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临界性质的相关文献在1989年到2020年内共计85篇,主要集中在物理学、石油、天然气工业、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献20694篇;相关期刊49种,包括安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)、苏州大学学报(自然科学版)、曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议6种,包括2013年中国工程热物理学会工程热力学与能源利用学术年会、湖北省物理学会、武汉物理学会2013年学术年会、第八届全国超临界流体技术学术及应用研讨会暨第一届海峡两岸超临界流体技术研讨会等;临界性质的相关文献由140位作者贡献,包括孔祥木、王从岗、尹训昌等。



论文:76 占比:0.37%


论文:6 占比:0.03%


论文:20694 占比:99.61%





  • 孔祥木
  • 王从岗
  • 尹训昌
  • 孙光厚
  • 何茂刚
  • 刘子媛
  • 寿德清
  • 张平伟
  • 张艳梅
  • 张颖
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: 中国科学技术大学潘建伟教授及同事苑震生等人与中科院武汉物理与数学研究所管习文研究组合作,近期通过对光晶格中的超冷原子进行量子调控和测量,在国际上首次获得了一维有限温多体系统在经典气体和量子液体之间转变的量子临界性质,并通过测量其相位关联观测到了拉亭杰液体的幂定律关联特性。国际权威学术期刊《物理评论快报》日前发表了该成果。
    • 摘要: 近期,我国科学家通过对光晶格中的超冷原子进行量子调控和测量,在国际上首次获得了一维有限温多体系统在经典气体和量子液体之间转变的量子临界性质,并通过测量其相位关联观测到了拉亭杰液体的幂定律关联特性。国际权威学术期刊《物理评论快报》日前发表了该成果。
    • 孙彦锦; 姚倩; 李泽荣; 李娟琴; 李象远
    • 摘要: Lennard-Jones(L-J) parameters were used in combustion modeling as transport parameters and in pressure-dependent rate-coefficient calculations as collision rate parameters. However, there are no reported values for most of the radical intermediates in hydrocarbon combustion. In this work, a new group contribution formula was proposed and group contribution values of 40 groups for intermediates in the combustion of hydrocarbons were fitted from critical properties of 250 species, including 185 stable species with experimental critical property values and 65 radical species with calculated critical property values and these group contribu-tion values were used to estimate critical properties for new species. 30 hydrocarbon compounds with available experimental properties were chosen to validate the accuracy of the model, the average absolute deviation of TC and PC were 8. 52% and 16. 83% , respectively, showing an agreement with experimental data. This model can predict critical properties for macromolecular and radical species. According to the empirical relations between critical properties and L-J parameters, L-J parameters of hydrocarbon combustion intermediates were estimated. It was shown that the predicted values for 46 compounds with available reported data were in good agreement with the reported values and the average absolute deviation of TC and PC were 9. 88% and 9. 96% , respectively. The L-J parameters of alkane radical · C6 H13 , alkene radical · C5 H9 and alkyne radical · C5 H7 isomers were compared. L-J parameters of · C6 H13 and similar compound C6 H14 were also compared and the results showed that there were obvious differences of the L-J parameters between isomers or between similar compounds. In addition, L-J parameters for 114 hydrocarbon radicals, for which L-J parameters had not been reported yet, were predicted. These data are important in the combustion modeling of hydrocarbons and pressure-dependent rate-coefficient calculations for elementary reactions in hydrocarbon combustion.%在已有的基团贡献法公式的基础上,提出了一种新的基团贡献法公式,并通过拟合250种化合物(包括185种稳定化合物临界性质的实验值和65种自由基临界性质的计算值)的临界性质得到了40种基团的贡献值,并用于预测未知化合物的临界性质.选取了训练集以外的、有临界性质实验值的30种化合物作为独立测试集,用于验证所建模型对临界性质的预测能力, TC 和 PC 平均绝对偏差分别为8.52%和16.83%.结果表明,预测结果和实验值相吻合,该模型可以用于大分子化合物及自由基的临界性质预测.根据临界性质与 Lennard-Jones(L-J)系数的经验关系式,预测了碳氢化合物燃烧中间体的 L-J 系数,得到独立测试集46种碳氢化合物的 L-J 系数,与文献值接近, TC 和 PC 的平均绝对偏差分别为9.88%和9.96%.比较了训练集中烷烃自由基· C6 H13、烯烃自由基· C5 H9和炔烃自由基· C5 H7同分异构体的 L-J 系数,同时,将己烷自由基· C6 H13与相似的邻近烷烃 C6 H14的 L-J 系数进行比较,发现同分异构体之间或相似化合物之间 L-J 系数有较大偏差.此外,对缺少 L-J 系数的114种常见碳氢化合物自由基进行了预测.这对于碳氢化合物的燃烧模拟及基元反应中压强相关的速率常数计算有重要意义.
    • 宋新阳; 刘子媛; 王从岗
    • 摘要: Based on the experimental data of critical properties and basic physical properties of petroleum fractions, random forest method was used to predict the critical properties. The average relative deviation for critical temperature prediction was about 0. 6% for the train result, and 1. 4% for the test. The average relative deviation for critical pressure was about 3% for the train result, and 6% for the test. The results showed that random forest method had relatively high veracity and a wide range of application. The parameters of random forest model were examined. The appropriate value of Ntree was 500 or 800. For models which had more than 4 input parameters, the appropriate value of Mtry was the number of input parameters minus 1, but for models which had smaller parameters, the appropriate value of Mtry was the number of input parameters.%在实测原油馏分临界性质及基础物性数据基础上,采用随机森林方法预测其临界性质。预测临界温度的随机森林模型训练的平均相对偏差在0.6%左右,测试的平均相对偏差在1.4%左右。预测结果精度较高,应用范围广。预测临界压力的随机森林模型训练的平均相对偏差一般在3%左右,测试的平均相对偏差一般在6%左右。考察了随机森林模型参数的影响,其中Ntree取500或800时预测结果能够满足要求;对于输入参数数目k≥4时, Mtry取k-1预测精度较高,当k较小时Mtry取k的预测精度较高。
    • 谭均权; 刘子媛
    • 摘要: 用实测的伊朗原油24组馏分油的部分物性数据,考察了常用的估算临界性质的七个估算式应用于伊朗原油的适用性,结果表明:估算临界温度的四个计算式的平均相对偏差在1.25 %-2.21%之间,其中Sim-Daubert式、Lee-Kesler式和Cavett式的偏差分别是1.25%、1.43%和1.46%,优于Roess式的2.21%.Ros式、Sim-Daubert式和Lee-Kesler式以及Cavett式均可满足工艺计算临界温度的要求.估算临界压力的三个计算式中,Sim-Daubert估算式、Lee-Kesler估算式和Cavett式的平均相对偏差分别为2.31%、6.67%和7.12%,标准偏差分别为为0.109MPa、0.149 MPa和0.142 MPa,Sim-Daubert估算式可以满足工程计算的要求.
    • 董梅
    • 摘要: 在短篇小说《伊夫琳》中,乔伊斯引入了特别的“窗”意象,充分利用“窗”的临界性质进行了窗内外人物形象的对比,凸显了其小说集《都柏林人》的“瘫痪主题”.窗内的人物伊夫琳是处在当下实实在在的十九岁女孩形象,窗外的过客形象和伊夫琳的对比,展现了她性别的迷失、工作和生活的不如意,印她瘫痪的自我:窗外的事物唤醒的回忆中的亲友形象和伊夫琳的对比,展现了她的无助、孤独,即她瘫痪的亲情和友情;窗外代表未来希望的男友形象和走出房间从窗内到达窗外的伊夫琳的对比,展现了她的无望、迷惘,即她瘫痪的爱情.
    • 尹训昌; 祝祖送; 张平伟
    • 摘要: According to the renormalization -group( RG) transformation, the phase transition of the Q -state potts model on a special diamond-type hierarchical lattice is studied , its fixed point and critical exponent of correlation length are obtained .The results show that there has finite temperature phase transition and that the critical points on these system have changed with Q value increasing.%通过重整化群的方法,讨论了特殊钻石型晶格上Q态potts模型的相变,求得了系统的临界点,并且得到了关联长度的临界指数。由结果可知,该系统存在有限温度的相变,并且系统的临界点随着Q值的增加而变大。
    • 李敦然; 晏世雷
    • 摘要: Within the framework of the effective field theory (EFT) and cutting approximation, we study the critical properties of transverse Ising model with crystal field in a trimodal field. The change of transverse field and tirmodal magnetic parameter can affect the tricritical point (TCP), the secondorder phase and the magnetic field degeneration at ground state in T-h space. Moreover, the transverse field and a proper trimodal parameter can depress the TCP. In T-D space, a trimodal magnetic field and a proper parameter can take on the other kind TCP and the reentrant phenomenon when transverse field is zero. The TCP can take place a fluctuation under certain range of transverse field role.%在有效场理论和切断近似的框架内,研究三模外场和晶场作用自旋S=1横场Ising模型的临界性质,在T-h空间中横场和三模外场参数的变化对三l临界点、二级相变以及基态时外场简并均有很大的影响,横场与合适的三模外场参数能有效地抑制三临界点;T-D空间中三模外场及合适的三模外场参数在无横场时呈现出另一类三临界点和重入相变,横场的引入可很好地抑制三临界点和重入相变,在一定的横场作用范围内三临界点可出现起伏.
    • 李丽妍; 唐开伟; 蔡钧
    • 摘要: The critical properties of square-well dimer with range λ= 1.5 are calculated by grand ensemble Monte Carlo simulation. The critical temperature and density obtained with the help of histogram reweighting technique and finite-size scaling theory are T*c=1.5495 and p*c=0.1473, respectively. Vapor-liquid equilibria properties far from the critical point are explored by hyper-parallel tempering method which can greatly improve simulation efficiency. The result of critical properties is much more precise than previous simulation result.%在巨正则系综下,采用Monte Carlo方法模拟了阱宽为1.5的方阱二聚物的临界性质,利用完整标度结合histogram reweighting技术以及有限尺寸标度外推得到该流体的临界温度T*c=1.5495,临界密度ρ*c=0.1473.并采用Hyper-parallel tempering方法模拟了远离临界区域的气液相平衡性质,大大提高了模拟效率.所得临界性质较大幅度改进了原有模拟数据的准确度.
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