使用时的可靠性,应用ANSyS Workbench建立了该制动蹄的弹塑性有限元分析模型,并对制动气压提高前后制动蹄的结构强度进行了计算和比较。计算结果表明,制动气压提高后从蹄强度不足,在其滚轮轴支耳根部容易产生破坏。根据有关计算结果,对制动蹄进行了设计改进,得到了可以满足使用要求的结构方案。
    • 宋良国
    • 摘要: 在一些小四轮拖拉机事故中,除不可抗拒因素外,有相当一部分是由于拖拉机制动失灵、操作不规范造成的。由此可见,正确使用小四轮拖拉机制动器,既可以减少摩擦片的磨损,又能有效防止事故发生。1制动器故障判断分析(1)制动器失灵。特征:拖拉机行驶中踏下制动踏板时不能立即停车,须待后轮滚动一段距离后才能慢慢停下来,这种情况说明制动器工作性能下降。主要原因:1制动器沾有油污。
    • 翁景坚
    • 摘要: 汽车鼓式制动器是汽车的动力制动常用机构,以此机构为基础利用Visual Basic编制鼓式制动器摩擦衬片压力受力模型分析软件.通过对关键部位的数学建模和结构的公式化来寻求改善摩擦因子的最有效设计.确定摩擦衬片危险应力及应力集中位置,实现对汽车鼓式制动器结构的优化设计.该方法对于预知结构使用寿命和寻找改善方法提供了很好的借鉴作用.
    • 侯学元; 韩淑华
    • 摘要: 分析了矿用车制动蹄的孔加工工艺。由于此零件是大批量生产,采用设计钻铰孔夹具在普通设备上加工的方法,并分析所设计夹具的定位装置、夹紧装置以及钻套,确定了夹具的制作和使用,很好地保证了生产进度要求。%Hole processing technology of brake shoes of mine car was analyzed.Because of mass production,it was adopted the method that designing drilling hole fixture and machining on common equipment.The positioning device,clamping device and the drilling sleeve of the designed fixture were analyzed. The production and use of the fixture were ascertained. It guarantees the production schedule requirements.
    • 雷健
    • 摘要: 文章采用Ansys workbench对某型制动蹄建立动态接触分析模型,分析了领、从蹄在制动过程中的应力分布。基于应力结果计算出了领、从蹄的高周疲劳安全因数,结果表明制动蹄疲劳安全因数满足使用要求。%A dynamic contact analysis model of a brake shoe is established by Ansys workbench in this paper,stress distribution of front and rear brake shoe in braking process is analyzed.Based on the stress results,the high-cycle fatigue safety factor of front and rear brake shoe is calculated,from the hoofs of ,the result shows that the fatigue safety factor of brake shoe meets the requirement.
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