您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> "长治"工程


"长治"工程的相关文献在1993年到2016年内共计217篇,主要集中在农业基础科学、农业经济、水利工程 等领域,其中期刊论文210篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献242501篇;相关期刊44种,包括城市建设理论研究(电子版)、亚热带水土保持、中国水土保持科学等; 相关会议3种,包括云南低碳发展科技论坛、2008年中国水土保持学会小流域综合治理与新农村建设研讨会、第十届海峡两岸水土保持学术会议等;"长治"工程的相关文献由227位作者贡献,包括熊铁、廖纯艳、冯明汉等。



论文:210 占比:0.09%


论文:7 占比:0.00%


论文:242501 占比:99.91%





  • 熊铁
  • 廖纯艳
  • 冯明汉
  • 邓治宇
  • 郭廷辅
  • 陈俊府
  • 卿太明
  • 张寿鹏
  • 文晓芬
  • 段巧甫
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 黄金权; 程冬兵; 赵健; 张冠华; 张平仓
    • 摘要: The soil-rock mountain area in south Gansu Province is the typical ecological fragile zone in upper Yangtze River. Benefiting from the Yangtze River Upstream Soil Water Loss Harnessing Projects for many years, the increasing trend in soil and water loss has been effectively controlled, but the large soil erosion area and the harsh natural conditions make the governance task tremendous. On the basis of analyzing the present situation, spatial differential characteristics of soil and water loss in soil-rock mountain area, the divisional-control strategies for this area are studied in combination with advanced concepts of modern ecological civilization construction and soil-water conservation. The analysis results indicate that the key to divisional govern-ance is depending on constraining degree of subjective initiative of people engaged in agricultural production by the natural geo-graphical environment. At present, emphasizing the strategic planning of classified management, guaranteeing investment as well as manpower, and establishing long-term mechanism are the most important measures to control the water and soil loss in soil-rock mountain area of Gansu province in the future, is even more the urgent need to consolidate the achievements of Yangtze Riv-er Upstream Soil Water Loss Harnessing Projects.%陇南土石山区是长江上游典型的水土流失生态脆弱区,经过国家“长治”工程多年治理,水土流失加剧的趋势得到了有效控制,但该区水土流失面积大,自然环境条件恶劣,综合治理任重道远。在分析陇南土石山区水土流失的现状、空间分异格局及特点的基础上,结合现代生态文明建设和水土保持先进理念,研究探索了该区水土流失分区防治对策。研究认为,陇南土石山区水土流失分区治理本质取决于人们从事农业生产活动的主观能动性受自然地理环境的约束限度。当前,注重分区防治战略规划,保障经费及人力投入,并形成长效机制,是保障治理取得显著成效的重中之重,更是巩固“长治”工程巨大成就的迫切需求。
    • 汪杨军
    • 摘要: 20 年来我县实施了“长治”四、六、七三期工程,省、市下达水保综合治理面积145.27km2,实际完成180km2,共治理10 条小流域,生态和人居环境得到很大改善,实现了粮食增收和经济的增长,加快了脱贫致富的步伐。
    • 赵健; 肖翔; 涂人猛
    • 摘要: 三峡库区是我国主要水土流失区之一,水土流失面积2.8万km2,三峡库区作为长江上游水土保持重点治理的“四大片”之一,从1989年开始实施了长江上游水土保持重点防治工程(简称“长治”工程)以来,经过20 a的连续治理,取得了较好的生态、社会和经济效益。在对库区湖北省秭归县、夷陵区、重庆市云阳县等典型县实地调研的基础上,分析总结了三峡库区“长治”工程20 a来的建设成效,主要体现在通过水土保持综合治理,库区水土流失恶化趋势得到扭转,2007年与1985年相比,水土流失面积减幅高达28%;通过水土保持规模经营,把山区的资源优势转化为经济优势,培育了以茶叶、柑橘为主的经果林等产业的发展,促进了库区群众增产增收,减缓了人地矛盾,提高了环境容量;同时“长治”工程对减少三峡入库泥沙和面源污染也起到了积极的作用。%The Three Gorges Reservoir region is one of the main soil loss regions in China with an area of soil ero-sion reaching 28000 km2 .It is also one of the four regions of soil and water conservation in the upper reaches of Yangtze River.The national key projects for soil and water conservation in upstream Yangtze River were implemen-ted since 1989.After two decades of continuous regulation,some ecological and socio-economic benefits have been achieved.In this paper we summarize the effectiveness of the key projects based on investigation of typical counties including Zigui and Yiling of Hubei province and Yunyang of Chongqing city.The deterioration of soil and water loss in the reservoir area has been improved through the comprehensive harnessing.The area of soil and water loss reduced by 28% from 1985 to 2007.Through scale management,the advantages of resources in mountain area were turned into economic advantages by planting economic fruit trees including tea and citrus.The production of the economic fruit industry and the economic income of people in the area have been increased,and the contradic-tion between people and land has been alleviated.Finally,environment capacity of the reservoir area increased. The national key projects for soil and water conservation in Yangtze river basin played positive role in reducing sedi-ment and non-point source pollution.
    • 廖纯艳
    • 摘要: 长江流域特别是上中游地区的水土保持工作,关系到流域经济社会的可持续发展以及我国国民经济和社会发展的大局。介绍了长江流域水土流失的现状和特点。自1989年实施“长治”工程及一批国家重点防治工程以来,长江流域的水土保持生态建设取得了显著成效,实现了水土流失面积由增到减、生态环境总体向好的历史性转变。今后,应采取科学防治、依法监管、综合治理和改革创新等对策措施,全面构建以长江经济带为核心区域、辐射整个长江流域的水土流失防治体系,有效保护和支撑长江经济带乃至长江流域经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展。%The soil and water conservation work in Yangtze River Basin, especially the regions in upper and middle stream, concerns the sustainable development of society and economy in the basin and the overall national economy and social develop-ment. The situation and characteristics of the soil and water loss of Yangtze River Basin are introduced. Since the Changzhi pro-ject beginning in 1989 ( The national key projects for soil and water conservation in upper Yangtze River) , the soil and water con-servation and ecological construction of Yangtze River Basin has gained remarkable achievements, the soil and water loss area is reduced and the ecological environment is improved. In the future, the countermeasures such as scientific prevention and control-ling, monitoring and management by the law, comprehensive harnessing and reform and innovation, should be adopted. The pre-vention and controlling system of soil and water loss, which takes the Yangtze River economic belt as core region and covers the whole Yangtze River Basin, should be established, so as to protect and support the overall, coordinated and sustainable develop-ment of society and economy of Yangtze River economic belt as well as Yangtze River Basin.
    • 周习会; 万开华; 伍连中
    • 摘要: 对遵义市“长治”工程期间实施的龙坝、南溪河和天城河等典型小流域开展的调查研究表明,在小流域治理过程中,因地制宜地结合自身优势和支柱产业,合理布设水土保持工程和林草措施,注重引进大户或公司进行管护,积极推动家庭农场和经果林建设,既能够提高水土保持重点治理工程水平,又能提高当地群众的收入,实现了水土保持重点治理工程与乡村旅游、生态旅游及避暑旅游的有机结合,推广示范意义重大。
    • 宋丽珍; 王彦晾
    • 摘要: 晋宁县自1995年列为国家长江上中游水土保持重点防治县以来,在各有关部门的大力支持和县、乡水保工作人员的努力下,在治理区人民群众的积极配合下,在全县范围内开展了“长治”三期、五期、七期、八期的水土保持综合治理工程,经过艰苦努力,全县的生态环境明显改善,加快了产业结构调整步伐,有力地促进了农村经济的持续、稳步发展。
    • 蔡红昌
    • 摘要: 通过20年长来“长治”工程的实施,使我县水土流失严重、生态环境恶劣的问题得到初步控制,同时,通过20年来不断地探实践,为南方土石山区水土流失总结了经验。通过山、水、林、田、路综合措施的实施,治理区内人民生产生活条件得到改善,经济收入得到提高,改善了人民生活水平,为加快社会主义新农村建设提供了坚实的基础。
    • 彭强
    • 摘要: 毕节地区位于贵州省西北部,地处滇东高原向黔中山原丘陵过渡的倾斜地带,是典型的喀斯特岩溶贫困山区.据1988年遥感调查,全区水土流失面积达16 830 km2,占幅员面积的62.7%.区内山高坡陡、河谷深切、沟壑纵横、土地破碎,由于经济文化落后,自然条件差,基础设施薄弱,环境严重退化,水土流失极为严重,已经严重制约了毕节地区经济社会的发展,威胁到人民群众的生产、生活和生存安全.为了改善农业生态环境和生产条件,夯实农业基础设施,毕节地区“长治”工程以小流域为单元,开展大规模的山、水、林、田、路综合治理,并探索出一条多元化、社会化的水土保持生态环境建设路子,实施项目带动,典型示范,20年来不断推进水土流失治理工作,使毕节地区水土保持工作取得了明显成效.就毕节地区“长治”工程20 a建设成果进行了相关分析.
    • 马仕林
    • 摘要: 达州市地处四川省东北部大巴山南麓,属长江上游嘉陵江流域,土地总面积1.66万km2,总人K1686万人,有水土流失面积1.06万km2,年均土壤侵蚀量6209万t,严重的水土流失长期困扰着全市经济社会的发展。
    • 刘家才
    • 摘要: 昆明呈贡区在马郎小流域治理中,强化项目管理,创新水土保持工作模式,取得了很好的效益,通过对项目所取得成效的分析,总结了治理过程中的主要经验
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