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醋酸酯淀粉的相关文献在1990年到2021年内共计122篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、化学、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文90篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献121284篇;相关期刊62种,包括技术与市场、膜科学与技术、粮食与饲料工业等; 相关会议4种,包括第七届全国浆料和浆纱应用技术研讨会、2003年全国灯芯绒、卡其染整技术和发展交流会、中国淀粉工业协会变性淀粉专业委员会第七次学术报告、经验交流会等;醋酸酯淀粉的相关文献由302位作者贡献,包括朱万仁、李东坡、杨家添等。



论文:90 占比:0.07%


论文:4 占比:0.00%


论文:121284 占比:99.92%





  • 朱万仁
  • 李东坡
  • 杨家添
  • 武志杰
  • 玉琼广
  • 陈渊
  • 刘忠义
  • 沈艳琴
  • 王明峰
  • 蒋恩臣
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 周秀秀
    • 摘要: 为解决反硝化碳源不足的问题,研发了一种复合固相碳源.该碳源主要为聚乙烯醇和醋酸酯淀粉的共混物,能有效控制碳源的释碳速率.5 g固相碳源在200 mL纯水中经7d的恒温震荡后,溶液中累积COD浓度达402 mg/L.复合固相碳源用于反硝化反应中,对NO3-去除率可维持96%以上的.复合固相碳源的物理释碳量为:4.113mg/(L*h),微生物水解释碳量为4.680mg/(L*h),大于物理性溶解释碳量,该材料具有良好的可生物降解性,是一种良好的碳源缓释材料.
    • 刘志军; 郭婷婷
    • 摘要: 通过改变醋酸乙烯酯对玉米淀粉的投料比,制备一系列不同取代度的醋酸酯淀粉.将醋酸酯淀粉与聚乙烯醇(PVA)通过溶液共混的方法来制备共混膜,讨论了醋酸酯化的改性程度、增塑剂丙三醇和交联剂戊二醛的用量对共混膜力学性能、透光率的影响.结果表明,当醋酸酯淀粉取代度提高时,断裂强度、断裂伸长率和透光率逐渐增大;共混膜的断裂伸长率随丙三醇含量的增加而显著增加,断裂强度逐渐下降,透光率呈现先增加后减少的趋势.当交联剂戊二醛的质量分数为4.5%时,共混膜的断裂伸长率、断裂强度和透光率达到了最大值.
    • 钟旋; 简秀梅; 蒋恩臣; 孙焱; 王明峰
    • 摘要: 采用流延法制备了醋酸酯淀粉(AS)∶尿素(UR)∶稻壳生物炭(RHBC)质量比分别为8∶1∶1、8∶2∶1、8∶4∶1的RHBC/AS-UR复合膜,利用SEM、FTIR、XRD、TGA等测试手段对RHBC/AS UR复合膜的微观形态和结构性能进行了研究,采用流化床喷雾包膜装置制备了RHBC/AS-UR包膜UR肥并测试了其释放特性.结果 表明:RHBC能够均匀的分散于RHBC/ASUR复合膜中,与UR AS交联体间形成了“固体桥”的微观结构,结合紧密,同时,RHBC的添加可以提高复合膜的热稳定性.UR的添加可以提高复合膜的延展性能,当UR质量分数为18.2wt%时,RHBC/AS-18.2wt%UR复合膜的力学性能达到最佳,断裂伸长率提高了约500%.UR释放特性试验结果表明,与未包膜UR相比,不同质量比的RHBC/AS-UR包膜UR均能有效降低UR态氮的释放速率,其中,RHBC/AS-18.2wt% UR包膜UR在连续24 h浸泡后的总释放率最小(81%),表现出更好的缓慢释放性能.
    • 岳书杭; 刘忠义; 吴小艳; 李汀
    • 摘要: 以氧化淀粉为原料,Na2CO3和NaOH为碱化剂,无水乙醇为湿润剂,醋酸酐为乙酰化试剂,探讨了醋酸酯大米淀粉的有限溶剂法合成方法.运用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等技术分析了醋酸酯大米淀粉的结构特征.通过响应面优化法确定有限溶剂法合成醋酸酯大米淀粉的最佳工艺条件:m(Na2C03)∶m(NaOH)=3∶7,反应温度70°C,反应时间2.5h,m(氧化淀粉)∶m(碱)∶V(醋酸酐)∶V(无水乙醇)=5∶1∶2.5∶1.2.FTIR结果表明,氧化淀粉经过乙酰化反应引入乙酰基.XRD和SEM结果表明,乙酰化反应对淀粉颗粒结构造成严重破坏,高取代度的醋酸酯淀粉具有无序的结晶结构.有限溶剂法可以很好地控制醋酸酯大米淀粉的取代度.
    • 陈海峰; 曾少华; 申明霞; 倪永标
    • 摘要: 先采用有机季铵盐改性钠基蒙脱土(Na-MMT),使醋酸酯淀粉(SA)能够有效吸附于有机蒙脱土(OMMT)表面,再通过溶液插层技术将混合物与聚乳酸(PLA)共混改性得到可降解PLA/SA/OMMT薄膜,研究了蒙脱土的有机改性效果,并利用测试技术表征和测试了复合薄膜材料的机械性能、热稳定性、阻隔性、生物降解性和微观界面结构,研究了热降解表观活化能,探索了SA和OMMT的协同增强或增韧机理以及生物降解机制.结果 表明,OMMT和SA具有协同增强与增韧PLA作用;适量OMMT在PLA/SA/OMMT可降解薄膜中分散性较好、可提高PLA/SA薄膜的阻隔性;适量OMMT的添加可加快复合膜的降解速度.
    • 杨明杰; 沈艳琴; 武海良; 崔桂新; 严燕钫
    • 摘要: The degree of substitution has a great effect on performance of starch acetate.Starch acetate of three different substitution degrees was prepared with the same technology,characterization analysis was made on molecular constitution of starch with infrared spectrometer,the surface and internal microstructure of starch acetate granule of different substitution degrees were observed with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and compared with that of native starch,and the retrogradation of serous fluid and the film-forming property of starch were tested.The results show that the surface of starch acetate granule of low degree of substitution has slight change,the retrogradation and film-forming property of its serous fluid have little difference from that of native starch,and its serous membrane is relatively brittle and hard;the content of ester group in starch acetate of high degree of substitution is high,and its network structure of starch granules is prominent,moisture absorption rate of serous membrane is low,and moisture retention is poor.%取代度的大小对醋酸酯淀粉的性能有重要的影响.利用相同的制备工艺获取3种不同取代度的醋酸酯淀粉,采用红外光谱仪对淀粉的分子构成做出表征分析,在扫描电镜(SEM)下观察不同取代度醋酸酯淀粉颗粒的表面及内部的微观结构与原淀粉进行对比分析,并对浆液的凝沉性及淀粉的成膜性进行测试.结果表明,取代度较低的醋酸酯淀粉颗粒表面发生的变化较小,浆液的凝沉性及成膜性与原淀粉相差不大,浆膜较脆硬;高取代度的醋酸酯淀粉中酯基含量较明显,淀粉颗粒的网状结构突出,浆膜的吸湿率较低,保湿性较差.
    • 蒲华寅; 马芸; 黄萌; 徐垚; 樊凡; 刘姝含; 黄峻榕
    • 摘要: The acetylated starches from corn were prepared under ultra high pressure (UHP)by acetic anhydride as reaction reagent, and NaCl as the reaction medium.The structure and properties of acetylated starches were analyzed by using light microscope,X-ray diffractometer and rapid viscosity analyzer.The results indicated that the granular acetylated starch showed a similar crystallite structure as that of native starch.In addition,the acetylated starches were ge-latinized when treated at 600 MPa and the structure of starch granules was gradually destroyed,whereas the crystal structure was transformed from the A-type crystallite to the V-type crystallite. However the gelatinization negatively affected the degree of substitu-tion of acetylated starch.The appropriate amount of NaCl favored the maintenance of starch granular structure under UHP,which would effectively increase the degree of substitution of acetylated starch. The degree of substitution and peak viscosity of acetylated starch reached the highest value (0.090 and 400.00 cP,respectively)when corn starch was treated at 400 MPa with the concentration of the so-lution at 1.0% and the amount of acetic anhydride at 2.0%.%以玉米淀粉为原料,乙酸酐为反应试剂,NaCl 为反应介质,采用超高压辅助制备醋酸酯淀粉,利用光学显微、X-射线衍射、快速黏度分析技术对醋酸酯淀粉结构性质进行分析.研究表明,颗粒态醋酸酯淀粉结晶类型与原淀粉相同,当处理压力为600 MPa 时淀粉糊化,颗粒结构被破坏,A 型结晶向V型结晶转换,但糊化并不利于醋酸酯淀粉取代度的增加.适量 NaCl的添加有利于超高压处理时淀粉颗粒态的维持,因而有效提高了醋酸酯淀粉的取代度.当 NaCl 溶液浓度为1.0%、乙酸酐添加量为2.0%、压力为400 MPa时,所制备的醋酸酯淀粉取代度达到最大值(0.090),且表现出较高的峰值黏度(400.00 cP).
    • 朱礼艳; 林良美; 姚雅娴; 阮东娜; 李海鑫; 张文海; 郭秀瑾
    • 摘要: 淀粉变性方式众多,其中醋酸酯变性过程中加入了乙酸酐,反应过程中乙酸酐与醋酸酯淀粉在碱性条件下发生水解生成乙酸,从而影响了速冻调制食品中双乙酸钠的测定.为了明确速冻调制食品中双乙酸钠测定的干扰项,本文采用GB 5009.277-2016《食品安全国家标准食品中双乙酸钠的测定》对醋酸酯A-1和乙酰化二淀粉磷酸酯A-2两种木薯变性淀粉中双乙酸钠及添加不同比例淀粉的速冻调制食品中双乙酸钠含量进行测定,且检测了不同乙酰基取代度的变性淀粉乙酰基、双乙酸钠及乙酸本底含量.实验结果表明:淀粉经过乙酰化变性后,对食品中双乙酸钠的测定产生了显著的阳性干扰,其中速冻调制食品中双乙酸钠测定量与变性淀粉添加量呈线性正相关,同时变性淀粉中双乙酸钠含量与其乙酰化取代度显著正相关.综上所述,现行食品安全国家标准GB 5009.277-2016不适合添加了醋酸酯变性淀粉的速冻调制食品中双乙酸钠的测定.%Starch denaturation can be happened in many ways.One of them is due to adding acetic anhydride during acetate starch modifying process.Acetic anhydride and acetate starch hydrolyzed to acetic acid under alkaline conditions can affect the determination of sodium diacetate in quick-frozen prepared food.In order to test the interference of sodium diacetate in quick-frozen food,GB 5009.277-2016'National food safety standard determination of sodium diacetate in food'was used to determine the content of sodium diacetate in two kinds of modified starch of acetic ester A-1 and acetyl diphosphate A-2.Acetylation of different substitution degrees of modified starch acetyl,sodium diacetate and acetic acid background content were tested at the same time.The results showed that acetate starch had a significant positive interference on the determination of sodium diacetate in food after acetylation,and the amount of sodium diacetate in quick-frozen food was linearly correlated with the addition of modified starch.There was a significant positive correlation between the content of sodium diacetate in the modified starch and its acetylation substitution.In summary,the current national food safety standard GB 5009.277-2016 is not suitable for the determination of sodium diacetate in quick-frozen food which has acetate-modified starch.
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