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云纹干涉法的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计190篇,主要集中在力学、一般工业技术、物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文139篇、会议论文47篇、专利文献137922篇;相关期刊62种,包括太原科技大学学报、天津大学学报、复合材料学报等; 相关会议19种,包括第十五届北方七省市区力学学会学术会议、中国力学大会2011暨钱学森诞辰100周年纪念大会、中国土木工程学会土木工程结构试验与检测技术暨结构试验课教学研讨会等;云纹干涉法的相关文献由245位作者贡献,包括戴福隆、刘杰、卿新林等。



论文:139 占比:0.10%


论文:47 占比:0.03%


论文:137922 占比:99.87%





  • 戴福隆
  • 刘杰
  • 卿新林
  • 谢惠民
  • 李禾
  • 罗至善
  • 亢一澜
  • 温秀梅
  • 邢永明
  • 邹大庆
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 邓新; 邱长军
    • 摘要: 云纹干涉法是一种现代光测力学方法,具有灵敏度高、条纹质量好、条纹分辨率高、全场分析等优点。文中总结了国内外云纹干涉法测量材料残余应力的研究现状,展望了云纹干涉法未来的发展前景与方向。
    • 杨诗婷; 邢永明; 赵燕茹; 郝贠洪; 李继军; 姜爱峰
    • 摘要: 运用金属材料表面纳米化试验机对单个弹丸撞击316L不锈钢表面进行了撞击实验;采用激光共聚焦显微镜观察了弹坑的三维形貌,测量不同振动频率下弹坑的直径及离面位移;采用云纹干涉法对弹坑周围的面内应变场进行测量,并分析振动频率及撞击方式对弹坑尺寸、塑性应变大小以及塑性应变区范围的影响;采用有限元方法对单个弹丸垂直撞击试件表面的应变场进行数值模拟,与实验结果进行比较,分析了弹坑周围残余应力的分布.结果表明:随振动频率的增加,弹坑直径和离面位移都增加,频率在50~55 Hz,弹坑直径有突变,离面位移和振动频率呈线性关系;振动频率越大,塑性应变越大,塑性应变分布范围均大于弹坑直径的2倍;同一振动频率下弹丸垂直撞击比倾斜撞击的塑性应变大,而塑性应变分布范围相差不大;面内残余应变场的数值模拟结果和实验结果吻合较好,最大误差小于10%.
    • 侯朝昭; 邵远城; 李茂源; 胡雅婷; 安兵; 张云
    • 摘要: 手持电子产品的薄型化催生了IC封装无芯基板,它不仅比IC封装有芯基板更薄,而且电气性能更加优越。介绍了IC封装无芯基板的发展趋势和制造中面临的问题。IC封装无芯基板以半加成法制造,翘曲是目前制程中的首要问题。翘曲改善主要依靠改变绝缘层材料和积层结构,可用云纹干涉法进行量测,并以模拟为指导加快开发周期。%The thinning tendency of the handheld electronic products brought up the coreless substrate for IC Packages. Coreless substrate enables thinner thickness and superior electrical performance than core-contained substrate. Introduce the development trend and problems occurred during the manufacturing process of the coreless substrate. The coreless substrate is manufactured by the semi-additive method, and warpage is the primary problem during the process currently. The reduction of warpage mainly depends on the optimization of the insulated-layer materials and as well the construction of buildup layers. Warpage can be measured by Shadow Moiré method and simulated by FEA software, which can be used as the guidance to accelerate development cycle.
    • 林翠红; 陈爱国; 朱洪水; 李禾
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the strengthening effect of 3 types of fibers on the elastic modulous of Solidex ceromer measured by moiré interfereometery.Methods Three types of fibers including S-Glass,Kevlar-49 and UHMWPE,were added to reinforce the Solidex ceromer.Totally there were 4 groups of specimens including Solidex ceromer without fibers as the control group.Each group had 3 specimens.Raster was produced on the surface of sample and the strips of u and v field under 3-point bending loading were collected and the results were calculated by the computer.Then the data were analyzed with oneway analysis of variance.Results Significant increase in modulous were found for all fiber-reinforced groups in comparison to the unreinforeed controls (P < 0.005).The modulous of group controls,S-Glass,Kevlar-49 andUHMWPE,was (5.72±0.16) Gpa、(11.48±0.12) Gpa、(8.36±0.09)Gpaand (6.24 ±0.38) Gpa.The one-way analysis of variance showed that the results were significant(P<0.005).Conclusion The strengthening effect of S-Glass fiber on the elastic modulous of Solidex ceromer is the best while the UHMWPE fiber has the weakest effect.The moire interfereometery can be used to compare the elastic modulous of ceromer strengthened by different types of fibers.%目的 运用云纹干涉法比较3种纤维对聚合瓷弹性模量的加强作用.方法 选用高强玻璃纤维S-Glass、芳纶纤维Kevlar-49及超高聚乙烯纤维UHMWPE 3种不同的纤维加入Solidex聚合瓷中,以不加纤维的Solidex聚合瓷作为空白对照,制作4组试件,每组3个.在试件表面转移光栅,采用三点弯曲加载方法,加载后采集u场及v场云纹干涉条纹,测定其弹性模量,并进行统计分析.结果 空白对照组、S-Glass组、Kevlar-49组和UHMWPE组平均弹性模量分别为(5.72±0.16) Gpa、(11.48±0.12) Gpa、(6.24±0.38) Gpa和(8.36±0.09) Gpa,3种纤维的加强效果为S-Glass>Kevlar-49>UHMWPE,各组间均有显著差异(P<0.005).结论 S-Glass纤维对聚合瓷的弹性模量加强效果最明显,UHMWPE纤维加强效果最弱;云纹干涉法可用于不同纤维加强聚合瓷弹性模量的比较研究.
    • 周鹏; 张少钦; 李禾
    • 摘要: 将云纹干涉法与常规方法进行比较。运用云纹干涉法非接触性特点分别测试了材料常温与高温下断裂韧度值,说明云纹干涉法运用于材料断裂韧度测试中是可行的。
    • 米红林
    • 摘要: 介绍了云纹干涉法及测试原理,给出用于应变检测的计算方法,利用该方法对双光束云纹干涉法获得U,V位移场进行了正应变和切应变计算。表明云纹干涉法对硬质材料的力学参量测试有效,直观,便于应用,能够较好解决力学量的测试工作,为应变检测提供了较好的光学检测方法。
    • 米红林
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND: Moiré interferometry method which belongs to the range of experiment mechanics is a modern photo-mechanics test technique. On the other hand, metal-porcelain restorations characterized as beautiful, compatible and stable properties are widely used in oral medicine domain. Moiré interferometry technique is applied in the oral restoration and some mechanics data can be obtained. It can be realized in discipline complementation and interaction between mechanics and bio-medicine engineering. OBJECTIVE: To introduce the moiré interferometry technique in details, and to study the displacement of metal-porcelain restorations under different loads by using the moiré interferometry technique as it is found that porcelains often flake off from the base of restorations in oral clinic. METHODS: The horizontal and vertical displacement of metal-porcelain restorations were measured by using the moiré interferometry method which is sensitive and easy to operate, and suitable for in-plane displacement measurement. The displacement was shown in the form of interferometry patterns. RESULTS and CONCLUSION: The interferometry patterns which represented the in-plane displacement of specimens were obtained and the displacement was linearly related with the loading changes. Moiré interferometry method can be used in measuring the displacement of restorations. Operation is simple and results are shown by interferometry patterns.%背景:云纹干涉法是现代光力学测试技术,是实验力学范畴.另外,金瓷修复体以其较好的生物相容性,色泽美观,坚固而广泛应用于临床,将云纹干涉技术应用口腔领域得到医学工程中所需位移量,体现学科交叉,较好的实现学科互补.目的:详细介绍了云纹干涉法原理以及试件栅的复制,针对临床经常发现口腔中瓷剥落等破坏行为,应用云纹干涉法来研究金瓷复合材料受力后的位移量.方法:采用云纹干涉技术测试金瓷试件在不同载荷下的水平和竖直位移情况,该方法灵敏度高,操作简便,适用于面内位移测量,位移量以条纹形式显示.结果和结论:该方法能够获得到口腔材料代表面内位移的干涉图,得到不同载荷作用下试件变形量.云纹干涉法能够被用来测试金瓷修复体的位移,操作简便,结果以干涉条纹显示.
    • 李砚明
    • 摘要: 介绍了已经趋于成熟的云纹干涉法光测技术,并对其在机械工程专业力学实验课中的应用进行了探讨.初步设计了采用云纹干涉法进行教学实验的方法与步骤,为实施创新实验教学与培养学生综合实验能力提出了一条新的途径.新的测试方法的引人为激发学生的学习兴趣和热情提供了良好的平台,同时也是培养学生的创新思维以及提高学生实践动手能力和计算机应用能力的需要.
    • 米红林
    • 摘要: 排除89篇相关性不强文献.最后对31篇进行归纳和总结.结果与结论:对国内外金瓷修复体弯曲力学测试的实验加载方式及实验方法进行了论述和探讨,对金瓷修复体的三点弯曲和四点弯曲加载方式进行了实验测试并进行了概述,重点探讨了云纹干涉法和电子散斑干涉法的实验方法并分别对不同金瓷厚度的修复体进行力学性能实验测试,测试的灵敏度分别为0.417 μm和0.532 μm,在灵敏度方面目前能够满足口腔修复领域的研究需要.
    • 李铁林
    • 摘要: 采用云纹干涉法和相移技术相结合对载荷作用下的正交异性双材料界面裂纹模型的位移场进行实验测定,通过计算机图像自动采集和处理,获得了实验模型的位移场云纹图.使用云纹数字图像处理软件,对实验所得位移场云纹图进行处理,可以获得界面裂纹尖端所需的实验数据,对实验数据进行处理分析,求出界面裂纹尖端的应力强度因子值.实验结果表明:在单向拉应力作用下,正交异性双材料模型的应力强度因子为复合型,且第一项时裂纹扩展起决定作用.
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