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关键层理论的相关文献在1998年到2022年内共计80篇,主要集中在矿业工程、工业经济、环境保护管理 等领域,其中期刊论文70篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献18482篇;相关期刊47种,包括科技致富向导、中国包装科技博览、露天采矿技术等; 相关会议10种,包括34届国际采矿岩层控制会议、陕西省煤炭学会2014年学术年会、陕西省煤炭学会2012学术年会等;关键层理论的相关文献由149位作者贡献,包括钱鸣高、缪协兴、许家林等。



论文:70 占比:0.38%


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论文:18482 占比:99.57%





  • 钱鸣高
  • 缪协兴
  • 许家林
  • 于秋鸽
  • 孙华超
  • 孙红明
  • 师张义
  • 张华兴
  • 李文平
  • 洪涛
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘兵晨; 秦建飞; 许向前
    • 摘要: 为了优化综放工作面沿空留巷的支护方案,基于岩层控制关键层理论,分析了综放工作面沿空留巷上覆岩层结构特征,获得上覆岩层活动规律。研究结果表明:上覆岩层活动前期,直接顶回转下沉;活动过渡期,基本顶在采空区侧和实体煤侧进行应力调整;活动稳定期,实体煤侧塑性区扩展、顶板平行下沉。建立了顶板结构力学模型,据此得到支护结构优化设计的理论计算数值,该支护结构由顶板锚固结构、实体煤帮锚固结构和巷旁充填体组成。以成庄煤矿4311综放工作面沿空留巷为工程背景,对该支护结构进行优化设计并对留巷围岩变形进行矿压观测,结果显示:留巷围岩变形量在覆岩活动前期、过渡期和稳定期所占比例分别为12%、77%、11%,围岩变形量主要集中在覆岩活动过渡期;留巷断面由原3.0 m×3.2 m,最终变为2.3 m×2.7 m,巷道整体维护效果较好。
    • 孙米银
    • 摘要: 当煤矿自矿区采出时,采空区上覆岩层会发生变形破坏,一方面煤矿资源会向裂隙发育部位运移,另一方面则存在一定的矿区安全隐患.为了保证煤矿开采工程的安全性,准确掌握矿产运移分布情况,本文采用了关键层理论和数值模拟的方法,以此分析采动覆岩的裂隙演化规律.研究结果显示,裂隙在走向和倾向上呈现出"梯形台"发育特征,在采空区上方裂隙呈现出中部压实、四周发育的"O"形圈分布;在采空区边缘形成卸压区域,此区域裂隙发育,具有较好的抽采效果.除此之外,采空区中部压实区域宽度范围为175 m,裂隙不发育,离层率趋于0;采空区进风巷侧35 m、回风巷侧30 m范围内离层率较大,最大离层率达到了136 m m/m.本文通过数值模拟得到了平煤十三矿采动覆岩的裂隙演化规律,这不仅为煤矿资源抽采提供了理论依据,而且为煤矿安全事故防治工作提供了保障.
    • 秦伟; 李文平
    • 摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地多数煤矿主采侏罗系煤层,开采条件具有大采高、大采深的特点,顶板含水层众多并严重威胁矿井安全,开展侏罗系煤层上覆顶板导水断裂带高度的研究尤为重要.以鄂尔多斯某矿为例,通过理论计算、数值模拟以及相似类比法等手段,对采空区顶板的导水断裂带的发育高度和裂采比进行预测分析.结果表明:裂采比为22.07,导水断裂带发育高度大约为154.48 m,类比所得拟合公式所预测该矿的导水断裂带高度与理论计算值误差较小.
    • 郑帅亮; 李春; 冉德旺
    • 摘要: 为了解决"三下"压煤问题,以高河能源E1309条带膏体充填面为实例,针对E1309大采高条带面膏体充填开采的可行性和技术现状进行分析,提出了条带膏体充填开采方法,并结合高河能源E1309条带面地质特征和岩层特性,利用关键层理论计算出了满足大采高条带膏体充填开采的充填膏体的强度.结合地表沉降预测分析,证明了条带膏体充填技术在厚煤层大采高条件下可以维持顶板长期稳定.
    • 郝世俊; 段会军; 莫海涛; 彭旭; 彭冬
    • 摘要: 针对高强开采井田王家岭煤矿综放工作面瓦斯涌出量大、上隅角瓦斯积聚问题,基于岩层控制关键层理论,对顶板垮落走向与倾向采动裂隙发育进行研究.采用数值模拟的方法研究采空裂隙随工作面推进的演化过程,分析顶板裂隙发育高度,确定大直径高位定向长钻孔最佳布孔层位及钻孔结构,并进行工程实践.结果表明,依据关键层理论计算及采动裂隙数值模拟预测层位布设大直径高位定向长钻孔,抽采效果较好,单孔最大抽采纯量2.10 m3/min,最大抽采体积分数31.39%,4个定向长钻孔累计抽采瓦斯纯量28.99万m3,工作面上隅角瓦斯体积分数最低下降至0.46%,瓦斯治理效果显著,解决了上隅角瓦斯超限问题,保障了工作面的安全回采.
    • 韩科明; 于秋鸽; 张华兴; 李凤明
    • 摘要: 当工作面上覆岩层中含有断层时,地表下沉规律与不含断层时具有显著差别.为了研究上下盘开采断层滑移失稳力学机理,基于关键层理论建立了上下盘开采断层活化力学模型,推导了断层滑移失稳的判据,并结合数值模拟和相似模拟对上下盘开采断层活化难易程度进行了分析.研究结果表明:①相对于上盘开采,下盘开采断层保持稳定除了满足断层带岩体在断层面不发生滑移外还需满足断层面不产生离层,下盘开采断层保持稳定条件更加苛刻,下盘开采断层更容易活化;②对于上盘开采,随着工作面推进,浅部断层带岩体正应力逐渐减小,剪应力逐渐增大,深部断层带岩体剪应力和正应力都逐渐增大,说明断层露头处断层带岩体已经处于活化状态,断层带岩体产生裂隙,应力逐渐松弛,而深部断层带岩体正在为活化蓄能,浅部断层带岩体超前深部断层带岩体发生活化;③对于下盘开采,随着工作面推进,浅部断层带岩体剪应力和正应力逐渐增加,深部断层带岩体剪应力与正应力逐渐减小,工作面推进长度较小时,断层即活化;④工作面推进过程中,下盘开采断层带岩体剪应力与正应力的比值为上盘开采的3~5倍;⑤上盘开采断层活化时仅在断层露头处地表产生轻微裂隙,未形成明显台阶,下盘开采断层活化将在断层露头处产生明显台阶下沉.
    • 于秋鸽; 张华兴; 邓伟男; 邹友平
    • 摘要: 将工作面上覆岩层分为关键层下部软弱岩层、关键层、松散层3部分,根据关键层理论建立了地表偏态下沉模型.通过引入地表下沉偏态程度分析了各种因素对地表偏态下沉的影响并利用数值模拟分析了松散层厚度对地表偏态下沉的作用.研究结果表明:①关键层下部岩层碎胀系数越小,偏态程度越明显;关键层距煤层顶板高度越小,偏态程度越明显;煤层厚度越大,偏态程度越明显;当采空区长度达到一定值后,偏态程度不随采空区长度的增加发生改变;关键块平均长度越大,偏态程度越明显;松散层厚度越大,偏态程度越明显.②松散层厚度的增加只可以使地表下沉具有连续性,但不会抵消地表下沉的偏态程度.%The overlying strata of working face was divided into three parts including soft stratum,key strata and alluvium.At the same time,the skewness subsidence model was built based on key strata theory to analyze the influence of all kinds of factors on skewness subsidence by introducing the concept of skewness subsidence level.In addition,the numerical model was used to analyze the effect of loosed bed thickness on earth surface skewness subsidence.The results showed that the smaller bulking coefficient was,the more obvious the skewness level was;the smaller the distance from key strata to coal roof was,the more obvious the skewness level was;the larger the coal thickness was,the more obvious the skewness level was.When the length of goal reached a constant value,the skewness level remained unchanging;the larger the length of key strata was,the more obvious the skewness level was;the thicker the coal seam was,the more obvious the skewness level was.Also,the thickness increase of loosed bed can only make the subsidence continuity,but it cannot offset the skewness subsidence level.
    • 左建平; 孙运江; 文金浩; 李政岱
    • 摘要: With the increasing social attention on mining induced subsidence and eco-environmental problems,it is imperative to carry out sustainable mining.Facing the new situation,we need to conduct more systematic and in-depth research based on the current research results.In this paper,the rock strata movement theories at home and abroad,their advantages and disadvantages and their application conditions were systematically reviewed when the goaf was controlled by caving method and backfill method.The important role of key strata theory in the theories of rock strata movement and surface subsidence was highlighted.Based on mining induced rock mechanics,the changes of main roof's fracture location and length were analyzed.The model considers that the focus of hyperbola is located on the main key stratum.The hyperbola model integrates the masonry beam theory and the surface subsidence theory organically through key strata theory.In addition,the model describes the overall movement law of the overlying strata in the coal seam.Therefore,the analogous hyperbola model is further development of key strata theory.%随着社会对开采沉陷与生态环境问题日益重视,“科学采矿”势在必行.面对新形势,需要在学习前人研究成果的基础上,进行更系统、深入的研究.首先系统总结了国内外垮落法和充填法处理采空区2种情况下的岩层移动理论、优缺点及其适应条件等,重点阐述了关键层理论在岩层移动方面发挥的重要作用.基于采动岩体力学,系统分析了基本顶断裂位置和断裂步距“正态分布”变化的原因.基于采动岩层破断移动的全过程分析和前人的研究成果,提出了充分采动覆岩整体移动的“类双曲线”模型,认为岩层“类双曲线”的焦点位于主关键层位置,该模型通过关键层把砌体梁理论及地表沉陷理论有机联系起来,描述了煤层上覆岩层整体移动规律,是关键层理论的继承和发展.
    • 许国胜; 李回贵; 关金锋
    • 摘要: 鉴于水体下开采采动裂隙发育规律对井下安全性评价的重要作用,以水库下综放开采为工程背景,采用关键层理论、组合岩梁理论,并采用相似模拟物理试验手段,研究了覆岩的破断规律,以及在覆岩组合岩层及关键层破断过程中,岩层垂直位移、导水断裂带发育高度以及覆岩裂隙网络的演化规律.研究结果表明:主关键层垮落前后,观测线采空区中部测点的下沉曲线斜率较大,岩层垂直方向上下沉剧烈;导水断裂带发育高度曲线随着覆岩岩层组合周期性垮落呈现出台阶跃升,且两台阶的间距即为覆岩的周期垮落步距;当主关键层垮落后,覆岩导水断裂带发育高度稳定,导水断裂带顶界位于亚关键层Ⅱ下部.裂隙网络的富集区主要集中在前后煤壁,且靠近开切眼侧裂隙区裂隙密度大于停采线侧裂隙密度,由于采空区中部破断岩层在上覆载荷的作用下裂隙压实闭合,造成模型裂隙密度曲线呈偏态"马鞍"状.%In view of the important role of fracture development laws in safety evaluation during coal seam mining under the water body, based on the engineering background of full-mechanized caving mining under the reservoir, by the key strata theory, the combined rock beam theory, and similar physical simulation test method, we studied the breaking laws of overburden rock and the vertical displacement of rock strata, the development height of water conducting fractured zone and the evolution laws of overlying fissure network in the process of rock forming and critical layer breaking. The research result shows that: before and after the collapse of the main key stratum, the subsidence curve slope of observation points in the middle position of gob is larger, and the overburden stratum sinks in the vertical direction shapely; water conducting fractured zone height curve steps up with the periodic rupturing of combimed rock beams, and two steps spacing is the cycle of overburden rock rupture step distance; after the main key stratum breaking down, overburden rock water conducting fractured zone finally reaches the bottom of the inferior key stratum Ⅱ. Fracture network enrichment region mainly focused on the front and rear coal walls, and the fracture density in the crack area near the open-cut hole is greater than that in the lateral fissure of the stop line. Due to the fracture compaction of the fractured rock strata in the middle of the goaf, the fracture density curve of the model is skewed to the"saddle".
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