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重组融合蛋白的相关文献在1993年到2022年内共计266篇,主要集中在基础医学、内科学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂 等领域,其中期刊论文78篇、会议论文13篇、专利文献177924篇;相关期刊68种,包括中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)、南昌大学学报(理科版)、生物技术通报等; 相关会议11种,包括山东畜牧兽医学会禽病学专业委员会第四届禽病学术研讨会、第十三届中南地区实验动物科技交流会、河南省畜牧兽医学会第八届会员代表大会暨2013年学术研讨会等;重组融合蛋白的相关文献由747位作者贡献,包括陈倩、施振旦、万晓春等。



论文:78 占比:0.04%


论文:13 占比:0.01%


论文:177924 占比:99.95%





  • 陈倩
  • 施振旦
  • 万晓春
  • 张青梅
  • 陈启军
  • 余榕捷
  • 吴丽红
  • 王健
  • 田文志
  • 顾为望
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 李春春; 谢雨琼; 曹江; 邵吉民
    • 摘要: 抑制性免疫检查点PD-1或CTLA-4靶向治疗药物已用于肿瘤的临床治疗,但单一靶点药物会有耐药发生,联合使用同时封闭多个靶点可提高疗效,因此拟构建一个可封闭多个靶点的新型重组蛋白.首先设计并合成了一个由人类PD-1和CTLA-4两个受体的胞外功能域组成并且C端带6×His标签的分泌型重组融合蛋白rPC编码序列,插入真核细胞表达载体pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen1,稳定转染HEK293细胞,收集细胞培养上清,以亲和方法纯化重组蛋白rPC,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测多个人类肿瘤细胞系中PD-1配体PD-L1、PD-L2和CTLA-4配体CD80、CD86的表达,以选择相对高表达的细胞,利用细胞免疫荧光染色方法检验rPC与肿瘤细胞的结合能力,并用CCK-8法检测rPC是否对肿瘤细胞的生长有影响.结果 表明,重组融合蛋白rPC可由稳定转染表达载体的HEK293细胞表达并分泌,纯化后的rPC可以与PD-1和CTLA-4配体表达相对较高的肺癌细胞NCI-H226结合,并且rPC处理对其生长并无直接影响,与预期一致.成功获得的重组融合蛋白rPC可用于进一步的体内外功能研究,也为今后研发新型多靶点肿瘤免疫治疗蛋白药物打下了坚实的基础.
    • 赵芳芳; 王兰
    • 摘要: C-type lectins are a class of pattern recognition receptor proteins that play an important role in innate immunity.In order to further understand the role of two C-type lectins,ShLec21 and ShLec23 from Sinopotamon honanense,on invertebrate immunity,some coding regions of ShLec21 and ShLec23 genes were linked to pGEX-4T-1 to construct a recombinant expression vector pGEX-4T-1-ShLec21 and pGEX-4T-1-ShLec23.Subsequently,the recombinant expression vector was transformed into BL21 (DE3)competent cells and induced by Isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside(IPTG) to express recombinant ShLec2 1-GST and ShLec23-GST fusion protein.The purified protein was used as antigen to immunize Japanese big-eared rabbits.The antiserum was isolated after the four immunization and the antibody titers were detected by ELISA.The results showed that ShLec21 and ShLec23 recombinant fusion proteins were efficiently expressed as inclusion bodies in the presence of 0.2 mmol/L IPTG at 28 °C for 10 h.The antibody titer of the polyclonal antibodies against ShLec21-GST and ShLec23-GST were all above 1 ∶ 100 000.In summary,we successfully carried out prokaryotic expression of ShLec21 and ShLec23 in Sinopotamon honanense,and the first high-titer anti-ShLec21-GST and anti-ShLec23-GST polyclonal antibodies,which provided a powerful tool for a follow-up study on the role of ShLec21 and ShLec23 genes on the innate immunity of Sinopotamon honanense.%C型凝集素是一类模式识别受体蛋白,在先天性免疫中发挥重要作用.为了深入探明河南华溪蟹(Sinopotamon honanense)2种C型凝集ShLec 21和ShLec23在先天性免疫中的作用,研究将ShLec21和ShLec23基因部分编码区序列连接至pGEX-4T-1,构建了重组表达载体pGEX-4T-1-ShLec 21与pGEX-4T-1-ShLec23.随后将重组表达载体转至BL21 (DE3)感受态细胞,经异丙基-β-d-硫代半乳糖苷(Isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside,IPTG)诱导,表达重组ShLec21-GST与ShLec23-GST融合蛋白并纯化.再以纯化蛋白作为抗原免疫日本大耳兔,第4次免疫后分离抗血清,并采用ELISA法检测抗体效价.结果显示,在28°C,0.2 mmol/LIPTG,诱导10b条件下,可获得ShLec21-GST和ShLec23-GST重组融合蛋白以包涵体形式高效表达;制备的兔抗河南华溪蟹ShLec21-GST与ShLec23-GST多克隆抗体效价均在1∶100 000以上.研究成功对河南华溪蟹ShLec21与ShLec23进行了原核表达,首次制备了高效价的抗河南华溪蟹ShLec21与ShLec23多克隆抗体,为后续研究ShLec21与ShLec23基因在河南华溪蟹先天性免疫中的作用提供了有力的工具.
    • 夏情惜(编译)
    • 摘要: 背景结核病疫苗可通过阻断传播达到控制全球结核病蔓延的目的。目前惟一已上市的疫苗——卡介苗并不能对已感染结核分枝杆菌者提供足够的保护。葛兰素史克公司从两种免疫原性结核分枝杆菌抗原(Mtb32A和Mtb39A)中提取M72重组融合蛋白,配合AS01佐剂系统[是一种包含单磷酸酰脂质A(3-O-desacyl-4'-monophosphoryl lipid A,MPL)和皂素QS-21的脂质体佐剂],研发了新疫苗M72/AS01E。该疫苗的Ⅱ期临床试验表明其安全性可接受。
    • 富岩; 马金玲; 李开通; 孔卫青; 杨小楠; 于在林
    • 摘要: 目的 对拥有独立自主知识产权的世界原创原研注射用重组人血清白蛋白/促红素融合蛋白(rHSA/EPO)创新药开展临床前药效学、药代动力学和安全性评价研究.方法 通过对动物体内外试验研究,观察rHSA/EPO升红细胞(网织红细胞)作用.药效学研究观察rHSA/EPO对小鼠、食蟹猴以及不同的大鼠肾性贫血模型的红细胞生成影响.药代动力学研究则是对rHSA/EPO不同剂量、单次、多次给药大鼠与食蟹猴后的药代/毒代进行研究.毒理学研究通过rHSA/EPO给予小鼠、大鼠和食蟹猴后,观察其一般毒性以及生殖毒性等反应,从而对安全性做出评价.结果 药效学研究结果显示rHSA/EPO可刺激小鼠、大鼠和食蟹猴生成红细胞,升高网织红细胞计数(Ret%),同时对药物或肾切除造成损伤所致的肾性贫血大鼠模型,rHSA/EPO每周或者每2周给药一次,与阳性对照药rhEPO每周给药3次均显示出显著的治疗作用,且较rhEPO具有明显的长效性.药代动力学研究结果显示rHSA/EPO在食蟹猴体内的半衰期平均值约为53.34 h,比rhEPO的平均半衰期7.16 h要长,rHSA/EPO不与血浆蛋白结合,不易透过血脑屏障,主要排泄器官为肾,在动物体内的吸收和消除均慢于rhEPO.毒理学研究结果显示rHSA/EPO以100、300、1000μg/kg单次皮下注射给予ICR小鼠,对其中枢神经系统功能无影响,以25、100、400μg/kg单次皮下注射给予食蟹猴,对其呼吸与心血管系统无明显影响,单次皮下注射给予SD大鼠和食蟹猴未见明显毒性反应,最大耐受剂量分别为10 mg/kg和4 mg/kg,rHSA/EPO未见胚胎毒性和致畸性.食蟹猴及大鼠重复给药毒性试验可见与药理学作用相关的即红细胞增多引起的血液生化、骨髓造血和(或)胃肠、肾脏的一些变化,停药后可见恢复趋势,给药后3周可产生抗rHSA/EPO的结合抗体IgG.大鼠体内产生的抗体较食蟹猴的强,与受试物中含有HSA相关,因而在大鼠重复给药毒性试验中也就出现由于抗体的产生中和了体内的EPO,进而可见严重贫血现象.结论 rHSA/EPO具有显著的升红作用,表现出长效特征,总体安全性好,毒性表现与常规rhEPO产品相似,没有出现新的不良反应.研究结果可为rHSA/EPO临床试验研究提供参考,并具有重要的指导意义.%Objective To evaluate and study in animals for the efficacy, pharmacokinetics and safety of recombinant human serum albumin/erythropoietin fusion protein as a bio-better innovation long-acting drug in pre-clinic. Methods The increase of red blood cells for rHSA/EPO was observed byin vitro andin vivo animal experinments. Effects of rHSA/EPO on the erythropoiesis in mice, cynomolgus monkeys and in different renal anemia rat models were studied from pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics studies were conducted to study the kinetics of rHSA/EPO in rats and cynomolgus monkeys after different doses, single dose, multiple drug administration. The general toxicity and reproductive toxicity of rHSA/EPO in mice, rats and cynomolgus monkeys were studied, and the safety evaluation was made. Results The results from pharmacodynamic studies showed that rHSA/EPO stimulatee mice, rats and monkeys to erythropoiesis, increased reticulocyte count Ret%. At the same time, rHSA/EPO and rhEPO (the positive contro) both exerted obvious curative effect and rHSA/EPO showed more long-acting than rhEPO did in anemia rat model caused by drugs or nephrectomy at rHSA/EPO administered every 1 weeks or once every 2 weeks and rhEPO administered 3 times weekly. From pharmacokinetic studies, the average half-life of rHSA/EPO in the cynomolgus monkeys was about 53.34 hours, much longer than the average half-life of rhEPO at 7.16 hours. rHSA/EPO did not bind to plasma proteins, not easily penetrated the blood-brain barrier, and the main excretory organ was kidney. Furthermore, its body absorption and elimination in animals were slower than the rhEPO. The results from toxicological studies displayed that there was no effects on the central nervous system function after rHSA/EPO was given subcutaneously at the single dose of 100 μg/kg, 300 μg/kg, 1000 μg/kg in ICR mice and no obvious effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system after cynomolgus monkeys subcutaneously administered with a single dose of 25 μg/kg and 100 μg/kg, 400 μg/kg. No obvious toxicity was observed in SD rats and cynomolgus monkeys subcutaneously given a single injection and then the maximum tolerated dose were 10 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg, respectively. rHSA/EPO showed no embryo toxicity and teratogenicity. The changes of the blood biochemistry, bone marrow and/or gastrointestine, kidney in cynomolgus monkeys and rats with repeated dose toxicity test were associated with pharmacological effects on erythropoiesis and showed recovery trend after drug withdrawal. Anti-rHSA/EPO antibody IgG was produced for 3 weeks after the drug given. Antibodies in rats were produced more easily than that in monkeys because rHSA/EPO contained HSA, for which severe anemia was also occurred due to antibody neutralizing EPO in repeated dose toxicity study. Conclusions rHSA/EPO increases the reticulocytes with the long-acting characteristics of the overall good safety. Furthermore, its toxicity is similar with conventional rhEPO products without new adverse reactions. The results of the studies can provide references and important guiding significances for the clinical trial of rHSA/EPO.
    • 韩雪; 屈晓展; 崔勇青; 胡子颖; 郑义; 孔令保
    • 摘要: 表达纯化梅毒螺旋体重组融合蛋白,研究其抗原性和免疫原性,为梅毒诊断试剂和疫苗研究提供新候选抗原.合成梅毒螺旋体重组融合蛋白Tp0453-TpF1-Tp0965基因,转入大肠杆菌中进行表达;镍柱纯化重组融合蛋白,western blot鉴定;以重组融合蛋白作为抗原,酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测人血清样本,分析其抗原性;利用该重组融合蛋白免疫新西兰兔,ELISA检测兔血清抗体滴度水平,评价其免疫原性.梅毒重组融合蛋白Tp0453-TpF1-Tp0965在工程菌中成功表达,分子量为50 kD.重组融合蛋白可被梅毒抗体阳性的血清识别,梅毒阴性血清与蛋白无反应.使用重组融合蛋白作为抗原检测人血清梅毒抗体,梅毒患者样本组与非梅毒患者样本组的检测结果存在非常显著性差异.重组融合蛋白免疫兔后,兔血清中可持续检测到高滴度梅毒抗体.梅毒重组融合蛋白Tp0453-TpF1-Tp0965有良好的抗原性和免疫原性,可作为梅毒诊断试剂抗原和梅毒疫苗的候选蛋白.
    • 郭龙华; 彭小丽; 伍晓飞; 吴文权; 刘梦琼
    • 摘要: 目的 本研究旨在探讨梅毒螺旋体Tp0453-Tp0257重组融合蛋白检测梅毒感染的可能性.方法 用基因合成的方法构建重组pET-28a-Tp0453-Tp0257质粒,重组融合蛋白的鉴定用SDS-PAGE和Western blot分析鉴定,重组融合蛋白作为抗原用于ELISA实验,该蛋白的灵敏度用来自一期、二期、三期和隐性梅毒患者的血清(90例)进行评估,其特异性用正常体检者的血清(120例)评估.结果 Western Blot分析证实了Tp0453-Tp0257重组融合蛋白能与梅毒阳性血清反应.该蛋白对梅毒诊断的总灵敏度为97.8%、总特异性为100.0%.结论 本实验Tp0453-Tp0257重组融合蛋白作为新的梅毒特异诊断的候选抗原,取得较好的实验效果,有望进入临床推广使用.
    • 杨晓璐; 闫若潜; 李勤楠; 赵雪丽; 谢彩华; 刘梅芬; 张书阳
    • 摘要: 为建立稳定、便捷的重组鸡α干扰素/白细胞介素-2融合蛋白(rChIFN-a-Linker-ChIL-2蛋白,重组融合蛋白)体外活性评价方法,本研究分别采用ChIFN-α和ChIL-2 ELISA方法检测重组融合蛋白与抗ChIFN-α单抗和抗ChIL-2单抗发生特异性免疫反应的活性;采用细胞病变抑制法检测重组融合蛋白在DF1细胞上抑制水疱性口炎病毒(VSV)和传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)增殖活性;采用MTS法分别测定重组融合蛋白促鸡外周血T淋巴细胞(PBLC)和脾淋巴细胞增殖活性.结果表明,重组融合蛋白可以与抗ChIFN-α单抗和抗ChIL-2单抗发生特异性免疫反应;重组融合蛋白在DF1细胞上具有明显抗病毒活性,其抗VSV活性高于抗IBDV活性,且均明显高于rChIFN-α蛋白对照;不同浓度的重组融合蛋白均具有明显的促鸡PBLC和脾淋巴细胞增殖活性,且其促增殖活性明显高于rChIFN-α蛋白对照.本研究成功建立了重组融合蛋白体外活性检测评价方法,为进-步探究重组融合蛋白在鸡体内协同作用奠定基础.
    • 张春青; 黄香玉; 邵进士; 李军丽; 宋庆德; 庄玉辉; 何秀云
    • 摘要: Objective To study the effects of MF59 in combination with heat-killed BCG ( hBCG) as adjuvant on the immunogenicity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis fusion protein PstS1-LEP.Methods BALB/c mice were divided into six groups from group 1 through group 6.They were immunized with PstS1-LEP+MF59 ( group 1 ) , PstS1-LEP+MF59/hBCG ( group 2 ) , PstS1-LEP+hBCG ( group 3 ) , MF59 ( group 4 ) , PstS1-LEP (group 5) and hBCG (group 6) for three times at intervals of two weeks , respectively.The mice were sac-rificed two weeks after the last immunization .The serum samples were collected for antibodies detection .The splenic lymphocytes and peritoneal macrophages were isolated and cultured with PstS 1-LEP.Indirect ELISA and sandwich ELISA were used to detect PstS 1-LEP-specific antibodies and cytokines in the supernatants of culture , respectively.Results The level of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a in group 1 were higher than those in groups 4, 5 and 6 (P<0.05).The level of IL-2 and IL-4 in group 1 were higher than those in groups 4 and 6 (P<0.05).The level of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-12, IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a in group 2 were higher than those in groups 4, 5 and 6 (P<0.05).The level of IL-2 was higher in group 2 than that in groups 4 and 6 (P<0.05). The level of IL-4 in group 3 was higher than that in group 4 ( P=0.05 ) .The level of IL-1βin group 3 were higher than that in groups 4 and 5 ( P<0.05 ) .The level of IgG was higher in group 3 than that in groups 4 and 6 (P<0.05).IgG1 level in group C was up-regulated in comparison with that in groups 4, 5 and 6 (P<0.05 ) .Conclusion hBCG as PstS1-LEP adjuvant induces a shift towards Th 2-type immune response , while MF59 induces Th1/Th2-type immune response.The combination of MF59 and hBCG inhibits the secretion of IL-4 by spleen lymphocytes , but enhances the secretion of IL-12 by macrophage .%目的:探讨复合佐剂[MF59和热灭活BCG(hBCG),MF59/hBCG]对结核分枝杆菌重组融合蛋白PstS1-LEP 免疫原性的影响。方法 BALB/c 小鼠分为6组,1组:MF59+PstS1-LEP;2组:MF59/hBCG+PstS1-LEP;3组:hBCG+PstS1-LEP;4组:MF59;5组:PstS1-LEP;6组:hBCG。分别于第0、2、4周皮下免疫小鼠。末次免疫2周后解剖小鼠,PstS1-LEP体外刺激培养脾细胞和腹腔巨噬细胞。间接ELISA检测血清抗PstS1-LEP抗体,夹心ELISA检测培养上清细胞因子含量。结果1组IFN-γ、IL-1β、IgG、IgG1和IgG2a水平显著高于4组、5组和6组(P<0.05),IL-2和IL-4水平显著高于4组和6组(P<0.05)。2组IFN-γ、IL-1β、IL-12、IgG、IgG1和IgG2a水平显著高于4组、5组和6组(P<0.05),IL-2水平显著高于4组和6组( P<0.05)。3组IL-4水平显著高于4组( P=0.05),IL-1β水平显著高于4组和5组( P<0.05),IgG水平显著高于4组和6组( P<0.05), IgG1水平显著高于4组、5组和6组( P<0.05)。结论以PstS1-LEP为抗原,hBCG佐剂偏向诱导Th2型免疫反应,MF59佐剂诱导Th1/Th2型免疫反应,MF59和hBCG联合抑制脾细胞分泌IL-4,但增强巨噬细胞分泌IL-12。
    • 摘要: 2014年3月3日,拜耳在日本提交 Eylea (Aflibercept Injection,阿柏西普注射液)用于治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)的新药上市许可申请。糖尿病性黄斑水肿是造成劳动年龄糖尿病患者视力丧失的主药原因。Eylea 是一种新型玻璃体内注射用血管内皮生长因子( VEGF)抑制剂,是一种重组融合蛋白,由 VEFG 受体1和2的胞外区与人体免疫球蛋白 G1的可结晶片段融合而成。两项治疗糖尿病性黄斑水肿(DME)的 III 期试验 VIVID - DME 和VISTA - DME 均达到了研究的主要终点。研究表明治疗52周时,最佳矫正视力(BCVA)从基线的变化,与激光光凝(laser photocoagulation)相比,Eylea 治疗组取得了显着的更大改善。2项试验中,Eylea 治疗组均表现出了相似的 BCVA 改善。
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