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HEVC的相关文献在2011年到2022年内共计1249篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、科学、科学研究 等领域,其中期刊论文257篇、专利文献992篇;相关期刊112种,包括世界广播电视、电视技术、世界宽带网络等; HEVC的相关文献由1550位作者贡献,包括何小海、A·塔巴塔贝、范益波等。



论文:257 占比:20.58%


论文:992 占比:79.42%





  • 何小海
  • A·塔巴塔贝
  • 范益波
  • 曾晓洋
  • 徐俊
  • 卿粼波
  • E·玛阿尼
  • 滕奇志
  • 熊淑华
  • 黄磊磊
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 肖帅; 杨秀芝
    • 摘要: 为了降低HEVC视频编码标准中帧内预测的复杂度,本文提出了基于深度学习的帧内块划分提前终止算法,并利用FPGA开发板进行硬件加速。提前终止算法利用深度学习中的卷积神经网络提取帧内CTU块的纹理特征,并根据提取到的纹理特征决定帧内块划分情况,进行帧内块划分的提前终止,从而减少帧内预测的复杂度;硬件加速利用Xilinx Vitis AI开发环境实现帧内卷积神经网络的FPGA硬件部署,完成硬件加速过程。测试结果表明,与HM16.5相比,本文算法在保证性能的情况下可以降低约59.253%的编码复杂度,在经过FPGA硬件加速过程后,帧内块划分预测速度最高可达到1269.27FPS。
    • 刘子龙; 罗小龙
    • 摘要: 国际组织提出了新一代的视频编码标准:高效率视频编码标准.为了提高编码效率该标准引入大量新技术,随之不可避免的增加了计算复杂度.为进一步满足低延时视频传输的需求,本文提出将加权多视图聚类方法用于高效率视频编码帧间模式预测的想法,具体通过引入一种快速和高效的基于核的K均值多视图聚类算法,结合合并标签,运动矢量,跳过标签和率失真优化比率的特征选择.利用无监督机器学习视频帧间的时间相关性,达到减少帧间预测候选模式数量的目的.经过数学公式推导和实验证明,所提算法可以节省高达36.690%的编码时间,但只增加了0.278%的码率损耗.并通过与同类算法的横向比较,进一步证实所提算法的综合优势明显,达到预期目标.
    • 张辰
    • 摘要: 为保障2022年北京冬奥会期间在北京选定区域能够收看中央广播电视总台及北京广播电视台2个8K超高清测试频道,针对8K超高清电视频道需要的传输分发场景,开展8K信号接收系统、信号处理系统、信号传输系统及8K解码终端等关键技术、产品的研发及应用工作,在北京冬奥会期间实现面向8K超高清测试频道的信号传输系统研发和示范应用。本子系统主要应对国产AVS3编码暂时遇到的终端供应链困境,提供HEVC编码8K视频格式作为备用保障,并提供低成本8K终端播出方案。
    • 董于静
    • 摘要: 针对高效视频编码帧间预测过程中,编码单元率失真代价计算导致编码复杂度较高的问题,提出一种基于LightGBM的高效视频编码标准(High Efficiency Video Coding,HEVC)快速划分算法。算法将编码单元(Coding Unit,CU)的划分情况视为分类问题,采用LightGBM对CU块进行划分分类预测。实验结果表明,在低时延模式下,该算法与标准编码器相比,平均码率变换率增加1.95%,平均节省的编码时间效率为27.72%,具有较高的编码效率。
    • 张志勇; 施隆照; 杨小玲; 罗隆
    • 摘要: 为了能够在硬件上有效减少整像素运动估计(IME)的计算复杂度,提出一种基于并行螺旋搜索算法的整像素运动估计硬件架构设计方案.该设计按照螺旋顺序,首先,由中心向四周扩散的方式逐点搜索;其次,在搜索过程中每一个搜索点处同时处理所有PU块,通过这种PU块共享搜索过程的方式来减少周期数;最后,通过提前结束判断的方式,跳过不必要的搜索点,进一步减少周期数.用Verilog语言进行硬件描述,利用VCS工具进行仿真,且仿真SAD结果与HEVC参考软件(HM)结果数据一致,证明其正确性;通过对多个序列进行测试,平均每1733.4个时钟处理一个64 px×64 px大小的CTU.硬件框架在VIVADO平台下,用Virtex-7系列芯片进行综合,得到工作频率为198 MHz,能够实现4 K@56.4 f·s^(-1)的吞吐率.
    • 陈杰; 林琪; 张璐; 卢荣辉; 阮文斗
    • 摘要: 新一代高效视频编码标准HEVC是基于摄像机拍摄的自然图像特性所设计的,对包含计算机图像的视频编码性能不高,所以ITU-T和ISO/IEC在HEVC标准上提出了SCC扩展标准,HEVC-SCC中提出了新的编码工具,提高了对屏幕内容视频的编码能力,但是计算量也随之增加,使得其在实时应用上无法取得快速的编码速度。随之社会的高速发展,各个领域都或多或少地需要借助视频编码技术,尤其是受疫情影响下的教育领域,借助视频编码技术开展线上教学工作。本文从HEVC-SCC的编码框架出发,研究如何降低复杂度以及缩短编码时间,对未来的研究方向提出展望。
    • 潘新
    • 摘要: 本文介绍融媒体电子商城平台优势、建设目标、功能介绍及关键技术。
    • 吕昊; 郭江宇; 靳文兵; 张宾; 王宇新
    • 摘要: 为了优化视频信号在复杂网络环境下由于网络拥塞出现的数据丢包等情况,提出了一种基于目标识别的HEVC(high efficiency video coding)分割算法的优化方法,提高了视频编码的压缩效率,并实现了算法在全国产平台上的移植运行。利用深度学习进行目标识别,确定感兴趣区域,再通过指导不同区域采用不同编码单元分割深度,提高整体压缩效率。实验结果表明,该优化方法可以有效提高整体压缩效率,并完成在全国产化平台的运行实现,实现整体技术的自主可控。
    • Junaid Tariq; Ayman Alfalou; Amir Ijaz; Hashim Ali; Imran Ashraf; Hameedur Rahman; Ammar Armghan; Inzamam Mashood; Saad Rehman
    • 摘要: Comprehension algorithms like High Efficiency Video Coding(HEVC)facilitates fast and efficient handling of multimedia contents.Such algorithms involve various computation modules that help to reduce the size of content but preserve the same subjective viewing quality.However,the brute-force behavior of HEVC is the biggest hurdle in the communication of multimedia content.Therefore,a novel method will be presented here to accelerate the encoding process of HEVC by making early intra mode decisions for the block.Normally,the HEVC applies 35 intra modes to every block of the frame and selects the best among them based on the RD-cost(rate-distortion).Firstly,the proposed work utilizes neighboring blocks to extract available information for the current block.Then this information is converted to the probability that tells which intra mode might be best in the current situation.The proposed model has a strong foundation as it is based on the probability rule-2 which says that the sum of probabilities of all outcomes should be 1.Moreover,it is also based on optimal stopping theory(OST).Therefore,the proposed model performs better than many existing OST and classical secretary-basedmodels.The proposed algorithms expedited the encoding process by 30.22%of the HEVC with 1.35%Bjontegaard Delta Bit Rate(BD-BR).
    • Osama S.Faragallah; Ahmed I.Sallam; Hala S.El-sayed
    • 摘要: Coronavirus(COVID-19)is a contagious disease that causes exceptional effect on healthcare organizationsworldwide with dangerous impact on medical services within the hospitals.Because of the fast spread of COVID-19,the healthcare facilities could be a big source of disease infection.So,healthcare video consultations should be used to decrease face-to-face communication between clinician and patients.Healthcare video consultations may be beneficial for some COVID-19 conditions and reduce the need for faceto-face contact with a potentially positive patient without symptoms.These conditions are like top clinicians who provide remote consultations to develop treatment methodology and follow-up remotely,patients who consult about COVID-19,and those who have mild symptoms suggestive of the COVID-19 virus.Video consultations are a supplement to,and not a substitute for,telephone consultations.It may also form part of a broader COVID-19 distance care strategy that contains computerized screening,separation of possibly infectious patients within medical services,and computerized video-intensive observing of their intensive care that helps reduce mixing.Nowadays,the spread of the COVID-19 virus helps to expand the use of video healthcare consultations because it helps to exchange experiences and remote medical consultations,save costs and health procedures used to cope with the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus,and monitor the progress of treatment plans,moment by moment from a distance with precision,clarity and ease.From this perspective,this paper introduces a high-efficiency video coding(HEVC)ChaCha20-based selective encryption(SE)scheme for secure healthcare video Consultations.The proposed HEVC ChaCha20-based SE scheme uses the ChaCha20 for encrypting the sign bits of the Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT)and Motion Vector Difference(MVD)in the HEVC entropy phase.The main achievement of HEVC ChaCha20-based SE scheme is encrypting the most sensitive video bits with keeping low delay time,fixed bit rate of the HEVC,and format compliance.Experimental tests guarantee that the proposed HEVC ChaCha20-based SE scheme can ensure the confidentiality of the healthcare video consultations which has become easy to transmit through the internet.
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