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自旋链的相关文献在1993年到2020年内共计45篇,主要集中在物理学、科学、科学研究、数学 等领域,其中期刊论文43篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献94570篇;相关期刊27种,包括商丘师范学院学报、咸阳师范学院学报、新疆大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议2种,包括第八届全国光学前沿问题讨论会、第十届全国磁学和磁性材料会议等;自旋链的相关文献由95位作者贡献,包括任恒峰、王清亮、云国宏等。



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论文:94570 占比:99.95%





  • 任恒峰
  • 王清亮
  • 云国宏
  • 刘丹
  • 李春先
  • 王成志
  • 阎祖威
  • 靳丽娟
  • GUO KeTao
  • LIANG MingChao
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 韩文娟; 强睿; 彭定燕
    • 摘要: 对一维XXZ海森堡自旋链模型的哈密顿量和平均磁化强度进行定义,计算了不同参数、不同位型[N;k]时一维XXZ海森堡自旋开、闭链模型的基态、激发态能量及平均磁化强度,并根据计算结果对比分析了系统的关联度及相变情况。研究表明系统的基态、激发态能量随参数、位型[N;k]的变化很好地体现着系统的关联度情况,根据系统的基态能量随参数变化出现的拐点以及激发态与基态能差随参数变化出现的简并情况找到系统的相变点。开、闭链所做计算结果大体相同,但闭链相对开链模型的计算效果要更直观、明显些。一维XXZ海森堡自旋开、闭链模型的能量和平均磁化强度很好地反映了体系的关联度及相变情况,为深入了解海森堡模型量子关联特性提供了参考。
    • 王清亮; 任恒峰; 徐凌霞
    • 摘要: 实现高保真度量子信息传输是量子信息领域的关键任务之一.基于单比特量子信息在自旋链上的完美传输理论,利用将弱磁场中自旋链体系的哈密顿进行对角化的方法,分别研究了两种特定磁场情形下,量子信息在长度为N=5的自旋链上传输所受到的影响.结果表明:空间均匀分布的恒定弱磁场不会对该模型中量子信息的完美传输产生影响;而对于关于链中心反对称、空间均匀变化的弱磁场而言,完美传输的实现由磁场间隔的大小所决定.外加磁场越强,实现完美传输的时间越短,磁场越弱所需时间越长.
    • 王清亮; 任恒峰
    • 摘要: 对于在自旋链上进行传输的单比特量子信息而言,若其哈密顿量是经修正的Heisernberg–XX模型,信息的完美传输则仅仅取决于系统自身的动力学演化,即完美传输的条件只由传输时间决定,与链的长度无关.以此为基础,给此自旋链施加一合适的恒定磁场,则实现量子信息完美传输的条件不仅取决于自旋链自身的长度,而且还将由磁场所决定.进而可以通过传输时间t与自旋链长度N以及磁场B的关系控制实现量子信息完美传输的传输时间.
    • 冯志强; 张云波
    • 摘要: 粒子间具有强相互作用的一维冷原子气体在散射共振附近无须外加光晶格即可实现有效自旋链模型.文章利用有效自旋链模型分别计算了囚禁在一维谐振子势阱和一维无限深方势阱中强相互作用费米系统的能级排布与自旋密度分布.结果表明系统能级的排布与系统总的自旋数有关,外势的改变会引起能量的偏移.引入磁场梯度将使有效自旋链两组分自旋密度在空间交替排布,即系统处于基态反铁磁序.%Strongly interacting 1D gases in the vicinity of a scattering resonance realize an effective spin chain in the absence of an optical lattice.We calculate spin density distribution of strongly interacting Fermi system in 1D harmonic oscillator potential well and 1D infinitely deep square potential well,respectively.The configuration of energy spectrum has relations with the total spin.The change of external potential gives rise to a shift of energy.Furthermore,applying a B-field gradient in the spin chain,it results in an alternating distribution of the two components,that is the antiferromagnetic order in the ground state of the system.
    • 杨阳; 王安民; 曹连振; 赵加强; 逯怀新
    • 摘要: 研究了双量子比特系统中在具有Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya相互作用的独立X Y自旋链环境下的相干性与关联性动力学.推导出相干性与关联性的演化规律.发现在自旋链的临界点附近,当tt0时,则与量子关联完全相同;在t0时刻,量子关联突变为经典关联.
    • 闫丽
    • 摘要: 研究了不同磁场环境下一维Heisenberg XXZ自旋系统中两量子比特的热量子纠缠特性.通过数值计算,探讨了两量子纠缠随温度和外磁场的变化关系的情况.在3种不同的磁场环境下:(1)无磁场;(2)均匀磁场;(3)非均匀磁场,磁场变化对其量子纠缠的影响作了详细的讨论.结果显示:在有限温度下,均匀磁场相比于非均匀磁场对量子纠缠更为有用,且有利于量子信息处理过程的研究.
    • 王清亮; 任恒峰
    • 摘要: 基于量子信息在自旋链上的传输理论,研究了两种磁场情形下N=4的自旋链上单比特量子信息传输受到的影响.对置于磁场中的自旋链,将体系的哈密顿算符进行对角化,进而考虑磁场中信息传输的动力学行为.结果表明空间均匀、时间恒定的弱磁场不会对该模型中量子信息的传输产生任何影响;各格点处大小逐差为B、方向关于链中心对称的弱磁场对量子信息的传输有至关重要的作用.尤其是对于保真度为1的完美传输,磁场参量B很大程度上决定了传输得以实现的条件.
    • 李罗娜; 杨国晖
    • 摘要: Using the concurrence criterion, the thermal entanglement properties in a two-qubit spin squeezing model are investigated in detail in the cases of ground state and the finite temperature. We explore the influences of spin squeezing parameter μ、magnetic field Ω and temperature T on the quantum entanglement properties. Firstly, the results show that the concurrence initially increases and then decreases to zero with the improving coupling parameter μ( or Ω) , the maximum value of the concurrence increases with the improving parameter μ( or Ω). The rate of entanglement decays is decreased with the improvement of the two parameters, and it can broaden the region of the entanglement existences. Secondly, larger values of the coupling parameters can broad-en the temperature region of the nonzero concurrence. Finally, in the finite temperature case, when the value ofμ( or Ω) becomes smaller the entanglement persists to be zero, that is to say, there is a "entanglement sudden death" phenomenon. Whereas as the parameterμ( orΩ) is further increased to one fixed constant value, the con-currence suddenly appears, that is to say, the entanglement quantified by concurrence exhibits a"sudden birth"phenomenon. One interesting point is that the interval of entanglement sudden death is decreased with the im-provement of μ( or Ω).%利用Concurrence判据,讨论了基态和有限温度下二比特自旋压缩模型中的量子热纠缠性质.探究了自旋压缩参量μ、外磁场Ω以及温度T对系统纠缠性质的影响.结果发现,首先,Concurrence随着耦合参量μ(或Ω)的增大先增大到最大值,然后逐渐衰减到零,Concurrence的最大值随参数μ(或Ω)的增大而增大;Concurrence的衰减率会随参数μ(或Ω)的增大而减小,从而可以在较大的范围内得到体系热纠缠.其次,较大的耦合参量取值可以提升Concurrence存在的温度范围.最后,在有限温度条件下,当参数μ(或Ω)取值较小时,体系的纠缠保持为零,即存在纠缠"死亡间隔"现象;然而随着参量μ(或Ω)的取值增大到一定值时,Concurrence会突然产生,即存在纠缠瞬间产生("Sudden birth")现象,值得注意的是:纠缠的"死亡间隔"会随着参数μ(或Ω)的增大而减小.
    • 郗玉兴; 赵媛丽; 黄燕霞
    • 摘要: 本文对带Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya ( DM )相互作用的铁磁质海森堡XXZ自旋链模型在磁场中的热纠缠进行了详细地计算和分析.通过画图发现铁磁质模型的热纠缠远大于反铁磁质模型的热纠缠.同时发现外磁场B,耦合系数JZ 和DM相互作用D都可以有效地控制纠缠和临界温度TC.该结论为实验上利用海森堡XXZ模型的纠缠特性进行隐形传态提供了很好的理论依据.%In this paper, we study entanglement of a three -qubit ferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya ( DM) interaction and obtain the expression for concurrence, which is a function of DM interaction parameter D, the coupling coefficient JZ, external magnetic Band temperature T. It is found that these parameters not only control the entanglement, but also enhance the critical temperature TC. What’ s more, we find the ferromagnetic model has a higher entanglement than antiferromagnetic model. The result could pro-vide theoretical basis for later experiment.
    • 刘丹; 张金岩
    • 摘要: The energy current operator was built by Lagrange multiplier method in this paper. The multiple entropy measures were used to calculate both the entanglement under the zero tem-perature and the thermal entanglement under the finite temperature in the three-qubit system. According to the different interval of the Lagrange multiplier, the changes of thermal entangle-ment with temperature and magnetic field were analyzed. The energy spectrums were studied un-der the influence of the energy current in the isotropic transverse XY spin chain. The study found that When the energy current didn' t flow in the spin chain, the maximum value of entan-glement in the spin chain was 0. 46. When the Lagrange multiplier was greater than zero, the energy current began to flow in the spin chain. Those would make the thermal entanglement in-crease, and the maximum value could be up to 0. 92. The flow of energy would increase the thermal entanglement of the system. When the system was in the energy current phase, the spin chain would have greater thermal entanglement with greater transverse magnetic field. The in-crease of the energy current would make the system obtain greater entanglement in lower temper-ature.%利用拉氏乘子法构建能流算符,使用多体熵积度量方案计算了三比特系统在温度为零时的纠缠和有限温度下的热纠缠性质;根据拉氏乘子的不同区间分析热纠缠随温度、磁场的变化关系,研究了横磁场中各向同性XY自旋链在能量流影响下的能谱. 研究发现:当自旋链中没有能量流时,自旋链的极大纠缠为0. 46;而当拉氏乘子大于零时,自旋链中出现能量流动,导致体系的热纠缠增加,热纠缠极大值可达到0. 92. 自旋链中的能量流动会导致体系的热纠缠增加. 当体系处于能流相时,横磁场越大,得到的热纠缠就越大. 能流的增加,则会导致体系更容易在较低温度获得较大纠缠.
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