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走向长壁的相关文献在1992年到2021年内共计96篇,主要集中在矿业工程、工业经济、信息与知识传播 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、专利文献84743篇;相关期刊40种,包括黑龙江科技信息、科技致富向导、中国包装科技博览等; 走向长壁的相关文献由202位作者贡献,包括伍永平、杨胜利、贠东风等。



论文:76 占比:0.09%


论文:84743 占比:99.91%





  • 伍永平
  • 杨胜利
  • 贠东风
  • 王家臣
  • 王红伟
  • 解盘石
  • 上官科峰
  • 刘柱
  • 张秀才
  • 张锦旺
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵斌; 赵善坤; 李良晖; 王寅; 赵阳
    • 摘要: 以新疆艾维尔沟煤矿为工程背景,借助底摩擦试验和FLAC3D数值软件,系统地分析了急倾斜煤层伪仰斜长壁工作面煤壁及顶底板的运移规律和破坏模式,参照费勒纽斯法定义求解了煤体的稳定性系数.研究表明:工作面中上部区域煤体率先发生破坏,易产生煤壁片帮飞溅和底板滑移现象,沿着不同轨迹对工作面下部区域及采空区残留煤矸形成强烈的冲击作用;生产实践中可以通过对煤体自身的重力(如采高)、顶板压力(如支架初撑力)、底板支撑力(如底座面积)、煤体破坏面的长度以及黏聚力(如注浆)等影响因素进行调节来控制煤体的稳定性;配合菱形金属网结合高强锚杆加固底板和"棕绳+环形注浆管+浆液"柔性加固煤壁等技术可以实现急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面安全高效开采.
    • 杨晓勇
    • 摘要: 为掌握霍宝干河煤矿2-126采煤工作面矿压显现规律,现场对该工作面液压支架荷载、煤层顶底板移近量、巷道顶板压力、顶板离层以及锚杆受力等进行监测,结果表明:工作面初次来压步距36~43 m,周期来压步距为15~24 m.工作面来压期间支架最大载荷为6635.68 kN,且两巷压力及变形均在控制范围内,说明选用的支架工作阻力能够很好地满足顶板条件.
    • 杨君智
    • 摘要: 本矿一直以来单一煤层采煤工作面的切眼均为二次成巷,即采用"先中央导硐后对等下扩"的方法施工.此方法施工斜长为180m、宽6m、高2.7m的切眼工期至少为80天(三个圆班组,每班1.5m,每天4.5m).若采用先偏导硐后走向长壁钻爆法施工单一煤层切眼,则工期缩短为43天,节省了长达37天的时间,对于缓解本矿采煤工作面接续紧张有着显著地效果.
    • 杨胜利; 赵斌; 李良晖
    • 摘要: 急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面煤壁和底板容易发生破坏,严重影响工作面的正常推进.通过理论建模、底摩擦实验、数值计算等方法,研究了煤层顶板破断与冒落矸石滑动特征,揭示了不同煤层赋存和开采条件下煤壁破坏机理,并提出了防治煤壁破坏与底板滑移的具体措施.研究发现:急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面顶板冒落的矸石会对采空区形成不同程度的充填,自下而上依次为“密实充填段”、“不均匀充填段”、“非充填段”3段,而工作面中上部区域由于充填不充分,动压现象明显,容易造成严重的煤壁片帮和底板滑移现象,支架的工况随之也会变差,成为整个工作面围岩稳定性最脆弱的区域,严重影响到工作面的安全高效生产,是采场围岩控制的重点区域;工作面底板稳定性显著影响煤壁的稳定性,实际生产中发现,在煤层赋存和开采条件不同时,煤壁破坏一般会呈现出“塑性-流动”、“挤出-滑移”、“剪切-滑移”3种破坏模式;工作面采用伪俯斜布置不仅可以显著提高煤壁和底板的稳定性,也可以有效阻止液压支架倾倒和下滑,还可以避免工作面飞矸发生,配合整体推刮板输送机和“柔性加固煤壁”等技术可以实现急倾斜煤层走向长壁工作面安全高效开采,有效解决急倾斜煤层机械化开采所面临的一系列岩层控制难题.
    • 赵晋祥
    • 摘要: 介绍了镇城底矿综采工作面开采的急倾斜中厚煤层平均倾角为39°,煤层厚度为2.9 m。针对煤层顶底板松软,工作面在上、下端口支护和运输难题严重影响矿井的安全生产的问题,镇城底矿结合矿井地质条件,研究急倾斜中厚煤层综采开采技术,通过对急倾斜中厚煤层综采"三机"设备的科学配套选型,以及对开采工艺的优化,设备的防滑倒研究,保障矿井安全生产,提高资源开采效率。为今后在倾斜及急倾斜煤层安装综采奠定了基础。
    • 王家臣; 赵兵文; 赵鹏飞; 杨胜利; 安建华; 江志义
    • 摘要: Taking the extremely inclined panel No.1201 in Dayuan coal mine,Fengfeng group,as the engineering background,the basic problems of the longwall top-coal caving mining technique in extremely inclined and soft thick coal seam were systematically studied.The results reveal that the rational design of shield supports is the first necessity for the successful extraction of coal seams in such conditions.And the roof strata movement law needs to be taken into consideration during shield design.The support capacity is determined by the impact load of the roof strata in the upper part of working face.Meanwhile,the shield supports used in extremely inclined coal seam require enough resistance capacity to bear the lateral compression,which should be determined combining the mining method and top-coal drawing processes.The results also show an obvious asymmetry of the drawing body and the boundary of top-coal in extremely inclined seam.The method of drawing downward segment by segment while drawing upward in each segment was proposed,considering both drawing mechanism of top-coal and the stability of shied supports.By adopting such drawing method in longwall top-coal caving mining in extremely inclined thick coal seam,the negative effects on the supports during the drawing process can be minimized and a relatively high recovery ratio of top-coal can be obtained.To ensure the stability of set-up room,the opening floor was reinforced before the face installation.%以峰峰集团山西大远煤业1201急倾斜工作面为背景,系统研究了急倾斜厚煤层走向长壁综放开采的基本问题,指出支架的合理设计是该类煤层成功开采的首要条件,支架设计要充分考虑急倾斜厚煤层综放开采的顶板活动规律,以工作面上部顶板的冲击载荷确定支架的工作阻力.同时急倾斜支架要有足够的抗侧向挤压能力,结合工作面采放工艺确定侧护板的抗挤压能力.急倾斜厚煤层综放开采的顶煤放出体与煤岩分界面具有明显的不对称性.结合顶煤放出规律、支架稳定性等综合确定采放工艺,提出“下行动态分段、段内上行放煤”的采放工艺,适用于急倾斜厚煤层走向长壁综放开采,可最大限度地减少采放过程中对支架的不利影响,并可获得较高的顶煤采出率.工作面安装前需对软弱底板进行加固.
    • 贠东风; 谷斌; 伍永平; 雷奇; 刘柱; 张袁浩
    • 摘要: 通过分析我国大倾角煤层走向长壁综合机械化开采技术取得的发展,结合大倾角中厚煤层综采、大倾角特厚煤层长壁综放和大倾角厚煤层4.5m大采高综采工程实践的典型实例,论述了大倾角煤层综采支架的使用效果与改进情况.归纳总结出了直接决定大倾角综采支架使用效果的亟待解决的重大问题,如支架过重、侧护板伸缩不灵、底调千斤顶现场无法更换以及不能带压移架等.建议以“工作阻力适中化、抗倒滑可靠化、架重轻型化”的理念主导大倾角液压支架的持续改进,最后对掣肘大倾角综采支架持续改进的相关深层次问题进行了梳理与思考,以协同促进大倾角综采支架向标准化发展.%With the analysis on the development obtained from the fully-mechanized mining technology along the strike of the steep inclined seam in China,in combination with the typical cases of the fully-mechanized coal mining in the steep dipping medium thick seam,the fully-mechanized longwall top coal mining in the steep dipping ultra thick seam and the fully-mechanized 4.5 m high cutting mining engineering practices in the steep dipping thick seam,the paper expounded the application effect and the sustainable improvements of the hydraulic powered support applied to the fully-mechanized coal mining in the steep dipping seam.The paper concluded and summarized the several major problems to be solved directly affected to the application effect of the hydraulic powered support applied to the mechanized coal mining in the steep dipping seam.The major problems were including the hydraulic powered support too heavy,poor telescopic side guard plate,the floor adjusted jack hard to be replaced at the site,the hydraulic powered support hard to be pushed forward with the pressure on the roof and others.The paper proposed the sustained development of the steep dipping hydraulic powered support should be mainly based on the conception of " the temperate working resistance,reliable anti lodging and sliding and lightening powered support weight".Those major problems were innovationally solved with the traditional concept breaking in the improvements.The preparation and consideration were conducted on the related deep level problems of the sustained improvements for the hydraulic powered support applied to the mechanized coal mining in the steep dipping seam in order to have wide attention and to coordinatively promote the standardized development of the hydraulic powered support applied to the mechanized coal mining in the steep dipping seam.
    • 陈朝鲜; 沈大富
    • 摘要: 针对急倾斜煤层综合机械化开采难度大,存在设备防滑、防倒难,工作面飞煤矸易伤人、损坏设备,采场空间对设备性能要求高等问题,采用一种走向长壁俯伪斜开采方式,研发与此相适应的液压支架、采煤机、导向输送机及配套装备,并实现自动化控制.通过在重庆逢春煤矿的现场应用验证,该急倾斜薄煤层俯伪斜综合机械化开采技术及装备解决了煤层倾角在55°~85°范围内的技术难题,创造了良好的经济效益.
    • 王印
    • 摘要: 通过对凤凰山煤矿XV1307综采工作面矿压显现的观测,得出了坚硬顶板条件下走向长壁综采工作面开采矿压显现规律,并通过观测数据分析了液压支架的使用效果,对今后类似工作面的顺利开采提供借鉴.
    • 储成龙
    • 摘要: 根据实测凤凰山煤矿XV3308综采工作面液压支架工作阻力、活柱下缩量、顶底板移近量及工作面煤壁片帮、采空区悬顶等情况,总结了走向长壁综采面矿压显现规律.通过矿压观测数据分析了液压支架的使用效果,为今后相邻综采面的高效回采提供了借鉴.
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