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转流术的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计106篇,主要集中在外科学、内科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文99篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献97849篇;相关期刊80种,包括中国综合临床、国际外科学杂志、临床外科杂志等; 相关会议2种,包括中国医师协会心血管外科医师分会第八届年会、2009中国血管和腔内血管外科论坛暨第七届北京协和医院血管外科研讨会等;转流术的相关文献由300位作者贡献,包括梁发启、王春喜、彭正等。



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  • 梁发启
  • 王春喜
  • 彭正
  • 李荣
  • 黄国华
  • S·斯蒂恩
  • 孙立忠
  • 徐乐
  • 汪忠镐
  • 沈敏浩
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 朱勇锋; 张向立; 浮志坤; 杜鹏; 杨恒; 张曙光
    • 摘要: 目的:主动脉缩窄合并其他心脏病手术的方法仍然存在争议.本研究的目的是评估经胸骨正中切口一期升主动脉-降主动脉转流+心脏畸形矫治术治疗主动脉缩窄合并其他心脏畸形的疗效.方法:选择我院于2009年4月至2017年6月,应用经胸部正中切口行升主动脉-降主动脉心包内转流术,同期行合并心脏畸形矫治手术的患者13例,女性3例,男性10例,平均年龄35岁(19~59岁).其中3例bentall术,8例主动脉瓣置换,1例二尖瓣置换,1例二尖瓣成形术.结果:随访期间无死亡病例,主动脉阻断时间和体外循环时间分别是(81±33) min、(123±47) min.术后上肢血压明显改善(P<o.oo1),有术前的(159±34) mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)将至术后(122±17) mmHg,截止最后一次随访,患者上下肢血压无明显压差.结论:一期升主动脉-降主动脉转流治疗主动脉缩窄合并心脏畸形远期效果显著,可以作为主动脉缩窄合并其他心脏畸形的患者选择此手术方式.
    • 邹大进
    • 摘要: 当前,减重代谢外科手术已然成为继控制糖尿病五驾马车(饮食、运动、血糖监测、糖尿病教育和药物治疗)后的第六驾马车。对有些糖尿病患者而言,不实施减重代谢外科手术,其糖尿病确实无法得到很好的控制。因此,目前包括中国等多国的糖尿病指南均将减重代谢外科手术列为肥胖症合并2型糖尿病的治疗措施之一。之所以会将其列入糖尿病治疗指南,是因为减重代谢外科手术有助于提高糖尿病的缓解率及治疗效果。
    • 冯雷; 郑韬; 张敬坡; 张传宝; 孟丽; 秦静
    • 摘要: 肥胖是引发2型糖尿病(T2DM)及影响糖耐量重要的风险因子已经成为共识[1]。随着全球肥胖患者的增长,人们对各种减肥手术的认识逐渐加深。我科2008年6月至2012年6月应用腹腔镜下Roux-en-Y胃转流术(Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,L-RYGB)治疗非肥胖型T2DM患者45例,现报告如下。
    • 王晓龙; 张宏家; 刘愚勇; 郑铁; 贡鸣; 李海洋; 刘欧; 关欣亮; 孙立忠
    • 摘要: 目的 总结一期行孙氏手术及升主动脉-股动脉转流术治疗小真腔的慢性Stanford A型主动脉夹层的临床效果.方法 2012年6月至2013年8月,9例小真腔的慢性Stanford A型主动脉夹层患者一期行孙氏手术及升主动脉-股动脉转流术治疗.患者均为男性,年龄27~45岁,平均35.2岁.手术均采用深低温停循环、选择性脑灌注技术.其中行升主动脉替换加孙氏手术5例;Bentall加孙氏手术4例.术中均采用直径较小的24 mm上海微创术中支架,体外循环停机后上、下肢脉压差均大于40mmHg(1 mmHg =0.133 kPa),患者尿量减少,遂一期行升主动脉-股动脉转流术.结果 患者体外循环(161.0±45.0) min,选择性脑灌注(32.3±8.5) min.一期行升主动脉-股动脉转流术后上、下肢脉压差明显缩小,患者尿量增多.结论 小真腔的慢性Stanford A型主动脉夹层行孙氏手术,术中因真腔较小,置入的术中支架直径较小,易出现下半身缺血,一期行升主动脉-股动脉转流术后常可获得满意的临床疗效.%Objective To explore the treatment of Stanford type A aortic dissection with small true lumen with Sun's procedure and ascending aorta-femoral artery bypass at the same time.Methods From June 2012 to August 2013,Sun's procedure and ascending aorta-femoral artery bypass was performed in 9 patients with Stanford type A aortic dissection with small true lumen.All patients are males with a mean age 35.2 years(range from 27 to 45 years).The deep hypothermic circulatory arrest was routinely used for cardiopulmonary bypass.Cerebral protection was achieved by unilateral antegrade brain perfusion.The Sun's procedure was performed in all patients,conconitant procedure include ascending aorta replacement in 5 patients,aortic root replacement(Bentall procedure)in 4 patients.The diameter of stent used in operation was 24 mm.After cardiopulmonary bypass the blood pressure of upper limb in all the patients was more than 40 mmHg(5.32 kPa) higher than that of lower limb.And urine volume decreased.Then the bypass from ascending aorta to femoral artery was performed.Results Mean cardiopulmonary bypass time was(161.0 ± 45.0) min.And selected cerebral perfusion time was(32.3 ± 8.5) min.The blood pressure difference between upper limb and lower limb apparently decreased.And urine volume increased.Conclusion Because of small stent used in operation,the patients of Stanford type A aortic dissection with small true lumen could suffer from dysfunction of lower limb.The bypass from ascending aorta to femoral artery is an effective treatment at this time.
    • 李鹏程; 林永利; 高桂云; 李永; 郑明
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨肠系膜上动脉综合征的有效手术治疗方法。方法采用保留幽门的Roux-en-y胃、十二指肠、空肠上段吻合,使食物转流直接进入空肠,不再通过十二指肠。结果保留幽门的转流术治疗肠系膜上动脉综合征12例,随访6~36个月,平均30个月,术前症状消失,体质量增加,均无手术后的胃排空延迟。胃镜检查显示无吻合口溃疡,幽门功能正常。结论保留幽门的转流术是治疗肠系膜上动脉综合征的有效方法,优于十二指肠空肠吻合术,且手术简单,并发症少。本术式保持了胃和幽门的完整性,保留了胃的消化和储存功能,改善了患者的营养状况,且预防了胆汁反流性胃炎、小胃综合征、倾倒综合征及吻合口溃疡的发生。凡具有手术治疗指征且不伴有胃和十二指肠溃疡患者均可采用此方法。
    • 鲍国清; 祝哲诚; 邓侠兴; 彭承宏; 李宏为; 王以巧; 汪小辉; 钱道海; 沈柏用; 詹茜; 潘春鹏; 翁原驰; 金佳斌
    • 摘要: 目的 研究构建成熟稳定小型猪小体积肝移植模型的方法.方法 选用体重一致的广西巴马小型猪20只,按照随机原则分为供体组和受体组各10只.在获取供肝的过程中即进行减体积操作,切除左半肝并保留肝中静脉主干.受体采用经典原位非静脉-静脉转流法行小体积肝移植.记录受体肝移植的手术时间,供肝热缺血时间、冷缺血时间,受体无肝期时间.观察移植术后2周存活情况及手术相关并发症.结果 手术时间5~7 h,平均6 h;供肝热缺血时间2~3 min;冷缺血时间(116±16)min;无肝期时间(35±4)min.术中小型猪均无死亡.10只受体猪中,2只死于手术相关并发症,其中1只于术后10 h死于肝断面出血,另1只于术后2 d死于切口疝.其余8只受体猪皆存活超过2周,2周存活率达80%,均未发生手术相关并发症.结论 在供体手术中切除左半肝并保留肝中静脉主干,受体采用经典原位非静脉-静脉转流法行小型猪小体积肝移植模型构建是可行且稳定的.
    • 金友贺; 杨军; 佟志勇; 张劲松; 马春燕; 唐力; 程艳彬; 刘爽
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨经颅多普勒超声(TCD)评估前、后交通动脉开放性对颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CEA)中选择性分流的预测价值.方法 对拟行CEA手术的25例患者行TCD检测,术前通过压颈试验对前交通动脉(ACoA)及术侧后交通动脉(PCoA)的开放性进行定性评估,根据交通动脉开放情况预测术中是否需要转流.ACoA或术侧PCoA不开放者列入术中需转流患者;前、后交通动脉均开放者列入术中非转流患者.术中应用TCD于颈动脉夹闭前后即刻记录同侧大脑中动脉(MCA)的血流动力学参数,根据MCA在夹闲前后血流速度下降的程度选择是否行转流术,将术前TCD预测转流的结果与术中行转流术的结果进行对比分析.结果 (1)25例行CEA手术患者,术前TCD评估非转流患者18例(72%),转流患者7例(28%);(2)术中行转流术者6例(24%),非转流者19例(76%);(3)与手术结果比较,术前TCD评估预测术中转流术的准确度为88%,敏感度为83%.结论 术前通过TCD对前、后交通动脉开放性进行评估,对CEA术中选择性分流具有预测价值.%Objective To evaluate the predictive value of anterior communicating artery (ACoA) and posterior communicating artery (PCoA) patent for the selective shunt of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) by using transcranial doppler (TCD). Methods TCD was performed in 25 patients before surgery. The open of ACoA and operation side PCoA were evaluated by carotid compression test, and then decided whether shunt was needed. The patients whose ACoA or operation side PCoA was not open at all or not fully open were sorted into shunt group, and the patients whose ACoA and PCoA were both open were categorized into non-shunt group. The blood flow parameters of middle cerebral artery (MCA) were determined by TCD just before and after carotid artery occlusion during the operation, and the changes of the velocity of MCA were applied as a basis for the perform of shunt. The results before and during operation were compared. Results (1 )Among the 25 cases, 18 patients were sorted into non-shunt group before operation (72%);and 7 patients were sorted into shunt group (28%). (2) Six patients took shunt during operation (24%);and 19 patients did not (76%). (3) Compared with the operation result,the accuracy and sensitivity of pre-operation TCD's prediction were 88% and 83%, respectively. Conclusion TCD has predictive value for the selective shunt of CEA through evaluation on the patent of ACoA and PCoA.
    • 周勤; 张章; 韦永明; 沈俊杰
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨经皮腹腔积液-腔静脉转流术(PVS)治疗顽固性腹水的疗效.方法 采用Denver转流管建立腹腔和下腔静脉转流通道治疗9例恶性肿瘤并发顽固性腹水,评价其疗效和安全性.结果 术后1周,所有患者临床症状均有明显改善,Karnofsky评分提高10~20分.所有患者腹围均有缩小,腹围测量缩小最大值为4~15 cm,平均9.6 cm.其中4例患者完全消退,持续3个月以上,有1例术后3个月出现分流管阻塞.结论 PVS是治疗顽固性腹水较为有效、安全的方法.
    • 杨志国; 赵海东; 刘永江; 陈薇; 宋伟平; 王永红
    • 摘要: Objective To sum up the experiences on treating ureteral obstruction in patients with terminal tumor bv subcutaneous nephro-vesical bypass. Methods A total of 16 subcutaneous prosthetic ureters were percutaneously implanted into 12 patients (8 unilateral and 4 bilateral) for the treatment of ureteral obstruction due to terminal tumor. The tube was inserted into the renal pelvis, tunnelled subcutaneously and introduced in the bladder through a small suprapubic incision. Serum creatinine and renal ultrasonography were evaluated during follow up. Results No operative or immediate postoperative death occurred. The patients were alive with the prosthesis without occurrence of encrustation, infection, or obstruction, and the renal function was normal. The serum creatinine level decreased significantly from 232.2±18. 1μmol/L (preoperation) to 115.2±17.1 μmol/L (postoperation) . Conclusions The subcutaneous urinary diversion using Ureteral Bypass Set is an efficient and minimally invasive way to bypass malignant obstructions of the ureters that otherwise would necessitate permanent nephrostomy drainage. With the operation patients may get a better quality of life due to increased independence and activity during their final stage of life.%目的 探讨皮下潜行输尿管旁路支架肾盂膀胱分流术在晚期肿瘤致输尿管梗阻患者中的应用效果.方法 选择因输尿管膀胱晚期肿瘤或腹膜后病变造成输尿管梗阻的12例患者(共16侧输尿管:单侧8例、双侧4例),在超声加C型臂X线机的引导下,采用经皮穿刺肾造瘘,支架管在输尿管旁路皮下潜行,膀胱穿刺造瘘完成上尿路内引流,术后对肾盂形态及肾功能进行随访.结果 16根支架管均顺利置入,无严重的手术并发症,患者对支架管的适应性好,支架管走行区无明显不适.平均随访8.3(4.2~23.3)个月,术后11侧肾积水消失,余5侧肾积水程度明显减轻.术后血肌酐水平从术前的232.2±18,lμmol/L降至115.2±17.lμmol/L.结论 输尿管旁路支架引流操作方法简单,对机体损伤小,可用于输尿管或毗邻部位晚期肿瘤所致梗阻的引流,有助于改善患者的生活质量,避免传统开放手术造成的损伤或造瘘外引流带来的护理困难.
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