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食管结核的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计110篇,主要集中在内科学、肿瘤学、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文107篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献8422篇;相关期刊85种,包括中国内镜杂志、中华现代临床医学杂志、中华消化内镜杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括中华医学会结核病分会2013年学术大会、2008年全国医学影像(贵阳)学术研讨会、中国防痨协会2016年全国学术大会等;食管结核的相关文献由274位作者贡献,包括何明艳、刘锟、朱冰等。



论文:107 占比:1.25%


论文:3 占比:0.04%


论文:8422 占比:98.71%





  • 何明艳
  • 刘锟
  • 朱冰
  • 江跃全
  • 陈诗奉
  • 于惠轩
  • 刘荣平
  • 吴会超
  • 吴坚
  • 吴晓建
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 唐楠; 程中华; 冯珍
    • 摘要: 食管结核在临床上较为少见,由结核杆菌感染所致食管壁炎性肉芽肿性病变,由于其临床症状缺乏特异性,故易被误诊为食管平滑肌瘤或食管癌。本文报道原发性食管结核1例,总结该疾病在诊断及治疗方面的经验,以提高临床医师对本病的认识水平,减少误诊、误治。
    • 欧秋彤; 叶刚
    • 摘要: 食管结核是由结核杆菌感染导致的食管壁炎性肉芽肿性病变,严重时可导致食管狭窄、食管瘘甚至食管穿孔,由于临床十分少见,易被误诊为食管癌。本文报道食管结核合并食管瘘1例,提供食管结核合并食管瘘在诊治方面的经验,提高各临床医师对本病的诊断方法的认识。
    • 刘晓波; 李胜保
    • 摘要: 近年来,食管溃疡的内镜检出率逐渐增高,其病因繁多,临床表现缺乏特异性,常难以确诊.内镜是诊断食管溃疡的重要手段,但镜下表现缺乏特异性,误诊率高.本文对常见食管溃疡的内镜下表现及诊断要点进行综述,以期更好地认识食管溃疡,提高临床确诊率.
    • 方兴国; 周元昆; 朱蓉; 吴会超
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨食管结核的超声内镜表现特点, 进而提高食管结核的诊断率.方法:回顾性分析收治的20例诊断食管结核患者的超声内镜表现和临床特征.结果:内镜表现, 病变位于食管上段2例, 中段17例, 下段1例;病灶为隆起表面黏膜光滑5例, 隆起并溃疡或糜烂9例, 单纯溃疡型6例, 其中并食管狭窄11例, 并窦道形成3例.超声表现, 14例隆起病灶 (包括表面并糜烂或溃疡者) 表现食管壁内见有点状或条索状高回声、钙化灶中低回声团块, 病变边界不清, 其中5例病变突向纵隔内;6例溃疡型病灶表现为病变处食管管壁明显增厚, 呈不均匀低回声改变, 溃疡处表面有不同层次缺损.20例病例中纵隔内均见一枚或多枚呈圆形或椭圆形, 回声偏高, 边界不清, 部分相互融合, 或内可见强光点或钙化影肿的肿大淋巴结.内镜活检确诊5例 (30%) 、超声穿刺确诊4例 (80%) 、临床疑诊11例 (55%) .所有患者均经抗结核治疗6个月后病情缓解, 随访半年至2年均无复发.结论:食管结核发病率低, 诊断困难, 超声内镜检查对食管结核的诊断有重要临床价值.%Objective To investigate the endoscopic ultrasound features of esophagea tuberculosis, in order to improve the diagnosis rate of esophageal tuberculosis. Method Retrospective analyse the clinical features and endoscopic ultrasound manifestations of 20 cases of esophageal tuberculosis. Results Endoscopic manifestations:2 cases with lesions located in the upper segment of esophagus, 17 cases in the middle and 1 case in the lower segment. And 5 cases were protuberant lesions with smooth surface, 9 cases were protuberant lesions with erosion or ulcer, 6 cases were with simple ulcer, 11 cases with esophageal stenosis, and 3 cases with sinus formation. Ultrasonography manifestations:With 14 cases of protrusion lesions (including lesions with erosion or ulcer), we could observe punctate or cords high echo, and low echo mass in calcification in the esophagus wall, and the boundary of lesions is not clear. With 5 cases of protrusion lesions, we could observe esophageal wall thickening significantly, with uneven hypoechoic changes, and with different levels of defects at ulcer surface. With 20 cases, we could observe one or more enlarged lymph nodes, round or oval, with high echo, and unclear boundary, and partial fusion, or with light point or Calcification. Diagnosis:5 cases were diagnosed with endoscopic biopsy (accounted for 30% in all), 4 cases were with ultrasonic puncture (accounted for 80% in all), and 11 cases were clinical suspected (accounted for 55% in all). The symptoms of all cases were remissed by treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs, and there is no recurrence in follow-up 6 months to 2 years. Conclusion The morbidity of esophageal tuberculosis is low, and the diagnosis is difficult. The endoscopic ultrasonography has important clinical value in diagnosis of esophageal tuberculosis.
    • 方兴国1; 周元昆1; 朱蓉1; 吴会超1
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨食管结核的超声内镜表现特点,进而提高食管结核的诊断率。方法:回顾性分析收治的20例诊断食管结核患者的超声内镜表现和临床特征。结果:内镜表现,病变位于食管上段2例,中段17例,下段1例;病灶为隆起表面黏膜光滑5例,隆起并溃疡或糜烂9例,单纯溃疡型6例,其中并食管狭窄11例,并窦道形成3例。超声表现,14例隆起病灶(包括表面并糜烂或溃疡者)表现食管壁内见有点状或条索状高回声、钙化灶中低回声团块,病变边界不清,其中5例病变突向纵隔内;6例溃疡型病灶表现为病变处食管管壁明显增厚,呈不均匀低回声改变,溃疡处表面有不同层次缺损。20例病例中纵隔内均见一枚或多枚呈圆形或椭圆形,回声偏高,边界不清,部分相互融合,或内可见强光点或钙化影肿的肿大淋巴结。内镜活检确诊5例(30%)、超声穿刺确诊4例(80%)、临床疑诊11例(55%)。所有患者均经抗结核治疗6个月后病情缓解,随访半年至2年均无复发。结论:食管结核发病率低,诊断困难,超声内镜检查对食管结核的诊断有重要临床价值。
    • 周家田; 尚观胜; 梁卫东; 周平; 吴鹏
    • 摘要: 食管结核发病比较罕见,临床报道较少,对该病的临床症状、辅助检查以及鉴别诊断方面的认识不足,一般难以明确诊断,极易误诊为食管平滑肌瘤和食管癌.该文报告1例患者术前诊断为食管平滑肌瘤,行胸腔镜辅助下食管良性肿物切除术,术中探查发现和术后病理检查证实为食管结核,同时术后给予抗结核治疗后,患者症状完全缓解.该例提示,加强对食管结核诊断及鉴别诊断的认识,对于提高诊断水平、减少误诊以及改善患者预后起着重要的作用.
    • 王丹
    • 摘要: 食管结核是一种少见的疾病.我们认为;食管结核大多继发于身体其它结核病变;中、青年病人发生"食管癌"症状时,应想到食管结核的可能性,需常规进行结核菌素试验及食管镜检查做病理活检,以明确诊断,食管结核可用抗痨药物治愈,病人可免手术之苦.
    • 张继乔; 郑晓辉; 王晶晶; 邓尚华; 殷彩桥; 谭家武
    • 摘要: 目的:总结食管结核超声内镜(EUS)声像图特征及其他临床资料结果,提高该病的诊断率。方法回顾性分析该院2011年6月-2016年5月经EUS检查或内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检(EUS-FNA)而确诊为食管结核的9例患者的临床资料,并复习国内外文献。结果9例患者中,表现为吞咽梗阻6例,胸骨后疼痛3例,伴有盗汗、低热症状2例,伴咳嗽、咯血1例,伴咽痛1例;病变位于食管中段7例(77.78%),上段1例,食管下段合并咽部病变1例;8例为隆起型病变,其中4例表面破溃,1例呈息肉样隆起,另1例为溃疡并憩室型病变;内镜下活检6例中5例确诊,其中3例活检2次;EUS表现为食管壁内不均质低回声占位,边界模糊,内见高回声光斑,侵及黏膜下层或全层,部分病灶突破外膜层与壁外肿大淋巴结融合贯通;2例行EUS-FNA穿刺,病理发现炎性肉芽肿,考虑结核;均予以抗结核治疗后症状缓解。结论食管结核临床表现主要为吞咽困难,好发于食管中段,内镜下表现主要为隆起型和溃疡型病变,通过多次内镜下活检,结合EUS特征或EUS-FNA穿刺病理学检查能明显提高该病的诊断率,减少误诊率。%Objective To improve diagnosis on esophageal tuberculosis by the endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS).Methods A retrospective analysis of 9 cases of esophageal tuberculosis patients diagnosed by EUS or EUS guided ifne needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) who were treated from 2011 to 2016 and literature reviewed.Results The main presenting symptoms were dysphagia (6 cases), burning pain after sternum (3 cases), low-grade fever and night sweat (2 cases), cough and hemoptysis (1 case). The middle esophagus was involved in 7 cases, upper and lower third of the esophagus were affected in 1 cases. The endoscopic appearances included ulcer (1 case), mass lesion (8 cases). The diagnoses were conifrmed by biopsies with pathology in 5 cases. The layers of the esophageal wall were unclear or disappeared in some cases, and in some patients low echo occupying lesions inside or outside the esophageal wall were showed by EUS. The internal echo of the lesions was heterogeneous, and strong echo spots could be observed. In most cases, enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes were observed. EUS-FNA was used to take biopsy specimens in 2 cases: biopsy specimens suggested tuberculosis; and anti-TB treatment has good effect as well.Conclusion Dysphagia is the major clinical symptom of esophageal tuberculosis, always inlfuences the middle part of the esophagus. The commonest abnormalities identiifed by endoscopy are ulceration and mass lesion. The diagnostic rate of the disease can be improved by endoscopic examination with biopsies, EUS and EUSFNA data.
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