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HIV/AIDS的相关文献在1995年到2022年内共计1239篇,主要集中在内科学、预防医学、卫生学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文1215篇、会议论文24篇、相关期刊439种,包括应用预防医学、疾病监测、江苏预防医学等; 相关会议10种,包括全国中西医结合防治心脑血管疾病学术大会、2010年全国艾滋病临床影像诊断研讨会、第七次全国临床微生物学术年会暨第三届两岸三地临床微生物与感染病学术论坛等;HIV/AIDS的相关文献由3452位作者贡献,包括李洪、刘俊、白劲松等。



论文:1215 占比:98.06%


论文:24 占比:1.94%





  • 李洪
  • 刘俊
  • 白劲松
  • 方路
  • 徐立然
  • 李重熙
  • 段呈玉
  • 吴昊
  • 朵林
  • 王健
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文





    • 刘艳; 赵万怀; 陈艳
    • 摘要: 目的 了解扬州市江都区HIV双阳夫妻的流行病学特征,为实施精准防控、减少配偶间的传播提供参考。方法 资料来源于“国家艾滋病综合防治信息系统”和江都区疾病预防控制中心HIV/AIDS患者流行病学个案调查与随访管理档案。收集整理其中的双阳夫妻相关资料,建立数据库进行描述性分析。结果 至2020年底,江都区累计随访管理的HIV/AIDS患者中有双阳夫妻56对(112例),占病例总数的19.18%(112/584)。56对中配偶55对、本地户籍54对、汉族55对;其中,男方确证时年龄为24~71岁(中位数为50.5岁),初中及以下教育程度占78.57%,农民/民工占87.50%;女方确证时年龄为17~73岁(中位数为51.0岁),初中及以下教育程度占92.86%,农民/民工占94.63%。56对中有41对(73.21%)确证时间间隔≤1个月。流行病学调查显示,男方均有高危行为,女方有高危行为史的占8.93%(5/56)。确证后首次CD4计数均值,男、女方分别为(247±162)个/μL、(326±164)个/μL,男方低于女方,差异有统计学意义(t=2.45,P=0.016);晚发现比例,男、女方分别为48.21%、19.64%,男方高于女方,差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=10.20,P<0.01)。结论 江都区HIV双阳夫妻以50岁、初中及以下教育程度、农民/民工为主。提示该区今后一方面要对农民/民工等群体开展精准宣传和干预,另一方面要继续扩大HIV检测,尽可能在早期发现病人,同时强化溯源调查和配偶告知与检测,有效减少配偶间的传播。
    • Marc Saba; Aliocha Nkodila; Jean Paul Divengi; Benjamin Longo-Mbenza
    • 摘要: On the basis of the documentary analysis and interview, we noted that the total funds in the four interventions whose identified axes made it possible to know how the resources mobilized for the AIDS response were distributed during the period of 2008 to 2017. These funds are distributed as follows: Treatment: 1,016,982,472 USD;Prevention: 302,542,391 USD;Governance: 459,246,584 USD;Mitigation of the impact: 115,757,443 USD. It should be noted that the analysis of resource allocations by component during the period 2008 to 2017 reveals significant disparities. Indeed, it was noted that the treatment component has received significant funding compared to the other components. It is followed by governance, prevention and impact mitigation which happens to be the component that received less funding compared to the other four (4) components.
    • ZHANG Peng; YAN Xiang Yu; LI Yong Jie; ZHANG Bo; WANG Jing
    • 摘要: The HIV/AIDS epidemic in China is spreading rapidly,with the number of people living with HIV(PLHIV)increasing nearly 1.5 times from 0.44 million in 2011 to 1.05 million in 2020^([1,2]).Antiretroviral therapy(ART)is the main AIDS treatment and can effectively reduce HIV transmission,morbidity.
    • 刘锦峰; 李雪梅; 徐彩霞
    • 摘要: 目的探讨基于个案管理模式干预对HIV/AIDS患者抗病毒治疗依从性及自我管理能力的影响效果。方法选取本院2019年3月—2020年6月58例HIV/AIDS患者作为研究对象,根据入院先后顺序将其分为常规组和干预组,每组各29例。常规组患者给予常规管理,干预组给予患者个案管理模式干预,观察并比较两组患者自我管理能力、治疗依从性及自我效能的水平。结果对HIV/AIDS患者实施基于个案管理模式干预后,干预组的自我管理能力显著优于常规组,干预组的自我效能水平明显优于常规组,干预组的服药依从性显著高于常规组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论个案管理模式与常规管理模式相比,能为患者提供更专业且全面的医疗服务,可明显增强患者的自我管理意识,提高患者对抗疾病的信心,进而保障患者的治疗依从性,可作为艾滋病防治中安全有效的护理方案,值得临床运用和改进。
    • 马冲; 陶庄; 刘颖; 邹雯; 董继鹏; 高国建; 王健
    • 摘要: 目的:客观评价中西医结合治疗人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)/获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)合并抑郁症的疗效及安全性,为临床提供证据支持。方法:利用CNKI、VIP、SinoMed、PubMed、Web of Science等数据库,通过题目/摘要或主题词检索中西医结合治疗HIV/AIDS合并抑郁症的随机对照试验(RCT),应用Review Manager5.4软件分析提取数据。结果:本研究纳入的9篇RCT报告涉及909名受试者,结果显示中西医结合治疗对汉密顿抑郁量表(hamilton depression scale,HAMD)评分(MD=-3.16,95%CI=[-4.11,-2.21],P<0.00001)、白细胞介素-2(Interleukin-2,IL-2)水平(MD=1.11,95%CI=[0.68,1.54],P<0.00001)及艾滋病患者生存质量量表(MOS-HIV)各生存质量指标的改善优于单用西医治疗且具有较好的安全性。结论:中西医结合治疗能够一定程度地改善HIV/AIDS合并抑郁症患者的抑郁状态,提高其生活质量,调节IL-2水平,并具有较少的不良反应。但研究还应就不同治法方剂、不同中药剂型对HIV/AIDS合并抑郁症患者的影响进行深入探讨,以选择最佳治疗方案。
    • 李小琴; 张雪; 杨静薇; 刘玟辰
    • 摘要: 目的探讨HIV/AIDS患者自我管理状况及相关影响因素。方法2018年4月—2019年3月,采用方便抽样法,选取于开封市某医院就诊的150名HIV/AIDS患者为研究对象,采用HIV/AIDS患者自我管理量表开展问卷调查。结果单因素分析结果显示:不同身体状态、文化程度、病程及接受抗病毒治疗情况、对疾病认知程度不同的研究对象其HIV/AIDS患者自我管理量表得分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究对象在HIV/AIDS患者自我管理量表3个维度中得分最高的为自我管理的长期性维度[(2.23±0.67)分],其次为日常健康管理维度[(1.93±0.41)分],最后为自我管理的社会支持维度[(1.86±0.45)分]。线性回归结果显示:文化程度、病程及对疾病的认知程度是研究对象HIV/AIDS患者自我管理量表得分的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论文化程度、病程及对疾病的认知程度是影响HIV/AIDS患者自我管理能力的主要因素,应加强针对HIV/AIDS患者的健康教育,以提高患者自我管理能力,进而提升治疗效果,提高患者生存质量。
    • 张冰娜
    • 摘要: 目的了解接受抗病毒治疗的HIV感染者和艾滋病病人(HIV/AIDS)的生活质量现况及相关影响因素。方法选取2018年3月—2021年3月栾川县疾病预防控制中心管理随访、接受抗病毒治疗的HIV/AIDS患者,采用QOL量表进行调查。采用多元线性回归模型分析QOL评分的影响因素。结果共调查164例在治的HIV/AIDS患者,生活质量处于较好水平31例(18.90%)、一般水平85例(51.83%)和较差水平48例(29.27%)。经多因素分析发现,年龄>30岁、AIDS状态、CD4^(+)T淋巴细胞计数>200个/mm^(3)、抗病毒治疗时间>1年、性传播感染、已婚、有非婚性行为史等是影响患者QOL评分的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论接受抗病毒治疗的HIV/AIDS患者QOL评分均处于较低水平,年龄、疾病状态、CD4^(+)T淋巴细胞计数水平、抗病毒治疗时间、感染途径、婚姻及性行为等是生活质量影响因素。应从心理、行为角度出发强化对患者的心理疏导,加强心理干预,以提高其生活质量。
    • 潘水水; 白劲松
    • 摘要: HIV/AIDS相关心血管疾病的危险因素包括传统的心血管危险因素、HIV病毒感染、HIV合并肝炎以及抗病毒药物的毒副作用等。笔者通过查阅相关文献,对HIV/AIDS相关心血管疾病的危险因素进行归纳总结,希望临床医生高度关注HIV/AIDS相关心血管疾病的危险因素,做好患者的全程随访管理,适时进行危险因素的监测检测和及时处理,以降低HIV/AIDS相关心血管疾病的发生率。
    • Gloria Igihozo; Junious Mabo Sichali; Sandip Medhe; Rex Wong
    • 摘要: Background: The overall HIV prevalence and incidence in Rwanda have decreased significantly in the past decade. However, opposite trends are seen among key populations (KP). The HIV prevalence among sex workers is as high as 51% and continues to rise. While the HIV prevalence among KP remains high, their adherence to treatment is low. Healthcare providers play a vital role in KP’s access and adherence to HIV treatment. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of healthcare providers on providing HIV services to key populations in Rwanda. Methods: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted with nurses, doctors, social workers, and psychologists who provide HIV services to KP in public health facilities in Rwanda. In-depth interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. All data were analyzed thematically using Dedoose. Results: Interviews were conducted with 18 healthcare providers. Three overarching themes emerged from the interviews: healthcare providers’ intrinsic feelings affect the ways they provide HIV services to key populations, key populations face a multitude of challenges related to accessing treatment and preventing the spread of HIV, and a more comprehensive and sensitive approach should be used to improve HIV services for key populations. Conclusion: Healthcare providers expressed difficulties in providing services to key populations and identified a lack of adherence to treatment and prevention guidelines, structural barriers, KP’s lack of trust in the healthcare system, and the discrimination and abuse KP face as challenges to effective HIV prevention and treatment. More comprehensive services including clinical, financial, and psychosocial support from trusted sources are needed. Some important policy changes are essential to facilitate access to HIV services for KP.
    • Christian Diamant Mossoro-Kpinde; Honorat Nouzoukem; Marcel Mbeko Simaleko; Nina Esther Ngoyi Ontsira; Hermione Dahlia Mossoro-Kpinde; Irenee Galendji; Henri Diemer; Gérard Grésenguet
    • 摘要: Background and Objective: Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of morbi-mortality, especially in developing countries, due to delayed diagnosis and management. The goal of this study is to assess the contribution of lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in improving tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.). Methods: We conducted a retrospective study at the Regional University Hospital of Bria. The records of patients hospitalized, tested by Determine? TB LAM Ag (Alere, Medical Co, LTD, Chiba, Japan) immunochromatographic test for the detection of LAM in urine, associated or not with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) research by Ziehl-Neelsen stain, were selected from August to October 2020. Results: During this study, 152 files were selected. Among them, there were 50.0% of children aged 14 or less (≤14 years: 33.6% + 16.4%) and 50.0% of adults represented. Patients living in the displaced person camp represented a larger group (65.1%) than those in the other 2 sites. There were seventy-four patients (i.e. 48.7%) who did not benefit from screening for AFB. For the other seventy-eight (i.e. 51.3%), there were 17.1% positive results for the search of AFB. However, among the 152 patients, there was a positive HIV serology in 30.9% of cases (i.e. 47 out of 152) and a positive Determine? TB LAM Ag in 38.2% of cases (i.e. 58 out of 152). It appears that Determine? TB LAM Ag was significantly more able to diagnose tuberculosis than AFB (p 0.003). The 58 patients diagnosed with TB LAM included 20 children who could not provide sputum and HIV-infected patients (p 0.03). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the microscopy for AFB made it possible to make the diagnosis of tuberculosis in 17.1% of patients against 38.2% for the Alere Determine? TB LAM Ag test. This result highlights the need for routine use of LAM detection to improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The conduct of a subsequent study combining Xpert MTB/RIF would improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis using all 3 tests.
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