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静脉内注射的相关文献在1987年到2019年内共计160篇,主要集中在内科学、临床医学、药学 等领域,其中期刊论文149篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献240832篇;相关期刊97种,包括国际生物制品学杂志、微生物学免疫学进展、护士进修杂志等; 相关会议5种,包括中国中西医结合研究会心血管病专业成立大会暨第一次学术交流会、全国胃肠电(运动)研究讨论会、全国中青年医学学术交流会(放射学)等;静脉内注射的相关文献由343位作者贡献,包括刘少云、唐兴俊、孔立茶等。



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  • 刘少云
  • 唐兴俊
  • 孔立茶
  • 宣松林
  • 张海涛
  • 支立梅
  • 施诚仁
  • 易原开
  • 李敏
  • 李梅香
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 朱雪梅; 包蕾
    • 摘要: 随着现代医学技术的不断进步,危重新生儿的救治成功率、存活率得以提高。然而,现有的临床干预和治疗手段还不能很好地改善一些新生儿常见疾病的预后,如支气管肺发育不良(bronchopulmonary dysplasia,BPD)、缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy,HIE)、坏死性小肠结肠炎(necrotizing enterocolitis,NEC)、早产儿视网膜病(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)。
    • 孙鑫; 宋杰; 杨雪峰
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the safety and effectiveness of a postoperative intravenous injection of Dezocine on the recovery from emergency agitation after Sevoflurane based anesthesia in patients receiving radical resection of rectal carcinoma.Methods A total of 66 patients receiving Sevoflurane Fentanyl anesthesia during radical resection of rectal cancer in our hospital from February 2015 to January 2017 were enrolled.They were randomly divided into a control group (normal saline,n=33) and an observation group (Dezocine,n 33).At 15 minutes before the end of operation,the control group received an intravenously administered normal saline,and the Dezocine group received 0.1 mg/kg dezocine in normal saline.The emergency agitation (EA),incidence of adverse reactions,and hemodynamic indexes were collected in both groups.Results The mean values of arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were significantly lower in the observation group than in control group at all four observation time points (tMAP =3.228,3.603,5.431,5.568;tHR =3.447,3.739,4.425,4.476;all P <0.05).The incidence of EA was significantly lower in the observation group (6.1%) than in the control group (24.2%) (x2=4.242,P=0.039).The stay time in post anesthesia care unit (PACU) was significantly shorter in the observation group [(54 ± 11) min] than in the control group [(72± 12) min] (t =9.317,P =0.000).In addition,the observation group had lower agitation scores and lower Ramsay sedation scores compared with the control group at all time points during extubation (tagitation =2.862,3.348,3.411,3.159;tRamsay =3.508,3.617,3.207,2.931;all P<0.05).Conclusions The use of Dezocine during anesthesia recovery period in patients undergoing radical resection of rectal cancer has an analgesic effect.h can effectively reduce the incidence of EA and maintain hemodynamic stability.%目的 探讨地佐辛在直肠癌根治术后全身麻醉恢复期间的安全性和有效性. 方法 66例受试者为2015年2月至201 7年1月在我院接受七氟醚芬太尼麻醉下直肠癌根治术的高龄患者,随机分为对照组和观察组,各33例.手术结束前15 min,观察组地佐辛0.1 mg/kg静脉注射,对照组注射相同剂量的生理盐水.记录两组患者苏醒期躁动(EA)、不良反应发生率及血流动力学指标. 结果 观察组患者给药后T1-T4时间点的平均动脉压和心率均小于对照组(tMAP=3.228、3.603、5.431、5.568,tHR=3.447、3.739、4.425、4.476,均P<0.05).观察组的EA发生率降至6.1%,小于对照组的24.2%(x2=4.242,P=0.039).观察组患者麻醉后监护室住院时间(54±11)min少于对照组(72±12)min(t=9.317,P=0.000).此外,观察组患者在拔管期间各时间点的躁动评分和Ramsay镇静评分均低于对照组(t躁动=2.862、3.348、3.411、3.159,tRamsay=3.508、3.617、3.207、2.931,均P<0.05). 结论 在高龄患者直肠癌根治术后预注地佐辛可获得较好的镇痛效果,有效降低了EA的发生率,并保持血流动力学平稳.
    • 闫芳; 臧卫周; 孟祺; 姚勇; 徐军; 张杰文
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨静脉注射免疫球蛋白联合糖皮质激素治疗老年重症肌无力患者的临床疗效. 方法 选取我院2012年1月至2016年12月神经内科就诊的235例老年重症肌无力患者,按照随机数字表法将其分为观察组117例和对照组118例.对照组给予糖皮质激素治疗,观察组给予静脉注射免疫球蛋白联合糖皮质激素治疗,比较两组患者临床疗效、免疫功能指标、美国重症肌无力协会定量(QMG)评分、症状缓解时间、住院时间及不良反应. 结果 观察组治疗总有效率高于对照组(106/117、90.6%和84/118、71.2%,x2=5.621,P=0.000).观察组血清IgG1、IgG3、补体C3水平高于对照组(均P<0.05).QMG评分、症状缓解时间和住院时间观察组分别为(9.2±4.0)分、(6.2±1.6)d和(14.4±3.3)d,优于对照组的(13.4±6.1)分、(11.6±2.4)d和(25.1±4.8)d,(f=6.158、19.797和20.078,P=0.000、0.002和0.009).两组均未出现严重不良反应. 结论 老年重症肌无力患者应用静脉注射免疫球蛋白联合糖皮质激素治疗效果显著,可及时控制病情进展,调节免疫功能,缩短住院时间,是该病目前比较理想的治疗方案.%Objective To investigate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous immunoglobulin combined with oral glucocorticoid in the treatment of myasthenia gravis in elderly patients.Methods A total of 235 elderly patients diagnosed as myasthenia gravis in our hospital were enrolled in our study from January 2012 to December 2016,and randomly divided into observation group (intravenous immunoglobulin combined with oral glucocorticoid n =118) and control group (oral glucocorticoid only,n =117).The clinical curative effect,immune function index,QMG scale,symptom remission time,length of hospitalization,and adverse reactions in both groups were recorded and analyzed after two-week treatment.Results The total effective rate was significantly higher in observation group (106/117,90.6%) than in control group (84/118,71.2%) (x2=5.621,P=0.000).The levels of serum IgG1,IgG3,and complement C3 were significantly higher in observation group than in control group (P <0.05).The QMG scale,symptom remission time,and length of hospitalization were lower in observation group [(9.2 ± 4.0) score,(6.2 ± 1.6) d,(14.4 ± 3.3) d]than in the control group [(13.4 ± 6.1) score,(11.6 ± 2.4) d,(25.1 ± 4.8) d] (t =6.158,19.797,and 20.078,P=0.000,0.002 and 0.009).No serious adverse reaction was observed in both groups.Conclusions The combined therapies of intravenous immunoglobulin and oral glucocorticoid for myasthenia gravis in the elderly have remarkable effectiveness.It is close to an ideal treatment because it effectively inhibits a disease progression in time,regulates an immune function,and shortens a hospitalization time.
    • 赵玉君; 支立梅; 王东颖; 董秋立; 王忠明; 胡靖; 马潇潇; 刘少云; 孔立茶; 张海涛
    • 摘要: 目的:比较下游导管室内经冠状动脉和上游静脉内注射负荷剂量替罗非班对老年急性 ST段抬高型心肌梗死( STEMI)患者血管造影结果和左室功能的影响。方法连续入选210例急性STEMI行直接经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)的老年STEMI患者,分为上游静脉组(105例,患者在急诊室经静脉注射负荷剂量的替罗非班10μg/kg);下游冠状动脉组(105例,患者在导管室完成诊断性造影之后经指引导管冠状动脉内注射替罗非班10μg/kg),两组患者均后续0.15μg· kg-1· min-1静脉泵入36 h。观察手术前、后 TIMI 血流分级、校正 TIMI 计帧数(cTFC)、心肌灌注分级( MBG)指标。术后1个月使用超声心动图评价左室功能恢复情况。结果上游静脉组在各个初始造影指标均明显优于下游冠状动脉组,TIMI 3级血流(24% vs 10%;P=0.01),cTFC(78±30 vs 92±21;P=0.001),和 MBG 2或3级(15% vs 6%;P=0.02)。而在术后心肌水平灌注指标下游冠状动脉组均明显优于上游静脉组,ST段回落>70%的比率(50% vs 35%;P=0.03);MBG 2 or 3级(79% vs 58%;P=0.001)左室功能恢复的指标显示下游冠状动脉组明显优于上游静脉组(P<0.05)。结论行直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的老年STEMI患者,在导管室经冠状动脉注射替罗非班可改善介入术后的心肌组织水平灌注和术后1个月左室功能恢复。这可能得益于冠状动脉内局部注射病变局部及病变远端的血管床有较高的药物浓度。
    • 王庚; 何锡强
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the safety and the effect of acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) when target-controlled infusion (TCI) of sufentanil at various effect-site concentrations (Cet) was given. Methods 84 patients under-going bilateral hip replacement selective operation in Beijing Jishuitan Hospital from March 2011 to January 2013 were selected and divided into 4 groups with 21 cases in each group. Propofol TCI and Vecuronium were given for anesthesi-a induction, Sufentanil TCI was Cet of 0.2 ng/mL (group S1), 0.4 ng/mL (group S2, group C) and 0.6ng/mL (group S3) respectively, ANH was not used in group C. HR, MAP and BIS value were recorded after entering operating-room and before induction (baseline values), before TCI of Sufentanil, Sufentanil at target of Cet, before blood sampling (T0),the 4 groups at Sufentanil Cet were all lower than those at Propofol Cet [group S1:(96.0±16.2) times/min vs (84.1±16.1) times/min; group S2: (94.5±12.2) times/min vs (80.1±13.0)times/min; group C: (88.6±18.4) times/min vs (74.2±10.8) times/min;group S3:(90.9±24.4) times/min v s (76.3±12.1) times/min], the differences were statistically significant (P0.05). The BIS value in group S3 at Sufentanil Cet were all lower than those in group S1, group S2 and group C, the dif-ferences were statistically significant (P0.05); The differences of BIS value in group S1, group S2, group S3 at different blood sampling time point were not statistically sig-nificant (P>0.05). ③The differences of HR, MAP and BIS value of group S1, group S2, group S3 at T0-T8 time point were not statistically significant (P>0.05). ④Bleeding volume of group C were more than those of group S1, group S2, group S3 (P=0.001), the blood transfusion volume were more than those of group S1, group S2, group S3 (P=0.022). The differences of blood transfusion ratio of 4 groups were not statistically significant (P=0.085). The differences of bleeding volume, blood transfusion volume, blood transfusion ratio in group S1, group S2, group S3 were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusion ANH has no impact on BIS and hemodynamic parameters when using Sulfentanil combined with Sevoflurane, and it decrease the bleeding volume and homologous blood transfusion volume, so it is a safe and effective autologous blood conservative technique.%目的:探讨靶控输注(TCI)不同效应室浓度(Cet)舒芬太尼时急性等容血液稀释(ANH)的安全性及其术中血液保护作用。方法选取2011年3月~2013年1月择期于北京积水潭医院全麻下行双侧髋关节置换手术的患者84例,随机分为4组,每组各21例。诱导使用丙泊酚TCI及维库溴铵,分别TCI舒芬太尼至Cet为0.2 ng/mL(S1组)、0.4 ng/mL(S2组及C组)、0.6 ng/mL(S3组),C组患者术中不进行ANH。记录入室时及诱导前、TCI舒芬太尼前、舒芬太尼达Cet时、采血前(T0)、采血5 min(T1)、10 min(T2)、15 min(T3)、20 min(T4)、25 min(T5)、30 min(T6)、35 min(T7)、40 min(T8)时心率(HR)、动脉血压(MAP)及脑电双谱指数(BIS)值,记录入院时、采血前及采血完成后的血细胞比容(HCT)值;记录患者术中出血量及输血量。结果①4组患者达舒芬太尼Cet时HR值均较达丙泊酚Cet时显著下降[S1组:(96.0±16.2)次/min比(84.1±16.1)次/min;S2组:(94.5±12.2)次/min比(80.1±13.0)次/min;C 组:(88.6±18.4)次/min比(74.2±10.8)次/min;S3组:(90.9±24.4)次/min比(76.3±12.1)次/min],差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。S3组患者达舒芬太尼Cet时BIS值显著低于S1、S2及C组患者,差异有高度统计学意义(P0.05);S1、S2、S3组患者不同采血时间点BIS比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。③S1、S2、S3组患者分别进行组内比较,T0~T8时间点其HR、MAP及BIS值比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。④与S1、S2及S3组患者比较,C组患者术中出血量明显增多(P=0.001);C组患者异体输血量明显多于S1、S2及S3组患者(P=0.022);但四组比较异体输血比例差异无统计学意义(P=0.085)。 S1、S2及S3组患者之间出血量、异体输血量及输血比例差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论复合使用七氟烷及舒芬太尼维持麻醉时,ANH不会造成血流动力学不稳定及BIS值的改变;使用ANH可以减少术中出血量及异体输血,因此是一项安全有效的血液保护措施。
    • 祝劲松; 李曦; 韩徐; 邹小华
    • 摘要: Objective To observe whether Pre - injection of small dose of remifentanil can alleviate amyostasia caused by etomidate. Methods 80 Patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscoPy were divided into 0. 2 μg/ kg remifentanil grouP,0. 4 μg/ kg remifentanil grouP,0. 6 μg/ kg remifentanil grouP and normal saline grouP. Then 0. 2 mg/ kg etomidate was injected. Results 0. 4 μg/ kg remifentanil could alleviate amyostasia caused by etomidate. It had the least effect on blood Pressure,heart rate and breathe. Conclusion Pre - injection of remifentanil can alleviate amyostasia caused by etomidate.%目的:观察小剂量瑞芬太尼静脉预先注射能否减轻依托咪酯脂肪乳注射引起的肌震颤。方法将门诊80例做胃肠镜患者分为瑞芬太尼0.2μg/ kg 组、0.4μg/ kg 组、0.6μg/ kg 组和生理盐水组,然后注射诱导用量的依托咪酯0.2 mg/ kg。结果瑞芬太尼0.4μg/ kg 组可降低依托咪酯脂肪乳肌震颤的发生,并对血压、心率及呼吸影响小。结论静脉预先注射瑞芬太尼可降低依托咪酯脂肪乳引起的肌震颤。
    • 董秋立; 支立梅; 赵玉君; 王东颖; 王忠明; 胡靖; 马潇潇; 刘少云; 孔立茶; 张海涛
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨导管室内经下游冠状动脉和上游静脉内注射负荷剂量替罗非班对血管造影结果和左室功能的影响.方法 连续入选210例急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死行直接PCI的患者,分为上游静脉组(105例,在急诊室经静脉注射负荷剂量的替罗非班10 μg/kg)和下游冠状动脉组(105例,在导管室完成诊断性造影之后经指引导管冠状动脉内注射替罗非班10 μg/kg).两组患者均后续以0.15 μg·kg-1·min-1静脉泵人替罗非班36 h.观察指标包括:手术前、后TIMI(TIMI)血流分级,校正TIMI计帧数(cTFC),心肌灌注分级(MBG).术后1个月使用超声心动图评价左室功能恢复情况.结果 上游静脉组各个初始造影指标均明显优于下游冠状动脉组,TIMI 3级血流24%比10%,P=0.01;cTFC (78±30)比(92±21),P=0.001;MBG 2或3级15%比6%,P=0.02.而术后心肌水平灌注指标下游冠状动脉组均明显优于上游静脉组,ST段回落>70%的比率50%比35%,P=0.03;MBG 2或3级79%比58%,P=0.01.左室功能恢复指标显示下游冠状动脉组明显优于上游静脉组,EF平均增加(8±7)%比(6±7)%,P=0.02;室壁运动分数指数平均增加(0.4±0.3)比(0.3±0.3),P=0.03.结论 行直接经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的ST段抬高型急性心肌梗死患者,在导管室经冠状动脉注射替罗非班,可以改善介入术后的心肌组织水平灌注和术后1个月时左室功能的恢复.这可能得益于冠状动脉内局部注射,使病变局部及病变远端的血管床有较高的药物浓度.
    • 摘要: 64排螺旋CT是诊断冠心病的新手段,其最大的优点是无创伤,病人只需静脉内注射60-80毫升显影剂,就可以清晰显示冠状动脉的立体影像。64排螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的研究表明,64排螺旋CT诊断冠状动脉〉50%狭窄的敏感性为95%,特异性为93%。
    • 摘要: 答:少尿期严格控制液体输入,以防止水中毒的发生;多尿期应注意补液,并应注意补钠、补钾,防止发生脱水和低钠、低钾血症的发生。处理高钾血症,包括静脉内滴注葡萄糖和胰岛素,静脉内注射葡萄糖酸钙,应用钠型阳离子交换树脂、
    • 马培奇
    • 摘要: 2010年8月,美国FDA批准将CSLBehring公司的20%皮下注射用人免疫球蛋白(immune globulin)制剂Hizentra的保质期从原18个月延长至24个月。Hizentra以L-脯氨酸(L-proline)为稳定剂,故可在室温下(≤25°C)贮存而不需冷藏(静脉内注射用人免疫球蛋白制剂须冷藏),
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