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交换群的相关文献在1983年到2020年内共计117篇,主要集中在数学、自动化技术、计算机技术、中国哲学 等领域,其中期刊论文114篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献87647篇;相关期刊88种,包括云南民族大学学报(自然科学版)、苏州大学学报(自然科学版)、常熟理工学院学报等; 相关会议1种,包括第三届全国力学史与方法论学术研讨会等;交换群的相关文献由158位作者贡献,包括史江涛、王艳芳、黄本文等。



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论文:87647 占比:99.87%





  • 史江涛
  • 王艳芳
  • 黄本文
  • 付红伟
  • 刘合国
  • 孙宗明
  • 张志强
  • 施武杰
  • 朱雁
  • 李世荣
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 石静静; 周芳
    • 摘要: 设G是一个有限交换群,Bidwell和Curran利用初等方法分析了G=Cpm×Cpn的自同构群的结构.文章采用一种更为简洁的矩阵表示方法得出G=Cpm1×Cpm2×Cpm3的自同构群的结构以及AutG的一种简单表示.
    • 戴文静; 袁家斌
    • 摘要: 在Shor发现大整数因子分解问题的有效量子算法之后,量子计算迫使我们重新审视现有的密码系统.隐含子群问题是量子计算在群结构上的推广,它暗示通过考虑不同的群和函数来解决更困难的问题,以期找到新的指数倍快于其经典对应物的量子算法.有限交换群隐含子群问题的研究已有相对固定的研究框架和方法,而非交换群隐含子群问题的研究一直很活跃.研究表明,二面体群隐含子群问题的有效解决可能攻破基于格的唯一最短向量问题的密码体制,图同构问题可以转化为对称群隐含子群问题.文中对隐含子群问题的研究现状进行综述,希望能够吸引更多研究者对隐含子群问题的注意.最后为隐含子群问题未来的研究方向提出参考意见.
    • 胡光明; 龙见仁
    • 摘要: 众所周知,单连通区域上解析函数所确定的变上限积分是一个单值函数,然而对于多连通区域D上解析函数f(z)的变上限积分F(z))=∫z zOf(ζ)dζ,,F(z)不仅依赖于z(zo是D内固定的一点),还依赖以下两点:(1)积分的路径;(2)函数f(z)关于洞是否恰当.由此可以知道F(z)可能是一个多值函数.以上结果均可以在一般复变函数教材中找到,这里不再赘述.本文利用黎曼曲面的正则覆盖曲面知识,给出了解析函数f(z)在多连通区域上积分的一种新诠释.%It is well known that the integral with variable upper limit of analytic function is a single value function in the simple connected domain,while the integral with variable upper limit of analytic function in the multiply connected domains is as following:F(z) =∫z zo f(ζ) ζ'F(z) is not only dependent on the z (z0 is the fixed point in D),but also depends on the integral path and function f(z) being exact or not in every hole.Therefore F(z) is likely to be multiple valued function.In this paper,we give a new proof method about the integral of analytic function f(z) in the multiply connected domain by the regular covering surface.
    • 杨珊
    • 摘要: 由于McKay对应[1,2]深刻地揭示了的子群、simply-laced的典型李群和的奇异性的解决之间的联系,所以McKay对应具有重要的研究价值.目前复数域上3阶广义McKay对应的代数分类已由胡晓莉、景乃桓和蔡吴兴给出,但是具体对应的情况尚不清楚,而且大部分研究结果集中在像交换群等一些特殊的子群上,所以我们对几何交换群的研究就显得尤为必要.我们利用定理[3]去研究交换群的情况,这将对几何表示研究有所帮助.
    • 杨燕妮
    • 摘要: Firstly, Fermat's little theorem was proved by using mathematical induction.Secondly, the formula was obtained and Fermat's little theorem was proved by using algebraic structure of residues system multiplication of modulo p.Thirdly, this method was extended to the general residues system of modulo n and any finite abelian group.Finally, the same formula was established on finite non-abelian group by using Lagrange's theorem.The fact shows that Fermat's little theorem is a special case of the most basic Lagrange's theorem in group theory.%首先用数学归纳法证明了费尔马小定理,然后通过模p数系乘法的代数结构,不仅导出了公式,同时也证明了费尔马小定理.进一步将此方法推广到了一般模n和任何有限交换群上.最后,借助拉格朗日定理建立了有限非交换群上同样的公式.可见,费尔马小定理是群论最基本的拉格朗日定理之特例.
    • 邵志博; 吕恒
    • 摘要: In this paper,we have studied a class of finite p-central p-groups.We prove that:If G be a finite p-central p-group with G ∈ BI(p m ),where m =2n +e ,e =0,1,then the followings hold:G pm≤ Z (G);If e =0,then G pm is abelian,if e =1,then G pn+1 is abelian;cl(G)≤ m + 1.%探讨了一类有限 p 中心 p 群,得到了:若 G 是 p 中心 p 群且 G ∈ BI(p m ),其中 m =2n +e,e =0,1.则有下面的结论成立:Gp m≤ Z(G);如果 e =0,则 G pn是交换群,如果 e =1,则 G pn+1是交换群;cl(G)≤ m +1.
    • 周建新; 陈敬华; 黄振华
    • 摘要: Let f:G→G be an homomorphism of a group G, satisfying f(x) =xn(∀x∈G), prove that G is commutative if and only if n=-1 or 2.Let M={n|f:G→G is homomorphism of G, satisfying f( x) =xn ,∀x∈G} prove that G is com-mutative if and only if the greatest common multiples of numbers of the form of n(n-1), when n is running over the set M, is 2.%设f:G→G是群G的自同态,满足f(x)=xn(∀x∈G),证明了G是交换群当且仅当n=-1或2;设M={n|f:G→G是群G的自同态,满足f( x)=xn ,∀x∈G},证明了G是交换群当且仅当n遍历M中所有元时,所有形如n( n-1)元的最大公因数为2.
    • 郝荣霞; 李德明; 李赵祥
    • 摘要: 设G是无向图,A是加法交换群,且A^*=A-0.如果G有一个定向D(G),对任何满足∑v∈(G)b(v)=0的函数b:V(G)→A,都存在函数f:E(G)→A^*使得在每个顶点v∈V(G),从v发出的所有边上的f总值减去进入v的所有边上的f总值恰等于b(v),则称G是A-连通的.群连通数为:Ag(G)=min{n:对任何满足|A|≥n的群A,G是A-连通的}.令q是正整数,广义q-树的定义是按下列递推形式给出的:最小的广义q-树是阶为q的完全图Kq;阶为n+1的广义q-树是由阶为他的广义q-树通过增加一个新顶点和连接此点与阶为他的广义q-树中任意给定的q个顶点得到的.本文对广义q-树G(q≥2)考察Ag(G),证明了如果G是阶n≥3的广义2-树或阶为n∈{3,4}的广义3-树或阶为4的广义4-树,则Ag(G)=4;如果G是阶为n≥5的广义q-树(q≥3),则Ag(G)=3.%Let G be an undirected graph, A be an (additive) abelian group and A^* = A - 0. A graph G is A-connected if G has an orientation D(G) such that for every function b,: V(G)→ A satisfying ∑v∈v(a) b(v) = 0, there is a function f : E(G) → A^* such that at each vertex v∈ V(G), the amount of f values on the edges directed out from v minus the amount of f values on the edges directed into v equals b(v). The group connectivity number Ag(G) = min{n : G is A-connected for every abelian group A with |A|≥n}. Let q be a positive integer. The generalized q-trees are defined by recursion: the smallest generalized q-tree is the complete graph Kq -with order q, and a generalized q-tree with order n + 1 where n ≥ q is obtained by adding a new vertex adjacent to q arbitrarily selected vertices of a generalized q-tree with order n. In this paper, we investigate Ag(G) for generalized q-trees G with q ≥ 2. We show that if G is a generalized 2-tree with order n 〉 3 or generalized 3-tree with order n E {3, 4} or generalized 4-tree with order 4, then A9 (G) = 4, and if G is a generalized q-tree for q ≥ 3 with order n ≥ 5, then A, (G) = 3.
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