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免疫保护作用的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计153篇,主要集中在基础医学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文124篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献462812篇;相关期刊89种,包括生物技术通报、微生物学报、中国学术期刊文摘等; 相关会议9种,包括中国畜牧兽医学会兽医病理学分会第二十一次学术研讨会暨中国病理生理学会动物病理生理学专业委员会第二十次学术研讨会、中华中医药学会第十五次男科学术大会、2006年浙江省医学会检验医学会议等;免疫保护作用的相关文献由511位作者贡献,包括吴同垒、张志强、史秋梅等。



论文:124 占比:0.03%


论文:10 占比:0.00%


论文:462812 占比:99.97%





  • 吴同垒
  • 张志强
  • 史秋梅
  • 高桂生
  • 肖丽荣
  • 苏硕青
  • 李巧玲
  • 杨楠
  • 严杰
  • 司进
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 一、加强免疫第1次免疫预防最好选择能突破母源抗体且对雏鸡没有病原性的新城疫和传支二联疫苗,在7日龄前进行免疫,甚至可以提前到1日龄-3日龄。及早接种疫苗,可在呼吸道和消化道的局部形成免疫力,因为在黏膜表面产生的IgA抗体可中和呼吸道病毒而起到局部免疫保护作用
    • 摘要: 猪伪狂犬病是养猪业内一个老生常谈的疾病。该病最早发现于1902年,是匈牙利兽医Aujeszky从患病的牛和犬身上发现的。1947年,我国在猫上发现了伪狂犬病病毒。1980年后,猪伪狂犬病在我国发病率逐年上升。1979年,我国引进了Bartha-K61株疫苗,猪伪狂犬病的发病势头得到控制。由于疫苗的免疫保护作用,新生仔猪感染率和死亡率均低于10%。但是,2011年,科研人员发现PRV(猪伪狂犬病病毒)在我国发生了变异,即便免疫了Bartha-K61株疫苗的猪场仍然有发病的报道。
    • 高宇琪; 王雨昕; 万一方; 柴凡淅; 许美玉
    • 摘要: 目的:分离鉴定对戊基苯酚免疫毒性具有保护作用的核桃酚类化合物成分.方法:用脾淋巴细胞增殖分析实验和酶联免疫吸附试验,检测核桃多酚对戊基苯酚免疫毒性的保护作用;用硅胶层析技术分离核桃多酚;用高效液相色谱—电喷雾—离子阱/飞行时间串联质谱技术鉴定核桃酚类化合物组成.结果:核桃多酚显著抑制戊基苯酚对脾淋巴细胞所致免疫毒性,其中用甲醇和氯仿比例为2:1的溶液在硅胶层析柱上洗脱的F4组分的免疫保护作用较强,该组分包含67%鞣花单宁和33%黄酮类化合物.结论:保护戊基苯酚免疫毒性的核桃多酚活性成分由5%鞣花酸己糖苷异构体、39%鞣花酸、23%鞣花酸戊糖异构体和32%槲皮素戊糖苷同分异构体组成.
    • 文圆; Dunachie S
    • 摘要: 对疟疾免疫的复杂性众所周知,然而抗疟疾免疫保护作用的明确的相关物还没有建立。如果能对疟疾疫苗候选物诱导的免疫标志物有更好的了解,则可大大有助于疫苗的开发、免疫原性的监测和疫苗现场效力的评估。作者曾报告过,用数种疫苗方案在牛津未接触过疟疾的健康受试者中,抗子孢子试验性攻击的完全的保护效力或部分保护效力。
    • 何峰; 肖宗慧; 刘卓; 肖萍; 姚海兰; 冯淼; 刘哲伟
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨紫外灭活型CVB3病毒诱导BALB/c小鼠产生特异性免疫应答及保护作用的评估.方法:采用紫外灭活的方法处理野生型CVB3 m株,按照0.1 LD50(104 PFU)的剂量免疫小鼠,设置PBS免疫组作为对照,免疫后第3,5,7天收集小鼠血清,检测细胞因子含量;在第3,5,7,14天分离小鼠脾脏,流式分析T细胞亚群的分布比例;在免疫后一个月分离小鼠血清,检测中和抗体的滴度;同时间给予小鼠100LD50野生型CVB3感染,观察小鼠的死亡率.结果:与对照组相比,在检测日期内紫外灭活型CVB3组小鼠血清中细胞因子IL-1α,TNF-α,IL-6的表达量明显增高(P<0.05),IL-4的表达量没有明显差异;免疫后第14天CD3+CD4+T细胞的分布较对照组明显升高(P<0.05);在免疫后一个月,紫外灭活型CVB3免疫组可以诱导机体产生高滴度中和抗体,同时,小鼠应对高致死量CVB3感染时有较高的存活率.结论:紫外灭活型CVB3感染能诱导机体产生特异性免疫应答,同时,产生的中和抗体可以提高小鼠应对致死剂量CVB3感染时的生存率,对机体有明显的保护作用.
    • 孔雯; 刘巧; 陈鸣
    • 摘要: 卡介苗是一种减毒的牛结核分枝杆菌,进入机体后可以产生致敏的淋巴细胞,对机体形成免疫保护作用.目前,卡介苗接种是我国儿童预防免疫接种的一个重要组成部分,是预防儿童重症结核病发生的有力措施;我国每年大约有1千万名新生儿在出生后第一时间接种卡介苗口-3].卡介苗接种成功的关键为接种的质量控制,据相关文献报道卡介苗接种不良反应总体发生率大约为0.11%[4].笔者对江苏省卡介苗接种过程中出现的2起肌内注射差错事故进行分析,旨在提醒医务工作者增强责任心,避免差错事故的出现,并提高处理差错事故的水平,避免严重后果及医疗纠纷的发生.
    • 李德新
    • 摘要: 黄热病是一种古老的疾病,源于非洲。由于黄热病症状中的发热和黄疸表现突出,患者高热,皮肤黄染因此被称作黄热病。引起黄热病的是黄热病毒,黄热病毒主要通过蚊子传播。在奴隶贸易时代,黄热病毒随着患病的奴隶及奴隶运输船中携带黄热病毒的蚊子传播到美洲。17至19世纪,黄热病在北美、加勒比和欧洲肆虐,引起人患病和死亡。
    • 温秀连; 李道兵; 骆华连
    • 摘要: Objective To research the immune protection role of parecoxib sodium combined with fentanyl analgesia on postoperative T cell subsets and NK cells in patients with gastric cancer. Methods Totally 124 patients with gastric cancer undergoing elective radical surgery in the hospital from January to October 2014 were selected and randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group,62 cases in each group. The patients in the treatment group were given parecoxib sodium 40 mg at preoperative 15 min and be-fore the skin suture after the end of operation,while the control group received the intravenous injection of 0. 9% sodium chloride in-jection 5 mL. The PCIA pump drugs were fentanyl 0. 8 mg + ondansetron 12 mg in the treatment group and fentanyl 1. 0 mg + on-dansetron 12 mg in the control group with the analgesic time of 48 h. The visual analog scale(VAS)scores of pain at different postop-erative time points were observed and recorded. The levels of T lymphocyte subsets and NK cells at different time points were detect-ed;the occurrence situation of perioperative adverse reactions were recorded. Results The VAS scores at various postoperative time points in the two group were lower with satisfactory analgesia and without statistically significant difference between the two groups( P ? 0. 05). The levels of CD3 +,CD4+,CD4 + /CD8+ and NK cells(CD56+)at 2 h of operation start(T1)in the two groups were decreased compared with those at preoperative 30 min(T0),moreover the descend range of the treatment group was lower than that of the control group;the above indicators at postoperative 24 h(T2)in the two groups were still lower than those at T0( P < 0. 05),but the rising range of the treatment group was superior to that of the control group( P < 0. 05);these above-mentioned indicators at postoperative 96 h(T3) in the two groups continued to rise,moreover the ascend range in the treatment group was superior to that in the control group and close to the preoperative level( P < 0. 05);the occurrence rate of adverse reactions in the treatment group was 9. 68%,which was significant-ly lower than 22. 58% in the control group( P < 0. 05). Conclusion Parecoxib sodium combined with fentanyl has the reliable anal-gesic effect in the postoperative analgesia of the patients with gastric cancer,can reduce the fentanyl dosage,possesses the protective role on T cell subsets and NK cells and deserves to be clinically promoted.%目的:研究帕瑞昔布钠联合芬太尼镇痛对胃癌患者术后T细胞亚群和NK细胞的免疫保护作用。方法选择医院2014年1月至10月择期行胃癌根治术的患者124例,随机分为治疗组和对照组,各62例。治疗组患者于术前15 min及术毕缝皮前给予帕瑞昔布钠40 mg,对照组患者给予0.9%氯化钠注射液5 mL静脉注射,静脉自控镇痛( PCIA )泵内药物治疗组为芬太尼0.8 mg+昂丹司琼12 mg,对照组为芬太尼1.0 mg+昂丹司琼12 mg,镇痛时间为48 h。观察并记录术后不同时间点视觉模拟疼痛评分(VAS),检测不同时间点的T淋巴细胞亚群及NK细胞的水平;记录围术期不良反应发生情况。结果两组患者术后各时间点VAS评分均较低,镇痛满意,组间无明显差异( P ?0.05)。两组患者的CD3+,CD4+,CD4+/CD8+及NK细胞(CD56+)水平在手术开始2 h(T1)较术前30 min(T0)下降( P<0.05),且治疗组下降幅度明显低于对照组;两组上述指标在术后24 h(T2)仍低于T0,( P<0.05),但治疗组回升幅度优于对照组( P<0.05);术后96 h(T3),两组上述指标继续回升,且治疗组回升幅度优于对照组,并接近术前水平( P<0.05)。治疗组不良反应发生率为9.68%,明显低于对照组的22.58%( P<0.05)。结论帕瑞昔布钠联合芬太尼在胃癌患者术后镇痛中镇痛效果可靠,能减少芬太尼的用量,对T细胞亚群和NK细胞具有免疫保护作用,值得临床推广。
    • 刘倩; 史利宁; 商秀娟; 陈笑; 胡毓安; 陈勇; 李芳秋
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the immunoprotection in mice immunized with thioredoxin reductase GliT of Asper-gillus fumigatus .Methods C57BL/6 mice were randomly assigned into two groups:immunization group intramuscularly im-munized with recombinant TR for two times;control group intramuscularly immunized with PBS instead of TR.Survival rate, A.fumigatus lung burdens,pathologic examination and cell count of alveolar lavage were evaluated.Results The survival rate of immunization group was 64.7% within 7 days after infection while that of control group was 0.The medians of CFUs from the lung tissues of the suvivors and the nonsuvivors were 0 and 44 (P 25 ,P 7 5 were 21,70)respectively (P <0.01).Pulmonary pathology indicated that the lungs of the dead immunized mice and control mice showed alveolar hemorrhage,inflammatory cells recruitment,focal tissue necrosis and hyphal elements throughout the entire lung.In contrast,the lung tissues of the sur-vivors were damaged slightly and free of hyphal elements.Alveolar lavage fluid smear showed that the counting of the survival is given priority to with mononuclear cells,accounting for about 84.2%,neutrophils accounted 1 5.8%.The counting of the nonsurvival is given priority to with neutrophils,accounting for about 66.4%,while 33.6% mononuclear cells.Conclusion Re-combinant TR of Aspergillus fumigatus can induce a modest protection in a murine model of invasive aspergillosis and might be a potential protective antigen.%目的:探讨烟曲霉硫氧还蛋白还原酶(thioredoxin reductase,TR)对侵袭性曲霉病(invasive aspergillosis,IA)的免疫保护作用。方法 C57BL/6小鼠随机分为免疫组和对照组,免疫组小鼠用重组 TR 免疫2次。感染烟曲霉前用环磷酰胺和地塞米松对全部小鼠进行免疫抑制处理,通过气道穿刺法向气管内注入烟曲霉孢子悬液,建立 IA 疾病模型。观察两组小鼠的存活率、局部器官真菌载量、肺组织病理变化、肺泡灌洗液细胞分类计数,评估 TR 蛋白的免疫保护作用。结果存活率:免疫组小鼠7 d 存活率为64.7%,对照组为0。肺组织匀浆烟曲霉 CFU 中位数:存活小鼠为0,死亡小鼠为44(P 25, P 75为21,70)(P <0.01)。组织病理学检观察:死亡小鼠肺肿胀出血、肺泡间隔增宽、大量炎症细胞聚集、组织灶状坏死,并有大量烟曲霉菌丝存在,而存活小鼠肺组织损伤程度轻,且组织间无菌丝。肺泡灌洗液涂片染色细胞计数显示:存活小鼠单个核细胞约占84.2%,中性粒细胞仅占15.8%;死亡小鼠单个核细胞占33.6%,中性粒细胞约占66.4%。结论烟曲霉重组蛋白 TR 能诱导小鼠产生抵抗 IA 的免疫保护力,是一个有潜力的保护性抗原。
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