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作物生育期的相关文献在1982年到2022年内共计103篇,主要集中在农作物、农业基础科学、植物保护 等领域,其中期刊论文87篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献31052篇;相关期刊63种,包括科技致富向导、现代化农业、种子世界等; 相关会议3种,包括2011年第二十八届中国气象学会年会、中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会第九届学术研讨会、中国气象学会2006年年会等;作物生育期的相关文献由232位作者贡献,包括姜海燕、李学共、胡玲等。



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  • 姜海燕
  • 李学共
  • 胡玲
  • 邹丽云
  • 于娟娟
  • 付文进
  • 关东凯
  • 刘明慧
  • 刘蕾蕾
  • 吴冕
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李水云
    • 摘要: 为体现保护性耕作技术的作用和优势,以科学的数据教育农民,进一步提高农民对保护性耕作技术的认识,章丘区农业农村局承担了农业部保护性耕作试验监测基地项目,建设了深松保护性耕作、保护性耕作、传统耕作对比田,开展了保护性耕作技术与传统耕作技术对比试验及效果监测,对小麦、玉米两种作物整个生育期数据进行了全面监测,取得了大量翔实的数据,对保护性耕作技术提供了强有力的数据支撑。一、试验监测目的对不同种植模式的土壤常规理化性状测定数据、作物生育期监测数据、测产数据等,进行比对,完善保护性耕作技术。
    • 马忠明
    • 摘要: 以宁夏中部干旱带为研究区,利用区域内的国家标准气象站1954-2016年4-10月的日降水资料,运用Morlet小波分析、Mann-Kendall法及气候趋势系数等方法分析了宁夏中部农作物生育期内有效降水量(P_a)的时空变化特征及其未来趋势。结果表明:Pa自北向南依次增大,区域多年平均216 mm,占总降水量的75.25%,其中8月份最大为55.9 mm,7-9月占总有效降水量的70.8%。20世纪60年代为丰水期,正累积距平为238.7 mm,70年代进入枯水期,负累积距平226.1 mm,2010年以来有所增加;P_a存在3、6 a及10 a主周期;各地未来有效降水量均呈减少趋势,变幅为2.2~5.2 mm/(10 a),全区P_a降幅3.5 mm/(10a)。4-10月份区域内的总降水也呈显著减少趋势(P=0.05)降幅为5.3 mm/(10 a),其中盐池降水减幅最小0.8 mm/(10 a),海原减幅最大8.8 mm/(10 a)。
    • 张荣荣; 宁晓菊; 秦耀辰; 赵凯娜; 李永贺
    • 摘要: Based on statistical agricultural data and daily meteorological data for 39 national-level meteorological stations in Henan province and surrounding areas from 1980 to 2015,we analyzed spatio-temporal changes in hydrothermal conditions during the growth stage of main grain crops.The sensitive effect of main crop yield to changes in climate factors was explored using nonlinear regression.We found that the regreening stage minimum temperature and mean temperature in the growth stage of winter wheat increased significantly:the rate of increase decreased from the center to outside Henan.The sunshine duration of the summer maize growth period decreased significantly,furthermore,central Henan was the fastest reduction area in sunshine duration while southwestern Henan had the slowest reduction.The yield of winter wheat and summer maize exhibited the largest sensitive effect to mean temperature and sunshine duration during the growth period,and both exhibited the smallest sensitive effect to precipitation during the growth period.However,the sensitive region of both caused by the precipitation during the growth period was the largest,accounting for 33.3% and 22.2% respectively.After change in climate factors,mean temperature in the growth stage of winter wheat was beneficial to the rise of winter wheat that grew in the area except for northern Henan,accounting for 83.3% of Henan.However,the regreening stage minimum temperature more easily augmented winter wheat growing in northern and eastem Henan,accounting for 44.4% of Henan.Sunshine duration in the growth stage of summer maize was more beneficial to increased summer maize that grew in central and western Henan,accounting for 44.4% of Henan.%根据1980-2015年河南省及周边39个气象站点逐日观测数据,选取与主要粮食作物生育机理相关的气候指标,运用气候统计方法分析河南省主要粮食作物生育期内水热气候要素的时空变化.结合统计数据,运用面板非线性回归模型分析主要粮食作物产量对气候变化的敏感性.研究发现:①河南省冬小麦返青期最低气温和生育期平均气温均呈显著增加趋势,在空间上两者升温速率呈现从河南省中部向周边递减的特征.夏玉米生育期总日照时数呈明显减少趋势,其减少速度在豫中地区最快,在豫西南地区最慢.②从敏感效应来看,冬小麦和夏玉米产量分别对生育期平均气温和生育期总日照时数的敏感效应最强,对生育期总降水量的敏感效应均最弱.从敏感区看,冬小麦产量敏感区主要分布在豫北、豫西和豫南地区,夏玉米则集中在豫西和豫东地区.③冬小麦生育期平均气温突变后有利于除豫北以外共83.3%区域内产量的增加,返青期最低气温突变后有利于豫北和豫东共44.4%区域内产量的增加.夏玉米生育期总日照时数突变后对豫中和豫西共44.4%区域的产量增加有利.
    • 杜春英; 宫丽娟; 张志国; 赵慧颖; 吴双; 田宝星; 赵放
    • 摘要: 气候变暖背景下, 热量资源变化势必对寒地农作物生产环境、生长发育及种植制度产生重要影响.本文利用黑龙江省1971—2014年67个观测站逐日气象资料, 计算了≥10 °C活动积温和≥0 °C活动积温(以下简称积温)及无霜期等农业热量指标, 采用线性倾向率、累计距平、M-K检验和经验正交函数(EOF)方法等统计方法, 分析了热量资源变化特征及突变特征, 以及对农业生产的可能影响.结果表明: ≥10 °C积温和≥0 °C积温分别以86.7 °C·d·(10a)-1和80.5 °C·d·(10a)-1的速率显著增加, 无霜期呈延长趋势[倾向率为3.8 d·(10a)-1]; ≥10 °C积温和无霜期在1993年发生突变, 突变后二者初日提前, 终日延后.≥10 °C积温和≥0 °C积温的增加幅度西部大于东部, 无霜期延长幅度中西部大于东北部, 农业热量资源变化幅度大的地区亦是热量敏感区域.热量资源增加对农业的影响, 表现在农作物适宜生育期延长; 适宜水稻和玉米种植的区域向北、向西扩张, 大豆种植重心北移; 原适宜种植极早熟、早熟品种的区域逐步被中熟、中晚熟品种替换.热量增加使水稻、玉米和大豆三大作物产量的进一步提高成为可能.%Under the global warming background, heat resources variation has significant impact on production environment, growth and development, cropping system and cultivation zone of corps in the clod region. To explore variations in cultivation zones, growing seasons and yields of major crops (rice, maize and soybean) under climate change of Heilongjiang Province,China, we analyzed the characteristics of tempo-spatial changes and abrupt changes by using accumulated anomaly method, Mann-Kendall trends test and Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) of heat resources indices, including accumulated tem-perature above 10 °C and 0 °C and frost-free periods in 67 meteorological stations from 1971 to 2014 in Heilongjiang Province. We also calculated regression coefficients between heat resources indices and development stages of crops to investigate the influence of heat resources change on crop development. The differences in crop cultivate zones and yields between before and after abrupt change year were also discussed according to accumulated temperature above 10 °C and actual and meteorological yields. The results showed that the accumulated temperatures above 10 and 0°C increased significantly at rates of °C86.7 ·d·(10a)°C -1 and 80.5 ·d·(10a)°C -1, respectively, from 1971 to 2014. The annual frost-free period increased at a rate of 3.8 d·(10a)-1. There were abrupt changes in the accumulated temperatures above 10 and the annual average frost°C -free period in 1993. The accumulated temperature above 10 increased °C 226.1 °C·d averagely, and the frost-free period prolonged 9.2 d averagely after the abrupt change year. The abrupt change promoted the initial dates and postponed the ending dates of the temperatures above 10 °C, 0 and the frost°C -free period. From 1971 to 2014, the increasing rates of accumulated temperatures above 10 and 0°C °C were greater in the west than in the east. The annual frost-free period was longer in mid-west than in northeast. The area with greater change of heat resource was also sensitive area of agricultural heat resources change. With the increase of heat resources, the suitable growth period of crops prolonged. The planting areas of rice, maize northward and westward expended. The center of soybean cultivation area northward moved. The planting areas with original espe-cial-early-maturing and early-maturing crops varieties became the areas suitable for middle-maturing and middle-late-maturing varieties of crops. In general, the increased heat resources provided more yield increasing potential of rice, maize and soybean in Heilongjiang Province.
    • 王永崇
    • 摘要: 种子处理,是目前植物病虫害防治中最经济、最有效的人为种子加工过程,不仅可以在土壤中形成保护区,也可让一部分内吸性农药活性成分随着作物生长进入植物体内,从而实现自播种开始就保护它不受病虫的危害。由此可见,种子处理是一种最大限度减少整个作物生育期农药使用和节本增效的高效技术,特别是近期行业顶层战略"农药零增长"的提出,
    • 王险峰1
    • 摘要: 1.种衣剂药害的预防1.1 适期播种在使用化肥、农药生态环境条件下,北方播期(插秧期)应以稳定通过平均气温13°C为准,如黑龙江省、内蒙古东北部、吉林北部等,5 月15 日到25 日为大田(玉米、水稻、大豆等)适宜播种期,各地根据这个原则,选择适宜的品种,根据当地气象资料分析,经过田间试验,确定适宜的播期。如大兴安岭农垦局按传统10°C以上积温计算,作物生育期110-120 天,按13°C以上积温计算作物生育期85-95 天。
    • 摘要: 2016年2月24日,新疆生产建设兵团第二师二十二团七连一座温室大棚里,十几名职工正忙碌着在秧盘里点种番茄.今年,该团种植番茄32000亩,全部采用的温室大棚育苗新技术和加压滴灌新技术.当前,团场紧紧抓住农时,适时进行温室育苗,合理搭配早中晚品种,以此延长作物生育期.
    • 陆伟婷; 于欢; 曹胜男; 陈长青
    • 摘要: 【目的】探求黄淮海地区近20年气候变暖对夏玉米生长发育进程及产量的影响,为气候变暖背景下夏玉米的高产稳产制定合理的应对措施提供理论依据。【方法】选取黄淮海地区,包括河北、京津地区、河南、山东、安徽和江苏等地区进行区域研究,利用该地区近20年长期观察的气候数据和夏玉米生产数据以及历史产量数据,采用相关分析和非线性多元回归等分析方法,明确气候因子(温度和降水)与夏玉米生育期和产量的关系。【结果】近20年间黄淮海大部分地区夏玉米生长季内区域平均温度呈上升趋势,但存在地区间差异。降水方面,该区东北部的京津-河北地区与山东降水量呈下降的趋势。与1990s相比,2000s河北和山东夏玉米营养生长期天数呈下降趋势,分别下降2d和1d,河南呈上升趋势,增加1d;而生殖生长期呈上升趋势,分别上升4d和2d,河南下降1d。全生育期天数有所增加,平均增加2d和1d。河南保持不变。利用F检验法分析审定品种和试验地玉米全生育期线性趋势一致性。结果表明,审定品种生育期和试验地玉米生育期变化呈现一致的趋势,说明品种的变化是影响夏玉米生育期的因子。采用线性偏回归测验法分析品种和气候因子对夏玉米生育期影响重要性。结果表明,气候因子是夏玉米生育期变化的主要因子,影响率占75.3%。黄淮海地区(除江苏外)夏玉米产量以增产为主。非线性分析表明,气温升高会导致黄淮海地区北部的河北与西部的河南夏玉米产量上升,东南部地区各省份夏玉米的减产。降水对该地区干旱少雨的北部地区夏玉米产量有正效应,对湿润多雨的南部地区有负效应。此外,当GDD10上升时,黄淮海地区北部的河北与西部的河南的夏玉米产量会随着上升,而东部和南部的山东、安徽与江苏夏玉米产量将会下降;整个黄淮海地区,当GDD30上升时,会造成全地区夏玉米产量下降,且山东下降最为明显。【结论】黄淮海地区夏玉米的实际生产受气候变暖的影响,夏玉米对气候变暖是逐步适应,可以利用其适应潜力,通过选育生育期长和耐热的夏玉米品种和改进栽培措施来适应气候变暖,从而提高夏玉米产量。%[Objective]The impacts of climate warming on growth process and yield of summer maize in recent 20 years in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (HHH) of China, for the purpose of providing a theoretical basis for food security.[Method]Six provinces and regions (Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces and Beijing-Tianjin region) in HHH Plain were selected as the area for conducting research. Making use of the meteorological observation data and the long-term observation data of summer maize in recent 20 years in HHH Plain, the relationships between climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) and growth process and historical production data during growing season were systematically studied by correlation and nonlinear multiple regression analysis and other statistical methods.[Result]In recent twenty years, an upward trend was found out in the temperature during the growth season of summer maize in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. The precipitation in northern regions, Beijing-Tianjin region, Hebei and Shandong provinces, was reduced, while it was increased in Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. Compared to 1990s, the growth process of summer maize in HHH Plain was significantly changed since 2000. The whole growth stages were prolonged with vegetative period shortened by 2 and 1 d in Hebei and Shandong provinces, prolonged by 1 d in Henan province and reproductive stage prolonged by 4 and 2 d in Hebei and Shandong provinces, Henan province remained the same. Different correlations were found between each growth duration and temperature factors. Analysis of the relationship between two linear regression equations showed that the state-approved varieties had a same change in the growth period with the experiment station varieties. This indicated that varieties were one of the factors which affected the growth period of summer maize. By adopting linear partial regression test method the importance of varieties and climatic factors on summer maize growth period was analyzed and the results showed that the climatic factors were the main factors causing the changes of summer maize growth period. In addition to Jiangsu province, the summer maize yield in HHH plain is given priority to production. Nonlinear analysis showed that when the temperature rose, the summer maize yield in Hebei and Henan provinces rose. But the yield of maize in southeast provinces showed reduction in HHH Plain. Precipitation had a positive effect on the yield in the rarely rainy north region and a negative effect on the yield in the moist south region. Besides, when GDD10 rose, the yield in Hebei and Henan provinces increased, but the yield reduced in Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. The whole HHH Plain yield reduced when GDD30 rose, obviously in Shandong province.[Conclusion]The above evidences indicate that summer maize production is affected by climate warming in HHH Plain. Summer maize is gradually adapting to climate warming. Varieties improvement and sowing date adjustment to adapt to climate warming can improve the yield of summer maize.
    • 甘臣龙
    • 摘要: 基于拔节期、孕穗期、开花期、乳熟期和成熟期的潜在蒸散量,进行时空演变特征分析,并利用R/S分析法对林芝地区预测了其未来的变化趋势。结果表明,拔节期潜在蒸散量呈明显的上升趋势,孕穗期和成熟期呈微弱的下降趋势,开花期呈持平状态,乳熟期呈微弱的上升趋势;未来拔节期和乳熟期潜在蒸散量的上升趋势与过去状态有较强的持续性,未来成熟期潜在蒸散量的下降趋势与过去变化不明显的趋势具有较弱持续性,未来孕穗期潜在蒸散量的未来趋势与过去状态有微弱的反持续性和未来开花期潜在蒸散量的未来趋势与过去状态有较强的反持续性;潜在蒸散量的80%集中在冬小麦拔节期和孕穗期,即生长期。
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