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肠营养的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计289篇,主要集中在临床医学、外科学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文208篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献53444篇;相关期刊90种,包括护理学杂志、医学临床研究、中华创伤杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括2012全国普通外科新理念新技术研讨会暨海南省医学会第15届外科学术会议等;肠营养的相关文献由786位作者贡献,包括汪仕良、纳塔列·伊丽莎白·霍特鲁姆、爱德华·卢希安·斯利文斯基等。



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  • 汪仕良
  • 纳塔列·伊丽莎白·霍特鲁姆
  • 爱德华·卢希安·斯利文斯基
  • 维尼特·赫尔米娜·艾格尼丝·基尔斯
  • 李宁
  • 杨帆
  • 陈强谱
  • 尤忠义
  • 马塞尔·米诺尔
  • 黎介寿
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 曹岚; 叶向红; 张丽娜; 李君; 孙扬; 田盾
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the correlation of stage early upright mobilization in critical patients and enteral nutrition- related tolerance. Methods A total of 50 critically patients with continuous enteral nutrition who admitted in ICU from October 2016 to July 2017 were randomized into two groups;the control group (receiving routine functional exercise in bed) and the observation group (stage early upright mobilization)25 cases in each group,the correlation of nutrition-related tolerance,the length of target feeding time and incidence of catheter related adverse events were compared. Results There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of reflux of stomach,aspiration,diarrhea and catheter related adverse events in this two group patients during enteral nutrition(P>0.05),while the times of interrupting enteral nutrition in the observation group(0)was lower than that of the control group (20.83%,5/24),with a statistically significant difference(χ2=4.922,P=0.035).The length of target feeding time was shortened, (3.04 ± 0.66) d in the control group, (3.57 ± 0.83) d in the observation group,with a statistically significant difference(t=2.409,P=0.025). Conclusions Stage early upright mobilization in critical patients is safe and feasible,it can improve the feeding tolerance and shorten the length of target feeding time to promote the early recovery of the patient's disease.%目的 探讨重症患者阶梯式早期下床活动与肠内营养耐受性的相关性.方法 收集2016年10月至2017年7月入住中南大学湘雅医院重症医学科并实施早期肠内营养的重症患者50例为研究对象.按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组各25例,对照组实施常规功能锻炼,观察组实施阶梯式早期下床活动,比较2组患者肠内营养耐受性相关指标、达到目标喂养量的时间、导管相关不良事件发生率.结果2组患者在肠内营养期间胃内容物反流、误吸及腹泻的发生率及导管相关不良事件发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组因胃残余量增加中断肠内营养的发生率为0,低于对照组的20.83%(5/24),差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.922,P=0.035).观察组达到目标喂养量的时间为(3.04 ± 0.66)d,少于对照组的(3.57 ± 0.83)d,差异有统计学意义(t=2.409,P=0.025).结论 重症患者阶梯式早期下床活动是安全可行的,可提高肠内营养的耐受性,使患者更快地达到目标喂养量,促进患者疾病的早日康复.
    • 呼邦传; 刘长文; 许磊; 林荣海; 江荣林; 陆军; 朱寅南; 吴伟东; 丁学军; 谢波; 孙仁华; 吴爱萍; 倪银; 刘景全; 应利君; 徐秋萍; 葛国平; 施云超
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the feasibility of utilizing the current acute gastrointestinal injury(AGI) grading system, and explore the association of severity of AGI grade with clinical outcome in critically ill patients.Methods The adult patients from 14 general ICUs in Zhejiang Province with an expected admission to ICU for at least 24 h were recruited , and all clinical , laboratory , and survival data were prospectively collected .The AGI grade was daily assessed based on GIsymptoms , feeding details and organ dysfunctionon the first week of admission to ICU .The intra-abdominal pressures ( IAP) was measured using AbViser device.Results Of 550 patients enrolled , mean values for age and APACHE Ⅱscore were (64.9 ±17.2) years and (19.5 ±7.4), respectively.456 patients(82.9%) took mechanical ventilation , and 470 patients were identified for AGI .The distribution of AGI grade on the frist day of ICU admission were 50.6%(Ⅰgrade, n=238), 34.2%(Ⅱ grade, n=161), 12.4%(Ⅲ grade, n=58) and 2.8%(Ⅳ, n=13 ) , respectively , while the distribution of the global AGI grade based on the 7-day AGI assessment of ICU admission were 24.5%(Ⅰgrade, n=115), 49.4%(Ⅱ grade, n=232), 20.6%(Ⅲgrade, n=97) and 5.5%(Ⅳ, n=26), respectively.28-and 60-day mortality rate was 29.3%(n=161) and 32.5%( n=179 ) , respectively.The patients with AGI had a higher 28-( 31.1% vs 18.8%, P=0.025) and 60-day survival rate (34.7% vs 20.0%,P=0.01) than those with non-AGI, and also there were positive correlations between AGI grade and 28-and 60-day mortality ( P<0.001 ) .Univariate Cox regression analysis showed that age , the source of medicial admission , diabetes mellitus , coronary heart disease, the use of vasoactive drugs , serum creatinine and lactate , mechanical ventilation , APACHE Ⅱscore, the AGI grade in the first day of ICU admission and feeding intolerance within the first week of ICU stay were significantly ( P≤0.02) associated with mortality.In multivariate analysis including all these variables,the source of medical admission(χ2 =4.34,P=0.04), diabete mellitus(χ2 =3.96,P=0.05), the use of vasoactive drugs (χ2 =6.55,P=0.01), serum lactate(χ2 =4.73,P=0.03), the global AGI grade in the 7-day of ICU admission(χ2 =7.10,P=0.008), and APACHE Ⅱ score(χ2 =12.1,P<0.001) remained independent predictors for 60-day mortality.In the further subgroup analysis including 402 patients with 7-day survival , the feeding intolerance within the first week of ICU stay could provide independent and incremental prognostic value of 60-day mortality wtih increased χ2 value of Cox regression model(χ2 =52.2 vs 41.9, P=0.007) .Conclusion The AGI grading system is useful for identifying the severity of gastrointestinal dysfunction , and could be used as a strong predictor of impaired outcome .The results provide evidence to support that feeding intolerance within 7 days of admission to ICU was an independent determinant of mortality .%目的观察急性胃肠损伤(AGI)分级系统在重症医学科(ICU)患者中临床应用可行性和AGI 严重程度对临床预后的评估意义。方法2014年3至8月在浙江省14个综合医院ICU 内连续招募550例预期入住ICU >24 h 的患者,前瞻性采集患者临床、实验室和生存数据,患者入ICU 后第1周每日进行胃肠道症状、肠内喂养状况以及合并器官功能障碍评估,采用AbViser 系统测定腹腔内压(IAP),综合评估患者AGI 分级。结果入选患者平均年龄为(64.9±17.2)岁;APACHE Ⅱ评分为(19.5±7.4)分,456例(82.9%)患者接受机械通气治疗;470例患者发生AGI,其中,入ICU 第1天AGI 分级分别为50.6%(Ⅰ级,n =238),34.2%(Ⅱ级,n =161),12.4%(Ⅲ级,n =58)和2.8%(Ⅳ级,n =13),而综合患者ICU 7 d 内最高AGI 分级分别为24.5%(Ⅰ级,n =115),49.4%(Ⅱ级,n =232),20.6%(Ⅲ级,n =97)和5.5%(Ⅳ级,n =26);28 d 和60 d 病死率分别为29.3%和32.5%。与非AGI 患者相比,AGI 患者28 d(31.1%比18.8%,P =0.025)和60 d 病死率(34.7%比20.0%,P =0.01)显著增加,AGI 分级严重程度与患者28 d 和60 d 病死风险增加呈显著正相关。单因素Cox 回归分析示:年龄、入ICU 内科来源、脓毒症、2型糖尿病、冠心病,缩血管药物使用、血乳酸和肌酐、接受机械通气、入ICU 综合AGI 分级和APACHE Ⅱ评分与60 d 病死预后显著相关(P≤0.02);多因素Cox 回归分析示:ICU 内科来源(χ2=4.34,P =0.04)、2型糖尿病(χ2=3.96,P =0.015)、血管活性药物使用(χ2=6.55,P =0.01)、血乳酸(χ2=4.73,P =0.03)、入ICU 综合AGI 分级(χ2=7.10,P =0.008)和APACHE Ⅱ评分(χ2=12.1,P <0.001)是预测重症患者60 d 病死独立危险因素。此外,402例7 d 存活患者亚组分析显示:在入ICU 第1天AGI 分级和临床因素预测死亡的基础上,7 d 喂养不耐受能提供独立额外地预测其60 d 病死价值(χ2=52.2与41.9, P =0.007)。结论 AGI 分级系统能有效识别重症患者胃肠功能障碍严重程度,并能预测其临床预后;本研究证据支持入ICU 7 d 内喂养不耐受是死亡风险独立危险因素。
    • 曹岚; 叶向红; 李君; 张丽娜; 李莉; 张文颖; 邓露茜
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the effect of bedside ultrasound in measuring gastric residual volume in neurosurgical critical patients with enteral nutrition support .Method From March to August 2016,70 critically neurological patients with continues enteral nutrition who admitted in Intensive Care Unit ( ICU) were randomized into two groups .The observation group applied the bedside ultrasound monitoring gastric residual volume every day to guide the implementation of enteral nutrition .The control group used syringes withdrawing every 8 hours to measure the gastric residual volume . Results There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of complications include regurgitation and aspiration in this two group patients (P=0.356;P=1.000), while the times of interrupting enteral nutrition was lower in the observation group(25.7%vs 5.7%,74.3% vs 94.3%,P=0.045), the length of target feeding time and the length of ICU stay, the operation time was shortened, with a statistically significant difference[(2.37 ± 0.69) d vs (3.49 ±0.74) d,P=0.028;(8.52 ±5.45) d vs (6.40 ±2.71) d,P=0.022;(58.29 ± 11.22)s vs (67.60 ±7.05) s,P=0.000].Conclusion The application of bedside ultrasound to measure gastric residual volume can be a scientific method to guide enteral nutrition in neurosurgical critical patients , which can reduce the times of interrupting enteral nutrition and shorten the length of target feeding time and ICU length of stay ,reduce the workload of nurses .%目的 探讨床旁超声监测胃残余量在神经外科重症患者肠内营养中的应用效果.方法 2016年3至8月中南大学湘雅医院重症医学科(ICU)的70例行持续肠内营养的神经重症患者,数字表法随机分为2组,观察组采取床旁超声监测胃残余量,每天监测1次,指导肠内营养实施;对照组采用注射器回抽法每8小时监测胃残余量进而调整肠内营养方案.结果 两组患者在胃内容物反流、误吸等并发症发生率方面差异无统计学意义(P=0.356;P=1.000),观察组肠内营养中断率低于对照组(25.7%比5.7%,74.3%比94.3%,P=0.045),观察组肠内营养达到目标喂养量时间、住ICU时间、操作时间较对照组明显缩短[(2.37±0.69)d比(3.49±0.74)d,P=0.028;(8.52±5.45)d比(6.40±2.71)d,P=0.022;(58.29±11.22)s比(67.60±7.05)s,P=0.000].结论 床旁超声监测胃残余量可以更科学地指导神经外科重症患者肠内营养方案,减少肠内营养中断率,更快地达到目标喂养量,缩短ICU住院时间,减轻了护士的工作量.
    • 杨秋意; 高阳; 本刊编辑部
    • 摘要: 双汇是中国最大的肉类加工基地、农业产业化国家重点龙头企业,总部在河南省漯河市。目前,双汇在全国18个省(市)建有30多个现代化肉类加工基地和配套产业,形成了养殖、饲料、屠宰、肉制品加工、新材料包装、冷链物流、连锁商业等完善的产业链。年产销肉类产品300多万吨,拥有近百万个销售终端,全国除新疆、西藏外,双汇产品均可以做到朝发夕至。双汇品牌价值497亿元,连续20多年位居中国肉类行业第一。
    • 郑苏; 罗强; 彭力; 胥婧; 穆敬平
    • 摘要: Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of application in canicular days plus enteral nutrition in treating cough variant asthma (CVA) in kids, and to explore its action mechanism. Methods:Following a randomized controlled single-blind parallel-group design, 138 eligible kids with CVA were randomized into an observation group, a canicular-day application group, and an enteral nutrition group, 46 kids in each group. The canicular-day application group was intervened by application in canicular days, the enteral nutrition group was by enteral feeding, and the observation group was by both canicular-day application and enteral feeding. The therapeutic efficacies were evaluated after a treatment course. Results: The recovery rate and total effective rate were respectively 50.0% and 98.0% in the observation group, versus 23.9% and 91.3% in the canicular-day application group, and 13.0% and 78.6% in the enteral nutrition group. The observation group was significantly superior to the other two groups (bothP<0.05). In comparing the global symptom score, peak expiratory flow (PEF), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), CD3+, CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, CD8+, hemoglobin (Hb), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), lipid peroxide (LPO), leukotriene (LT), body weight (BW), triceps skin-fold (TSF), and arm muscle circumference (AMC), the observation group was significantly better than the other two groups (bothP<0.05). Conclusion:Application in canicular days plus enteral nutrition can significantly improve the pulmonary function and symptoms in children’s CVA, and the effect is possibly produced by regulating cellular immune system, enhancing Hb, TP, ALB, BW, TSF, AMC, and inhibiting the production of ECP, LPO, and LT.%目的:观察三伏灸配合肠内营养治疗儿童咳嗽变异性哮喘(cough variant asthma, CVA)的临床疗效,并探讨其作用机制。方法:采用随机、单盲、平行对照的原则将符合纳入标准的138例CVA患儿分为观察组、三伏灸组和肠内营养组,每组46例。三伏灸组给与三伏灸治疗,肠内营养组给与肠内营养治疗,观察组给与三伏灸配合肠内营养治疗。治疗1个疗程后进行疗效评定。结果:观察组治愈率50.0%,总有效率为98.0%;三伏灸组治愈率为23.9%,总有效率为91.3%;肠内营养组治愈率为13.0%,总有效率为78.6%;观察组均明显优于其他两组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。在症状总积分、最大呼气流量(peak expiratory flow, PEF)、一秒用力呼气容积(forced expiratory volume in one second, FEV1)、CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+和CD8+、血红蛋白(hemoglobin, Hb)、血清总蛋白(total protein, TP)、清蛋白(albumin, ALB)、嗜酸细胞阳离子蛋白(eosinophil cationic protein, ECP)、过氧化脂质(lipid peroxide, LPO)、白三烯(leukotriene, LT)、体质量、肱三头肌皮皱厚度和上臂肌围上,观察组均优于其他两组,差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.05)。结论:三伏灸配合肠内营养能明显改善小儿 CVA 患者的肺功能和临床症状,可能通过调节细胞免疫,提高患者的 Hb、TP、ALB、体质量、肱三头肌皮皱厚度和上臂肌围等营养状况,抑制ECP、LPO和LT的分泌等机制发挥治疗作用。
    • 张国玉; 邹剑峰
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨应用肠内免疫营养制剂对于慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者营养状况改善效果及对免疫和急性炎性反应的影响.方法 2013年6月至2014年6月在海军总医院重症医学科住院需行机械通气的60例COPD患者,随机分为两组:免疫营养组30例和标准营养组30例.两组使用等热量肠内营养.营养素经鼻肠管使用.入院当天及每2周抽取静脉血,检测血清白蛋白(ALB)、前白蛋白(PA),C反应蛋白(CRP),白细胞介素-6(IL-6),同时在床旁测上臂肌围(MAMC)各指标,比较2组14d脱机率及机械通气时间.结果 免疫营养组患者治疗14d内的脱机率和高于匀浆膳营养组(73.3%比43.3%,P<0.05);营养指标:第14天的前白蛋白水平[(188.4±57.5) mg/L比(174.6 ±65.7) mg/L,P<0.05]、第14天的白蛋白水平[(32.7±4.6) g/L比(30.2 ±3.8)g/L,P<0.05]、第28天时的上臂肌围水平高于对照组[(25.5±2.l)cm比(24.3±1.8)cm,P<0.05],差异均有统计学意义.炎症反应参数,IL-6水平第14天时[(250.1±110.3) ng/L比(266.1±97.3)ng/L,P>0.05],两组差异无统计学意义,第28天时[(108.5±59.6)ng/L比(165.7±76.3)ng/L,P<0.05]免疫营养组水平低于标准营养组;CRP水平:第14天时CRP水平[(12.2±7.3)mg/L比(13.2±6.9) mg/L,P<0.05],第28天的CRP水平[(7.5±5.0)mg/L比(9.6±5.6) mg/L,P<0.05],免疫营养组CRP水平在第14、28天均低于标准营养组,差异有统计学意义.结论 COPD患者应用免疫肠内营养支持较匀浆膳能更好地改善患者营养状态、免疫功能、下调急性炎症反应水平.提高早期撤机成功率,是较为合适的营养支持方法.%Objective To explore the application of enteral immune nutrition preparation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and examine the improving effects on nutritional status,immune status and acute inflammatory reaction.Methods A total of 60 cases of hospitalized COPD patients on mechanical ventilation in intensive care unit (ICU) were randomly divided into immune nutrition group (containing essential fatty acids,omega-3 fatty acids,energy 1.3 kcal/ml) (study,n =30) and standard nutrition group (self-made homogenized diet 1.2 kal/ml) (control,n =30).Two groups received an equal calorie of enteral nutrition via a nasointestinal tube.On the day of admission and every 2 weeks,venous blood samples were drawn for measuring the serum levels of albumin (ALB),prealbumin (PA),C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).And the values of upper arm muscle circumference (MAMC) were recorded simultaneously bedside.The levels of mechanical ventilation and weaning rate were compared between two groups at Day 14.Results The weaning rate within 14 days in study group was higher than that in control group (73.3% vs 43.3%,P <0.05).And PA at Day 14 in study group was higher than that in control group [(188.4 ±57.5) vs (174.6 ±65.7) mg/L,P <0.05],ALB at Day 14 also higher than control group [(32.7 ± 4.6) vs (30.2 ± 3.8) g/L,P < 0.05],MAMC at Day 28 better than control group [(25.5 ± 2.1) cm vs (24.3 ± 1.8) cm,P < 0.05].No significant inter-group difference in IL-6 existed at Day 14 [(250.1 ±110.3) vs (266.1 ±97.3) ng/L,P >0.05].The study group was lower than control group at Day 28 [(108.5 ± 59.6) vs (165.7 ± 76.3) ng/L,P < 0.05].The CRP levels at Day 14 [(12.2±7.3) vs (13.2±6.9) mg/L,P<0.05] andatDay28 [(7.5±5.0) vs (9.6±5.6) mg/L,P <0.05] were lower than those of control group at Days 14 and 28.Conclusion Compared with homogenized diet,immune enteral nutrition may improve the nutritional status of COPD patients,lower the levels of acute inflammatory reactions and boost the success rate of early weaning.
    • 王季鸿; 龚佩花; 范玉玲; 艾梅荣
    • 摘要: 目的::通过对孤残儿童定期营养监测,及时实施肠营养干预,改善营养状况,以利于孤残儿童健康成长。方法:定期进行营养筛查,对存在营养风险的孤残儿童进行营养评估和肠营养干预。结果:肠营养干预对营养不良孤残儿童显著有效,受干预孤残儿童体重增长速率与正常儿童比较P﹤0.01,出现部分赶上生长。结论:孤残儿童有必要定期进行营养筛查、评估和及时肠营养干预,改善营养状况,促进孤残儿童体格发育。%Objective:To improve the nutrition status of the abandoned and disabled children through the timely implementa-tion of enteral nutrition interventions and the regular nutrition monitoring, which will help them to grow up healthily. Methods:Through being screened the nutrition status regularly, the abandoned and disabled children with low nutritional status were given the as-sessment and enteral nutrition intervention. Results: The enteral nutrition intervention for the abandoned and disabled children with malnutrition was significantly effective. The weight growth rate of the children having received the nutrition intervention was comparable with that of other normal children (P﹤0. 01), and a part of these children had occurred the catch-up growth. Conclusions:It is nec-essary to do the regular nutritional screening, assessment and timely enteral nutrition interventions for the abandoned and disabled chil-dren, which will help them to improve the nutritional status and have a better physical development.
    • 戚继荣; 莫绪明; 钱龙宝; 李晓南
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the effects of early enteral nutrition infusion micropump supports during peri-operation in the treatment of neonate esophageal atresia.Methods Retrospective analyses were performed for 112 cases of newborn esophageal atresia between April 1999 and April 2012.Fifty patients between 1999-2006 received conventional therapy while 62 patients after 2006 had early enteral nutrition infusion micropump supports during peri-operation.The gestational age and admission weight had no significant inter-group difference.Early enteral nutrition infusion micropump support group received enteral nutrition after 3 days while control group had enteral nutrition after 7 days.Both groups are received basic supports during peri-operation.Results In early enteral nutrition infusion micropump support group,59 cases were cured and 3 died with a mortality rate of 4.8%.For cured children,their average weight increased (0.11 ± 0.06) kg,52 cases gained weight and 5 cases had no change in weight; in control group,47 cases were cured and 3 died with a mortality rate of 6%.For cured cases,their average weight decreased (0.05 ± 0.04) kg.Significant inter-group differences existed in ventilator time,days of hospitalization and weight change (P<0.05).But mortality rate and anastomotic leak showed no inter-group difference (P>0.05).Conclusions Early enteral nutrition infusion micropump supports can significantly reduce the nutrition risks of neonate esophageal atresia,shorter in-hospital stays,reduce economic costs and improve prognosis.%目的 探讨早期微泵肠内营养输注法在新生儿食管闭锁治疗中的必要性及对预后的影响.方法 回顾性分析1999年4月至2012年4月收治的新生儿Ⅲ型食管闭锁112例的临床资料.112例均采用食道一期吻合术.其中,1999-2006年的50例为常规治疗组,2006-2012年的62例为早期微泵肠内营养组.两组病例胎龄、入院体重无明显差异,围手术期均常规行肠外营养.早期微泵肠内营养组术后3d微泵微量输注法给予深度水解奶和益生菌,并逐步增量过渡为经口全喂养.常规治疗组术后7d开始经鼻-胃管喂养,逐步增量并过渡至经口全喂养.结果 早期微泵肠内营养组治愈59例,死亡3例,病死率为4.8%,存活儿体重增加52例,不变5例,平均体重增加(0.11±0.06)kg.常规治疗组治愈47例,死亡3例,病死率为6%,存活儿体重均下降,平均体重降低(0.05±0.04)kg.两组呼吸机辅助时间、住院天数、首次排便时间、入/出院体重变化经t检验及卡方检验,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);病死率和吻合口瘘发生率差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 新生儿食管闭锁术后早期微泵肠内营养输注法可有效改善患儿的营养风险,缩短住院时间和减少经济花费,而病死率和吻合口瘘发生率无明显变化.
    • 谢剑锋; 黄力维; 郭凤梅; 杨毅; 邱海波
    • 摘要: Objective To explore whether or not small bowel feeding can reduce the incidence of hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP).Methods The databases of Pubmed,Embase and Web of Science were searched to identify the relevant randomized controlled trials (RCT) from January 1992 to September 2012.Meta analysis was performed to analyze the effects of gastric versus small bowel feeding on HAP.Results Ten RCTs including 830 patients were retrieved and 6 of which examined the effect of ventilatorassociated pneumonia (VAP).In total,the incidence of HAP was 15% (62/407) in bowel feeding group versus 23% (97/423) in gastric feeding group.As compared with gastric feeding,small bowel feeding appeared to significantly reduce the incidence of HAP [RR 0.67,95% CI(0.51-0.89),P =0.005 ; I2 =0%)],but did not reduce the mortality [RR 1.08,95% CI(0.84-1.40),P =0.54; I2 =0%] and the duration of ICU stay [weighted mean difference in 0.04 days,95% CI(-2.83-2.91),P =0.98; I2 =96%].Subgroup analysis indicated that small bowel nutrition reduced the incidence of VAP [RR 0.64,95%CI(0.46-0.90),P =0.01 ; I2 =9%)],but did not reduce the incidence HAP of non-VAP [RR0.74,95%CI(0.45-1.21),P=0.23; I2 =0%)].Conclusion Compared with gastric feeding,small bowel feeding can reduce the incidence of HAP,especially VAP,but can not reduce the mortality.%目的 观察经小肠营养能否降低医院获得性肺炎(HAP)发生率.方法 通过计算机检索数据库收集1992年1月至2012年9月关于比较经胃营养与经小肠营养对HAP发生率影响的随机对照研究,然后采用RevMan 5.0软件对纳入资料进行系统分析,明确不同途径的营养方式对HAP的影响.结果 共纳入10项随机对照的临床研究,830例患者;其中6个研究分析了经小肠营养对呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)的影响.两组HAP发生率分别为15%(62/407)及23%(97/427).与经胃营养相比,经小肠营养明显降低HAP的发生率[RR 0.67,95% CI(0.51 ~0.89),P=0.005;I2=0%)],但不降低患者住院病死率[RR l.08,95% CI(0.84~1.40),P=0.54;I2 =0%]及ICU住院时间[Weighted mean difference 0.04 d,95%CI(-2.83 ~2.91),P=0.98;I2 =96%].亚组分析显示经小肠营养明显降低VAP的发生率[RR0.64,95% CI(0.46~0.90),P=0.01;I2=9%)],但不降低非VAP的HAP发生率[RR0.74,95%CI(0.45 ~ 1.21),P=0.23;I2=0%)].结论 与经胃营养相比,经小肠营养可以显著降低HAP发生率,尤其降低VAP发生率,但不降低患者住院病死率.
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