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仿造的相关文献在1984年到2022年内共计217篇,主要集中在贸易经济、经济计划与管理、财政、金融 等领域,其中期刊论文177篇、专利文献40篇;相关期刊158种,包括中国防伪报道、商界、品质.文化等; 仿造的相关文献由211位作者贡献,包括中泽务、刘国权、古斯塔沃·维莱斯等。



论文:177 占比:81.57%


论文:40 占比:18.43%





  • 中泽务
  • 刘国权
  • 古斯塔沃·维莱斯
  • 杨大峰
  • 睿雪
  • 罗植升
  • 陆晓
  • 陈文斌
  • 马栋良
  • 魏亚星
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 金平章; 邓洪
    • 摘要: 涉车违法犯罪行为是公安机关一直以来打击的重点,其中伪造货物进口证明书申请注册登记违法行为,因甄别鉴定困难日渐猖獗.因此货物进口证明书的识别鉴定作用日渐突出.本文结合我国进口车登记管理现状,探讨货物进口证明书管理中存在的问题,针对问题提出应对措施,并对今后在我国进口机动车管理中,货物进口证明书识别鉴定技术和应用提出了几点思考,希望以此规范和改进我国进口机动车管理.
    • 摘要: 书画造假,摹临仿造,历朝历代,由来已久。本文将几种造假手法一一道来,颇长见识。做假书画,自古有之,同时古代没有胶版印刷术,欲使一件作品流传或被拥有者之外的人观赏,唯一的办法就是必须做出尽可能和原作相近的仿本。做这样的仿本,
    • 马式曾; 孙成智
    • 摘要: 1891年,两江总督李鸿章因见江南制造局所仿造的奥匈M1888/90步枪性能不佳,亦不适用,乃饬令江南制造局专就当时世界上已经出现的德国委员会和英国李氏弹仓步枪等,仿造出中国自己的第一支弹仓步枪,称为“快利连珠后膛步枪”,首批样枪6支。
    • 孙烈
    • 摘要: The unification and equipment of standard weapons were among the most essential elements in the manufacturing of modern weaponry. The standardization of the Chinese ordnance industry and the develop-ment of standard weapons were closely related to China’s defense endeavors, and experienced diversified proc-esses, which could generally be divided into four phases. In the late Qing dynasty, despite the great efforts made by Li Hongzhang and other senior Chinese officials that were involved in the westernization movement, weaponry procurements and imitations were misled by the paradoxically “consistency (Hua-yi)”. Because the persons in charge had a poor understanding of standard weapons, although a small quantity of standard guns and ammuni-tions were manufactured and equipped, a (standard) weaponry system in the army and the navy were far from be-ing established. Although the Beiyang Government (1912—1928) attempted to determine certain basic standard weapons, such efforts failed because of the political situation at the time. During 1932—1934, with the help of its foreign advisors, the Nationalist Government (July 1, 1925—May 20, 1948) proposed a standard weapons system, preliminarily establishing China’s first standard weapon system, which left rather great influences to both the na-tionalist and the communist troops. In 1955, with reference to the standards of the U.S.S.R., China officially put a number of new standard weapons into production and began to re-establish the country’s weaponry system. In general, the development of standard weapons of the modern China served as a link connecting the past and the present, while its existing foundation and domestic and international political landscapes determined the choice of standards. Comparisons of different standards in terms of strengths and weaknesses, in fact, reflected the process in which China’s imitation-based manufacturing industry was hampered by and competed against international “dominant” standards. As the development of standardization in China’s ordnance industry has been always ori-ented by technology transfers, going forward, technological sources are expected to serve as a key reference in de-termining China’s weapon standards.%制式武器的定型与列装是现代武器制造的关键环节之一。中国兵器工业的标准化与制式武器的发展与国防建设休戚相关,近百年的历程复杂多变,大体分四个阶段。晚清时期,李鸿章等洋务大员虽励精图治,军购与仿造却被似是而非的“画一”所误,制式观念淡薄,虽出现了少量制式的枪、炮、弹、药,但陆海军的武器装备体系远未成型。北洋政府曾试图确定基本制式武器,因受时局所困而未成。1932~1934年,国民政府在国际顾问的帮助下,拟定了一份较完整的陆军武器制式体系,初步完成中国第一次制式武器体系的建立,并在“抗战”中对国、共的军队都产生了较大影响。1955年,中国仿照苏联标准,正式投产一批新制式的武器,重建了武器装备体系。总体来看,中国制式武器的发展承上启下,原有基础与国内外局势决定了标准的选择。不同标准的优劣比较,实际上反映了以“仿造”为本的制造业受国际“强势”标准牵制并与之博弈的过程。技术转移主导中国兵工行业的标准化进程,预期的技术来源是确定武器制式的重要依据。
    • 艾提亚·马合热木; 曹志诚
    • 摘要: 由于黄金制品可靠的保值作用和在首饰界的广泛的用途,一直被人们作为家庭资产配置中必不可少的重要内容,争相购买与收藏,但是伪品也层出不穷,如何去伪存真,一直是人们关心的话题,本文在这方面为大家总结出一些经验和常识,希望能帮助您提高黄金辩伪识伪的能力.
    • 摘要: 来自土耳其的DenizKosah和表弟都是〈绝命毒师)的死忠粉,受剧集的启发,两人一同在伊斯坦布尔仿造剧中实验室,开设了一间名为Walter’s Coffee Roastery的化学主题咖啡馆。店内大到室内装潢、家具,小到餐具和点心,无一不是实验室的再现。
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