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超声检查,三维的相关文献在2001年到2021年内共计143篇,主要集中在临床医学、妇产科学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文143篇、专利文献617399篇;相关期刊12种,包括中国介入影像与治疗学、中国医学影像技术、中华超声影像学杂志等; 超声检查,三维的相关文献由551位作者贡献,包括郑荣琴、李凯、苏中振等。



论文:143 占比:0.02%


论文:617399 占比:99.98%





  • 郑荣琴
  • 李凯
  • 苏中振
  • 许尔蛟
  • 吕国荣
  • 应涛
  • 李柳军
  • 蒋珺
  • 陈亚青
  • 任杰
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 秦家云; 赵新美; 吴春燕; 李鹰; 马锦琪; 钱丽; 丁炎
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨妊娠23~24周三维容积超声部分肢体体积预测晚发型胎儿生长受限(FGR)的应用价值.方法 选取在我院行产前检查并于出生后最终确诊为晚发型FGR的产妇74例(病例组),另选同期正常产妇200例为对照组.应用超声测量妊娠23~24周胎儿二维超声参数:双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨长度,记录二维超声参数生成的胎儿体质量(EFW1);应有三维容积超声测量胎儿上臂中段50%的体积(AVol)和大腿中段50%的体积(TVol),EFW1联合AVol或TVol生成EFW2或EFW3.比较两组上述各参数差异;应用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析各个参数预测晚发型FGR的价值.结果 两组双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨长度、EFW1、EFW2、EFW3比较差异均无统计学意义;两组AVol和TVol比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).ROC曲线分析显示,AVol和TVol截断值分别为4.5 ml和9.4 ml,预测晚发型FGR的敏感性、特异性、准确率、曲线下面积分别为63.5%vs.69.4%、89.4%vs.88.1%、81.4%vs.83.2%、0.70 vs.0.74;二者曲线下面积比较差异无统计学意义;二者联合预测晚发型FGR的敏感性、特异性及准确率分别为79.0%、94.8%及90.1%,均较二者单独应用的诊断效能高.结论 妊娠23~24周胎儿的AVol和TVol可作为预测晚发型FGR的特征性指标.
    • 孙丽娟; 郭翠霞; 王晶晶; 王莉; 吴青青
    • 摘要: 目的 分析经腹部三维超声成像定量评价正常胎儿颅后窝结构的一致性和重复性,探讨其临床应用价值.方法 选取2020年5月至2021年5月于首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院建档的正常单胎胎儿127例(22~34周),采用三维超声容积成像技术获得胎儿的颅脑正中矢状切面,由2名观察者分别测量三维超声定量指标,其中1名观察者测量上述指标2次,测量过程对数据实行双盲,评价上述指标的组内差异与组间差异,并分析其与孕周的相关性.结果 三维超声定量小脑蚓部大小的指标,包括蚓部面积、周长、上下径和前后径与孕周呈正相关(r=0.934、0.936、0.920、0.879,均P<0.001),组内与组间一致性很好,组内相关系数均>0.80(均P<0.001);脑干-蚓部夹角(BV角)与脑干-小脑幕夹角(BT角)分别与孕周呈负相关和正相关(r=-0.317、0.366,均P<0.001),二者组内与组间重复性中等或差.结论 三维超声定量小脑蚓部大小的指标测量具有高度的一致性与重复性,具有临床实用性及推广性.而BV角和BT角一致性和重复性欠佳,不适用于初级医师应用.
    • 龚霞; 李佳; 熊屏; 华晨; 丁昂昂; 周璐; 李东源; 吕欢
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨和评估先天性血管瘤(congenital hemangioma,CH)、婴幼儿血管瘤(infantile hemangioma,IH)二维和三维超声影像学特点及意义.方法 对2015年12月至2019年1月在上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院超声诊断科进行超声检查,并经临床随访(6个月至2年),或病理诊断证实的IH和CH患儿首诊时的超声检查资料进行回顾性分析,包括病灶厚度、回声、边界、血管密度、三维超声形态.采用Student'st检验比较CH与IH病灶的超声数据测量值,方差分析不同类型CH的超声回声特点,K-W检验和x2检验比较CH与IH的超声回声特点,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义.结果 共有93例CH和94例IH患儿纳入该研究.93例CH中男59例,女34例,年龄5d至3岁,其中快速消退型(rapid involuting congenital hemangioma,RICH) 30例,不消退型(non-involuting congenital hemangioma,NICH) 42例,部分消退型(partial involuting congenital hemangioma,PICH)21例;94例IH共98处病灶,男22例,女72例,年龄1个月至1岁,其中有4例为多发.CH病灶最大径、厚度分别为(4.12±2.36) cm、(1.02±0.61) cm,均大于IH(t=-5.794、P<0.001,t=-2.113、P=0.036),超声下以低回声和数个无回声管腔的混合回声为主,可见钙化,边界清;IH病灶最大径、厚度分别为(2.54±1.21) cm、(0.85±0.47) cm,超声显示IH高低混合回声和低回声为主,边界清.彩色多普勒显示CH和IH血管密度分别为(6.01±1.10)/cm2和(5.32± 1.40)/cm2(t=-3.794,P<0.001);频谱多普勒显示CH和IH为低速、低阻;三维彩色多普勒显示树枝状血流,IH多数有1条较粗供血动脉,CH有2条(x2=3.948,P=0.047).比较3种CH,NICH多为低回声和数个无回声管腔的混合回声,RICH多为低回声,RICH、PICH病灶最大径和厚度大于NICH(t=3.411、P=0.002,t=4.200、P<0.001,t=2.552、P=0.015,t=3.016、P=0.015),NICH血管密度高于RICH和PICH(t=-3.209、P=0.002,t=2.485、P=0.016),PICH病灶无回声管腔较宽,管径大于RICH和NICH(t=2.911、P=0.005,t=2.717、P<0.001).结论 CH较IH病灶更大,内见无回声管腔及钙化,血管密度更高,两者三维彩色多普勒均呈树枝状,可见IH有1条、CH有2条较粗供血动脉.RICH、PICH病灶最大径和厚度大于NICH,NICH血管密度高于RICH和PICH.超声检查能有效辅助临床诊断CH.
    • 董璐洁; 陈经远; 吕品; 王莉; 曹红艳; 邓又斌; 李开艳; 黄晓琳; 张超
    • 摘要: Objective To assess scoliosis in adolescence and adults by three-dimensional ( 3-D ) ultrasound imaging . Methods A commercial available ultrasound instrument with a magnetic sensor system was used for long distance 3-D ultrasound imaging .Specific phantoms were imaged to evaluate the precision of this imaging system . Twenty healthy adults and 20 patients with scoliosis were imaged by 3-D ultrasonography and radiography . The deformity angle of the patients with scoliosis was measured on the reconstructed coronal plane ( C plane) of 3-D ultrasound imaging . The relevance between the curvature measured by ultrasound and the Cobb angles originated by radiography were evaluated . Results There was no significant difference between the angles of the phantom measured by the 3-D ultrasound imaging system and that measured by an angle gauge ( P = 0 .479) . The transverse process ,vertebral arch and acoustic shadow of the central spinous process of spines in healthy adults can be displayed on the reconstructed C plane by 3-D ultrasound imaging . The morphology of scoliosis in all the twenty patients can be observed on the reconstructed C planes ( multi-layers) by 3-D ultrasound imaging ,which accorded well with that observed on radiograph . In 9 patients ,part of the spinal segment could not be totally displayed on one single coronal plane and no additional measurement was carried out . In 11 patients ,all the segments of the spine could be clearly displayed on a single coronal plane and the curvature of scoliosis was then measured . There were no significant differences between the angle measured on 3-D ultrasound imaging and the Cobb angle measured on radiograph( P =0 .974) and the two measurement methods have high correlation( r =0 .991 , P <0 .0001) . Conclusions The commercial available 3-D ultrasound imaging system applied in this study offers a viable method to assess scoliosis in adolescence and adults in a reliable and radiation-free manner .%目的 研究长距离三维超声检查方法对青少年及成年人脊柱侧凸评估的可靠性.方法采用具有磁感应装置和感应器的商业可用的三维超声诊断仪,利用仪器内置软件进行三维图像重建;采用模型对成像系统准确度进行评估;对20例健康志愿者和20例脊柱侧凸患者进行脊柱的长距离三维超声检查以及X线检查.在超声三维重建的冠状面(C平面)上测量脊柱侧凸患者的侧凸角度,评价超声所测角度与X线测得的Cobb角的相关性.结果同一模具5 d内测量结果差异无统计学意义(P=0.479).三维超声重建的C平面可清楚显示正常人脊柱的横突、椎弓及中心部棘突后方的声影.20例患者均可在三维超声重建后的多层C平面上观察到脊柱侧凸的形态,与X线侧凸形态有较好的一致性.9例患者部分脊柱节段无法在一个冠状面上完全显示,未进行角度测量.11例患者脊柱各节段在一个冠状面上可清晰显示,进行了侧凸角度的测量,与X线成像所测得的Cobb角对比差异无统计学意义(P=0.974),两种测量方法具有较高的相关性(r=0.991,P<0.0001).结论长距离三维超声检查方法可用于评估青少年及成年人脊柱侧凸角度.
    • 田宏天; 魏章洪; 董发进; 梁丽君; 徐金锋
    • 摘要: 目的 应用三维超声测量颈动脉斑块的灰阶中位数(GSM)和斑块总体积(TPV),分析GSM、TPV及二者比值(Q)与缺血性脑梗死发生的相关性.方法 随机选取颈动脉斑块患者107例,根据其颅脑CT和MRI检查结果,将颈动脉斑块与脑梗死发生部位为同侧者66例判定为脑梗死组(A组),将颈动脉斑块与脑梗死发生部位为异侧者41例判定为非脑梗死组(B组).两组患者均行三维超声检查,应用QLAB-VPQ软件获取GSM和TPV,并计算其比值Q,分析GSM、TPV及Q值与缺血性脑梗死的相关性.绘制ROC曲线比较GSM、TPV及Q值诊断缺血性脑梗死的曲线下面积和95%可信区间.结果 A、B组GSM、TPV及Q值行Wilcoxon秩和检验,差异均有统计学意义(Z=-1.644、-4.515、-4.857,P=0.032、0.043、0.000).非条件Logistic回归分析显示,GSM的OR值为1.078(1.024~1.135),TPV的OR值为1.037(1.019~1.056), Q值的OR值为1.015(1.007~1.024).ROC曲线显示GSM诊断缺血性脑梗死的曲线下面积为0.812,95%可信区间0.729~0.894(P=0.000);TPV诊断缺血性脑梗死的曲线下面积为0.806,95%可信区间0.729~0.891(P=0.000);Q值诊断缺血性脑梗死的曲线下面积为0.821,95%可信区间0.743~0.899(P=0.000).结论 GSM、TPV及Q值均与缺血性脑梗死的发生具有一定相关性,Q值的诊断价值最高.%Objective To measure the gray-scale median(GSM)and total plaque volume(TPV)in carotid plaque by three-dimensional ultrasonography,and to analyze the correlation between GSM,TPV,the ratio Q and stroke.Methods A total of 107 patients with carotid plaque were randomly selected,based on cranial CT and MRI findings,66 cases of carotid plaque and stroke occurred in the same side were identified as stroke group(group A),and 41 cases of carotid plaque and stroke occurred in the opposite side were identified as non-stroke group(group B). Three-dimensional ultrasonography was performed on both groups,and GSM and TPV were obtained by QLAB-VPQ software,the ratio Q was calculated to analyze their correlation with stroke.ROC curve was drawn to obtain the area under curve and 95% CI by using GSM,TPV and ratio Q in diagnosis of stroke. Results The Wilcoxon rank-sum test of GSM,TPV and ratio Q between group A and group B were performed,there were significant difference(Z=-1.644,-4.515,-4.857,P=0.032,0.043,0.000). Unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that OR of GSM was calculated as 1.078(1.024~1.135),OR of TPV was calculated as 1.037(1.019~1.056),OR of ratio Q was calculated as 1.015(1.007~1.024).ROC curve showed that AUC of GSM in diagnosis of stroke was 0.812,95%CI 0.729~0.894 (P=0.000),AUC of TPV in diagnosis of stroke was 0.806,95%CI 0.729~0.891(P=0.000),AUC of ratio Q in diagnosis of stroke was 0.821,95%CI 0.743~0.899(P=0.000).Conclusion GSM,TPV and ratio Q has a certain correlation with the occurrence of stoke,ratio Q with the highest diagnostic value.
    • 范敏容; 林小影
    • 摘要: 目的 比较二维超声与三维断层超声显像(TUI)技术在孕11~13+6周胎儿鼻后三角的观察和测量中的作用及其应用价值.方法 选取我院进行产科超声颈项透明层厚度(NT)检查的孕11~13+6周孕妇100例,分别应用二维和TUI于颜面部冠状切面观察孕11~13+6周胎儿鼻后三角的完整性,测量鼻后三角的顶角,并分析鼻后三角顶角与头臀径(CRL)的相关性.结果 CRL为49.4~84.9 mm,平均(68.20±8.93)mm.鼻后三角的检出例数随CRL的增大而增加;对同一CRL范围,二维超声检出鼻后三角的胎儿例数多于TUI检出例数;随着CRL的增大,TUI测量鼻后三角顶角数值呈现减小趋势,二者中度相关(r=-0.518,P<0.05). 58例胎儿的二维鼻后三角顶角为79.00°±2.70°(75.89°~85.09°),TUI测量鼻后三角顶角为77.72°±2.71°(72.81°~82.06°),二者比较差异无统计学意义.结论 在孕11~13+6周胎儿检查中,二维超声可以更快更简捷地扫查到鼻后三角,观察连续性是否中断;TUI能快速而准确地显示鼻后三角并测量其顶角,获得更完整清晰的鼻后三角切面.%Objective To compare the diagnostic value for retronasal triangle(RNT) of fetuses in 11~13+6weeks by two-dimensional ultrasound and three-dimensional tomographic ultrasound imaging(TUI).Methods One hundred pregnant women at 11~13+6weeks who underwent neck transparent layer thickness(NT) examination were selected in our hospital.The integrity of the RNT was observed on the coronal section of fetal face at 11~13+6weeks by two-dimensional and TUI,respectively. The apex angle of RNT was measured,and the correlation between apex angle of RNT and head-hip diameter(CRL) was analyzed.Results The CRL was 49.4~84.9 mm,and the mean was (68.20 ± 8.93) mm.The number of measurement cases of the RNT increased with the increase of CRL.In the same CRL range,the number of fetal cases measured by two-dimensional ultrasound was more than the number of cases measured by TUI.The TUI measurements of the apex angle RNT decreased with the increase of CRL,there was moderately relevant(r=-0.518,P<0.05).The apex angle of RNT of 58 fetuses measured by two dimensional ultrasound and TUI were 79.00°±2.70°(75.89°~85.09°),and 77.72°±2.71°(72.81°~82.06°),respectively,there was no statistical difference.Conclusion Both two-dimensional ultrasound and TUI have the ablitity to show the postnasal triangle for the fetuses in 11~13+6weeks with different advantages and are able to provide some important imformation for the clinic.
    • 李俊辉
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨动态三维超声造影(3D-CEUS)显示动脉相肝癌血管增强方式及特点的应用价值.方法 选取33例肝癌患者,均行常规超声、二维超声造影(2D-CEUS)及动态3D-CEUS检查,观察并比较2D-CEUS和动态3D-CEUS的病灶增强方式、动态灌注过程及肿瘤血管的空间分布情况.结果 2D-CEUS与动态3D-CEUS在肝癌造影增强时相和增强方式方面表现相同,其中30例原发性肝癌动脉相增强方式均表现为快进快出,3例转移性肝癌表现分别为动脉相快速整体增强、不均匀增强及环状增强.动态3D-CEUS在显示肝癌血管起源、分布及数目方面均明显优于2D-CEUS,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论 动态3D-CEUS能更直观地显示肝癌血管的空间立体关系,以及病灶周边及内部血管的分布方式,具有较好的临床应用价值.
    • 周燕翔; 胡伟; 郭瑞强
    • 摘要: 随着三维超声的发展,基于超声数据的3D打印技术逐渐应用于心血管疾病诊断和治疗中,其通过获取图像、建模及实体打印三个步骤,将三维超声图像转换为实体模型.3D打印技术应用前景广阔,打印具有生物活性的组织或结构直接应用于人体是未来的发展方向.目前基于超声数据的3D打印技术在心脏方面主要应用于左心耳封堵术、瓣膜性心脏病及先天性心脏病三个方面,有助于术前评估、模拟手术、医疗装置设计、血流动力学模拟及医学沟通教育.本文就基于超声数据的3D打印技术在心脏领域的应用进展进行综述.
    • 张知剑; 胥卉苹
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the application value of three-dimensional (3-D) ultrasound in the evaluation of postpartum pelvic floor muscle training in primiparae after spontaneous labor.Methods A total of 66 primiparas of spontaneous labor admitted to our hospital from August 2015 to March 2017 were randomly assigned to observation group and control group using a table of random digits,with 33 patients in each group.The observation group received function training of pelvic floor muscle,in contrast to the control group.LHLR,LHAP,LHC and LHA were measured at 6 and 14 weeks postpartum respectively by 3-D ultrasound in three different states (resting state,Valsalva state,and contracting state).Results Compared with the control group,LHLR,LHAP,LHC and LHA in the observation group at 14 weeks postpartum were lower at resting,Valsalva and contracting state,and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05).As compared with the 6 weeks postpartum in this group,all the above measurement indexes of the observation group were significantly reduced 14 weeks postpartum (P < 0.05).Conclusion 3-D pelvic floor ultrasound can objectively evaluate the clinical effect of pelvic floor muscle exercise,which can significantly improve the pelvic floor structure and function damage during normal labor.%目的 分析三维超声在自然分娩初产妇产后盆底肌肉训练疗效评估中的应用价值.方法 选取我院2015年8月-2017年3月收治的66例自然分娩初产妇,按随机数字表法分为观察组与对照组,每组各33例.观察组接受盆底肌肉功能训练,对照组则未行盆底肌肉功能训练,分别于产后6周、产后14周利用三维超声在三种不同状态下(静息状态、Valsalva状态、缩肛状态)测量盆膈裂孔左右径(LHLR)、前后径(LHAP)、周长(LHC)及面积(LHA).结果 与对照组比较,观察组产后14周在静息状态、Valsalva状态及缩肛状态时LHLR、LHAP、LHC及LHA均降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);与本组产后6周比较,观察组产后14周上述各测量指标均明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 三维超声可客观评估盆底肌肉功能锻炼的临床效果,且盆底肌肉功能训练明显改善产妇自然分娩对盆底结构及功能造成的损伤.
    • 张晓儿; 王伟; 谢晓燕; 黄光亮; 黄通毅; 叶洁仪; 吕明德; 徐明
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the utility of virtual endoscopy ultrasound Fly-Thru in the diagnosis of obstructive bile duct diseases.Methods One-hundred patients with obstructed bile duct diseases underwent Fly-Thru examination.All Fly-Thru images were reviewed by two radiologists with different experience.The capabilities of Fly-Thru for bile duct obstructive degree evaluation and distinguishing malignant lesion from benign one were assessed respectively.Results The accuracy and sensitivity of Fly-Thru image in obstruction degree evaluation were 70.59% and 89.2% (95%CI 74.6%-96.9%).The diagnosis accuracy of 2DUS for lesion characteristics increased from 80% to 84%,accompany with Fly-Thru images,especially for lesions in common bile duct from 77.2% to 86.0% (x2 =14.399,P =0.001).Conclusions The virtual endoscopy ultrasound Fly-Thru is only partly capable to display the obstructed degree of some bile ducts,but it can improve the diagnostic accuracy of common bile duct diseases.%目的 探讨超声仿真内镜技术Fly-Thru在评估胆道梗阻程度及诊断胆道疾病中的临床作用.方法 采集并重建100例胆道梗阻性疾病患者Fly-Thru图像,由两位不同年资超声医师分析Fly-Thru图像,评价Fly-Thru技术对胆道梗阻程度、二维超声结合Fly-Thru技术对胆道梗阻性疾病性质的诊断能力.结果Fly-Thru对梗阻程度判断的准确率为70.59%,敏感性为89.2% (95%CI 74.6%~96.9%),二维超声结合Fly-Thru图像可将对病变性质的诊断准确率从80%提高至84%(x2=21.503,P =0.000).对胆总管病变,二维超声诊断准确率为77.2%,结合Fly-Thru的准确率提高至86.0%(x2 =14.399,P=0.001).结论超声仿真内镜技术Fly-Thru仅能在一定程度上显示胆道梗阻程度,但二维超声结合Fly-Thru可提高对胆总管病变的诊断能力.
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