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自燃煤矸石的相关文献在1988年到2023年内共计165篇,主要集中在建筑科学、矿业工程、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文111篇、会议论文13篇、专利文献17893篇;相关期刊58种,包括非金属矿、煤炭加工与综合利用、煤炭科学技术等; 相关会议11种,包括第八届水泥技术交流会、2010第十届全国轻骨料及轻骨料混凝土学术讨论会暨第四届海峡两岸轻骨料混凝土产制与应用技术研讨会、中国硅酸盐学会水泥分会首届学术年会等;自燃煤矸石的相关文献由357位作者贡献,包括周梅、狄军贞、胡振琪等。



论文:111 占比:0.62%


论文:13 占比:0.07%


论文:17893 占比:99.31%





  • 周梅
  • 狄军贞
  • 胡振琪
  • 董艳荣
  • 赵平
  • 郭旭颖
  • 里莹
  • 杨力辉
  • 闫亚杰
  • 张长森
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈彦文; 吴晓丹; 李硕
    • 摘要: 为了探究自燃煤矸石在加气混凝土中替代胶凝材料的可行性,利用30%自燃煤矸石粉替代加气混凝土中的胶凝材料,铝粉、2Na2CO3·3H2O2+KMnO4、2Na2CO3·3H2O2+FeSO4为发泡剂,NaH2PO4为稳泡剂,研究自燃煤矸石加气混凝土性质及气孔参数.试验结果表明,当水胶比0.6,铝粉掺量1‰时,孔隙率63.95%,抗压强度3.67 MPa,干表观密度570 kg/m3,综合性能达到B05级;当2Na2CO3·3H2O2做发泡剂,FeSO4做催化剂,水胶比0.6,发泡剂掺量3%时,干表观密度875 kg/m3,抗压强度仅为4.71 MPa;用5%掺量的2Na2CO3·3H2O2+FeSO4制备的加气混凝土,综合性能符合B06级的要求.KMnO4做催化剂时,制备的加气混凝土干表观密度较大,强度较低,FeSO4更适合做2Na2CO3·3H2O2的催化剂.通过对加气混凝土气孔结构分析可知,铝粉作为发泡剂时,加气混凝土孔径分布均匀合理,孔径大于0.5 mm的孔数量大于50%,随着水胶比的增大,大于0.5 mm的孔数量增多.2Na2CO3·3H2O2为发泡剂时,孔径小于0.2 mm的孔数量较多,加气混凝土孔隙率较小.
    • 杨力辉; 杨丽君; 李晨
    • 摘要: 自然煤矸石轻骨料混凝土是一种重要建筑材料,有必要对其开展塌落度分析.本文在研究自然煤矸石轻骨料混凝土塌落度相关理论的基础上,按照聚丙烯纤维自燃煤矸石轻骨料混凝土的均匀试验配合比设计方法,得出混凝土配合比,并分析5种因素对混凝土塌落度的影响.
    • 周梅; 张院强; 杨尚谕; 张渤群; 张凯
    • 摘要: 以混凝土组合形式及预制底板自燃煤矸石砂轻混凝土(SSC)的强度等级为变量,制作了5块SSC单向叠合板,通过静力加载试验,对其变形特征、破坏形态和裂缝开展情况进行了分析.结果 表明:5块单向叠合板表现出相似的变形特征;分形维数分析表明,适当提高预制底板SSC的强度等级,保证了叠合面不出现滑移;合理设计的半普通混凝土-半SSC和全SSC单向叠合板,均具有良好的整体性和较高的极限荷载,能够作为楼板使用.
    • 王继宇; 罗斐文; 张元娟; 孔令燊
    • 摘要: 在介绍自燃煤矸石山基本情况的基础上,重点研究了自燃煤矸石山生态覆绿技术及物种的选择,并以杜儿坪矸石山治理项目为例,总结了自燃煤矸石山的生态复绿效果.
    • 闫亚杰; 赵强
    • 摘要: 采用自燃煤矸石为粗细骨料,经计算、试配和81个试块的力学性能试验,得出了C20自燃煤矸石细石混凝土配合比;设计并制作出规格为900 mm×900 mm×30 mm,1 200 mm×1 200 mm×30 mm两种夹层楼板,通过静载试验,得到两种夹层楼板的承载力限值、应力变化、挠度变化对应关系.分析对比试验数据,夹层楼板JB 1232a1可满足永久荷载0.8 kN/m2下,标准活荷载2.0 kN/m2工况下使用;夹层楼板JB 0934a1可满足永久荷载0.8 kN/m2下,标准活荷载4.0 kN/m2工况下使用.
    • 杨力辉; 梁向东; 杨丽君
    • 摘要: 混凝土自重一般情况较大,为了提高其韧性、抗裂性和耐久性,在实际工程研究的基础上,本文提出了聚丙烯纤维自燃煤矸石轻骨料混凝土的配合比设计方法.运用该方法对混凝土进行配合比试验,得出聚丙烯纤维轻骨料混凝土的抗压强度试验数据,为聚丙烯纤维自燃煤矸石轻骨料混凝土的工程应用提供必要的技术支持.
    • 刘世; 刘海卿
    • 摘要: 为研究酸性环境作用对自燃煤矸石混凝土耐久性的影响,首先将自燃煤矸石混凝土试件分别放置在3种不同pH值的酸性溶液中进行腐蚀,然后参照ASTM C1585规范中的吸水试验方法,对自燃煤矸石部分替代传统粗骨料的混凝土试件水分传输能力进行试验,分析溶液pH值的变化规律,比较了酸性环境腐蚀和煤矸石掺量对试件吸水指标(累积吸水高度和两阶段吸水率)的影响.结果表明:随着浸泡时间的增长,酸性溶液的pH值逐渐增大;酸性环境腐蚀对自燃煤矸石混凝土的水分传输能力有明显影响,pH值越小,试件吸水指标增加越显著.另外,随着自燃煤矸石替代传统粗骨料量的增加,试件吸水指标亦不同程度提高.%In order to investigate the influence of acidic environment on the durability of the coal gangue concrete, the specimens were placed in the acidic solution with three kinds of pH value, and then water absorption test was conducted based on ASTM C1585. The variation of the pH value was analyzed, and the effect of the acidic environment and the content of the coal gangue aggregates on the indexes (the cumulative water absorption, initial rate of absorption and the second rate of absorption ) of water absorption were compared. The results showed that the pH value increased with the growth of time, the water transport properties of the coal gauge concrete was obviously influenced by the acidic environment, and the indexes of the water absorption increased with the decreasing of the pH value. In addition, with increasing of the coal gangue aggregates dosage, the indexes of the water absorption also increased.
    • 郭旭颖; 里莹; 董艳荣; 狄军贞; 邢经纬
    • 摘要: Aiming at the environmental pollution problems caused by self-ignited coal gangue and wastewater from coal mine,the removing effects of Fe2+,Mn2+ and SO42- in wastewater from coal mines,by SRB synergized with the self-ignited coal gangue using single factor and contrast tests has been investigated.The results show that the treatment eff-ect of coal mine wastewater by SRB synergized with self-ignited coal gangue is better than that of self-ignited coal gan-gue and NaOH modified self-ignited coal gangue.When the optimum removing conditions are as follows:oscillation time is 180 min,dosage of SRB synergized with self-ignited coal gangue 40 g/L,initial pH of wastewater 5,oscillation frequency 150 r/min,and particle size 0.125-0.200 mm,the removing rates of Fe2+,Mn2+ and SO42- can reach 84.38%, 83.33% and 77.85% ,respectively.SRB has changed the mineral constituents of coal gangue,and facilitated its re-moving effect on the pollutants in wastewater.%针对自燃煤矸石和煤矿废水污染环境的问题,采用单因素试验和对比试验探究了SRB协同自燃煤矸石对煤矿废水中Fe2+、Mn2+、SO42-的去除效果.结果表明,相比于自燃煤矸石和NaOH改性自燃煤矸石,SRB协同自燃煤矸石处理煤矿废水效果更佳.当振荡时间为180 min,SRB协同自燃煤矸石投加量为40 g/L,废水初始pH=5,振荡频率为150 r/min,粒径为0.125~0.200 mm时,Fe2+、Mn2+、SO42-去除率分别可达到84.38%、83.33%和77.85%.SRB改变了煤矸石的矿物组成,促进了其对废水中污染物的去除.
    • 闫亚杰; 温晓辉
    • 摘要: Artificial sand within 3 mm particle size and continuous grading is obtained by crushing and screening the sponta-neous combustion gangue,using the sand to confect the mortar with different additives and admixtures,testing its workability,appar-ent density and different age strength by experiment. Selecting an optimal mix proportion to make wall specimen considering vari-ous performances and carry out test with its heat conduction performance and sound insulation performance. The experimental re-sults show that the feasibility of the artificial spontaneous combustion gangue mortar as the material of light wallboard with enough strength for the prefabricated steel building system was approved,and,the property index of heat conduction and sound insulation can meet the basic requirement.%通过将自燃煤矸石破碎筛分得到粒径3 mm以下连续级配的人工砂,探索使用不同添加剂及掺和料配制砂浆,测试其和易性、表观密度及强度,综合各项性能优选配合比制备墙板试件,进行保温隔声性能测试.结果表明,使用自燃煤矸石人工砂砂浆可以制作出满足装配式钢结构住宅体系强度要求的轻质墙板,且该墙板的保温隔声性能基本满足要求.
    • 赵强; 闫亚杰
    • 摘要: 基于自燃煤矸石砂浆制作预制板的可行性,并应用到装配式钢结构内夹层楼板中,对单向楼板进行了板型设计,制作了6种不同规格的自燃煤矸石砂浆单向楼板,测试各试件在集中荷载下的抗弯性能.试验结果表明:跨度为900 mm时,各试件在一定楼面活荷载条件下,均能满足使用要求;同时得出各种板件的适用范围和最大跨度.参照GB/T 30100—2013《建筑墙板试验方法》对试件的抗冲击性、抗渗透和不透水性进行了相关研究.%In this paper,based on the feasibility of making precast slab with the spontaneous combustion coal gangue mortar, and applying to the sandwich floor of prefabricated steel structure,6 kinds of spontaneous combustion coal gangue mortar one-way slabs were made. And one-way slab plate type design and related performance tests have been carried out. Test results show that when the test span is 900 mm,all the specimens can meet the using requirements under certain floor live load; and the range of application of the various plates and the maximum span is obtained. At the same time,the impact resistance,impermeability and water tightness of the specimens are studied according to the GB/T 30100—2013 "Testing methods for building wallboard".
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