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GCM的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计93篇,主要集中在大气科学(气象学)、地球物理学、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文52篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献40篇;相关期刊45种,包括中小企业管理与科技、湘潭师范学院学报(自然科学版)、中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议1种,包括第五届全国建筑物鉴定与加固改造学术讨论会等;GCM的相关文献由271位作者贡献,包括何沛、刘兆飞、刘志华等。



论文:52 占比:55.91%


论文:1 占比:1.08%


论文:40 占比:43.01%





  • 何沛
  • 刘兆飞
  • 刘志华
  • 刘春波
  • 王昆淼
  • 钱永甫
  • D·B·卡丹
  • M·E·库纳维斯
  • S·格伦
  • 丁一民
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Mohamed Amin Ben Atitallah; Rostom Kachouri; Ahmed Ben Atitallah; Hassene Mnif
    • 摘要: In the context of constructing an embedded system to help visually impaired people to interpret text,in this paper,an efficient High-level synthesis(HLS)Hardware/Software(HW/SW)design for text extraction using the Gamma Correction Method(GCM)is proposed.Indeed,the GCM is a common method used to extract text from a complex color image and video.The purpose of this work is to study the complexity of the GCM method on Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA board and to propose a HW implementation as Intellectual Property(IP)block of the critical blocks in this method using HLS flow with taking account the quality of the text extraction.This IP is integrated and connected to the ARM Cortex-A53 as coprocessor in HW/SW codesign context.The experimental results show that theHLS HW/SW implementation of the GCM method on ZCU102 FPGA board allows a reduction in processing time by about 89%compared to the SW implementation.This result is given for the same potency and strength of SW implementation for the text extraction.
    • 李宁; 白蕤; 李玮; 陈淼; 杨桂生; 陈歆; 范长华; 张文
    • 摘要: 以海南岛为研究区域,选用5个大气环流模式(GCMs)1970-1999年的逐日输出数据和同期地面气象观测数据,使用空间插值降尺度到0.5°×0.5°格网.以格网单元为基础,应用系统误差修订(修正值法或比值法)和多模式集合平均方法(贝叶斯模型平均法BMA或等权重平均法EW),训练与验证GCMs输出值并进行综合修订.在此基础上,分析RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,未来海南岛近期(2020-2059年)和远期(2060-2099年)农业水热资源,包括年平均气温、1月平均气温、≥10°C积温、≥20°C积温、年降水量、1月降水量和≥20°C界限温度生长期间降水量的变化特征.结果表明:GCMs输出值的系统误差和BMA权重系数在格网间存在较大的空间差异,且GCMs输出值低估逐日最高气温约3.55°C,高估逐日最低气温约1.19°C,逐日降水量仅为观测值的54.35%.基于格网的综合修订,可有效降低GCMs输出值在空间上的不确定性,BMA与EW的修订结果相似,均优于单一GCM模式.通过格网BMA综合修订后,最高气温、最低气温和降水量在验证期的相关系数r分别约提升0.10、0.07和0.06;均方根误差RMSE分别约降低2.38°C、1.01°C和1.01mm;较单一GCM相对观测值的偏差平均约减少3.25°C、1.13°C和25.67mm.未来海南岛农业热量资源在空间上主要表现为从中部向外围逐渐升高,高温主要分布在南部至西部沿海地区,年平均气温的增幅全岛较为接近,1月平均气温、≥10°C积温和≥20°C积温的增幅分别表现为由东向西、由北向南和由中部向外围递减.在时间上,RCP8.5情景下所有农业热量资源均为极显著增加且增温最快,RCP4.5情景为先增加后平缓,RCP2.6情景较为平缓,远期无显著增温.未来海南岛降水资源在空间上转为由东向西逐步递减的格局,南部和北部沿海地区降水变率增加,西部和中部降水变率减少,在时间上无显著变化趋势.随着未来海南岛气候变暖和降水格局的改变,农作物适宜种植面积扩大,会对农业生产带来巨大挑战,应提前布局,做好趋利避害.
    • 王宗鹏
    • 摘要: GCM是塞尔维亚广泛应用的道路设计软件,可实现道路的精细化建模,在模型复杂空间关系的处理上具有独特优势,且能够适应当地的设计习惯及出图标准。为了增强软件可用性,文章结合GCM软件的主要功能模块,介绍了GCM软件在道路设计中的应用,提出应进一步整合软件功能模块,同时着重提高软件模型与设计参数的联动性。
    • 王宗鹏
    • 摘要: GCM是塞尔维亚广泛应用的道路设计软件,可实现道路的精细化建模,在模型复杂空间关系的处理上具有独特优势,且能够适应当地的设计习惯及出图标准.为了增强软件可用性,文章结合GCM软件的主要功能模块,介绍了 GCM软件在道路设计中的应用,提出应进一步整合软件功能模块,同时着重提高软件模型与设计参数的联动性.
    • 王云生; 林鹏燕; 徐高倩; 刘振辉
    • 摘要: Gcm(Glial cells missing)是含Gcm-motif的转录因子.在果蝇中,Gcm决定神经元细胞与胶质细胞的分化命运;而在哺乳动物中,Gcm基因有Gcm1和Gcm2两种形式,主要表达于非神经组织,分别参与尿囊绒膜和甲状旁腺的形成.故Gcm在无脊椎动物与脊椎动物中的功能是有差异的,但对其是怎样进化的并不清楚.文昌鱼是在进化中接近脊椎动物的无脊椎动物,是进化研究的良好模式生物.本文利用生物信息学方法鉴定出文昌鱼基因组中存在Gcm2-like基因,并对其进化与表达进行了研究.Gcm2(或Gcm2-like)基因存在于从刺胞动物到哺乳动物的各物种中,而Gcm1基因仅从两栖动物中才开始出现.无脊椎动物的Gcm2-like基因可能代表了脊椎动物Gcm1和Gcm2基因分化前的原始形式,且无脊椎动物的Gcm2-like基因可能与脊椎动物的Gcm2基因直系同源.另外,通过利用RT-PCR和原位杂交技术对文昌鱼Gcm2-like基因的表达进行了检测发现:Gcm2-like基因主要在文昌鱼的鳃、肠和肝盲囊中表达,特别是在鳃中明显高表达,支持哺乳动物甲状旁腺起源于鳃的观点.本研究为进一步揭示Gcm功能的进化奠定了基础.
    • 冯雅茹; 李占玲; 王杰
    • 摘要: 以Penman-Monteith模型为基准,通过参数修正从7个温度类模型中优选出适用于黑河流域潜在蒸散发(PET)估算的最优模型,再根据CMIP5中CSIRO-Mk3.6.0气候模式输出的研究区未来气候情景数据,对黑河流域历史时期(1961-2015年)和未来2021-2050年(T1)、2051-2080年(T2)2个时段的PET值进行估算,并从时间和空间尺度2个方面分析其变化特征.结果表明:1)研究区气象数据资料缺乏时(例如仅有气温数据),参数修正后的Hargreaves-Samani模型可以作为Penman-Monteith的替代模型;2)黑河流域历史时期多年平均PET为1102 mm,空间上由上游向下游逐渐增加,与多年平均气温的空间分布具有较强的一致性;3)流域未来多年平均PET空间分布特征基本不变.受流域未来最高、最低气温增加的影响,流域多年平均PET在T1和T2时段较历史时期分别增加15%和20%.不同空间位置处,PET变化存在差异:T1时段中游酒泉站较历史时期有所下降,而其余站点则有所上升,T2时段所有站点较历史时期则均有上升;且未来2个时段流域上游PET增幅均大于流域下游,这种空间差异性与流域未来最高、最低气温变幅的空间差异性较为一致.
    • Kinde Negessa Disasa; Feyisa Seboka Tura; Magarsa Ensarmu Fereda
    • 摘要: Agriculture is the mainstay of Ethiopian economy. Developing country like Ethiopia suffers from climate change, due to their limited economic capability to build irrigation projects to combat the trouble. This study generates climate change in rift valley basins of Ethiopia for three time periods (2020s, 2055s and 2090s) by using two emission scenarios: SRA1B and SRB1 for faster technological and environmental extreme respectively. First, outputs of 15 General Circulation Models (GCMs) under two emission scenarios (SRA1B and SRB1) are statistically downscaled by using LARS-WG software. Probability assessment of bounded range with known distributions is used to deal with the uncertainties of GCMs’ outputs. These GCMs outputs are weighted by considering the ability of each model to simulate historical records. The study result indicates that LARS-WG 5.5 version model is more uncertain to simulate future mean rainfall than generating maximum and minimum mean temperatures. GCMs weight difference for mean rainfall is 0.83 whereas weight difference for minimum and maximum mean temperatures is 0.09 among GCMs models. The study results indicate minimum and maximum temperatures absolute increase in the range of 0.34˚C to 0.58˚C, 0.94˚C to 1.8˚C and 1.42˚C to 3.2˚C and 0.32˚C to 0.56˚C, 0.91˚C to 1.8˚C and 1.34˚C to 3.04˚C respectively in the near-term (2020s), mid-term (2055s) and long-term (2090s) under both emission scenarios. The expected rainfall change percentage during these three time periods considering this GCMs weight difference into account ranges from -2.3% to 7%, 0.375% to 15.83% and 2.625% to 31.1% in the same three time periods. In conclusion, the study results indicate that in coming three time periods, maximum and minimum temperature and rainfall increase is expected in rift valley of basins of Ethiopia.
    • ZHANG Shaobo; CHEN Fulong; CHEN Jie; WANG Jing; LI Shaofei; LONG Aihua
    • 摘要: The cultivated area in artificial oases is deeply influenced by global climate change and human activities.Thus,forecasting cultivated area in artificial oases under climate change and human activities is of great significance.In this study,an approach named GD-HM-PSWROAM,consisting of general circulation model downscaling(GD),hydrological model(HM),and planting structure and water resource optimal allocation model(PSWROAM),was developed and applied in the irrigation district of the Manas River Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China to forecast the cultivated area tendency.Furthermore,the catchment export of the MIKE11 HD/NAM model was set to the Kensiwate hydrological station.The results show that the downscaling effects of temperature can be fairly satisfying,while those of precipitation may be not satisfying but acceptable.Simulation capacity of the MIKE11 HD/NAM model on the discharge in the Kensiwate hydrological station can meet the requirements of running the PSWROAM.The accuracy of the PSWROAM indicated that this model can perform well in predicting the change of cultivated area at the decadal scale.The cultivated area in the Manas River Basin under current human activities may be generally decreasing due to the climate change.But the adverse effects of climate change can be weakened or even eliminated through positive human activities.The cultivated area in the Manas River Basin may even be increasing under assumed human activities and future climate scenarios.The effects of human activities in the future can be generally predicted and quantified according to the cultivated area trends under current human activities and the situations in the study area.Overall,it is rational and acceptable to forecast the cultivated area tendency in artificial oases under future climate change and human activities through the GD-HM-PSWROAM approach.
    • Benjamin Kipkemboi Kogo; Lalit Kumar; Richard Koech; Philip Langat
    • 摘要: The use of crop modelling in various cropping systems and environments to project and upscale agronomic decision-making under the facets of climate change has gained currency in recent years. This paper provides an evaluation of crop models that have been used by researchers to simulate maize growth and productivity. Through a systematic review approach, a comprehensive assessment of 186 published articles was carried out to establish the models and parameterization features, simulated impacts on maize yields and adaptation strategies in the last three decades. Of the 23 models identified, CERES-maize and APSIM models were the most dominant, representing 49.7% of the studies undertaken between 1990 and 2018. Current research shows projected decline in maize yields of between 8% - 38% under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios by the end of the 21st century, and that adaptation is essential in alleviating the impacts of climate change. Major agro-adaptation options considered in most papers are changes in planting dates, cultivars and crop water management practices. The use of multiple crop models and multi-model ensembles from general circulation models (GCMs) is recommended. As interest in crop modelling grows, future work should focus more on suitability of agricultural lands for maize production under climate scenarios.
    • 摘要: 利用第二稳定水同位素比较小组(SWING2)提供的同位素大气环流模式(GCM)的模拟数据(HadAM3、LMDZ-free和LMDZ-nudge),以新疆乌鲁木齐为例,对比分析了该区域大气水汽中稳定同位素垂直剖面的季节变化,分析了同位素比率与气象要素之间的关系以及ENSO对大气水汽稳定同位素的影响.结果表明:各模拟结果中大气水汽中 δ18 O在季节变化上均表现为7月较高,1月较低;在垂直层面上,δ18 O随气压的降低而逐渐减小.降水和水汽中 δ18 O的季节变化趋势一致,但由于瑞利分馏的影响,降水中 δ18 O比水汽中 δ18 O更富集.在垂直层面上,大气水汽中 δ18 O与温度呈正相关,与纬向风和经向风的相关性较小,降水中 δ18 O与纬向风和经向风的相关性也较小.在厄尔尼诺年,δ18 O与SST呈负相关,在拉尼娜年则呈正相关,大气环流异常使研究区气温和降水发生变化,进一步也会影响水汽中的同位素值,ENSO一定程度上对研究区水汽同位素的变化产生影响.
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