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颈干角的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计72篇,主要集中在外科学、基础医学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文69篇、专利文献157230篇;相关期刊51种,包括技术与市场、体育成人教育学刊、清远职业技术学院学报等; 颈干角的相关文献由240位作者贡献,包括宋雅伟、张振华、丁英奇等。



论文:69 占比:0.04%


论文:157230 占比:99.96%





  • 宋雅伟
  • 张振华
  • 丁英奇
  • 刘玉章
  • 叶苓
  • 唐晓龙
  • 孙付杰
  • 庄华烽
  • 张曦元
  • 张长青
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 章鑫隆; 慈文韬; 罗开文; 闫石
    • 摘要: 背景:股骨近端防旋髓内钉在治疗股骨转子间骨折方面优势显著,但仍有3.35%-31.08%的内固定失效率发生,且类型多样,原因复杂,因此,对股骨近端防旋髓内钉各类内固定失效的原因进行总结分析,同时明确长钉与短钉选择的分界以及术后内固定失效后的再手术策略,是临床更好针对性预防相应的内固定失效以及后续治疗的关键.目的:探讨应用股骨近端防旋髓内钉治疗股骨转子间骨折术后发生各类内固定失效的原因和再手术策略.方法:检索PubMed、中国知网和万方数据库中2010年1月至2021年5月发表的相关文献.英文检索词为"intertrochanteric fractures,risk factors,failure of internal fixation,PFNA,nonunion of fracture,cut out,cut in,helical blade position,osteoporosis,Long and short intramedullary,Revision surgery",中文检索词为"股骨转子间骨折、PFNA、内固定失败、螺旋刀片切出、内固定物周围骨折、骨折不愈合、骨质疏松、长短髓内钉、再手术策略",将股骨近端防旋髓内钉治疗股骨转子间骨折术后发生各种类型的内固定失效原因及再手术策略进行归纳总结.结果 与结论:螺旋刀片的切出、髋内翻、骨折不愈合、头钉的退钉、内固定物断裂及内植物周围骨折是股骨近端防旋髓内钉术后内固定失败常见的6种类型.①刀片位置放置不当、颈干角及前倾角的复位不佳、不稳定的骨折类型、严重的骨质疏松以及高龄是刀片切出的主要原因.②髋内翻可由股骨距后内侧的骨缺损致术后股骨内侧缺乏支撑引起,也常继发于其他内固定失效类型,延长负重时间可以有效避免此种情况发生.③骨折不愈合受全身及局部因素影响,对于远端锁钉的使用需慎重考虑.④骨质疏松是导致刀片退出最常见原因,严重骨质疏松患者术中有必要对螺旋刀片用长尾帽固定,术后延长负重时间.⑤骨折复位不佳、骨不连、不稳定骨折使用远端锁钉及主钉与髓腔不匹配都有可能造成内固定物断裂.⑥植入物周围骨折常与骨髓腔和髓内钉不匹配、主钉入钉点位置偏差致皮质撞击率增加以及局部应力集中相关,临床上应选择合适长度的主钉,避免"中裤效应"发生.⑦对于长短钉的选择,除某些特殊病例外,建议临床医师选择短钉固定,关于A3型转子间骨折长、短髓内钉的选择,是临床医师需要继续探索的一个方向.⑧关于股骨近端防旋髓内钉内固定失效后的再手术策略,从股骨头的破坏程度、骨折部位情况以及骨缺损3个方面来确定二次翻修策略是一种合适的选择.
    • 章鑫隆; 慈文韬; 罗开文; 闫石
    • 摘要: 背景:股骨近端防旋髓内钉在治疗股骨转子间骨折方面优势显著,但仍有3.35%-31.08%的内固定失效率发生,且类型多样,原因复杂,因此,对股骨近端防旋髓内钉各类内固定失效的原因进行总结分析,同时明确长钉与短钉选择的分界以及术后内固定失效后的再手术策略,是临床更好针对性预防相应的内固定失效以及后续治疗的关键。目的:探讨应用股骨近端防旋髓内钉治疗股骨转子间骨折术后发生各类内固定失效的原因和再手术策略。方法:检索PubMed、中国知网和万方数据库中2010年1月至2021年5月发表的相关文献。英文检索词为“intertrochanteric fractures,risk factors,failure of internal fixation,PFNA,nonunion of fracture,cut out,cut in,helical blade position,osteoporosis,Long and short intramedullary,Revision surgery”,中文检索词为“股骨转子间骨折、PFNA、内固定失败、螺旋刀片切出、内固定物周围骨折、骨折不愈合、骨质疏松、长短髓内钉、再手术策略”,将股骨近端防旋髓内钉治疗股骨转子间骨折术后发生各种类型的内固定失效原因及再手术策略进行归纳总结。结果与结论:螺旋刀片的切出、髋内翻、骨折不愈合、头钉的退钉、内固定物断裂及内植物周围骨折是股骨近端防旋髓内钉术后内固定失败常见的6种类型。①刀片位置放置不当、颈干角及前倾角的复位不佳、不稳定的骨折类型、严重的骨质疏松以及高龄是刀片切出的主要原因。②髋内翻可由股骨距后内侧的骨缺损致术后股骨内侧缺乏支撑引起,也常继发于其他内固定失效类型,延长负重时间可以有效避免此种情况发生。③骨折不愈合受全身及局部因素影响,对于远端锁钉的使用需慎重考虑。④骨质疏松是导致刀片退出最常见原因,严重骨质疏松患者术中有必要对螺旋刀片用长尾帽固定,术后延长负重时间。⑤骨折复位不佳、骨不连、不稳定骨折使用远端锁钉及主钉与髓腔不匹配都有可能造成内固定物断裂。⑥植入物周围骨折常与骨髓腔和髓内钉不匹配、主钉入钉点位置偏差致皮质撞击率增加以及局部应力集中相关,临床上应选择合适长度的主钉,避免“中裤效应”发生。⑦对于长短钉的选择,除某些特殊病例外,建议临床医师选择短钉固定,关于A3型转子间骨折长、短髓内钉的选择,是临床医师需要继续探索的一个方向。⑧关于股骨近端防旋髓内钉内固定失效后的再手术策略,从股骨头的破坏程度、骨折部位情况以及骨缺损3个方面来确定二次翻修策略是一种合适的选择。
    • 摘要: 肩胛骨切迹是反向全肩关节置换术后影像学常见发现,指的是肩胛骨颈部下缘磨损,是由于肱骨假体内收活动时撞击造成的。由于肩胛骨切迹临床意义不清楚,因此治疗方法也不确定。肩胛骨切迹的发生率和严重程度与假体设计和手术技术有关。假体设计因素包括:型号、形状、肩胛盂的位置、颈干角、偏心距以及肩胛骨的解剖。肩胛骨切迹可能导致功能下降、假体松动和失败。
    • 潘东续; 杨靖; 李耀华; 刘玉章; 段永刚; 钟蔼云; 唐晓龙; 丁英奇
    • 摘要: 背景:老年肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折发病率逐年增加,由于骨质疏松导致抗力性明显降低,使骨折修复产生困难。目的:肱骨近端锁定钢板结合同种异体骨移植为一种有效的增强固定方法,分析两种方法结合对肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折的修复效果。方法:纳入河北北方学院附属第二医院2013年12月至2018年11月收治的肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折老年患者50例,按照不同的手术方法分为A组(n=30)和B组(n=20),A组使用肱骨近端锁定钢板辅以同种异体骨移植加强固定治疗,B组单独使用肱骨近端锁定钢板治疗。比较两组术后颈干角的变化、肱骨头高度丢失、骨折愈合时间以及手术前、后肩关节功能,记录并发症发生情况。结果与结论:①相对于B组,A组术后肱骨颈干角与正常较为接近(t=5.226,P<0.001),肱骨头高度丢失显著减少(t=2.609,P=0.012),肱骨近端骨折的愈合时间显著缩短(t=2.036,P=0.047);②术后3个月两组患者疼痛、功能、运动限制及解剖复位评分相对于术前均显著提高(t=4.731,6.707,4.370,6.196,P<0.01),并且A组显著优于B组;A组优良率为90%(27/30),显著高于B组的60%(12/20)(χ^(2)=6.294,P=0.012);③术后随访3个月,A组中未出现因为同种异体骨移植发生感染的病例,2例患者出现一过性发热,2例肩关节僵硬,并发症发生率为7%;B组中出现1例内固定失败,1例螺钉穿出,1例钢板断裂,3例肩关节僵硬,并发症发生率为30%;A组并发症发生率显著低于B组(χ^(2)=4.861,P=0.027);④提示同种异体骨移植结合肱骨近端锁定钢板的加强固定方法可明显促进肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折的愈合,改善肩关节的运动功能,并发症少,临床效果明显优于单独使用肱骨近端锁定钢板治疗。
    • 潘东续; 杨靖; 李耀华; 刘玉章; 段永刚; 钟蔼云; 唐晓龙; 丁英奇
    • 摘要: 背景:老年肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折发病率逐年增加,由于骨质疏松导致抗力性明显降低,使骨折修复产生困难.目的:肱骨近端锁定钢板结合同种异体骨移植为一种有效的增强固定方法,分析两种方法结合对肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折的修复效果.方法:纳入河北北方学院附属第二医院2013年12月至2018年11月收治的肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折老年患者50例,按照不同的手术方法分为A组(n=30)和B组(n=20),A组使用肱骨近端锁定钢板辅以同种异体骨移植加强固定治疗,B组单独使用肱骨近端锁定钢板治疗.比较两组术后颈干角的变化、肱骨头高度丢失、骨折愈合时间以及手术前、后肩关节功能,记录并发症发生情况.结果与结论:①相对于B组,A组术后肱骨颈干角与正常较为接近(t=5.226,P<0.001),肱骨头高度丢失显著减少(t=2.609,P=0.012),肱骨近端骨折的愈合时间显著缩短(t=2.036,P=0.047);②术后3个月两组患者疼痛、功能、运动限制及解剖复位评分相对于术前均显著提高(t=4.731,6.707,4.370,6.196,P<0.01),并且A组显著优于B组;A组优良率为90%(27/30),显著高于B组的60%(12/20)(χ2=6.294,P=0.012);③术后随访3个月,A组中未出现因为同种异体骨移植发生感染的病例,2例患者出现一过性发热,2例肩关节僵硬,并发症发生率为7%;B组中出现1例内固定失败,1例螺钉穿出,1例钢板断裂,3例肩关节僵硬,并发症发生率为30%;A组并发症发生率显著低于B组(χ2=4.861,P=0.027);④提示同种异体骨移植结合肱骨近端锁定钢板的加强固定方法可明显促进肱骨近端骨质疏松骨折的愈合,改善肩关节的运动功能,并发症少,临床效果明显优于单独使用肱骨近端锁定钢板治疗.
    • 李群; 陈优民; 吴战坡; 吴富华; 周建宏; 丁祖运; 成昌桂; 付明辉; 曾四宝
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨127°小颈干角和135°大颈干角假体行全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)的疗效.方法:2014年1月至2016年6月行THA患者84例,男44例,女40例;年龄45~72(53.4±8.1)岁,股骨头坏死68例(左侧32例,右侧36例),其他原因导致严重髋关节骨性关节炎16例,病程9~36(24.0±5.5)个月.分别采用小颈干角(127°)和大颈干角(135°)假体,每组42例,术后两组患者进行髋关节Harris评分,疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)评分,双下肢长度测量,不同颈干角生物力学评估,比较术后并发症发生情况以及患者术后24个月生活质量.结果:两组患者各有2例患者失访,其余患者均获得随访,随访时间30~36(33.0±1.6)个月.术前及术后1、6、12、24个月进行Harris评分及双下肢长度测量,两组患者髋关节Harris评分及双下肢长度差与术前比较均得到明显改善(P<0.05),而组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组术后1、6、12、24个月VAS评分均低于术前(P<0.05);两组VAS评分术前差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但术后大颈千角组VAS评分明显低于小颈干角组(P<0.05).两组术后并发症(包括假体松动、脱位)的发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组患者术后24个月生活质量较术前生活质量明显提高(P<0.05),且组间比较发现135°大颈干角组生活质量较127°小颈干角组生活质量更高(P<0.05).结论:大、小颈干角假体的THA均能较好地恢复患者髋关节的功能,但是大颈干角更能降低术后疼痛程度,进而提高患者术后的生活质量.
    • 曹照华; 董黎敏; 叶金铎; 刘念; 陈伟
    • 摘要: The models of hip joint after replacement established with pelvic and different femoral neck angles and anteversions were to analyze the laws of stress distribution by numerical simulation.It could be found that with the femoral neck angle and anteversion changes,the maximum stress value and position on the femur and prosthesis changed as well and show regularity.It demonstrated that the femoral neck angle and anteversion are also important factors to the stress value and stress distribution on the hip joint.%本文建立了不同颈干角和前倾角的置换后有骨盆髋关节模型,通过数值模拟分析了颈干角和前倾角的变化对置换后髋关节各部分应力分布规律的影响.通过对不同颈干角和前倾角的髋关节模型进行数值模拟,发现随着髋关节模型颈干角和前倾角的改变,股骨和假体柄上的最大应力值及位置也会随之改变且呈现一定的规律性,说明颈干角和前倾角也是影响髋关节应力分布及应力值大小的重要因素.
    • 卢仲琳; 曹志强; 高国梁; 景青玲; 张伟; 黄永; 鲁晓波
    • 摘要: 目的 研究全髋关节置换手术前后股骨解剖改变,测量颈干角、股骨前倾角等解剖参数,对比上述参数差异对关节置换术后的功能预后、疼痛及患者满意度的影响.方法 选取2011~2014年55例患者行全髋关节置换术并随访1年,收集患者基本资料,手术前后行CT检查以及常规X射线检查,利用三维重建软件构建髋关节三维模型,测量股骨颈干角、前倾角、股骨偏心距及髋关节旋转中心的解剖参数,利用Harris关节评分评估患者关节功能,利用视觉模拟评分评估术后关节疼痛程度,评估患者满意度,通过亚组分析上述解剖参数变化与术后预后的相关性.结果 共有44例患者完成随访,平均年龄为(65.3±7.0)岁,术后颈干角为(131.6±2.1)°,手术前后颈干角比较有差异(P 0.05).结论 患者对手术前后的颈干角以及前倾角差异耐受能力较强,上述解剖参数改变对术后关节功能、疼痛以及患者满意度无显著影响.%Objective To compare the pre- and post-operative changes in femoral anatomy: neck-shaft angle, femoral anteversion, and femoral offset after insertion of a nonmodular femoral component and the influence of the postoperative changes in hip anatomy on functional outcome and pain. Methods Fifty-five patients with total hip arthroplasty (THA) from 2011 to 2014 were recruited in the study and followed up for one year. The basic data of the patients were collected. All patients underwent pre- and post-operative three dimensional CT scanning of the hip. The pre- and post-operative neck-shaft angle, offset, hip centre of rotation, femoral anteversion, and stem alignment were measured. Functional assessment (Harris hip score) and pain score (visual analogical score) were evaluated before surgery and 1 year after operation. The relationships of the post-operative anatomical changes with postoperative outcome were evaluated by sub-group analysis. All data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0. Results A total of 44 patients were followed up with the mean age of (65.3 ± 7.0) years. They all underwent pre- and post-operative three dimensional CT scanning of the hip.The mean post-operative neck-shaft angle [(131.0 ± 2.1)°] was significantly larger than the pre-operative one [(128.8 ± 6.2)°, P < 0.05]. The mean pre-operative anteversion was (24.9 ± 8.0)° and reduced to (7.4 ± 7.3)° after operation (P < 0.05). The post-operative changes had no influence on hip function and pain. Conclusions Using a standard uncemented femoral component, high pre- and post-operative variability of femoral anteversion and neck-shaft angles is found with a significant decrease of the post-operative anteversion and a slight increase of the neck-shaft angle, which have no impact on clinical outcome.
    • 张硕; 汪秋柯; 陈云丰; 王磊
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨锁定钢板结合异体腓骨治疗头内翻型肱骨近端骨折的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2013年6月至2015年6月安徽医科大学第二附属医院采用PHILOS锁定钢板固定治疗35例头内翻型肱骨近端骨折患者资料(术前颈干角 0.05).根据术后影像学资料评估颈干角,并计算术后1年与术后第1天颈干角的差值,应用术后1年随访时Constant-Murley评分及臂、肩、手功能障碍评分(disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand score,DASH)评估患者肩关节功能.应用统计学比较两组术前基线水平(年龄、性别、骨折分型、是否抽烟、优势手及内侧柱是否粉碎)是否有差异,再比较术后1年两组颈干角差值及Constant-Murley评分是否有差异.结果 术后1年锁定钢板结合异体腓骨组颈干角改变(-1.36±2.58)°,单纯锁定钢板组改变(-7.21±8.06)°,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.003).术后1年锁定钢板结合异体腓骨组Constant-Murley评分(76.82±6.11)分,单纯锁定钢板组为(64.29±9.15)分,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.0002).锁定钢板结合异体腓骨组DASH评分(15.55±2.98)分,单纯锁定钢板组为(25.96±9.35)分,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.001).其中锁定钢板结合异体腓骨组有1例患者出现术后切口感染;单纯锁定钢板组有3例患者出现螺钉穿出,1例患者出现肱骨头缺血坏死.结论 在治疗头内翻型肱骨近端骨折方面,锁定钢板结合异体腓骨能有效地增加术后骨折块的稳定性,减少术后颈干角的改变,提高术后的肩关节功能.%Background Proximal humeral fractures account for about 4%-5% of all fractures in the whole body, and are only next to the distal radial fractures in the upper limb fractures. Thereinto, approximately 80% of proximal humeral fractures have slight displacement and can be treated conservatively, while the other 20% of them have obvious displacement which requires surgical interventions. The varus impacted proximal humeral fractures account for 10% of all proximal humeral fractures, and the efficacy of conservative treatment is unsatisfactory as simple application of locking plate is easy to produce a series of postoperative complications such as loss of reduction, varus impaction, plate fixation failure, screw piercing, fracture nonunion, humeral head necrosis, etc. The implantation of allogeneic fibula into proximal humeral intramedullary provides effective medial support, and combined with locking plate, it has been widely used in the treatment of comminuted metaphyseal fractures of proximal humerus, which has achieved satisfactory curative effect. However, there are still no reports about the clinical efficacy of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula in the treatment of varus impacted proximal humeral fractures. Methods (1)General information.From June 2013 to June 2015, a total of 35 patients with varus impacted proximal humeral fractures treated in our hospital were included in this study. Thereinto, 11 cases were treated with locking plate and allogeneic fibula fixation, while the other 24 cases were treated with simple locking plate fixation. The group of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula included 6 males and 5 females with an average age of (60.27±12.32) years. The group of locking plate fixation included 10 males and 14 females with an average age of (50.21±17.60) years. There was no statistical difference between the two groups at the baseline level (P >0.05). (2)Inclusive and exclusive criteria.Inclusive criteria: ① 18 years of age or older; ② acute varus impacted proximal humeral fractures (within 3 weeks and neck-shaft angle <130°) treated by locking plate fixation with or without allogeneic fibular graft; ③ follow-up time ≥ 1 year with complete data. Exclusive criteria: ① pathological fracture, open fractures or multiple fractures; ②combination of neurovascular injuries; ③medical history that affects shoulder function, such as previous trauma history of ipsilateral limb, chronic arthritis, etc. (3)Treatment methods.All the enrolled patients completed the relevant examinations after admission, and were treated with open reduction and internal fixation. The patients in the experimental group were treated by locking plate fixation combined with allogeneic fibular graft, while the patients in the control group were simply treated with locking plate.After brachial plexus block or general anesthesia, the patient was in beach chair position during the operation. Through the deltoid-pectoralis approach, the soft tissue was softly separated to minimize periosteal dissection. After the exposure of fracture ends, the greater and lesser tuberosities were lifted by pulling the rotator cuff insertions with sutures and the humeral head was reduced. Then the allogeneic fibula was reversely inserted into the medullary cavity of humeral shaft. With the confirmation and adjustment of the fibular length (usually 4-6 cm), the proximal fibula was under the cartilage of humeral head. The greater and lesser tuberosities were reduced with sutures and temporarily fixed with Kirschner wires. As the fracture reduction was satisfactory under fluoroscopy, the locking plate was used for fixation with sutures knotted through the suture holes on the plate. With satisfactory position of fracture fragments, plate and screws under fluoroscopy, the wound was irrigated and closed after hemostasis. The allogeneic fibular graft was saved in the control group, and all the locking plates used in the two groups were PHILOS plates. All the procedures were performed by 3 attending surgeons or higher ranks.All the patients followed the same rehabilitation programme: the affected limb was suspended for 4 weeks before starting passive movements, and active movements were allowed 8 weeks later. All the patients were followed up in the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th months with anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films of shoulder joint taken every time. The data of all patients were collected, including general information, preoperative X-ray films, CT scans, X-ray films on the 1st postoperative day, X-ray films taken in each follow up and functional scores (Constant-Murley scores and DASH scores). The neck-shaft angles were measured on the shoulder radiographs of anteroposterior view to calculate the difference between values between the 1st postoperative day and the 12th month after operation. (4)Statistical analysis.The SPSS 20.0 software was adopted for statistical analysis. The ages, neck-shaft angels and functional scores were considered as quantitative data, while the gender, fracture types, smoking or not, dominant hand or not and comminution of medial column or not were considered as qualitative data. All the quantitative data were tested by the normality test and described as mean value±standard deviation, and the independent sample t test was used to analyze whether the difference was statistically significant. The qualitative data was described as constituent ratio, and chi square test was used to analyze whether the difference was statistically significant. When P <0.05, the difference was considered statistically significant. Results The fractures healed in two groups after 1 year. The change of neck-shaft angles was (-1.36±2.58)° in the group of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula while the angle was (-7.21±8.06)° in the simple plate group, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.003). The Constant-Murley score was (76.82±6.11) points in the group of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula while it was (64.29±9.15) points in the simple plate group, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.0002). The DASH score was (15.55±2.98)points in the group of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula while it was (25.96±9.35) points in the simple plate group, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.001).In the respect of postoperative complications, 1 case in the group of locking plate combined with allogeneic fibula had wound infection 2 weeks after operation, and the patient achieved wound healing with positive disinfection and wound redressing. There were 3 cases of screw piercing in the simple locking plate group. Thereinto, 1 patient without obvious symptoms was given no treatment while the other 2 patients received secondary procedures to replace locking screws. Ischemic necrosis of humeral head occurred in 1 patient, which was type Ⅱ of Cruss classification, and the patient was given conservative treatment. Conclusion Regarding the treatment of varus impacted proximal humeral head fractures, locking plate with allogeneic fibula can effectively increase the stability of fracture fragments, decrease the changes of neck-shaft angle, reduce the postoperative complication rate and improve the shoulder joint function. In addition, prospective randomized controlled trials are expected to further validate the relevant results.
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