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兔皮的相关文献在1982年到2022年内共计265篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文174篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献89篇;相关期刊81种,包括吉林畜牧兽医、中国养兔、农村养殖技术等; 相关会议2种,包括第三届(2013)中国兔业发展大会、全国第四届近红外光谱学术会议等;兔皮的相关文献由320位作者贡献,包括张宗才、段广涛、王鹏等。



论文:174 占比:65.66%


论文:2 占比:0.75%


论文:89 占比:33.58%





  • 张宗才
  • 段广涛
  • 王鹏
  • 张宇昊
  • 张永深
  • 马良
  • 李瑶
  • 郑红超
  • 郑超斌
  • 安春叶
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 薛伟; 刘英健
    • 摘要: 为研究牛蒡提取物对兔皮明胶膜的改性效果,制备了牛蒡提取物体积浓度为0、2%、4%、6%、8%的牛蒡提取物/兔皮明胶复合膜,测定了各组复合膜的物理性质、抗氧化性、抑菌性,并作结构表征.结果 显示:随着牛蒡提取物浓度增加,复合膜膜水蒸气透过滤、水溶性生逐渐降低,浓度为8%时最低,为2.22×10-8g/(m·s·Pa)、19.22%,比对照组下降14.94%、27.56%,抗拉强度、厚度增加,最大为67.11MPa、74.16μm,比对照组增加21.66%、12.14%,断裂伸长率先增加后降低,浓度为4%最大为4.86%,比对照组高63.63%;复合膜的透光度明显降低,对紫外线的透光度显著降低,在波长400 nm处吸光最强,透光率为0.003%,雾度显著提升,最大为37.59%;复合膜羟基自由基清除率明显提升,最高为63.53%;复合膜抑菌性逐渐增强,对不同菌体抑菌能力为枯草芽孢杆菌>金黄色葡萄球菌>大肠杆菌>黑曲霉菌;红外光谱和扫描电镜分析发现复合膜形成氢键,结构完整,牛蒡提取物促进了明胶蛋白肽链的展开和伸展.综上可知,牛蒡提取物可以有效提升兔皮明胶膜的性能.
    • 高丹丹(整理)
    • 摘要: 鄂伦春族是世居我国东北部地区的少数民族。传统的鄂伦春族主要从事狩猎和农业,普遍信仰萨满教,相信万物有灵。在长期的游猎生活中,鄂伦春人创造了极富民族特色的狍皮服饰文化。这件鄂伦春族女袍用多片狍皮拼缝而成,狍皮板为面,毛为里,衣长过膝近脚面,属典型的北方少数民族宽身窄袖式袍服。女袍的前身由四片狍皮拼缝而成,缝合后前中腰线处明显有错位处理。从技术角度考虑,因狍皮材料厚重,在缝合过程中层数越多越难扎针、拉线,错位缝合的方式可以避免四层皮料重叠缝合的情况,是一种巧妙的缝合方式。领口、袖口用兔皮缝制,兔毛柔软,既有装饰作用,又可防止风吹进袍内,有保暖舒适的功能。
    • 霍光华
    • 摘要: 本文在探索新工艺条件下毛皮的鞣制效果,研究兔皮鞣制新工艺,在常温下,普通硝液浸泡数天,当皮毛在硝液中呈现润白色,可在其中加入5ml/L的甲醛浸泡数天,直至将皮取出,若折叠处呈现白色且呈绵纸状,证明鞣制结束,完成产品试制.
    • 吴凯涛; 许庚端(指导)
    • 摘要: 一天,一个漂流瓶沿着河水顺流而下,被正在河边玩耍的长颈鹿安布捡到了。安布发现漂流瓶里面有一封信,便打开看:求救信快来救我.我被狐狸罗利抓进了魔鬼城堡.——小兔皮皮看罢,安布大惊失色,赶紧召集朋友们来家里商量该怎么办。起先,大家一听魔鬼城堡都吓得变了脸色,听说里面布满了机关,稍不注意,就会掉了性命。但讨论到最后,它们还是决定:立即出发,前往魔鬼城堡解救小兔皮皮。
    • 吕妍霄; 薛伟
    • 摘要: Gelatin as the main material of edible and degradable packaging, due to the recent food safety and personal religious beliefs, so that the traditional gelatin can not be a large number of applications, is the urgent need for new gelatin material research and development. It is urgent to study and develop new gelatin materials. In order to find the most suitable gelatin film, the film formation of chicken skin, rabbit skin and salmon gelatin was determined by blocking property, water solubility, mechanical property, infrared spectroscopy and thermal stability analysis. The results showed that the water vapor permeability, water solubility and oxygen permeability of the film made of rabbit skin was the lowest and it also showed good mechanical properties. The thermal stabil-ity of the chicken gelatin film was better. There was no significant difference with the rabbit gelatin membrane. The results showed that the absorption peak of amide A band of rabbit gelatin was the lowest, which indicated that the content of hydroxyproline and proline in rabbit gelatin gelatin was higher than that of amide I. The con-tent of the three-helix structure was more, and the glycerol-specific peak indicated that the glycerol had more crosslinking with the rabbit gelatin film. Therefore, the performance of rabbit skin film was better than the skin and chicken skin gelatin film, could be used as a new gelatin membrane material.%明胶作为可食性和可降解包装的主要材料,由于近年来食品安全问题及个人宗教信仰等,使得传统明胶不能大量应用,现亟需新型明胶材料的研究开发.为寻求最合适的明胶成膜材料,通过对阻隔性能、水溶性、力学性能、红外光谱分析和热稳定性分析来测定鸡皮、兔皮和三文鱼皮明胶的成膜性.最终表明:兔皮明胶膜的水蒸气透过率、水溶性、透氧率在三者中最低,也能表现出良好的机械性能,鸡皮明胶膜的热稳定性较好,但与兔皮明胶膜没有显著性差异.通过红外光谱图表明兔皮明胶膜酰胺A带的吸收峰最低,说明兔皮明胶中的羟脯氨酸和脯氨酸含量较多,酰胺I分离子峰高斯拟合后发现兔皮明胶膜的三螺旋结构含量较多,同时甘油特征峰表示出甘油与兔皮明胶膜发生更多的交联.因此,兔皮明胶膜的各项性能优于鱼皮和鸡皮明胶膜,可以作为新型的明胶膜材料.
    • 张小失
    • 摘要: 一个农夫在树桩边捡到一只折颈而死的兔子,从此产生了"守株待兔"的故事。我要说的是,这个幸运的农夫在一周后果然又等到一只因失恋而自杀的兔子……喜出望外的农夫拎着兔子赶回家对太太说:"看!冬天,我们每人都有一顶兔皮帽子了!"太太当然很高兴。就在这时,来了一个货郎,摇鼓吆喝:"上好的花布,漂亮的鞋子……"农夫太太不禁心动,当场买了些布和一双鞋子,用于配那顶兔皮帽子。
    • 袁琳琳; 李双丽; 刘强; 李凌云; 张宗才
    • 摘要: 本文探究了将不同类型的表面活性剂和脂肪酶间的复配,通过测定其酶活,选择出对脂肪酶具有协同作用的表面活性剂.其中阴离子表面活性剂K12对脂肪酶DR表现出了抑制作用,相对酶活降低20%~30%,非离子型表面活性剂XL-90、AEO9和TX-7对脂肪酶有明显的激活作用,其中TX-7可使相对酶活提高到150%.接着进一步考察其在兔皮脱脂中的应用效果,添加非离子表面活性剂的脱脂率增大,TX-7和AEO9尤为明显,脱脂率分别达到80.63%和76.45%,比DR脂肪酶单独脱脂提高了23.19%和16.80%.%In this paper, the effects of the compound consisted of different surfactants and lipases were investigated. The surfactants which had synergistic effects on lipase DR were confirmed on basis of the enzyme activity. The anionic surfactant K12 showed inhibitory effect,relative enzyme activity reduced 20%~30%, and the nonionic surfactants XL-90, AEO9 and TX-7 had obvious activating effect, relative enzyme activity increased to 150% by addition of TX-7. Then the degreasing effects of the compounds were studied in the degreasing of rabbit skin. The degreasing rate was markedly increased by addition of the nonionic surfactant, in which the degreasing rate were 80.63% and 76.45%respectively by adding TX-7 and AEO9, increased 23.19%and 16.80% respectively compared with the control.
    • 杨晖; 马良; 韩霜; 黄丹丹; 张宇昊
    • 摘要: The effect of gelatin additions on the properties and structure of rabbit skin gelatin films was studied by measuring the mechanical properties,water vapor permeabilities,subunit content and structure.The results showed that the thickness increased because gelatin network structure in the gelatin film system increased with increasing the addition of gelatin.Mechanical property results showed that the tensile strength of gelatin films was the highest when the addition of gelatin was 4 g/100 mL(w/v),however the gelatin films possessed the highest elongation at break as the addition of gelatin was 6 g/100 mL(w/v).The water vapor permeabilities of gelatin films increased with increasing the gelatin additions.The results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE)indicated that the low molecular weight of protein fraction formed protein-protein cross-linking which resulted in the highest tensile strength as the gelatin addition was 4 g/100 mL(w/v).FT-IR results showed that amide A band moved to high wave number as the gelatin addition was 4 g/100 mL(w/v),which indicated that glycerol molecules didn't react with N-H group of peptides.A greater interaction occurring between gelatin functional groups to form a unique network structure conversely.Furthermore,curve-fitting of amide I band showed that there were more stable structure in the film matrix as the gelatin addition was 4 g/100 mL(w/v),so the films possessed greater stability and film-forming properties.%从兔皮中提取明胶制备明胶膜,通过测定不同明胶添加量下膜的机械性能、水蒸气透过率、亚基组成和结构,探究明胶添加量对明胶膜特性与结构的影响.结果表明随着明胶添加量的增加,明胶膜体系内网络空间结构变大,从而膜的厚度增加.力学结果显示,明胶添加量为4 g/100 mL(w/v)时,明胶膜抗拉强度最高(p<0.05);明胶添加量为6g/100 mL(w/v)时,明胶膜断裂伸长率最低(p<0.05).水蒸气透过率结果表明随着明胶添加量的增加,水蒸气透过率呈现上升趋势.凝胶电泳结果显示,明胶添加量为4 g/100 mL(w/v)时,低分子量的蛋白组分产生更多交联,形成蛋白质-蛋白质交联的结构,此浓度下明胶膜的抗拉强度最大.FT-IR分析表明:当明胶添加量增加至4 g/100 mL(w/v)时,酰胺A带向高波数移动,说明肽链上的N-H基团并没有与甘油的-OH基团相互反应,而是明胶分子的官能团之间产生更强的相互作用,形成独特的网络结构.同时,酰胺Ⅰ带曲线拟合结果也表明当明胶添加量为4 g/100 mL时,膜内稳定结构较多,明胶分子之间的相互反应达到最大化,明胶膜的稳定性和成膜性能较优.
    • 张晓洁; 张宇昊; 马良; 马明思; 郑红; 孙艺
    • 摘要: 以兔皮为原料,研究超声波在酶法提取胶原蛋白中的应用.结果表明,超声辅助制得的胶原蛋白的提取率为(83.69±0.51)%,与传统酶法相比提高了25%.聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳结果表明,超声处理制得的兔皮胶原蛋白主要由 α1,α2和β亚基组成,并未造成亚基的降解;紫外光谱表明,超声处理后的胶原蛋白的特征吸收波长为217 nm,说明其较好地保持了I型胶原蛋白的特征;傅立叶变换红外光谱表明,经过超声处理后的胶原蛋白分子中的氢键遭到部分破坏,但其三螺旋结构仍保持完整;差示扫描量热仪结果表明,超声法制得的兔皮胶原蛋白的热变性温度和热焓值均略低于传统兔皮胶原,相对而言仍具有较高的热稳定性.%The application of ultrasonic irradiation to extract pepsin-soluble collagen from the skins of rabbit was investigated in this study.The results showed that the extraction rate of collagen using the ultrasonic irradiation was (83.69±0.51) % and the yield increased by 25% in comparison with the conventional pepsin isolation method.The result of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed that the subunits structure of collagen using the ultrasonic irradiation was mainly of α1, α2 and β, without subunit degradation.Moreover, the ultraviolet spectrum exhibited a typical absorption peak at 217 nm, indicating that it greatly maintained the characteristics of type I collagen.Additionally, the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed that hydrogen bond was partially destroyed, but the triple helix structure of collagen remained intact even after the ultrasonic irradiation.However, the result of Scanning Differential Calorimeter analyses showed that the thermal denaturation temperature and enthalpy value of collagen using the ultrasonic irradiation were slightly lower than that of the traditional rabbit collagen, and it still had a relatively higher thermal stability.
    • 刘晓
    • 摘要: 【教材简介】《小兔皮皮的完美画像》是一本让人感觉很轻松的图画书。正如小兔子"蹦蹦跳跳"的性格一样,这也是一本跳跃感很强的书。这本书带我们走进浪漫的艺术之都巴黎,引领我们穿越时空遇见艺术史上的大师——毕加索、夏加尔、达利、马蒂斯。
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