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防御酶系的相关文献在1992年到2021年内共计78篇,主要集中在植物保护、农作物、园艺 等领域,其中期刊论文73篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献115601篇;相关期刊44种,包括植物保护、中国生物防治学报、中国糖料等; 相关会议4种,包括2012年全国玉米遗传育种学术研讨会暨新品种展示观摩会、中国植物病理学会2008年学术年会、中国植物保护学会2007年学术年会等;防御酶系的相关文献由276位作者贡献,包括陈捷、高增贵、吴元华等。



论文:73 占比:0.06%


论文:5 占比:0.00%


论文:115601 占比:99.93%





  • 陈捷
  • 高增贵
  • 吴元华
  • 段玉玺
  • 刘秋
  • 吴岳轩
  • 庄敬华
  • 张少英
  • 蔺瑞明
  • 邵金旺
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘刚
    • 摘要: 青岛农业大学植物医学学院科研人员前期研究发现,使用球孢白僵菌灌根处理黄瓜后,西花蓟马对叶片为害面积显著低于对照组。为探究产生这一现象的原因,研究人员进一步测定了黄瓜叶片中防御酶系和次生代谢产物等含量变化,采用直流刺吸电位仪(DC-EPG)分析了西花蓟马成虫取食黄瓜叶片的行为。
    • 孙润红; 徐俊蕾; 杨丽荣; 张洁; 夏明聪; 武超; 薛保国; 吴坤
    • 摘要: 本文研究了生防菌枯草芽胞杆菌YB-05和病原菌小麦全蚀病菌GGT007对小麦体内防御酶活性的影响,探讨其诱导小麦抗病性机理.以苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)5种防御酶作为小麦抗病性反应指标,于不同时段测定各防御酶活性;以PD培养基为对照,测定生防菌YB-05及小麦全蚀病菌GGT007对小麦叶片和根部抗性相关酶的影响.结果表明,小麦经生防菌与病原菌混合处理、病原菌处理、生防菌处理后,叶片和根部与植物防御抗病相关的PPO、POD、SOD、PAL、CAT防御酶活性均比对照组高,其中生防菌与病原菌混合处理后抗性相关酶活最高,叶片中PAL、POD、SOD、PPO、CAT酶活峰值达到46.705、16 829.274、104.687、97.44和1 259.565U/g,为对照组的1.74、2.44、2.27、2.40和2.42倍.根部PAL、POD、SOD、PPO、CAT酶活峰值达到131.536、56 424.79、1 977.04、22.564和206.241U/g,为对照组的1.65、1.52、2.57、2.07、1.74倍.表明枯草芽胞杆菌YB-05和小麦全蚀病菌GGT007均能诱导小麦叶片和根部的防御酶活性增强,两者共同处理后小麦叶片和根部5种防御酶活性高于单独处理,说明枯草芽胞杆菌YB-05和小麦全蚀病菌GGT007共同诱导具有协同增效作用.
    • 许秀玉; 王明怀; 张卫强; 徐斌
    • 摘要: To study the responses of Casuarinaceae equisetifolia defense enzymes to Ralstonia solanacearum, the contents of soluble protein and activities of peroxidas ( POD) , catalase ( CAT) , superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase ( PAL) were measured after R. solanacearum inocula-ted on C. equisetifolia by the injured root inoculation of potted seedling method. The result showed that the activity of protective enzymes in C. equisetifolia had been changed significantly after inoculation and the activity of SOD, PPO and PAL showed a waved curve. However, the activity of CAT and POD were decreased and much lower than that in the control. In addition, the contents of soluble protein were increased, which were consistent with the changes of SOD, PPO and PAL activities. The results indicate that R. solanacearum may induce resistance by increasing the activities of SOD, PPO and PAL in C. equisetifolia leaves.%采用移栽浸根法将青枯菌接种到木麻黄A8无性系上,研究接种后木麻黄叶片中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、 过氧化氢酶(CAT)、 过氧化物酶(POD)、 多酚氧化酶(PPO)和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)等防御酶活性及可溶性蛋白含量的变化规律.结果表明:接种后木麻黄防御酶活性发生了显著变化,青枯菌诱导了SOD、P P O、P AL酶活性的增加,表现出"升—降—升—降"的变化趋势,在木麻黄枯萎前,酶活性下降.相反,青枯菌抑制了木麻黄CAT、POD的活性,酶活性明显低于对照处理.此外,可溶性蛋白的含量也增加,其含量变化与SOD、P P O和P AL酶活性变化趋势基本一致,青枯菌可诱导提高木麻黄叶片SOD、P P O和P AL防御酶活性抵抗病菌的侵害.
    • 黄大野; 曹春霞; 向朝晖; 周世位; 王章伟; 孟祥生; 唐自光; 汪敬之; 向武斌; 曾凡勇
    • 摘要: In order to research the effect of oligosaccharide on defensive enzymes of tea (PseudocercosPora theae) and control effect of in field,tea was sprayed oligosaccharide at the concentration of 100μg/mL three times. The results showed that the disease index was significantly reduced and the control effect was up to 52.26%. The activity of SOD,POD and CAT were obviously increased.%为研究壳寡糖对茶赤星病(PseudocercosPora theae)田间防治效果和防御酶系的影响,采用100μg/mL壳寡糖喷雾诱导茶树3次.结果表明,与对照相比病情指数明显降低,防效达到52.26%,防御酶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性明显提高.
    • 张斌; 高宝嘉; 刘洋
    • 摘要: 为研究油松受人工剪叶和松毛虫取食刺激后,诱导因素与油松诱导抗性的相关性,揭示油松的诱导防御机制,以油松和松毛虫为研究对象,测定了油松体内防御酶系的变化.在河北平泉县选择油松-山杏混交林,以无任何处理的油松为对照、设定剪叶、10头和30头油松毛虫取食处理,测定各酶在2014年6月(取食中期)、7月(取食后期)、8月(取食结束后一个月)的活性.结果表明,各处理均能诱导油松抗虫性的产生.剪叶处理刺激能引起多酚氧化酶(PPO)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的高效表达;10头松毛虫取食处理刺激能引起氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的显著增高;30头松毛虫取食处理刺激能诱导多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的显著增高,其中SOD有明显的滞后诱导效应.说明对油松的不同处理在不同酶的活性上产生的诱导效应不同.
    • 梁艳琼; 唐文; 吴伟怀; 习金根; 郑肖兰; 李锐; 郑金龙; 贺春萍; 易克贤
    • 摘要: 以多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)等5种防御酶作为植物抗病性反应指标,研究生防菌 TB2和甘蔗赤腐病病菌对甘蔗植株抗病相关酶的影响。结果表明,先接病原菌后喷施生防菌 TB2、先喷施生防菌后接病原菌、病原菌处理、生防菌处理等处理后,与植物防御抗病相关的 PPO、POD、SOD、PAL、CAT 防御酶活性均比对照组高,表明 TB2和赤腐病菌均能诱导甘蔗叶片中的防御酶活性增强;先喷施生防菌后接病原菌的防御酶活性比同期先接病原菌后喷施生防菌的高,说明 TB2诱导能力强于赤腐病菌。两者共同处理的甘蔗叶片中5种防御酶活性高于单独处理。可见 TB2和赤腐病菌共同诱导具有协同增效作用。%Activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO),peroxidase (POD),superoxide dismutase (SOD),phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL),and catalase (CAT)in sugarcane leaves were determined to evaluate the efficiency of a biocontrol bacterium,TB2,in inducing these disease-resisting enzymes,as well as the correlation between the enzymes and the disease resistance of sugarcane toward red rot pathogens.Treatments, including pathogen inoculation,TB2 spraying,and TB2 sprayings before and after pathogen inoculation,were applied to examine the variations on the enzymatic activities in the leaves of the treated sugarcane plants.It was found that the enzymatic activities in the treated plants were significantly higher than those in control,indicating an induction effect byeither TB2 or the red rot pathogens.The effect was greater when TB2 was applied along with the pathogenic inoculation, especiallyif the leaves were pre-sprayed with TB2.Although the biocontrol bacterium showed a stronger induction ability than the pathogens,a synergism seemed evidentwhen both were present on sugarcane.
    • 周瑜; 刘佳佳; 张盼盼; 屈洋; 张骥如飞; 朱明旗; 冯佰利
    • 摘要: Objective] Head smut is an important disease that threats the yield of broomcorn millet seriously and the best way to control the disease is to plant resistant varieties. In order to screen the physiological and biochemical indexes of broomcorn millet for resistance to head smut, the activity of defensive enzymes and content of antioxidant were measured under the smut fungus stress. Furthermore, this will also provide theoretical supports for the breeding of broomcorn millet smut resistant varieties.[Method]Artificial inoculation of seed saturated inoculation was adopted to infect broomcorn millet and inoculated broomcorn millet plants were planted in field. A field experiment of resistance levels identification to screen the varieties with different resistance was conducted in 2012-2013. In 2014, the broomcorn millet varieties with different resistance levels were used to measure the activity of defensive enzymes and content of antioxidant at seedling stage (SS), elongation stage (ES), heading stage (HS) and filling stage (FS) under the smut fungus stress. The defensive enzymes include the phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), ascorbate peroxide (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and the antioxidant contained the ascorbate (AsA) and glutathione (GSH).[Result] After 2 consecutive years of resistance identification, the average incidence rate of Heigezao (R1), Lvtuochuan (R2) and Xiaomaimizi (R3) were 0, 0 and 0.73%, respectively, indicating that they were disease-resistant varieties; the average incidence rate of Huangyingshu (S1), Ning04-262 (S2) and Yym0965 (S3) was 19.71%, 19.86% and 32.28%, respectively, therefore, they belong to disease-susceptible varieties. With the stress of smut fungus, the PAL activity of susceptible varieties changed greater than that in resistant varieties, since the PAL activity of susceptible varieties was significantly higher at elongation stage (3 610.8 U·g-1 FW), but significantly lower at filling stage (2 425.0 U·g-1 FW) compared to that (2 520.7 and 2 946.0 U·g-1 FW, respectively) of resistant varieties. The APX activity showed the same trend in both kinds of varieties, which was decreased first and then increased; the minimum value appeared at the elongation stage. At heading stage and filling stage, the APX activity of susceptible varieties was 461.1 U·g-1 FW and 516.7 U·g-1 FW, which was significantly higher than that (361.5 U·g-1 FW and 428.2 U·g-1 FW) in resistant varieties. The GR activity was increased first and then decreased in all the varieties. At heading stage, the value of GR activity was significantly higher than that of other 3 stages. The difference between the 2 kinds of varieties was that the GR activity of susceptible varieties was obviously higher than that of resistant varieties at heading stage, the value of which was 271.9 U·g-1 FW and 167.4 U·g-1 FW, respectively. After inoculation with smut fungus, the content of AsA ranged from 147.7μg·g-1 FW to 344.8μg·g-1 FW without obvious regularity in all the varieties. Also there was no significant difference between resistant and susceptible varieties. The GSH content of resistant varieties was decreased significantly from seedling stage to heading stage, and then increased significantly at filling stage. The GSH content of susceptible varieties was also decreased significantly from seedling stage to heading stage, but there was no significant difference compared to filling stage. Therefore, the GSH content was obviously higher in resistant varieties (984.7μg·g-1 FW) than that in susceptible varieties (676.0μg·g-1 FW) at filling stage.[Conclusion] Different broomcorn millet varieties have different resistance levels to head smut disease. Smut fungus stress can cause the changes of defensive enzymes activity and antioxidant content in leaves of broomcorn millet. The PAL activity of broomcorn millet leaves at elongation stage and filling stage, APX activity at heading stage and filling stage, GR activity at heading stage, GSH content at filling stage are obviously different between resistant and susceptible varieties, which can be used as the physiological and biochemical indexes to identify head smut resistant germplasms in broomcorn millet.%【目的】黑穗病是威胁糜子产量的重要病害,防治黑穗病最有效的方法是种植抗病品种。本研究测定黑穗病菌胁迫对糜子叶片防御酶系活性及抗氧化物质含量的影响,筛选鉴定糜子黑穗病抗性的生理生化指标,为选育抗黑穗病的糜子品种提供理论支撑。【方法】以不同糜子资源为材料,田间种植条件下采用种子饱和接种法接种黑穗病菌,2012—2013年进行糜子黑穗病抗性鉴定,筛选不同抗性的糜子品种。2014年研究不同抗性糜子苗期(SS)、拔节期(ES)、抽穗期(HS)、灌浆期(FS)叶片防御酶系及抗氧化物质对黑穗病菌胁迫的响应,防御酶系测定苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性,抗氧化物质测定抗坏血酸(AsA)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量。【结果】经连续两年糜子黑穗病抗性鉴定,黑虼蚤(R1)、驴驼川(R2)和小麦糜子(R3)平均发病率分别为0、0和0.73%,为抗病品种;黄硬黍(S1)、宁04-262(S2)和Ym0965(S3)平均发病率分别为19.71%、19.86%和32.28%,为感病品种。接种糜子黑穗病菌后,感病品种糜子叶片PAL活性变化幅度大于抗病品种,表现在拔节期PAL活性为3610.8 U·g-1 FW,显著高于抗病品种的2520.7 U·g-1 FW,而灌浆期为2425.0 U·g-1 FW,显著低于抗病品种的2946.0 U·g-1 FW。抗、感品种糜子叶片APX活性均呈先降低后升高的变化趋势,拔节期显著最低;感病品种糜子叶片APX活性在抽穗期和灌浆期(分别为461.1 U·g-1 FW和516.7 U·g-1FW)显著高于抗病品种(分别为361.5 U·g-1FW和428.2 U·g-1FW)。2类品种叶片GR活性变化呈先升高后降低趋势,抽穗期GR活性显著高于其他3个时期;且抽穗期感病品种叶片GR活性显著高于抗病品种,其中感病和抗病品种糜子叶片平均GR活性分别为271.9和167.4 U·g-1FW。糜子受黑穗病菌胁迫后,6个品种叶片AsA含量在147.7—344.8μg·g-1FW范围内波动,无明显规律,且抗、感品种间无显著差异。抗病品种糜子叶片GSH含量从苗期到抽穗期显著降低后到灌浆期又显著升高,而感病品种糜子叶片GSH含量从苗期到抽穗期显著降低后到灌浆期并无显著变化,并且灌浆期抗病品种叶片GSH含量为984.7μg·g-1FW,显著高于感病品种的676.0μg·g-1FW。【结论】不同糜子品种对黑穗病的抗性不同,黑穗病菌胁迫可引起糜子叶片防御酶活性及抗氧化物质含量变化,拔节期和灌浆期PAL活性、抽穗期和灌浆期APX活性、抽穗期GR活性、灌浆期GSH含量在抗病品种和感病品种间存在显著差异,可作为鉴定糜子对黑穗病抗性的生理生化指标。
    • 李盼盼; 丁伟; 刘秋萍; 王丹; 王瑢笙; 喻延; 张永强
    • 摘要: 为了揭示叶面喷施矿质元素硅(Silicon,Si)和植物诱抗剂苯并噻二唑(Benzothiadiazole,BTH)对烟草抗青枯病的影响机制,分析测定了Si和BTH处理后烟株根系青枯病菌及根茎叶的硅含量(质量分数)、叶片防御酶系活性、叶片抗性相关基因的表达量,以及室内、田间烟草青枯病发病情况。结果表明, Si和BTH处理后的烟草根系青枯病菌含量[log(CFU)/g]均显著降低,且Si处理能够显著增加烟草根系的硅含量;Si和BTH处理后烟株叶片中的防御酶系活性均增强,其中Si处理可显著提高过氧化物酶(POD)与β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(GLU)的活性,BTH处理能显著增强β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(GLU)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)的活性;Si和BTH处理对烟草抗性基因的表达量也有显著影响,EFE26、ACC Oxidase、HIN1和PR2的表达量均显著提高,其中BTH处理后PR1、PR1a/c、EFE26、ACC Oxidase和HIN1的表达量显著高于Si处理,而Si可显著提高PR2的表达量,且显著高于BTH处理。Si是通过烟草根系硅含量的积累来抵抗青枯病菌的侵染,BTH则是以抗性相关基因表达量的显著提高来诱导烟草对青枯病的抗性。由此可见,叶面施用Si和BTH是以不同的途径诱导烟草抵抗青枯病。%To evaluate the effects of foliar spraying of two inducers (mineral elemental silicon, Si; plant elicitor benzothiadiazole, BTH) on tobacco bacterial wilt, the content of tobacco bacteria wilt pathogen in tobacco roots, the Si contents in tobacco roots, stalks and leaves, the activity of defense enzymes and the expressions of resistance genes in tobacco leaves and the incidence of tobacco bacteria wilt in laboratory and fields were analyzed after Si and BTH treatments. The results showed that the content of tobacco bacteria wilt pathogen in roots was significantly reduced by Si and BTH, and the Si content in the roots was significantly increased by the Si treatment. The activities of defense enzymes in leaves were also enhanced by the Si and BTH treatments, in which the activities of peroxidase (POD) and β-1,3-glucanase (GLU) were significantly promoted by the Si treatment, as did those of GLU, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) by BTH. The expressions of resistance genes (EFE26, ACC Oxidase, HIN1 and PR2) in tobacco were significantly increased by both procedures, the expressions of PR1, PR1a/c, EFE26, ACC Oxidase and HIN1 were significantly higher in tobacco treated with BTH; while the expression of PR2 was significantly higher in tobacco treated with the Si treatment. Si induced the resistance to tobacco bacterial wilt through enhancing the Si accumulation in tobacco roots, as did BTH through promoting the expressions of resistance-related genes. In summary, this study demonstrated that foliar application of Si and BTH induced the resistance to tobacco bacterial wilt in tobacco in two different mechanisms.
    • 令利军; 冯蕾; 雷蕾; 何楠; 丁兰
    • 摘要: 为了探讨地衣芽孢杆菌TG116诱导黄瓜抗病性机理,研究其对黄瓜叶片防御酶活性的影响.采用比色法测定了地衣芽孢杆菌TG116诱导黄瓜根部后对叶片中多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)等3种防御酶活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响.结果显示,经地衣芽孢杆菌TG116灌根处理后,黄瓜叶片中的POD、PPO、PAL等防御酶类活性升高,MDA含量略有下降并达到新的平衡;经黄瓜枯萎病病原菌灌根处理后,黄瓜叶片中的POD、PPO、PAL等防御酶活性及MDA含量迅速上升;尤其同时接种TG116和黄瓜枯萎病病原菌后,3种防御酶类活性上升的幅度比单独接种要高,同时黄瓜叶片中MDA含量比单独接种黄瓜枯萎病病原菌有所降低,减轻植株细胞膜脂过氧化损伤.研究表明,地衣芽孢杆菌TG116在一定程度上能够诱导黄瓜的系统抗病性.
    • 高苇; 王勇; 张春祥
    • 摘要: 本研究探讨侵染黄瓜的多主棒孢菌孢子悬液和粗毒素提取液对黄瓜主要防御酶系活性的影响,从生理生化水平揭示多主棒孢菌毒素在病原致病过程中的作用机理.在室内条件下测定多主棒孢菌孢子及其粗毒素悬液作用后,黄瓜植株体内防御酶系过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性变化.结果表明:多主棒孢菌孢子和毒素悬液处理黄瓜叶片后,黄瓜植株体内POD酶和PPO酶活性呈现先增加后降低的趋势,粗毒素悬液作用下酶活力在24 h时可达到最大值;而在孢子悬浮液作用下酶活力在48 h时达到峰值,随后显著降低,120 h后低于未处理的对照.在病原菌初期诱导作用下,SOD酶活性逐渐升高在72 h时达到最大;毒素接种黄瓜叶片后,SOD酶活性在48 h达到峰值,达到峰值后2个处理的SOD酶活性显著降低但均高于对照.本研究证明多主棒孢菌粗毒素对黄瓜寄主防御酶活性与其病原真菌孢子的作用具有一定相似性,酶活性峰值增加比率相近,前者比后者增加峰出现早,毒素诱导作用后防御酶活性最终高于未接种处理,黄瓜对其侵染的抵抗力得以维持,而在孢子悬液的作用下寄主的抵抗力随着其侵染的扩展而降低.
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