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DNA水平的相关文献在1997年到2019年内共计119篇,主要集中在内科学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文104篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献70394篇;相关期刊71种,包括中国医药生物技术、肝博士、肝脏等; 相关会议3种,包括中国棉花学会2012年年会暨第八次代表大会、河南省林学会2011年学术年会、第一届全国野生稻大会等;DNA水平的相关文献由354位作者贡献,包括H·科斯特、J·-P·格雷格森、亓文宝等。



论文:104 占比:0.15%


论文:3 占比:0.00%


论文:70394 占比:99.85%





  • H·科斯特
  • J·-P·格雷格森
  • 亓文宝
  • 廖明
  • 王贵强
  • 臧富玉
  • 陈孝明
  • Byung Chul Yoo
  • Dong Hyun Sinn
  • Geum-Youn Gwak
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 井泽毅; 宋钢(译)
    • 摘要: 日本的水稻种植源于何处,这在日本国内存在争议。作者撰文提出日本的水稻种植技术是经朝鲜半岛传入日本的,并调查了东南亚、中国和日本水稻种子中与起源相关的遗传基因的排列,还在图上用箭头表示出水稻基因变化的方向。发掘出土的古代稻米种子由于风化成为炭化米,已经无法从DNA水平上进行解析。2012年中日两国的研究团队共同进行了大规模的栽培稻谷与野生稻谷的基因破译,它们对从亚洲地区搜集来446个系统的野生稻谷进行了基因破译和解读,这是有史以来最准确和最珍贵的描述。该研究认为以往栽培稻谷的两个分类,即热带粳米和温带粳米等与部分野生稻的基因排列非常相似,因此得出结论,该米种是通过一次性的栽培转化而来,但其中的热带米种比温带米种在DNA排列上显示出多样性,这说明古代人对热带米种的改良所下的功夫要大一些。
    • 摘要: 一项对俄勒冈州虹鳟鱼的研究提供了遗传学证据,即野生鱼类和养殖鱼类在DNA水平上存在差异,且这种差异正以惊人的速度发生。该研究成果发表在《自然通讯》杂志上。研究显示,在经过一代孵化培育后,野生鱼类和孵化培育的鱼类在超过700个基因活性上存在差异。这种DNA水平上的显著差异可以传递给子孙后代。
    • 矫德馨; 龚智强; 贾鑑慧
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨同期放化疗对晚期鼻咽癌患者血浆EB病毒DNA水平的影响。方法选取98例晚期鼻咽癌患者作为研究对象,采用放疗联合紫杉醇化疗进行治疗,并对98例患者血浆EBV-DNA 水平采用荧光定量PCR 技术进行测定,并与其影像学检查及病理结果进行比较分析。结果放化疗后鼻咽癌患者52例缓解,21例稳定,25例进展。三组鼻咽癌患者血浆EB-DNA水平测定阳性率缓解组为0、稳定组为4.76%,进展组最高为88.00%,缓解组与稳定组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),进展组分别与缓解组、稳定组比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组敏感性分别为0、4.76%、88.00%,特异性分别为100.00%、95.24%、12.00%,阴性预测值分别为69.33%、26.67%、4.00%,阳性预测值分别为0、4.35%、95.65%;缓解组特异性和阴性预测值最高,与进展组比较,差异有统计学意义( P<0.05);进展组敏感性和阳性预测值最高,与缓解组和稳定组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论晚期鼻咽癌患者同期放化疗后血浆EB病毒DNA水平,可作为监测和反映鼻咽癌患者放化疗后转移、复发的重要指标。%Objective To investigate the effect of concurrent chemoradiotherapy for EB virus DNA levels in plasma of patients with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma .Methods 98 patients with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma received radia-tion therapy combined with paclitaxel chemotherapy , and plasma EBV-DNA level of 98 patients were measured by quantitative PCR and was compared with imaging and pathology results .Results After chemoradiotherapy ,there were 52 cases of remission , 21 cases of stable and 25 cases of progress.Positive rate of plasma EB-DNA level in remission group was 0,stable group was 4.76%,progressive group was 88.00%,the difference was not statistically significant between remission group and stable group (P>0.05),progress group were compared with remission group and stable group ,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05);sensitivity of the 3 groups were 0,4.76%,88.00%,specificity were 100.00%,95.24%,12.00%,and negative predic-tive values were 69.33%,26.67%,4.00%,positive predictive value were 0,4.35%,95.65%;remission group had the highest specificity and negative predictive value,compared with the progress group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05);the progress group had the highest sensitivity and positive predictive value ,compared with remission group and stable group ,the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion EB virus DNA levels in plasma of patients with advanced naso-pharyngeal carcinoma after concurrent chemoradiotherapy can be used as an important indicator in surveillance and reflect of me -tastasis and recurrence .
    • 摘要: 根据最近公布的数据显示,广岛大学的研究人员发现,循环肿瘤细胞DNA是能够准确预测肝切除术后2年内肝细胞癌复发的一个因子。“我们发现,循环肿瘤细胞DNA水平能够准确反映肝细胞癌的肿瘤进程和治疗效果,”广岛大学Atsushi Ono博士在新闻发布会上说。“通过进一步的研究,循环肿瘤细胞DNA的基因组图谱分析,可能会指导肝细胞癌的个体化管理。”
    • 武建勇; 杨洪
    • 摘要: 遗传资源在实物意义上是指任何含有遗传功能单位(基因和DNA水平)的材料,在分类意义上包括具有实际或潜在遗传价值的植物、动物和微生物物种以及种以下分类单位。长期以来,生物遗传资源及其相关的传统知识一直视为人类共同遗产,可以任意获取。凭借先进的生物技术,发达国家很多研究机构、种子公司、制药企业,在生物多样性集中分布的发展中国家寻找开发具有商业价值或研究价值的生物资源,即“生物勘探”(bioprospecting),并以知识产权方式谋取更多利益。
    • 孔文丽; 温晓玉
    • 摘要: 目前在慢性乙型肝炎患者中,血清HBsAg或HBVDNA水平与肝病的严重程度之间的关系很少被报道。因此,巴黎第七大学的Martinot—Peignoux M等人通过对随机的、典型的初治慢性乙型肝炎患者进行调查来验证这种关系。
    • 摘要: 为了鉴定砂梨变异类型在DNA水平上是否发生遗传变异,以砂梨的两个变异单株及25个梨代表品种为试材,通过正交试验设计优化了SRAP扩增体系,并从88对SRAP引物中筛选出22对适宜的引物进行TPCR扩增,找出差异性片段,并应用系统聚类法,
    • Myeong Jun Song; Do Seon Song; Hee Yeon Kim; Sun Hong Yoo; Si Hyun Bae; Jong Young Choi; Seung Kew Yoon; Yong-Han Paik; June Sung Lee; Hyun Woong Lee; Hyung Joon Kim
    • 摘要: AIM:To evaluate the durability in hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) positive chronic hepatitis B patients who discontinued antiviral treatment. METHODS:A total of 48 HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B patients who were administered nucleoside analogues and maintained virological response for ≥ 6 mo [hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA 104 copies/mL after HBeAg seroconversion with previously undetectable HBV-DNA level. RESULTS:During the median follow-up period of 18.2 mo (range:5.1-47.5 mo) after cessation of antiviral treatment, the cumulative serological recurrence rate was 15 % at 12 mo. The median duration between the cessation of antiviral treatment and serologic recurrence was 7.2 mo (range:1.2-10.9 mo). Of the 48 patients with HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis, 20 (41.6%) showed virological recurrence. The cumulative virologic recurrence rates at 12 mo after discontinuing the antiviral agent were 41%. The median duration between off-treatment and virologic recurrence was 7.6 mo (range:4.3-27.1 mo). The mean age of the virological recurrence group was older than that of the non-recurrence group (46.7 ± 12.1 years vs 38.8 ± 12.7 years, respectively; P = 0.022). Age (> 40 years) and the duration of consolidation treatment (≥ 15 mo) were significant predictive factors for offtreatment durability in the multivariate analysis [P = 0.049, relative risk (RR) 0.31, 95% CI (0.096-0.998) and P = 0.005, RR 11.29, 95% CI (2.054-65.12), respectively]. Patients with age (≤ 40 years) who received consolidation treatment (≥ 15 mo) significantly showed durability in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B patients (P = 0.014). These results suggest that additional treatment for more than 15 mo after HBeAg seroconversion in patients who are ≤ 40 years old may be beneficial in providing a sustained virological response. CONCLUSION:Our data suggest that HBeAg seroconversion is an imperfect end point in antiviral treatment. Long-term consolidation treatment (≥ 15 mo) in younger patients is important for producing better prognosis in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B.
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