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FCM的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计631篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文447篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献179篇;相关期刊353种,包括无线互联科技、情报杂志、科技资讯等; 相关会议5种,包括2007年北京地区高校研究生学术交流会、第六届全国信息获取与处理学术会议、第十一届全国电工数学学术年会等;FCM的相关文献由1776位作者贡献,包括焦李成、石爱业、侯丽丽等。



论文:447 占比:70.84%


论文:5 占比:0.79%


论文:179 占比:28.37%





  • 焦李成
  • 石爱业
  • 侯丽丽
  • 侯彪
  • 尚荣华
  • 马文萍
  • 马晶晶
  • 刘芳
  • 孔伟为
  • 朱频频
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 顾虹; 杨波; 张璐; 潘行健; 林子滟
    • 摘要: 针对配电网工程数据体系较大、现有信息可挖掘价值难以全面利用及数据审计管理精度偏低等问题,文中提出了一种基于模糊聚类算法的新型配网数据挖掘模型。传统数据挖掘中,大多数聚类算法是基于对象间的差异函数进行建模的。而对于具有庞大数据量及较多数据类型的配网工程而言,直接采用传统方法建模较为困难。因此,可同时构造对象并进行属性变量最优划分的聚类算法成为了配网数据挖掘的研究方向。文中在块模糊c均值法的基础上,引入了模糊k值分块聚类的概念,并提出配网数据改进分块模糊k值聚类算法。同时利用最小化目标函数有效减少了算法的迭代次数,实现了智能化感知数据信息波动等功能。且通过两个工程案例的实验结果,从直观数据聚类与配网工程成本数据聚类两个方面,验证了所提改进算法的有效性。
    • Walid El-Shafai; Amira A.Mahmoud; El-Sayed M.El-Rabaie; Taha E.Taha; Osama F.Zahran; Adel S.El-Fishawy; Naglaa F.Soliman; Amel A.Alhussan; Fathi E.Abd El-Samie
    • 摘要: This paper presents a study of the segmentation of medical images.The paper provides a solid introduction to image enhancement along with image segmentation fundamentals.In the first step,the morphological operations are employed to ensure image detail protection and noise-immunity.The objective of using morphological operations is to remove the defects in the texture of the image.Secondly,the Fuzzy C-Means(FCM)clustering algorithm is used to modify membership function based only on the spatial neighbors instead of the distance between pixels within local spatial neighbors and cluster centers.The proposed technique is very simple to implement and significantly fast since it is not necessary to compute the distance between the neighboring pixels and the cluster centers.It is also efficient when dealing with noisy images because of its ability to efficiently improve the membership partition matrix.Simulation results are performed on different medical image modalities.Ultrasonic(Us),X-ray(Mammogram),Computed Tomography(CT),Positron Emission Tomography(PET),and Magnetic Resonance(MR)images are the main medical image modalities used in this work.The obtained results illustrate that the proposed technique can achieve good results with a short time and efficient image segmentation.Simulation results on different image modalities show that the proposed technique can achieve segmentation accuracies of 98.83%,99.71%,99.83%,99.85%,and 99.74%for Us,Mammogram,CT,PET,and MRI images,respectively.
    • Ashutosh Kumar Dubey; Umesh Gupta; Sonal Jain
    • 摘要: This study aims to empirically analyze teaching-learning-based optimization(TLBO)and machine learning algorithms using k-means and fuzzy c-means(FCM)algorithms for their individual performance evaluation in terms of clustering and classification.In the first phase,the clustering(k-means and FCM)algorithms were employed independently and the clustering accuracy was evaluated using different computationalmeasures.During the second phase,the non-clustered data obtained from the first phase were preprocessed with TLBO.TLBO was performed using k-means(TLBO-KM)and FCM(TLBO-FCM)(TLBO-KM/FCM)algorithms.The objective function was determined by considering both minimization and maximization criteria.Non-clustered data obtained from the first phase were further utilized and fed as input for threshold optimization.Five benchmark datasets were considered from theUniversity of California,Irvine(UCI)Machine Learning Repository for comparative study and experimentation.These are breast cancer Wisconsin(BCW),Pima Indians Diabetes,Heart-Statlog,Hepatitis,and Cleveland Heart Disease datasets.The combined average accuracy obtained collectively is approximately 99.4%in case of TLBO-KM and 98.6%in case of TLBOFCM.This approach is also capable of finding the dominating attributes.The findings indicate that TLBO-KM/FCM,considering different computational measures,perform well on the non-clustered data where k-means and FCM,if employed independently,fail to provide significant results.Evaluating different feature sets,the TLBO-KM/FCM and SVM(GS)clearly outperformed all other classifiers in terms of sensitivity,specificity and accuracy.TLBOKM/FCM attained the highest average sensitivity(98.7%),highest average specificity(98.4%)and highest average accuracy(99.4%)for 10-fold cross validation with different test data.
    • 朱凯俊
    • 摘要: 针对目前基于FCM的改进算法不能很好解决图像分割的精度和速率问题,提出了一种改进的FCM算法来对图像进行有效率的分割。在算法中加入抑制因子增加算法的聚类速率;在原有KFCM算法的目标函数中加入加权模糊因子增加像素的空间信息,从而解决算法分割精度的问题。通过对比实验图可看出:改进的算法对原图像分割的效果更佳,而且对噪声的抑制效果较为明显,再通过引入评价指标的实验数据可以直观看出改进的算法不仅对原灰度图像而且对噪声图像都具有较好的分割性能,对噪声和孤立点都具有较好的鲁棒性和抑制性,表明了改进的算法能够大大提高人们的工作效率,同时为后期再次改进提出一种思路和方向。
    • Anuj Sharma; Deepak Prashar; Arfat Ahmad Khan; Faizan Ahmed Khan; Settawit Poochaya
    • 摘要: Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer that is caused by undeveloped White Blood Cells(WBC),and it is also called a blast blood cell.In the marrow of human bones,leukaemia is developed and is responsible for blood cell generation with leukocytes and WBC,and if any cell gets blasted,then it may become a cause of death.Therefore,the diagnosis of leukaemia in its early stages helps greatly in the treatment along with saving human lives.Subsequently,in terms of detection,image segmentation techniques play a vital role,and they turn out to be the important image processing steps for the extraction of feature patterns from the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia(ALL)type of blood cancer.Moreover,the image segmentation technique focuses on the division of cells by segmenting a microscopic image into background and cancer blood cell nucleus,which is well-known as the Region Of Interest(ROI).As a result,in this article,we attempt to build a segmentation technique capable of solving blood cell nucleus segmentation issues using four distinct scenarios,including K-means,FCM(Fuzzy Cmeans),K-means with FFA(Firefly Algorithm),and FCM with FFA.Also,we determine the most effective method of blood cell nucleus segmentation,which we subsequently use for the Leukaemia classification model.Finally,using the Convolution Neural Network(CNN)as a classifier,we developed a leukaemia cancer classification model from the microscopic images.The proposed system’s classification accuracy is tested using the CNN to test the model on the ALL-IDB dataset and equate it to the current state of the art.In terms of experimental analysis,we observed that the accuracy of the model is near to 99%,and it is far better than other existing models that are designed to segment and classify the types of leukaemia cancer in terms of ALL.
    • 江文奇; 牟华伟
    • 摘要: 类内距离和类间距离数值量级差异性导致两类距离无法直接融合,进而影响了FCM聚类模型设计。首先,本文全面回顾了经典和改进型的FCM聚类模型,构建了类内距离和类间距离迹的关系模型,分别从类内类间距离的变化不一致性和量级差异性两个方面分析了现有FCM聚类模型的不足;其次,运用高斯核距离替代传统的欧式距离来表征类内类间距离,基于最小化类内紧凑度与类间分离度差的思想,设计了类内类间距离平衡方法,提出了一种改进的FCM聚类目标函数与算法;最后,运用算例说明了本方法的有效性和优越性。
    • 郑乐辉; 孙君杰; 牛润; 黄莹
    • 摘要: 集成化装备的故障检测和健康管理(DHM,fault detection and health management)已成为装备领域研究的重点,但是由于其集成度高,结构复杂,综合性强等特点,采用常规的检测方法常面临信息多源异构,体量浩大,且实时性难以保证的问题,不仅消耗大量的人力物力,而且需要极强的数据分析及管控能力;为保证准确性、实时性和有效性的统一,研究提出一种基于CNN(卷积神经网络,Convolutional neural network)和Bi-LSTM(双向长短记忆网络,Bidirectional short and long memory network)及其优化算法的故障检测算法,构建了Bi-LSTM-CNN-FCM模型,并通过田纳西-伊斯曼化工过程数据集进行验证;在实验过程中通过观察不同激活函数对模型精度和效果的影响选择合适的激活函数,最终确定在卷积层使用tanh激活函数,在全连接层使用relu激活函数;在确定激活函数后对模型不断优化,在模型末端加入FCM聚类算法,提高了故障检测分类的准确率,最后以准确率和损失值为依据,通过与单一的LSTM模型,CNN模型和LSTM-CNN模型对比,证明该模型的优越性;该模型使得故障检测的准确率提升至98.25%,损失值减少至0.0104,在性能上明显优于其他模型。
    • 杨梅; 陈勇; 周皓; 梁雅琪; 杨金凤; 黄锦
    • 摘要: 农户是矿区重金属污染农地的直接使用者,农户对农地重金属污染风险的认知关系到农地安全利用行为的采用以及农户的身体健康。将矿区农地重金属污染风险农户认知划分为原因认知、事实认知、损失认知和响应认知4个层次,通过半结构访谈法对大冶市典型矿区重金属污染风险农户认知情况进行了调查,建立了矿区农地重金属污染风险农户模糊认知图,形成了以图论指数分析、认知程度分析、仿真模拟分析为一体的矿区农地重金属污染风险农户认知分析方法。研究表明:①农户对重金属污染的认知主要还是基于感性认识,由于农地收入不再是农户的主要经济来源,农户较为关注的是生活环境和身体健康,面对风险最容易想到的是抛荒弃耕和改变种植结构等被动适应措施,而对土壤污染、农产品价格降低、地租减少的关注相对较低,对翻耕改土、修复治理等主动缓解和治理措施的关注不足;②农户的总体风险认知程度不高,对风险原因、风险事实、风险损失和风险响应的认知程度呈逐级递减趋势,农户对风险来源的认知相对清晰,但对风险事实、风险损失和风险响应的认知程度均较低,特别是农户对土壤污染认知程度很低,会严重影响到农地的安全利用和农户自身健康。
    • 郑晓霞; 曹建芳; 赵青杉
    • 摘要: 针对传统的图像处理方法对彩色多目标图像分割时会出现分割精度低、目标定位不准等现象,文章采用基于模糊理论的模糊C均值聚类(FCM)方法实现图像处理.通过将图像从三颜色分量具有高度线性相关性的非均匀RGB颜色空间转到均匀且色域宽阔的Lab空间,并选取合适参数进行聚类实现分割.实验显示,对比其他颜色空间,文章方法能够较为准确地实现彩色多目标图像的分割,有效提高分割的精度,减少欠分割与过分割现象,更好地保留图像信息.
    • 方略
    • 摘要: 高等教育课堂建设与改革是提升课堂教学质量的必经之路,"MOOC+FCM"混合式教学模式已得到了广泛认可与推广,受到了社会各界的广泛关注,成为当前高等教育教学的主流模式.然而,"MOOC+FCM"混合式教学模式应用实践中仍然存在诸多问题,成为制约教学改革成效进一步提升的瓶颈.本文基于混合式教学改革背景与"MOOC+FCM"混合式教学改革现状的分析,厘清了"MOOC+FCM"混合式教学模式内涵、构建了基于"MOOC+FCM"的财会类课程混合式教学模式并对其闭环教学流程进行了详细阐述,并结合当前财会类本科与MPAcc课程教学改革实践,深刻剖析了该混合式教学模式的应用困境,进而提出了深化改革的对策建议.
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