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HFRS的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计447篇,主要集中在内科学、外科学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文430篇、专利文献17篇;相关期刊173种,包括中国社区医师、中华流行病学杂志、中国人兽共患病学报等; HFRS的相关文献由1182位作者贡献,包括等、朱智勇、傅桂明等。



论文:430 占比:96.20%


论文:17 占比:3.80%





  • 朱智勇
  • 傅桂明
  • 翁景清
  • 赵芝雅
  • 姚苹苹
  • 李敏红
  • 王志强
  • 陆群英
  • 冷世信
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • Yang Yao; Li Wuyuan; Su Youwu; Yan Weiwei; Li Yang; Mao Wang
    • 摘要: A new radioactive ion beam line named HFRS(HIAF FRagment Separator)will be built at HIAF,where the rare isotopes are produced[1;2].It consists of a two-stage magnetic system,the pre-separator and the main-separator.The former is used to distinguish the unreacted primary beam from the secondary beam,and the unreacted will be stopped in the beam dumps located between two dipoles;while the latter is used to purify the secondary beams.For the radiological safety of HFRS,the preliminary shielding design of pre-separator at HFRS is given in this work.All the calculations are conducted by the Monte Carlo code FLUKA[3].
    • Xie Wenjun; Meng jun; Chai zhen
    • 摘要: HIAF Fragment Separator(HFRS)is the only beam line that connected Booster Ring(BRing)and Spectrometer Ring(SRing)in the HIAF and used to transfer both the primary ion beams and secondary radioactive beams.The beam passed once in HFRS so low vacuum degree was required.But HFRS connects with extremely high vacuum systems of BRing and SRing,so it is related to the gradual transition of pressure,the vacuum pressure can’t be too high.Taking into account the above situation,the vacuum degree of HFRS should be better than 1×10^(−7)mb.
    • 陈国琴
    • 摘要: 目的:观察分析肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者的临床特点及护理干预措施。方法回顾性分析我院42例HFRS患者临床资料,观察患者的临床症状、体征、实验室检验及器械检查结果,并收集相应有效的护理干预措施。结果在42例患者中,发热42例,皮肤黏膜出血点27例,球结膜充血水肿40例,恶心、呕吐、腹胀、腹泻消化道症状明显者36例,白细胞增高41例,血小板减少42例,重度减少36例,尿蛋白阳性42例,血肌酐进行性增高42例,丙氨酸氨基转氨酶增高37例,心电图异常10例,休克12例。结论 HFRS患者应严密观察,加强护理,控制病情,提高抢救成功率。%ObjectiveTo analyze the clinical symptoms of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and summarize the nursing interventions. Methods The clinical data of 42 cases of patients with HFRS admitted to our hospital were retrospectively analyzed,whose clinical manifestations,laboratory results and complications were observed,and effective nursing interventions were implemented. Results In 42 patients,42 cases with fever,27 cases with mucocutaneous bleeding,40 cases with conjunctival congestion and edema,36 cases with nausea,vomiting,abdominal distension,diarrhea,obvious gastrointestinal symptoms,41 cases with increased eosinophils,42 cases with thrombocytopenia,36 cases with evere thrombocytopenia,42 cases with positive urine protein,42 cases with increased serum creatinine, 37 cases with alanine aminotransferase,10 cases with abnormal ECG,12 cases with shock.ConclusionHFRS patients should be closely observed,intensively cared,and controlled,to improve the success rate of rescue.
    • 刘兰; 付书南; 刘宝剑; 骆科允
    • 摘要: 目的 HFRS、传染性单核细胞增多症和正常健康人群的血小板数量、形态和功能上的差异对其鉴别诊断的价值.方法 收集我院2006年~ 2008年确诊为HFRS患者30例、传染性单核细胞增多症患者40例和正常对照组40例的血小板参数检测结果进行统计分析.结果 传染性单核细胞增多症患者的血小板四项参数基本正常与正常人群的血小板四项参数无显著差异(P>0.05).在HFRS患者相对于正常人群PLT减少,MPV增大,MPV增加(P<0.05).传染性单核细胞增多症患者未引起多个器官系统损害时如骨髓造血功能抑制、脾亢等PLT、MPV、MPV可正常或稍减低.结论 血小板参数检测结果在HFRS与传染性单核细胞增多症两种疾病诊断时具有一定的鉴别价值.
    • 王烨; 王永朝; 李晓妮; 张振华; 吕耀青; 李亚丽
    • 摘要: 目的:分析我县(秦岭北麓陕西关中地区)肾综合征出血热合并肝损害的特点及规律.方法:收集自2007年1月~2012年11月共收治肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者910例.采用临床流行病学方法对合并肝损害情况进行分析.结果:本组910例老年HFRS患者,合并肝损害者726例(79.8%),其中轻型HFRS患者合并肝损害21例(29.%);中型合并肝损害466例(66.8%);重型合并肝损害239例(100.00%).轻型HFRS患者肝损害较中、重型为轻,中、重型间无明显差别.轻型HFRS患者肝功能恢复时间较中型及重型者短,中型及重型患者肝功能恢复时间无明显差异.全部726例合并肝损害的HFRS患者,除4%死亡外(其死亡原因因出血热而非肝功能损害),其余病例痊愈出院,病员复诊无遗留肝脏损害后遗症慢性病例发生.结论:HFRS患者合并肝损害较常见,是HFRS特点之一,本组病例达79.8%),HFRS患者合并肝损害较普遍.在过去临床医生多注意肾功能衰竭,肺部并发症,注意肝功能损害注视程度不够,合理及时处理肝功能损害对病人预后恢复有着很大的意义.
    • 田桂元; 王惠琦; 刘金丽; 许秀萍
    • 摘要: 目的探讨HFRS合并多脏器损伤救治成功的护理体会,为减轻HFRS(肾综合出血热)患者的痛苦,减少病毒对患者机体的损害。方法对26例重症HFRS患者进行回顾性分析。结果经过密切观察病情,及时掌握病情变化,采取有针对性的治疗护理措施,25例痊愈出院,1例死亡。结论通过及时有效的观察、治疗和精心护理对患者的康复起到至关重要的作用。
    • 张晓慧; 隋芳; 王淑萍
    • 摘要: 目的 分析肾综合征出血热患者合并肺损害的特点及规律.方法 收集自2005年3月至2010年2月共收治肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者69例.采用临床流行病学方法对合并肺损害情况进行分析.结果 本组HFRS患者中,合并肺损害者52例(75.36%),其中轻型HFRS患者合并肺损害3例(14.28%);中型合并肺损害30例(90.90%);重型合并肺损害15例(100.00%).轻型HFRS患者肺损害较中、重型为轻,中、重型间无明显差别.轻型HFRS患者肺功能恢复时间较中型及重型者短,中型及重型患者肺功能恢复时间无明显差异.全部69例合并肺损害的HFRS患者,除4例死亡外,其余65例均在21 d内痊愈出院,无慢性病例发生.结论 HFRS患者合并肺损害较常见,是HFRS特点之一,本组病例达75.36%(52/69),早期注意肺功能的保护,注意医源性肺损害,减少疾病的疗程,降低死亡率.
    • 王国栋; 堂吉斯; 韩永
    • 摘要: 目的 了解内蒙古呼伦贝尔市肾综合征出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,HFRS)流行现状,给制定预防决策提供依据.方法 对2006 -2011年全市疫情资料、鼠间监测资料和2001年以来疫苗接种效果进行分析.结果 2006-2011年全市共报告HFRS病例520例,发病率波动在1.40/10万~5.59/10万之间,年平均发病率为3.17/10万,疫情总体呈逐年下降趋势.疫情主要分布于8个旗市,其中以莫旗和鄂伦春旗最高,分别占发病数的41.89%和36.68%,1月有个小高峰,秋冬季(9-12月)为发病最高峰,占全年总病例数的70.19%.发病年龄组主要集中在20~55岁青壮年组,占全年龄组的85.19%,男女性别比为3.12∶1.职业以农民最高,占69.81%;野外鼠类(带病毒率3.92%,带病毒指数0.05)以黑线仓鼠最高,居民区鼠类(带病毒率1.79%,带病毒指数0.05)以小家鼠最高;春季(带病毒率3.01%,带病毒指数0.05)以黑线仓鼠最高,秋季(带病毒率2.69%,带病毒指数0.06)以小家鼠最高.通过对高发病地区莫旗和鄂伦春旗接种疫苗前后发病率进行比较分析,莫旗年平均发病率下降了23.94%,鄂伦春旗年平均发病率下降了27.15%.结论 初步证明了大面积应用疫苗接种作为控制和降低HFRS发病率和死亡率的防治策略是科学的和切实可行的.但近几年鼠密度和鼠带病毒率一直维持在较高水平,HFRS传播流行风险依然存在,应继续落实高流行区高危人群免疫等综合性防治措施.%Objective To understand the incidence trend of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Hulunber and provide evidence for the disease prevention and control. Methods The analysis was conducted on the incidence data of HFRS from 2006 to 2011 and the surveillance data in rats, and the evaluation on vaccination effect since 2000 was made. Results A total of 520 HFRS cases were reported during this period. The incidence ranged from 1.40/lakh to 5.59/lakh (average annual incidence: 3. 17/lakh) and declined gradually. The disease was mainly distributed in 8 flags and the case numbers in Moqi and Elunchunqi were highest, accounting for 41. 89% and 36. 68% respectively. The cases occurred in sub-peak period (January) and in peak period (September-December) accounted for 70.19% of the annual total. The cases were mainly distributed in age group 20 - 55 years, accounting for 85. 19%. The male to female ratio of the cases was 3. 12:1. Farmers were the population affected mostly with the cases accounting for 69.81% of the total. For the rat in open field, the infection rate and index were highest in Cricetulus barabensis (3. 92% , 0.05), for the rats in residential area, the infection rate and index were highest in Mus musculus (1.79% , 0. 05). The rat infection rate and index were highest in spring in Cricetulus barabensis (3. 01 % , 0.05) and highest in autumn in Mus musculus (2. 69% , 0. 06). The comparison of incidences before and after vaccination in Moqi and Elunchunqi indicated that the incidence declined by 23.94% in Moqi and 27. 15% in Elunchunqi. Conclusion It was demonstrated that mass vaccination was effective and feasible in reducing incidence and death of HFRS. Because the rat density and infection rate remain to be high in recent years, the risk of HFRS spread still exist. It is necessary to continue the vaccination in high risk population in high risk area.
    • 贾中华; 陈素花
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨HTv—RNA检测对肾综合征出血热诊断的临床意义。方法:收集临床疑似HFRS患者血清标本365例,正常体检者血清标本32例,进行HTV—RNA—PCR检测,并进行灵敏度、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和诊断有效率分析。结果:(1)365例样本中检测到HTV—RNA126例,阳性率为34.52%(126/365)。126例检测到HTV-RNA样本中,临床最后确诊为HFRS126例。239例未检测HTV-RNA样本中,有10例临床最后确诊为HFRS;其余229例经临床观察,排除HFRS。32例正常人均未检测到HTV-RNA。(2)HTV—RNA—PCR检测方法灵敏度92.65%、特异性100%、阳性预测值100%、阴性预测值95.82%、诊断有效率97.26%。结论:HTV—RNA—PCR检测对于临床诊断肾综合征出血热具有重要的临床意义。
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