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雪旺氏细胞的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计207篇,主要集中在外科学、基础医学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文197篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献125665篇;相关期刊116种,包括解剖学杂志、实用骨科杂志、中华实验外科杂志等; 相关会议6种,包括中国环境诱变剂学会风险评价专业委员会第十六届全国学术交流会、2009广州创伤骨科周围神经损伤研讨会、第七届全国立体定向和功能性神经外科学术会议等;雪旺氏细胞的相关文献由466位作者贡献,包括朱家恺、严恒林、沈爱国等。



论文:197 占比:0.16%


论文:6 占比:0.00%


论文:125665 占比:99.84%





  • 朱家恺
  • 严恒林
  • 沈爱国
  • 沈馨亚
  • 万虹
  • 王忠诚
  • 钟世镇
  • 张亚卓
  • 易西南
  • 陈礼刚
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李林; 徐长水; 张平; 张清贵; 刘北彦
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨ERK通路对糖尿病周围神经病雪旺氏细胞凋亡以及Netrin-1表达水平的影响.方法 建立动物和细胞模型分析ERK通路对雪旺氏细胞以及Netrin-1表达水平的影响.结果 观察糖尿病模型小鼠坐骨神经组织中p-ERK的表达增加,ERK抑制剂PD98059抑制高糖诱导雪旺氏细胞中ERK的磷酸化,即ERK通路促进糖尿病周围神经疾病的发生;糖尿病模型小鼠坐骨神经组织中Netrin-1表达减少,ERK抑制剂PD98059增加高糖刺激中雪旺氏细胞中Netrin-1的表达,即ERK抑制剂通过增加Netrin-1的表达来发挥神经保护作用;PD98059可逆转高糖诱导雪旺氏细胞中Caspase-3的表达和细胞凋亡,即ERK抑制剂降低雪旺氏细胞凋亡,从而防止糖尿病周围神经疾病的发展.结论 ERK抑制剂可抑制糖尿病周围神经疾病雪旺氏细胞的凋亡以及增加Nertin-1的表达,从而发挥保护作用.
    • 郭汝宝
    • 摘要: 目的 通过观察推拿家兔骨骼肌失神经支配后肌湿重、雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达水平,探讨推拿手法对受损神经及失神经支配骨骼肌的影响.方法 新西兰家兔120只,分为正常对照组、模型组、神经生长因子(NGF)治疗组、手法治疗组,每组30只,分别于手法干预2周、3周、1个月、2个月、4个月后,每组各取6只家兔,称量腓肠肌肌湿重,计算术侧与健侧的肌湿重比值;测定雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达水平.结果 (1)腓肠肌肌湿重比:与模型组比较,手法治疗组各时间点均增加[2周:(0.72±0.05)%比(0.53±0.01)%,3周:(0.55±0.04)%比(0.41±0.03)%,1个月:(0.55±0.99)%比(0.40±0.03)%,2个月:(0.49±0.03)%比(0.38±0.05)%,4个月:(0.50±0.03)%比(0.38±0.05)%,P均<0.05].手法治疗组4个月时则显著高于NGF治疗组[(0.50±0.03)%比(0.42±0.02)%,P<0.05].(2)雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达:手法治疗组在各时期均高于模型组[2周:(27.00±6.29)比(10.33±1.51),3周:(33.17±5.27)比(20.83±3.87),1个月(51.00±4.56)比(21.17±4.62),2个月:(75.83±9.66)比(30.67±3.27),4个月:(116.67±3.10)比(53.17±7.52),P均<0.05].手法治疗组在1个月、2个月均高于NGF治疗组[1个月:(51.00±4.56)比(32.83±4.12),2个月:(75.83±9.66)比(47.00±5.06),P均<0.05].结论 推拿手法可以延缓周围神经损伤后骨骼肌萎缩、变性,促进损伤神经的修复.
    • 郭巍; 李岩; 刘燊; 徐云强; 冯世庆
    • 摘要: Spinal cord injury is a disease with high disability incidence and there is still no effective treatment.Patients often left severe neurological dysfunction and bring enormous burden to their family and society.Schwann cells are main glial cells of the peripheral nervous system which occupies a very important position in repair process after peripheral nerve injury.%脊髓损伤(SCI)是一种高致残性疾病,目前尚无有效的治疗方法,患者常遗留严重的神经功能障碍,给家庭和社会带来巨大的负担.雪旺氏细胞(SCs)是构成外周神经系统的主要胶质细胞,在外周神经损伤后的修复过程中占据极为重要的地位,对受损的外周神经形态和功能的恢复具有重要作用.
    • 魏在荣; 陈伟
    • 摘要: 皮瓣的神经重建仍然是临床上的一大难题.皮瓣移植神经重建的传统方法有带神经蒂的转移、游离直接吻合、自体或异体神经移植桥接等,而组织工程化的神经导管桥接、神经植入、干细胞及雪旺氏细胞等的替代治疗越来越受到重视.目前重建皮瓣感觉功能最理想的方法是带神经蒂的皮瓣移植,但该方法对供区损害较大而受到限制.组织工程化的神经导管在修复短距离神经缺损方面越来越受重视,而干细胞、雪旺氏细胞移植仍停留在动物实验阶段,其临床应用仍有待进一步研究.
    • Shu-quan Zhang; Min-fei Wu; Zhe Piao; Jin Yao; Ji-hai Li; Xin-gang Wang; Jun Liu
    • 摘要: Edaravone has been shown to delay neuronal apoptosis, thereby improving nerve function and the microenvironment after spinal cord injury. Edaravone can provide a favorable environment for the treatment of spinal cord injury using Schwann cell transplantation. This study used rat models of complete spinal cord transection at T9. Six hours later, Schwann cells were transplanted in the head and tail ends of the injury site. Simultaneously, edaravone was injected through the caudal vein. Eight weeks later, the PKH-26-labeled Schwann cells had survived and migrated to the center of the spinal cord injury region in rats after combined treatment with edaravone and Schwann cells. Moreover, the number of PKH-26-labeled Schwann cells in the rat spinal cord was more than that in rats undergoing Schwann cell transplantation alone or rats without any treatment. Horseradish peroxidase retrograde tracing revealed that the number of horseradish peroxidase-positive nerve fibers was greater in rats treated with edaravone combined with Schwann cells than in rats with Schwann cell transplantation alone. The results demonstrated that lower extremity motor function and neurophysiological function were better in rats treated with edaravone and Schwann cells than in rats with Schwann cell transplantation only. These data confirmed that Schwann cell transplantation combined with edaravone injection promoted the regeneration of nerve fibers of rats with spinal cord injury and improved neurological function.
    • Ochi A; 吴艳
    • 摘要: 周围神经鞘瘤(PNSTs)在鸡上很少发生,其病因仍有待研究.本试验对自然发生于日本原种鸡的周围神经鞘瘤进行了病理学鉴定,并对从该瘤中分离的禽白血病病毒(ALV)进行了分子生物学特性分析.结果发现发病鸡表现为颈部皮下有坚硬肿块,且这个肿块与相邻的脊髓神经(C9-14)相连,微观上大部分为含梭型细胞(与贝罗凯体排列成交错的束、流、栅栏样)的细胞组织,少部分由富含胶原蛋白的细胞组织组成.免疫组织化学试验结果表明,肿瘤细胞分2类:①波形蛋白、葡萄糖转运子(GLUT1)和claudin1均为阳性的神经束膜细胞;②波形蛋白阳性、S-100 α/β间或阳性、GLUT1阴性的雪旺氏细胞.病理学鉴定结果表明,该病例为神经纤维瘤感染.对分离自纤维瘤的禽白血病病毒分离株CTS_5371的全基因序列进行测序,遗传进化树分析结果表明,分离株是与先前报道的禽白血病/肉瘤病毒不同的、一株新的重组病毒.另外,感染试验结果显示,CTS_5371诱导雪旺氏细胞和神经束膜细胞的增殖.本试验结果表明,ALV分离株能诱发鸡的周围神经鞘瘤.
    • 林绿标; 林旭妍; 肖哲; 许益民
    • 摘要: 目的 探索人胚胎雪旺氏细胞的分离、培养和纯化的方法,为将来雪旺氏细胞移植奠定基础.方法 从胎儿脊髓背根中分离培养雪旺氏细胞,利用雪旺氏细胞与纤维母细胞的不同贴壁特性,综合利用酶消化、时间差和阿糖胞苷抑制等方法,达到分离和纯化人雪旺氏细胞的目的.结果 雪旺氏细胞大部份呈梭形,两端有突起,少数呈多角形.免疫组化示这些细胞呈S-100抗原阳性,细胞纯度达99%.结论 本方法分离、培养的人雪旺氏细胞纯度高,是一种有效的培养方法.%Objective To explore the separation, culture and purification methods of human embryonic Schwann cells in order to lay the foundation for future transplantation of Schwann cells. Methods The Schwann cells were separated from the fetal spinal cord dorsal root. Based on the different adherent properties of Schwann cells and fibroblasts, enzymatic digestion, time difference, cytarabine inhibition and other methods were used to separate and purify human Schwann cells. Results The majority of Schwann cells were fusiform, with protrusion on both ends, and the minority was polygonal. Immuno-histochemistry showed that these cells were antigen S-100 positive and the cell purity degree reached up to 99%. Conclusion The cells separated and cultured with this method show high cell purity, thereby it is an effective culture method.
    • 刘彬; 可金星; 蔡绍皙; 李校堃; 张路; 陈文琦; 张耀光
    • 摘要: 以赖氨酸、神经生长因子(NGF)、聚乳酸聚羟基乙酸共聚物(PLGA)、猪皮来源的细胞外基质(ECM)为原料制备了一种复合材料;考察其内部三维结构,生物力学性质,降解特性,雪旺氏细胞黏附状况,以及其对NGF的可控释放作用;从而评价其作为促周围神经损伤修复支架的可行性.扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察显示,PLGA渗透入去细胞猪皮内部固有的蜂窝状孔隙中,并覆盖在孔隙内表面;孔隙率为68.3%~81.2%,密度为0.62~0.68 g/cm3.复合材料的断裂强度为8.308 MPa,断裂伸长率为38.98%,弹性模量为97.27 MPa;在4周的体外降解测试中,其最大失重率为43.3%;赖氨酸在复合材料中的添加对降解液pH的相对稳定具有显著作用;在30d中,复合材料对NGF的累积释放率为38%;通过雪旺氏细胞与复合材料的共培养,发现雪旺氏细胞能够在其表面及孔隙中黏附.因此表明本复合材料有望成为一种新型的促周围神经损伤修复支架.%A scaffold fabricated with lysineerve growth factor (NGF)/poly (lactic acid coglycolic acid) copolymer (PLGA) and acellular pigskin was evaluated in vitro as a potential artificial nerve scaffold. Properties of the scaffold such as microstructure, mechanical property, degradation behavior in PBS and water, Schwann cell adhesion property, and release of NGF were investigated. Results showed PLGA had permeated into the porous structure of acellular pigskin; its breaking strength was 8.308 Mpa, breaking extensibility was 38.98%, elastic modulus was 97.27 Mpa. The porosities of the scaffold ranged from 68.3% to 81.2% with densities from 0.62 g/cm3 to 0.68 g/cm3. At 4 weeks of degradation in vitro, maximum mass loss ratio was 43.3%. The release of NGF could still be detected on the 30th day, and its accumulative release rate was 38%. Lysine added into the scaffold neutralized the acidoid preventing degradation of PLGA to maintain a solution pH value. Schwann cells had grown across the scaffold after co-cultivation for 15 days. These in vitro properties of the pigskin based composite might indicate its potentiality to be an artificial nerve scaffold.
    • Gilton Marques Fonseca; André Luis Montagnini; Manoel de Souza Rocha; Rosely Antunes Patzina; Mário Vinícius Angelete Alvarez Bernardes; Ivan Cecconello; José Jukemura
    • 摘要: Schwannoma is a tumor derived from Schwann cells which usually arises in the upper extremities, trunk, head and neck, retroperitoneum, mediastinum, pelvis, and peritoneum. However, it can arise in the gastro-intestinal tract, including biliary tract. We present a 24-year-old male patient with obstructive jaundice, whose investigation with computed tomography abdomen showed focal wall thickening in the common hepatic duct, difficult to differentiate with hilar adenocarcinoma. He was diagnosed intraoperatively schwannoma of common bile duct and treated with local resection. The patient recovered well without signs of recurrence of the lesion after 12 mo. We also reviewed the common bile duct schwannoma related in the literature and evaluated the difficulty in pre and intraoperative differential diagnosis with adenocarcinoma hilar. Resection is the treatment of choice for such cases and the tumordid not recur in any of the resected cases.
    • 摘要: Three articles regarding transplantation of umbilical cord mesenchmal stem cells alone or in combination with Schwann cells and feridex and polylysine complex-labeled bone marrow stromal cell transplantation (MRI tracing) for repair of sciatic nerve injury were reported in Neural
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