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ever的相关文献在1985年到2023年内共计39138281篇,主要集中在常用外国语、信息与知识传播、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文85篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊65种,包括世界、消费、考试与评价(英语新目标八年级版)等; ever的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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  • 专利文献






    • 汤皎若
    • 摘要: 古往今来,罗马人一直对花朵情有独钟,而花朵也被奉为热情欢愉的象征,Bvlgari宝格丽2021全新Fiorever咏淀系列将“Forever”(永恒)与“Fiore”(花朵)两个词汇结合,颂赞自然花朵主题的经典隽永、甜蜜热情与恣意洒脱,让具有宝格丽浪漫情怀的永恒之花于这个春夏热情绽放。
    • 杨宇宸
    • 摘要: 你可曾有过这样的经历——将全部注意力都集中在一件事上,仿佛世上没有其他任何事情可以打扰到你?Have you ever experienced a time when everything else in your life seem far away,while you are dedicated to get one thing,only one thing done?
    • 摘要: My tail is gone(丢失了)! Did you ever see a tail? My tail, a pig''s tail? Did you ever see a tail?My curly (卷曲的)twirly (快速旋转;扭曲的)tail.
    • 摘要: 近日,第53届沃顿商学院全球论坛在上海浦东香格里拉大酒店隆重举办。本届论坛汇集全球1000多位来自政府和商界领袖、沃顿商学院教授及优秀校友,从全球最炙手可热的商业话题展开,为与会者带来最前沿、最深度的行业研讨和大师课。本届论坛以“More Than Ever”为主题,深入探讨在全球形式不断变化的今天,沃顿商学院提出的创新解决方案,并希望利用自身的影响力为未来做出更大贡献。
    • Steven Simpson1
    • 摘要: In the year 2000, I visited Cambodia s Angkor Wat. The magnificent Khmer temple is the largest religious monument in the world and the most breathtaking building I''ve ever seen. Nothing else comes close. Then in early 2019, I visited Vat Phou1 in Laos. Vat Phou also is an archeological relic of the impressive. At Angkor, I explored for two full days and only scratched the surface2.
    • 摘要: EFhomedeco is a professional manufacturer of cast iron cookware. We have thousands of items can be provided, including dutch oven, casserole, baking pot, grill, skillet, pans, jambalaya pot, as well as potjies. Cast iron cookware conducts and retains heat uniformly and for a very long time. The more you cook with cast iron, the better it gets as the oils and fats create a stickresistant cooking surface while repelling the odors and tastes from previous dishes. This means each food item cooked in iron fry pans or other cast iron pots has a pure flavor. Iron is important for good health because it carries oxygen from the lungs, through the bloodstream, to the rest of the body.
    • Steven Simpson
    • 摘要: In the year 2000, I visited Cambodia s Angkor Wat. The magnificent Khmer temple is the largest religious monument in the world and the most breathtaking building I've ever seen. Nothing else comes close. Then in early 2019, I visited Vat Phou1 in Laos. Vat Phou also is an archeological relic of the impressive. At Angkor, I explored for two full days and only scratched the surface2.
    • 杨庄蓉
    • 摘要: 听说化妆的最高境界是"妆成有却无",而这种自然不假面的底妆显然少不了一款好的粉底液。粉底液是上妆的第一步,也是护肤的最后一步。选对粉底液,不仅能均匀肤色、遮盖毛孔,甚至不用再依赖滤镜就可以拥有无瑕肌肤。不过粉底液产品千千万,花的真金白银买回来却不一定是等价好物,如何在精打细算的同时,不错过一款好的粉底液?2017年11月,《消费者报道》收集并分析了约2.5万条京东、天猫等电商平台消费者评论数据,包含阿玛尼、迪奥、兰蔻、雅诗兰黛、芭比波朗BOBBI BROWN、玫珂菲MAKE UP FOR EVER、
    • 何苗(供稿)1
    • 摘要: Have you ever paid attention to the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let '''' s see if I can name a few "off the cuff1'''' or without any preparation.你有没有留意过包含和衣服相关的词汇的英语表达?让我们看看我是否可以即兴说出一些,不预先做任何准备。
    • 侯冬意(选译)1
    • 摘要: Have you ever found yourself in this situation: When you hear a song you used to sing as a child, you can t help looking back on your childhood. But it is not a distant childhood memory. The words come back to you as clearly as when you sang them all those years ago.你是否遇到过这样的情况:当你听到你小时候经常听的歌时,你就会情不自禁地回忆起你的童年。但这并不是遥远的童年记忆,而是你对这些歌词记忆犹新。
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