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重力拱坝的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计147篇,主要集中在水利工程、地球物理学、电工技术 等领域,其中期刊论文133篇、会议论文14篇、专利文献21872篇;相关期刊62种,包括河海大学学报(自然科学版)、长江科学院院报、东北水利水电等; 相关会议14种,包括第四届全国水工抗震防灾学术交流会、第一届全国高坝安全学术会议、2009中国电力论坛等;重力拱坝的相关文献由226位作者贡献,包括吴中如、陆绍俊、宋恩来等。



论文:133 占比:0.60%


论文:14 占比:0.06%


论文:21872 占比:99.33%





  • 吴中如
  • 陆绍俊
  • 宋恩来
  • 沈长松
  • 张玉莉
  • 王高辉
  • 许志安
  • 邢林生
  • 郑会春
  • 顾冲时
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 杨程天; 顾冲时; 何菁
    • 摘要: 针对某重力拱坝坝顶沿拱向的贯穿性裂缝在河床坝段部分裂缝开度表现为温升时增大、温降时减小的"异常"现象,采用三维有限元方法,引入双节点单元来仿真分析坝顶纵向裂缝传力特性,在温升与温降两种工况下模拟坝顶纵向裂缝开度的变化情况,并结合裂缝实测资料分析了该裂缝出现"异常"变化规律的物理成因。分析结果表明:该重力拱坝坝顶纵向裂缝上游侧拱圈弧长大于下游侧拱圈弧长,温升时,上游侧拱圈膨胀向上游变形大于下游侧拱圈膨胀向上游变形,导致河床部位的坝顶纵向裂缝开度增大;而温降时,上游侧拱圈向下游变形大于下游侧拱圈向下游变形,从而出现河床部位坝顶纵向裂缝开度较小甚至处于闭合状态的现象。
    • 赵玮
    • 摘要: 洛惠渠渠首加固改造是在著名水利大师李仪祉主持修建的“关中八惠”之一的洛惠渠渠首浆砌石拱形重力坝基础上的加固和改建.北洛河为著名高含沙河流,坝址河道洪水具有泥沙含量高、洪峰流量大、洪水历时短的特点.为解决枢纽引水、泄洪冲沙及河道下游冲刷之间的矛盾,通过多方案论证比选,提出具有本工程特色的设计技术方案,工程加固改造后经过多年的实际运行考验,工程安全可靠、效益显著,可供类似工程参考借鉴.
    • 于丽娟
    • 摘要: 《桦甸县志》记载:1958年至1985年末,国家水电部在桦甸境内松花江上游,先后于白山、红石建起两座水力发电厂。1983年6月4日,红石发电厂改为白山发电厂红石分厂。白山发电厂位于桦甸市白山镇(今已划入红石砬子镇),是由我国自行设计、自行施工安装的新型发电厂,是一座高坝、大水库、全地下厂房、大机组的大型水力发电厂,大坝为三心圆重力拱坝,最大坝高149.5米,坝顶弧长676.5米,以发电为主,兼有防洪等综合利用效益。
    • 陈绍松
    • 摘要: Due to the complicated geological condition with fractured rock mass,the virgin condition of the site of Gomal Zam Dam in Pakistan cannot meet the foundation condition required for constructing a concrete dam.Based on the in situ investigation and experiment,the treatment scheme of large range and depth consolidation grouting is then adopted.Combined with grouting experiment,the effect iveness of the consolidation grouting on enhancing the deformation modulus is verified,while a finite element analysis is made on the dam body with the rock physical and mechanic parameters after the treatment of consolidation grouting as well.On the basis of the demonstrations made in several aspects,the concrete gravity arch dam with the height of 133m is successfully built up under the condition of intensively fractured rock mass through an elaborative design concerned.The study result can provide references for design of the concrete gravity arch dams.%由于巴基斯坦高摩赞大坝坝址地质条件复杂,岩体破碎,天然条件下不满足修建混凝土坝的地基条件.以现场勘查和试验为基础,采用大范围大深度的固结灌浆处理方案.结合生产性灌浆试验,采用声波测试结合承压板载荷试验,验证固结灌浆对提高坝基变形模量的效果,并采用固结灌浆处理后的岩体物理力学参数对大坝进行了有限元分析.在多方论证的基础上,经过对大坝体型和结构的精心设计,在十分破碎的岩体条件下,成功建成了133 m高的混凝土重力拱坝.研究成果为国外混凝土重力拱坝的设计提供参考.
    • 杨华广
    • 摘要: 老挝南俄5水电站首部枢纽大坝采用碾压混凝土重力拱坝坝型,由于该项目为BOT承包模式,因此大坝结构计算采用中国规范并参照《老挝电力技术标准》,大坝坝体应力计算采用拱梁分载法进行分析计算.拱座稳定分析采用刚体极限平衡法进行抗滑稳定分析.大坝目前已蓄水至正常水位并已进行过泄洪,大坝外部及内部安全监测变形、应力等监测数据均满足计算结果及规范要求.大坝目前前处于平稳运行期.
    • 金亮; 王高辉; 卢文波; 陈明; 严鹏
    • 摘要: 当坝身设有孔口且存在坝后式厂房时 ,水下爆炸冲击荷载作用下大坝的动力响应非常复杂.针对此问题 ,考虑爆炸作用下混凝土的高应变率效应 ,采用Lagrangian-Eulerian耦合方法建立水下爆炸冲击下大坝-厂房-库水-坝基全耦合模型 ,利用数值模拟技术分析了水下爆炸冲击荷载作用下重力拱坝及其坝后式厂房的动态破坏过程 ,得到了重力拱坝及坝后式厂房在水下爆炸冲击荷载作用下的损伤破坏过程及损伤机理.结果表明 :水下爆炸冲击荷载作用下重力拱坝的损伤破坏形式包括爆炸成坑破坏、气穴冲切破坏、局部拉伸破坏和整体拉伸破坏 ;随着爆心距的增大 ,大坝的主要损伤破坏形式逐渐改变 ,分别为爆炸成坑破坏、局部拉伸破坏和整体拉伸破坏 ,当爆心距进一步增大时 ,坝体破坏逐渐减小 ;进水口和溢流表孔的存在削弱了坝体局部强度和拱效应 ;水下爆炸冲击荷载作用下 ,坝后式厂房由于结构的整体响应发生局部拉伸破坏.%Because of the shock load of underwater explosion ,the dynamic responses of dams with intake at dam body and powerhouse at dam toe can be very complicated .Focus on this problem ,with the consideration of the high strain rate effect of concrete by shock load ,this paper adopted a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method to develop a fully coupled dam-powerhouse-water-foundation model .Numerical analysis of the dynamic destruction process leads to the knowl-edge about the failure process and damage mechanism of gravity arch dams and powerhouses at dam toe .The results show that for concrete gravity arch dams the primary failure modes include crushing damage ,punching shear failure ,local ten-sile failure ,and whole tensile failure .With the increase of blasting center distance ,the main failure modes turn to the crushing damage ,local tensile failure ,and whole tensile failure .When blasting center distance continues to increase , the dam failure will diminish accordingly ,the local strength and arch effect of dam body being weaken by the impact of the intake and overflow surface bay .For powerhouse at dam toe ,the main failure mode by underwater explosion is local tensile failure due to the overall structure responses .
    • 方卫华; 吴健琨
    • 摘要: Here ,the information of multiple monitoring points in the dam safety monitoring system was fully used to de-termine the independent monitoring point groups on the assumption that the values of monitoring points are set under the same sampling regarding to the integral safety evaluation of the dams with all regular monitoring data .In order to select the independent monitoring point groups ,Vanmarcke correlation distance method combined with hydro-structure knowl-edge were used to obtain the zero-failure data based on the independent monitoring point groups in every batch and their normal operating hours .The case study of a gravity-arch dam proves that this method is effective and practicable .%针对所有测点测值都属于正常的大坝整体安全度评价问题,充分利用多测点信息,在假设大坝各个测点为总体的一个抽样的条件下,应用水工结构知识和Vanmarcke相关距离方法确定独立的测点群,通过各批次独立测点群及其正常工作时间获取无失效数据,在此基础上应用变形监测数据对某重力拱坝的整体安全度进行评价,工程实例证明了本方法的可行性和有效性。
    • 彭成山; 于丽红; 范冰
    • 摘要: Because the gravity arch dam is gravity based which puts great stress on the beams ,so stability issue becomes the main problem of these dams .In order to verify the safety and feasibility of the gravity arch dam design of a reservoir , the finite element software ADINA was adopted to carry out a three dimensional stability analysis for the dam .The defor-mation of the dam under different stress at the normal storage level ,the design flood level and check flood level were cal-culated through the simulation .The results indicate that the distribution of stress and strain of the dam body are in line with the actual situation and the values are within the allowed range .This study will not only provide an important techni-cal support for practical engineering design and construction ,but also an effective reference for the similar engineering constructions .%由于重力拱坝主要依靠梁的作用即以重力作用为主,所以稳定问题显得更重要。为了验证某水库重力拱坝坝体设计的安全性与可行性,采用有限元计算软件 ADINA 对该重力拱坝进行了三维稳定分析,模拟计算出了正常蓄水位、设计洪水位、校核洪水位下的坝体应力变形情况。从计算结果可以看出,该坝坝体的应力应变分布规律均符合实际情况且应力值都在允许的范围内。不仅为实际工程的设计和修建提供了重要的技术依据,同时也为同类工程建设提供了有效的参考。
    • A.萨维奇; 韩旭; 马贵生
    • 摘要: 蓄水后,萨扬舒申斯克坝的应力-应变状况明显超过设计值,因此有必要研究坝体和坝基岩石、库水之间的相互作用.主要介绍了大坝在静力和动力作用下的应力-应变特征,以及大坝-岩石-水库系统的受力情况,据此可以确定坝基最容易出问题的区域.
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