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颧骨复合体的相关文献在1997年到2017年内共计79篇,主要集中在口腔科学、外科学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文75篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献604934篇;相关期刊43种,包括中国美容整形外科杂志、中国美容医学、中华医学美学美容杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括第八届中国医师协会美容与整形医师大会暨第一届全国激光美容大会(第二届全国颅颌面专题研讨会、中华医学会全国第4次中青年医学美学与美容学术大会、中华医学会第七届全国整形外科学术会议等;颧骨复合体的相关文献由226位作者贡献,包括张清彬、东耀峻、李祖兵等。



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  • 张清彬
  • 东耀峻
  • 李祖兵
  • 卜祥斌
  • 杜昌连
  • 蒋蕾
  • 丁加根
  • 丰章坤
  • 刘克谦
  • 刘家武
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张秀景
    • 摘要: 颧骨复合体骨折是面部最常见的骨折之一,该骨折临床分类对临床诊断、处理原则和疗效评价均有重要的参考价值.目前分类方法繁多,随着颌面外科技术和影像学的发展,分类方法也逐渐更适合于临床应用,因此很有必要对颧骨复合体的分类研究进展作一综述,探索更科学的适合临床应用的新的分类方法.%Zygomatic complex fracture is one of the most common clinical facial fractures.The clinical classification of Zygomatic complex fracture has an important reference value for clinical diagnosis,clinical treatment,and curative effect evaluation.At present,there is a wide range of the classification methods.And with the development of oral and maxillofacial surgery technique and imaging, classification methods have been more appropriate for clinical application.Therefore,to make a summary of the research progress in classification of zygomatic complex is necessary, which is aimed at exploring a new and more scientific classification method for the clinical application.
    • 刘洋; 李大纲
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨老年人颧骨复合体骨折的临床特点和手术入路的选择方式.方法 对2013年6月至2017年1月年我院收治的19例颧骨复合体骨折的老年患者进行特点、原因和切口选择上的分析.其中的4例采用冠状切口+口内切口;13例采用面部小切口+口内切口;2例因全身症状较严重,未进行手术治疗.结果 通过冠状切口+口内切口方式手术的老年患者在手术前、手术后颌面部症状均较重;采用面部小切口+口内切口方式手术的老年患者在手术后的症状相对较轻、创口较小、恢复速度快.结论 老年人的颧骨复合体骨折较年轻人相比更为复杂,且其摔伤比例更高,而采用面部小切口+口内切口手术的方式进行入路解剖复位固定更适用于老年患者.
    • 高雁; 燕洪涛; 王珊丹
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨与总结颧骨复合体骨折患者在眼科及口腔科联合手术下运用交叉专科护理的效果。方法通过对48例颧骨复合体骨折患者经眼科与口腔科实施手术复位治疗,配合眼、口腔科护理技术支持及做好心理护理、口腔护理、病情观察、健康指导及功能训练等。结果48例患者颜面外形均有明显改善,咬合功能恢复良好,能积极地配合交叉专科的治疗与护理。结论联合手术治疗是颧骨复合体骨折复位及恢复正常功能的关键,结合交叉专科的护理特点与方法实施针对性的护理措施是提高治疗效果的有效保证。
    • 袁继龙; 葛春颖; 林立新
    • 摘要: 目的 总结颧骨复合体减低一种新术式的临床疗效.方法 (1)口内切口,颧骨复合体骨膜下脱套剥离,标记颧骨复合体最高点并磨骨.然后往复锯进行颧骨体部的“L”形不完全截骨;(2)耳前发际内切口,在颧弓结节前1.0cm斜行截断颧弓,将颧骨复合体向后、内移位,无需内固定.冲洗、放置引流条,关闭切口.结果 本组300例求美者切口均Ⅰ期愈合.随访6 ~ 12个月,所有求美者均对颧骨高度满意.结论 该术式手术创伤较小,无内固定,恢复快,是一种比较安全、有效的颧骨复合体减低的手术方法.
    • 马朝霞; 刘德成
    • 摘要: Objective To observe the clinical effect of improved reductive surgery for zygomatic complex fracture.Methods Thirty-two patients with zygomatic complex fractures were given zygomatic arch and lateral orbital wall fracture CT 3D reconstruction before operation to display position of fracture.The skin incision was made along the lower eyelid margin and extended about 15 mm outward canthus.Then the periosteotomy was done and the periosteum was separated to the back of zygomatic arch.The fracture was fixed with micro titanium nail plate to restore the normal anatomical position of zygomatic arch and to reset orbital margin completely.Results Two weeks after the operation,the soft tissue swelling of the orbital region faded.The deformity was completely corrected,and the opening movement of mouth was improved obviously compared with that before the operation.Three months after the surgery,the zygomatic appearance was symmetrical in 32 cases,with no obvious differences in appearance.Mouth opening degree was higher than 40 mm.The two eyeballs were symmetrical.Conclusion The improved subciliary approach combined with micro titanium nail and plate for zygomatic complex fracture has good effect.%目的 探讨改良下睑缘皮肤切口治疗颧骨复合体骨折的临床效果.方法 32例颧骨复合体骨折者,术前行颧弓及眶外侧壁CT三维重建,显示骨折位置.沿下睑缘皮肤切口,自外眦向外延长切口15 mm,切开骨膜,将骨膜分离至颧弓背面,用微型钛钉钛板固定骨折端,使颧弓恢复正常解剖位置,并使眶下缘完全复位.结果 术后2周眶周软组织肿胀消退,颧骨骨折处畸形得到完全矫正,张口运动均较术前明显改善.术后3个月,32例颧部形态左右对称,外观无明显差异,张口度大于40 mm.眼球内陷与健侧基本对称.结论 颧骨复合体骨折采用改良下睑缘切口手术,联合微型钛钉钛板固定,效果良好.
    • 陈飞; 布静秋; 温伟生
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨老年人颧骨复合体骨折的临床特点及手术入路的选择.方法:对2008年至2015年我院口腔颌面外科治疗的20例老年人颧骨复合体骨折的特点、原因及切口选择进行分析.5例采用冠状切口+口内切口;12例采用面部小切口+口内切口治疗;3例因全身症状较重,未能行手术治疗.结果:老年人颧骨复合体骨折术前、术后颌面部症状较重,而采用面部小切口+口内切口治疗的,术后症状相对较轻,创伤小,恢复快.结论:老年人颧骨复合体骨折更为复杂,摔伤的比例较年轻人高,采用面部小切口+口内切口手术入路解剖复位固定更加适宜.
    • 张秀景; 王双义
    • 摘要: Objective: To establish a three dimensional CT measurement based on maxillary sinus and to evaluate clinically in the treatment of unilateral zygomatic complex fracture. Methods: 17 patients suffered with unilateral zygomatic complex fracture and accompanied with fracture of maxillary sinus were retrospectively reviewed. Before reduction surgery, the patients were examined by CT scanning of the jaws and zygomas bilaterally, observing the morphological change of maxillary sinus and using the relevant software on the CT workstation to measure the highpoints of zygomatic bone's distance, based on the maxillary sinus mark points. To measure and compare the shifting distances between healthy and fractured sides to guide the reduction operation. After the operation, observing the morphological recovery of maxillary sinus and reexamining the patients with the help of the same method used before to compare the difference between the healthy patients and to evaluate the effect of the treatment. Results: CT images showed, before operation, the patients highpoint of zygomatic bone mainly shifted toward to backside (mean=4.4 mm ), and mainly accompanied shift toward to outside (mean=4.08 mm), shifting to downside (mean=2.03 mm ) and only few patients shifted to inside. After reduction operation, the shifting distances in three directions diminished or decreases to less than 2mm, the difference was significant (P<0.01). Facial contour and mouth-opening function was good, the result was satisfactory.Conclusion: Three dimensional CT measurements can observe the morphological changes of maxillary sinus on unilateral zygomatic complex fracture. The measurements based on the maxillary sinus can realize the quantitative measurement upon the shiftings of the highpoints of zygomatic bone in three dimension spaces, which has a remarkable guiding significance to evaluate the operation result of unilateral zygomatic complex fracture.%目的:在单侧颧骨复合体骨折治疗中建立以上颌窦为基准的三维CT测量方法并应用于临床。方法:收集单侧颧骨复合体骨折并需要手术的患者17例,术前做上颌骨、颧骨三维CT扫描,观察上颌窦形态的改变,并在CT工作站上应用相关软件,以双侧上颌窦的标志点为基准对颧骨高点的内外、前后及上下距离测量,根据差值算出颧骨高点在各向的移位程度并指导手术复位。术后复查CT观察上颌窦形态的恢复并用同样方法测量,对比双侧数据的差值,评价治疗效果。结果:17例单侧颧骨复合体骨折的患者术前均存在上颌窦后外侧壁和前壁的骨折并移位,其中有2例合并存在上颌窦内侧壁的骨折。 CT测量结果显示:手术前患侧颧骨高点以向后移位为主(平均4.40 mm ),多伴有向外移位(平均4.08 mm),向下移位(平均2.03 mm),仅个别患者向内移位。术后所有患者上颌窦形态基本恢复,在三个方向上的移位基本消失或减少至2 mm,对三个方向上的移位进行手术前后t检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),面部外形及张口功能良好,效果满意。结论:三维CT测量可以观察颧骨复合体骨折上颌窦形态的改变,以上颌窦为基准的三维CT测量可以实现颧骨高点在三维空间上的移位的定量测量,对颧骨复合体骨折的手术复位和疗效的评判具有指导意义,术中及术后上颌窦形态的恢复可以作为复位成功的标准。
    • 吴韫慧; 杨倩倩; 刘德成
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨改良下睑缘皮肤切口治疗颧骨复合体骨折的临床效果。方法选取32例颧骨复合体骨折的患者,术前行颧弓及眶外侧壁 CT 三维重建,显示骨折位置,沿下睑缘皮肤切口,外眦角向外延长切口15 mm 左右,切开骨膜,将骨膜分离至颧弓背面,用微型钛钉钛板固定骨折端,使颧弓恢复正常解剖位。结果术后2周32例患者眶周软组织肿胀消退,颧骨骨折处畸形得到完全矫正,张口运动均较术前明显改善。术后3个月,所有患者颧部形态左右对称,外观无明显差异,张口度均>40 mm。结论颧骨复合体骨折采用改良下睑缘切口联合微型钛钉钛板固定,效果良好,安全可靠。%Objective To investigate the clinical effect of improved lower eyelid skin incision on zygomatic complex fractures. Methods Thirty-two cases of zygomatic complex fractures were studied. Zygomatic arch and lateral wall of the orbit CT 3D reconstructions was made preoperatively to reveal the position of the fracture. Incise the lower eyelid skin to the outer canthal and extend the incision outward about 15 mm;open the periosteum,and seperate periosteal to the zygomatic arch the back;fix bone frac-tures with titanium mini screw and titanium plate to recover the normal anatomical position of the zygomat-ic arch. Results Two weeks after operation,the welling soft tissue around the orbit recovered,deformity of zygoma was completely corrected,and mouth movements were significantly improved compared with preoperative. Three months after surgery,all of the patients’zygomatic complex were symmetrical,there were no obvious differences in appearance,and their mouths opening degrees were more than 40 mm. Conclusions When zygomatic complex fractures are treated with modified lower eyelid skin incision,and fixed with micro titanium screw and titanium plate,the clinical effect is good and completely reliable.
    • 汤颖峰
    • 摘要: Objective To study the clinical effect of endoscope-assisted zygomatic complex narrow orthopaedics. Methods Making tiny incisions in the hairline,beginning from the zygomatic arch gap, with the help of endoscopy,use a reciprocating saw to cut off a small portion of the zygomatic body and completely cut off protrusion temporal zygomatic arch,pushing into the zygomatic complex, sufficiently narrowing the width of the face. Results All patients were followed up,face significant improvement,patients are very satisfied with the treatment effect. Conclusion Endoscopic assisted zygomatic complex narrow plastic surgery is safe and reliable and the effect is obvious,without complications,especially for patients with hypertrophy of the zygomatic arch.%目的:探讨内镜辅助颧骨复合体缩小整形术的临床治疗效果.方法:在发际线内设计微小切口,从颧弓后间隙开始,在内镜的帮助下,使用往复锯将颧骨体截断一小部分,将颧弓颞突部完全截断,将颧骨复合体向内推,充分地使中面部的宽度缩小.结果:对所有患者进行8~24个月的随访,面型改善明显,患者对治疗效果满意.结论:内镜辅助下颧骨复合体缩小整形术安全可靠,效果明显,并发症少,特别适合颧弓部肥大的患者.
    • 许志鹏; 王颖文; 张挺; 虎小毅
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨不同类型 B 型颧骨复合体骨折的复位路径与临床效果。方法:对70例成年闭合性 B 型 ZCF 患者手术病例进行临床研究。结果:根据颧弓骨折程度分为3亚类,B1亚类骨折21例,采取口腔前庭切口+小切口复位固定;B2亚类骨折17例,采用口腔前庭切口+眶周小切口+耳前切口入路复位固定;B3亚类骨折32例,采用头皮冠状切口+口腔前庭切口入路复位固定。经过随访,70例患者中,治疗效果Ⅰ级47例,占67%;Ⅱ级18例,占36%;Ⅲ级5例,占7%。结论:不同亚类的 B 型 ZCF 可以采用不同的手术方法有利于临床疗效。
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