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侧芽的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计182篇,主要集中在园艺、农作物、植物学 等领域,其中期刊论文110篇、专利文献72篇;相关期刊84种,包括致富天地、植物科学学报、黑龙江科技信息等; 侧芽的相关文献由514位作者贡献,包括夏宜平、李丹青、王冠群等。



论文:110 占比:60.44%


论文:72 占比:39.56%





  • 夏宜平
  • 李丹青
  • 王冠群
  • 何相逸
  • 刘建秀
  • 孔冉
  • 孙伟
  • 季明东
  • 朱艺勇
  • 李应超
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 芋头
    • 摘要: 非洲堇是一种小巧、精致、非常适合室内桌面养植的开花植物,它的叶片观赏性也非常高。一棵美丽的非洲堇,叶序整齐,叶片健康,即使不开花,也令人赏心悦目。非洲堇的株型大致可以分为莲座型和悬垂型。悬垂型为单株多个生长点共生(图1)。莲座型保持一个生长点、且叶片生长有序为最佳(图2)。
    • 吴金鑫
    • 摘要: 非洲堇的繁殖,除了杂交培育新品种之外,常用的扩繁方式一般都是叶片扦插。然而对于一些不爱长侧芽的缟花(奇美拉现象,只能通过定芽繁殖保留性状)来讲,就只能用花梗扦插或者直接“砍头”打破顶端效应憋侧芽了。但是对于如我一般贪恋花花美色的花友来讲,“砍头”又会耽误赏花,于是——“花梗插”就成了退而求其次且唯一的方法了。
    • 万丽丽; 王转茸; 辛强; 洪登峰; 杨光圣
    • 摘要: 为建立高效的组织培养体系,以甘蓝型油菜杂交品种恢复系627R、621R和616R材料田间种植植株的侧芽、花托和无菌种子实生苗下胚轴为外植体,探索不同苗龄、预培养时间、预培养基、愈伤分化培养基、诱导出芽培养基以及成苗壮苗培养基中激素配比对芽再生、成苗植株生长势的影响。结果表明:无菌苗快速繁殖体系中,发芽6天的无菌苗下胚轴或者子叶在预培养(MS+2.0 mg/L 2,4-D+1.0 mg/L 6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂,pH 5.85)3天后转移到分化培养基MS+3 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L NAA+5 mg/L AgNO3+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂(pH 5.85),或者MS+3 mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L IAA+5 mg/L AgNO3+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂(pH 5.85)生长,可以获得较高的芽再生频率,对于田间生长到抽薹开花期植株取样的外植体,腋芽的出芽频率高于花托培养的出芽频率,但是这2类外植体在分化培养基(MS+10 mg/L 6-BA+1 mg/L NAA+30 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂,pH 5.85)生长30天后都有成苗的潜力,上述外植体经过组织培养出芽后转移到添加矮壮素的培养基(MS+15 mg/L CCC+15~20 g/L蔗糖+8 g/L琼脂,pH 5.85)上继续生长30天,能够得到根系发达、生长势强的植株。甘蓝型油菜优良恢复系建立的组织培养体系能够快速获得生长势优的油菜植株,加速油菜良种的繁殖与评价。
    • 赵凤; 王小乐; 房伟民; 张飞; 陈发棣; 管志勇; 姚建军; 薛建平
    • 摘要: With the experimental material of'Sei No Issei',we investigated the characteristics of the axillary bud-dings at different leaf positions and the effects of exogenous hormones (NAA and 6-BA) and temperatures on the axillary buddings and endogenous hormones of in vitro stem. The results showed that the budding speed of the middle stem was higher than that of the upper and the lower part, and the long branches increased from the upper part to the low-er part. The content of IAA and ABA in upper stem was much higher than that in the middle and the lower part. The ZT/IAA value of the middle part was the highest, while that of the upper part was lowest. The values of ZT/ABA and GA/ABA in middle and lower part were higher than those in the upper part. With the increase of the content of exogenous NAA,the lateral budding rate,long branches rate and the endogenous ZT level decreased,the endogenous IAA level raised,and the content of endogenous GA and ABA had no obvious change. As a consequence,the ZT/ABA and ZT/IAA decreased significantly. The lateral buddings rate and the endogenous ZT level increased obviously under the treatment of 0.5 mg/L 6-BA and 1.0 mg/L 6-BA,but the long branches rate and the levels of endogenous GA and IAA reduced sig-nificantly,which led to an increase in the ZT/IAA ratio. In addition, high temperature (30 °C) suppressed lateral bud-dings long branches,and the levels of endogenous ZT significantly, while promoted the endogenous ABA and GA level, thus the ZT/ABA, IAA/ABA, ZT/IAA and (GA+IAA+ZT)/ABA ratios decreased significantly. Whereas, the axillary buds could sport and grow normally at 25 °C. In conclusion, middle and lower stems could be selected for a large-scaled propagation for the 'Sei No Issei',and the 0.5 mg/L 6-BA in medium and 25°C condition would boost axillary buddings and long branches further.%以少侧芽标准型切花菊精の一世为材料,比较了离体条件下不同部位侧芽的萌发特性,以及添加外源NAA、6-BA和不同温度处理对其侧芽萌发及内源激素的影响.结果表明,中部茎段侧芽萌发速度快于上部和下部,长枝率从上部至下部逐步提高.上部侧芽IAA和ABA含量均显著高于中下部;中部ZT/IAA最高,下部次之,上部最低,中下部ZT/ABA、GA/ABA均高于上部.外源NAA浓度的增加使侧芽萌发率和长枝率降低、侧芽的ZT含量显著下降、IAA含量显著上升,而GA和ABA含量没有显著变化,导致 ZT/ABA和ZT/IAA显著降低.0.5 mg/L和1.0 mg/L 6-BA处理均促进了侧芽的萌发,但长枝率明显下降,侧芽的ZT含量显著升高,GA和IAA含量显著下降,导致ZT/IAA显著升高.高温(30 °C)引起侧芽中 ZT含量极显著降低,ABA和 GA含量显著升高,使 ZT/ABA、IAA/ABA、ZT/IAA以及(GA+IAA+ZT)/ABA显著降低,抑制侧芽萌发生长,而25 °C侧芽正常萌发生长.综上所述,外源激素和温度能对侧芽的萌发生长产生影响,其中内源激素ZT/IAA的变化起着主导作用.因此,在大量扩繁时应选取萌发率、长枝率高的植株中部或者下部茎段,且在培养基中添加0.5 mg/L的6-BA,25 °C的培养温度,有助于精の一世的快速扩繁.
    • 吕享; 叶睿华; 田海露; 吉宁; 刘思佳; 张明生
    • 摘要: 杜鹃兰(Cremastra appendiculata)为多年生珍稀药用植物,自然条件下有性繁殖困难,营养繁殖因新生假鳞茎顶端抑制而不能有效进行“分枝”发育扩增假鳞茎,致使其繁殖系数极低.为探讨杜鹃兰假鳞茎成串生长的内在机制,本研究通过打顶及生长素运输抑制剂N-1-氨甲酰苯甲酸萘酯(N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid,NPA)和2,3,5-三碘苯甲酸(2,3,5-triiodibenzoic acid,TIBA)处理杜鹃兰假鳞茎,借此改变其内源植物激素水平以促进假鳞茎侧芽生长.研究结果表明,打顶及生长素运输抑制剂处理6d后,侧芽内生长素水平显著降低(P<0.05),细胞分裂素水平则显著提高(P<0.05),且细胞分裂素水平的升高与显著上调细胞分裂素合成酶的关键基因一异戊烯基转移酶基因(isopentenyl transferase,IPT)的表达是一致的.处理40d后,打顶、NPA和TIBA使二年生假鳞茎侧芽萌发率从0%分别提高到95%、85%和90%,以及三年生假鳞茎也分别提高到15%、76%和75%;处理90 d后,单株出苗数分别可达到对照的2.20、3.13和3.05倍.然而,外施玉米素(zeatin,ZT),仅使二年生和三年生假鳞茎萌发率提高至51%和35%,并未提高出苗率.可见,生长素可能通过调控IPT的表达,以此调控细胞分裂素水平,从而间接控制杜鹃兰侧芽的生长.本研究结果有助于提高杜鹃兰的繁殖系数,为地下茎顶端优势的理论研究提供了参考.
    • 张婷; 李瑞
    • 摘要: 番茄落蔓长季节高产栽培技术就是在番茄4-5穗果时,留一片叶去尖,下部果实转色后,及时去除病老叶,果实快采收完时准备落蔓,落蔓前半个月在上部选留一个健壮侧芽,作为落蔓后新的生长点,其余侧芽全部去除。
    • 摘要: 要使茄子一年栽多年采收,其实就是利用老株茄子的延续栽培技术,将其地上部分剪去,促进其侧芽发育,长成新植株。实现一年栽植,多年生长,多年连续采收。
    • 刘静; 汤定钦; 傅鹰; 周明兵
    • 摘要: 植物侧芽的生长发育是植物形态建成中重要的部分,近来植物侧芽发育的研究有了很大的进展.本文以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)和水稻(Oryza sativa)为重点,从激素和基因表达两个层面综述调控侧芽形成与生长的基因,并绘制了侧芽发育的调控网络.竹子(Bambusoideae)笋芽也是植物侧芽的一种,由于竹子笋芽分化发育与竹笋产量和竹材密切相关,近几年笋芽分化发育也取得一定成果,本文在模式植物侧芽生长发育研究的基础上对笋芽分化发育研究进行了归纳,并提出调控笋芽分化发育可能的关键候选基因,为下一步研究竹子笋芽分化发育分子机理指明可能的突破口.%The plant lateral buds are important organs which are involved into morphogenesis.Recently many progresses has been made on research of the development of lateral buds.This review systematically summed up the main advances in model plant lateral buds (including Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa) focusing on the plant hormone and gene expression regulations during the growth and development of lateral buds,and drew the involved gene expression regulating networks.Bamboo (Bambusoideae) shoot bud is a kind of plant lateral buds.Due to bamboo shoot bud differentiation and development have great influence on production of bamboo shoots and bamboo wood,many bamboo researchers focus on the research of bamboo shoot buds and have achieved many interesting results in recent years.So,we also summarized the research progress of bamboo shoot buds based on the research advance of model plant lateral buds.In this paper,the key candidate genes involved into the growth and development of bamboo shoot bud were emphasized the possible breakthrough for further research on the mechanism of the differentiation and development of bamboo shoot bud were also suggested.
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