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聚煤作用的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计197篇,主要集中在地质学、矿业工程、石油、天然气工业 等领域,其中期刊论文185篇、会议论文12篇、专利文献173149篇;相关期刊80种,包括沉积学报、沉积与特提斯地质、古地理学报等; 相关会议11种,包括山东省煤炭学会煤田地质专业委员会新形势下煤田地质工作发展论坛、2014年全国煤层气学术研讨会、第五届全国沉积学大会等;聚煤作用的相关文献由381位作者贡献,包括邵龙义、鲁静、张鹏飞等。



论文:185 占比:0.11%


论文:12 占比:0.01%


论文:173149 占比:99.89%





  • 邵龙义
  • 鲁静
  • 张鹏飞
  • 高迪
  • 李增学
  • 李明培
  • 汪浩
  • 孙斌
  • 张发德
  • 董大啸
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 龚荣林; 刘慧
    • 摘要: 本文运用层序地层学和沉积体系分析相结合的方法,对赣中晚二叠世含煤盆地乐平煤系进行综合沉积学研究,识别出各级层序界面特征,将乐平煤系划分为一个层序、三个层序组、若干个小层序,海进体系域是乐平煤系的最佳成煤单元。海进体系域、高位体系域的聚煤作用都受障壁砂体小层序的控制,同沉积断裂活动、海平面变化和沉积补给是赣中晚二叠世含煤盆地层序地层形成的主要控制因素。
    • 冀应斌
    • 摘要: 基于火烧山勘探区西山窑组含煤岩系层序地层格架,将西山窑组地层分为层序Ⅰ和层序Ⅱ,并将层序Ⅰ分为低位体系域、湖扩体系域和高位体系域,将层序Ⅱ分为低位体系域和湖扩体系域.通过对该勘探区沉积体系与聚煤作用相关性进行重点研究,表明西山窑组含煤岩系的层序Ⅰ高位体系域的河流沉积相、沼泽沉积相与聚煤作用之间具有相关性,为该区煤炭资源勘查提供技术指导.
    • 江勇
    • 摘要: 根据贵州各地沉积基底特性以及含煤地层的岩性、岩相、含煤性及构造等可将贵州晚二叠世含煤沉积区域分为9大煤田,并分别对各煤田聚煤古地理类型、沉积相、沉积体系、聚煤作用等进行了综合分析和研究,确立了贵州省各煤田所处沉积相带,评价了各煤田煤层的成煤规律、赋存状态及含煤性,为今后煤炭资源勘查特别是普查找煤方向提供了理论支持.
    • 乔军伟; 宁树正; 宋时雨; 杨成
    • 摘要: 通过对西藏近70年煤炭地质工作和成果的总结,梳理了全区主要煤矿点的煤炭地质勘查现状和主要成果,基本摸清了全区主要煤矿点含煤地层的形成时代、分布范围、含煤性及煤岩煤质特征;总结了西藏自治区赋煤构造单元和成煤盆地的划分,初步归纳了主要聚煤期含煤地层的沉积体系和沉积环境.总体认为西藏自治区煤炭地质整体工作程度不高,成煤作用和聚煤规律研究有待进一步加深.指出了今后研究的主要内容是总结残留煤系与周边地区含煤沉积之间存在的共性及差异,分析主要聚煤期聚煤作用的时空迁移特征和迁移规律;研究特提斯演化和青藏高原隆起对聚煤盆地的控制和改造作用,分析其对煤系多种矿产耦合成矿的影响,为全区煤系多种矿产的综合勘查和开发提供依据.
    • 丁恋
    • 摘要: 沁水盆地石炭-二叠系含煤地层,其空间展布受沉积环境和层序地层的控制.以沁水盆地西南缘为研究对象,利用岩心、钻井等资料分析含煤地层岩相类型、沉积相、层序地层及聚煤作用特征,得到以下认识:①石炭-二叠系主要由粗砂岩、中细砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩、灰岩和可燃有机岩组成,发育三角洲平原相、三角洲前缘相等三角洲沉积体系及障壁-滨外陆棚沉积体系;②识别出区域不整合面、下切谷冲刷面及沉积体系转换面等3种层序界面,将石炭-二叠系含煤地层划分为3个三级层序,并进一步划分出低位、海(湖)侵及高位体系域,其中层序Ⅰ、层序Ⅲ中发育厚度稳定的可采煤层;③障壁-滨外陆棚环境下煤层在层序地层格架中位于最大海泛面附近,三角洲平原环境下煤层位于湖侵体系域早中期,可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率相平衡条件下,形成厚层煤层.
    • 张燕
    • 摘要: 在野外露头实测、钻井岩心观察及测井资料分析基础上,对鲁西地区早二叠世沉积特征进行分析,认为早二叠世以河控浅水三角洲沉积为主,其中三角洲平原广泛发育,分流河道极易识别.三角洲演化的最终结果会导致废弃,废弃后的三角洲平原广泛沼泽化,有利于煤炭的聚集.当构造环境适合时,三角洲废弃时间越长,聚煤作用越强.
    • 高迪; 邵龙义
    • 摘要: In order to have the distribution features of the sequence stratigraphy framework in Early Cretaceous of Jixi Fault Basin,the related theory and method of the sequence stratigraphy was applied to the sequence stratigraphy analysis on the Early Cretaceous coal measures in Jixi Continental Fault Basin.The coal accumulation role of the Fault Basin was discussed.The study results showed that there were three sequence boundaries totally recognized in Early Cretaceous coal measures of Jixi Basin,two third grade sequences were divided and there were Chengzihe Formation and Muling Formation respectively.The seam accumulation mainly was subjected to the accommodation space variation rate and the peat accumulation rate.ln the continental fault basin,the main factors to control the variation rate of the accommodation space and peat would be the tectonic activities and climate.Early Cretaceous period of Jixi faulted basin was in a stable development of a lake basin transited to a shrinking stage.In the stable development stage of the lake basin,the basement changing rate was gently,the terrigenous clasticsupply was relatively less and the accommodation space increased rate and the peat accumulation rate were in a relevant balance.A delta plain was mainly developed and would be favorable to the seam accumulation.In the three grade sequences,a lake transgression system area would be best for the coal accumulation and the low level system area and the high level system area would be the second.%为得到鸡西断陷盆地早白垩世层序地层地层格架中的展布特征,运用层序地层学有关理论和方法,对鸡西陆相断陷盆地早白垩世含煤岩系进行层序地层分析,并探讨了该断陷盆地的聚煤作用.研究结果表明:鸡西盆地早白垩世含煤地层共识别出3个层序边界,划分2个三级层序,分别对应于城子河组和穆棱组;煤层的聚集主要取决于可容空间变化速率和泥炭堆积速率,而在陆相断陷盆地中,控制两者变化速率的主要因素为构造活动和气候;鸡西断陷盆地早白垩世时期处于湖盆稳定发展向萎缩阶段过渡,湖盆稳定发展阶段基底速率变化缓慢、陆源碎屑供给相对较少,可容空间增加速率和泥炭堆积速率相对平衡,主要发育了三角洲平原相,有利于煤层的聚集;在三级层序中,湖侵体系域聚煤最好,其次为低位体系域和高位体系域.
    • 王帅; 邵龙义; 孙钦平; 张云鹤; 史鸣剑; 孙斌; 鲁静
    • 摘要: The Bayanbaolige Coalfield of Erlian Basin is rich in coal and coalbed methane resources.In this paper,we studied the palaeogeographic evolution and coal accumulation in sequence stratigraphic framework of the Lower Cretaceous Saihantala Formation based on data of boreholes and logging curves.Three types of sequence boundary,including regional unconformities,basal erosional surfaces of the incised valley fills and correlative conformities,were recognized.Accordingly,the Saihantala Formation was divided into two third-order sequences,and thick coal seams were developed in the early and late transgressive system tract of Sequence Ⅰ.The palaeogeographic pattern were reconstructed based on the single factor analysis and multifactor comprehensive mapping method,and the palaeogeographic units include alluvial fan,fan delta plain and shoreline-shallow lake.The favorable coal-forming sites were in the lakeshore-shallow lake,the transitional zone between fan delta plain and lakeshore-shallow lake where moderate subsidence was maintained and there was little input of coarse-grained sediments.Seam thickness and coal accumulation decreased from Sequence Ⅰ to Sequence Ⅱ.The development of the thick coal seams of multilayers,which were affected by intermittence and periodicity of subsidence,were controlled by the continuous change of ratio between the accommodation increase rate and the peat accumulation rate.For the Sequence Ⅰ,the central study area is the favorable area for the exploration of coal and coalbed methane resources in the future.%二连盆地巴彦宝力格煤田蕴藏着丰富的煤炭和煤层气资源.利用钻孔和测井资料对赛汉塔拉组层序格架下的古地理演化特征和聚煤作用进行研究,识别出3种层序界面类型:区域不整合面、河道下切谷冲刷面和对应整合面,将赛汉塔拉组划分为2个三级层序,厚煤层主要发育于层序Ⅰ湖侵体系域早期和晚期.采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法,恢复了层序格架下的古地理格局,古地理单元为冲积扇、扇三角洲平原和滨浅湖.有利聚煤环境为扇三角洲平原与滨浅湖过渡带、滨浅湖,具有合适的基底沉降速率并且受到较小的陆源碎屑影响.从层序Ⅰ到层序Ⅱ,煤层厚度减小,聚煤作用减弱;多层厚煤层的形成受基底沉降震荡性、周期性的影响,受可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率比值不断变化的控制.层序Ⅰ发育时期,研究区中部为下一步煤炭资源和煤层气勘探的有利区.
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