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絮凝特性的相关文献在1996年到2022年内共计88篇,主要集中在废物处理与综合利用、微生物学、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文75篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献49033篇;相关期刊58种,包括微生物学报、中国学术期刊文摘、化工进展等; 相关会议8种,包括第十四届微生物学教学和科研及成果产业化研讨会、第六届全国大学生创新创业年会、第六届中国城镇水务发展国际研讨会等;絮凝特性的相关文献由296位作者贡献,包括刘立凡、张永奎、阮复昌等。



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  • 刘立凡
  • 张永奎
  • 阮复昌
  • 何秀萍
  • 刘慧璇
  • 唐受印
  • 地引真纪子
  • 小林统
  • 尹华
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  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 李运红; 戚庆学; 王彦军; 武亚军; 陈国公; 许嘉乐
    • 摘要: 海洋疏浚泥一般具有颗粒细、含水率高、渗透性差等特点,药剂真空预压法能够大幅提高海洋疏浚的加固效果,但是,目前关于渤海湾海洋疏浚泥的药剂絮凝与固结特性不甚清楚。为此,基于东营吹填土的矿物成分与物理性质,对经过CaO与APAM两种絮凝药剂预处理后海洋吹填土的絮凝特性与固结特性进行研究。研究结果表明:该地区疏浚泥为淤泥质粉质黏土,矿物成分以石英、碳酸钙为主,且含有一定量的白云母、绿泥石等黏土矿物;加入有机絮凝剂APAM后絮凝速率非常快,添加量在100~300 g/m^(3)范围内,只需约5 min即可完成固液分离,并能排出大量的上清液,最终上清液的体积比不加絮凝剂的将增加1/4~1/3;无机絮凝剂CaO的加入同样能加快固液分离,但是上清液的体积比不添加絮凝剂的少,这一点与有机絮凝剂完全不同;加入絮凝剂后疏浚泥的固结系数均会有不同程度的增加:有机絮凝剂添加量越多固结系数越大;无机絮凝剂则不同,随着添加量的增加,固结系数呈先增加后减小的变化规律。为了取得最佳的固结效果,应该采用最优添加量。研究成果对于渤海湾海洋疏浚泥的药剂真空预压处理工程实践具有理论指导意义。
    • 佘凤胜; 陈满; 沈军; 童国林
    • 摘要: 本文主要以造纸废水为研究对象,用新型无机复合絮凝剂处理造纸废水絮凝效果进行研究,得出了较佳的试验条件为无机复合絮凝剂1.0g/L,硫酸铝0.4g/L,阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)0.05%10ml/L,pH约为7,静置时间10min,在此条件下处理后废水的CODcr去除率为48.3%,SS去除率为96.1%,浊度去除率高达98.5%。此外还对无机复合絮凝剂的组分及结构,处理后废水的电荷进行了研究,并与常用絮凝剂PAC进行了对比研究。
    • 张雪菲; 闵凡飞; 陈军
    • 摘要: 为研究不同类型聚丙烯酰胺对微细石英颗粒絮凝沉降特性及作用机理,开展了不同类型聚丙烯酰胺作用下微细石英颗粒悬浮液絮凝沉降试验研究,考察了药剂种类及用量、pH值、矿浆浓度、动能输入等对微细石英颗粒悬浮液絮凝沉降特性的影响规律.结果表明:不同类型聚丙烯酰胺对微细石英颗粒沉降特性的影响规律为:阳离子型>非离子型>阴离子型;非离子型在800万时效果较好,阴离子型和阳离子型均在1200万时效果较好.当阳离子型用量为300g/t、溶液pH=5、矿浆浓度40g/L时沉降产率高达99.4%,浊度值为8.070.聚丙烯酰胺与微细石英颗粒之间的作用方式主要是"电性中和"、"吸附架桥连接"和"网捕作用".
    • 赵瑾; 王文华; 马宇辉; 姜天翔; 王静; 张雨山
    • 摘要: 以聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDMDAAC)为原料制备了PAC-PDM-DAAC复合絮凝剂,将其用于海水的净化处理.考察了PDMDAAC与Al的不同质量比对絮凝指数FI、形成絮体厚度及体系稳定动力学参数的影响,确定了PAC-PDMDAAC复合絮凝剂的PDM-DAAC/Al最适宜配比.采用Box-Behnken响应面法分析了絮凝剂投加量、反应pH值之间的交互作用及其对浊度和CODMn去除效果的影响.实验结果表明:与聚合氯化铝(PAC)相比,PAC-PDM-DAAC复合絮凝剂净化海水过程中形成絮体更大,沉降性能更好;随着PDMDAAC与Al质量比的增大,絮凝指数FI曲线上升越快速,絮体分层厚度越大,沉降速度越快,稳定动力学参数越大.PAC-PDMDAAC复合絮凝剂的最适宜混凝条件为:反应体系pH值为7.5,絮凝剂投加量为15.3mg/L,在该条件下复合絮凝剂对海水CODMn和浊度的去除率均值分别为65.2%和87.4%,实验结果与响应曲面模型预测值基本相符.%The composite flocculants were prepared using PAC (Polymeric aluminum chloride)and PDM-DAAC (Poly dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride) as raw materials,and was used in purification treatment of seawater.The coagulation process during the treatment of coastal seawater was evaluated by investigating flocculation index (FI),floc thickness and stability kinetics under different PDMDAAC/Al mass ratios.The Box-Behnken response surface methodology was used to study the combined effects of flocculant dosage and pH on turbidity and CODMn removal efficiency.The experimental results demonstrated that the composite flocculant had better flocculant efficiency than PAC.The increase in the PDM-DAAC/Al mass ratio resulted in a larger flocculation index,flocs thickness and stability kinetics parameter,and the floc sedimentation rate was also increased.The optimal coagulation conditions for the treatment of seawater using PAC-PDMDAAC were as follows:pH 7.5,flocculant dosage 15.3 mg/L.Moreover,the maximum removal rate of CODMn and turbidity under optimal conditions reached up to 65.2% and 87.4% respectively,which were consistent with the predicted value by response surface methodology.
    • 王郑; 仲米贵; 黄雷; 薛侨; 林子增; 陈蕾
    • 摘要: 研究了聚合氯化铝-壳聚糖(PAC-CTS)絮凝剂的絮凝特性,进行了聚合氯化铝-壳聚糖复合絮凝剂和单独聚合氯化铝对水中溶解态腐殖酸的去除实验.结果表明:复合絮凝剂在投加量为80 mg/L时即可达到与单独聚合氯化铝投加量为150 mg/L时的去除效果,同时前者适应的pH值范围更宽;与投加量和pH值相比,水样浊度和絮凝搅拌速度是影响絮凝效果的次要因素;另外红外光谱分析发现复合絮凝剂中壳聚糖与聚合氯化铝之间存在相互作用.%The flocculation characteristics of poly aluminum chloride-chitosan (PAC-CTS) composite flocculant was studied and the removal of dissolved humic acid in water was investigated with composite flocculant and PAC only.The results showed that the dosage of the composite flocculant and PAC were 80,150 mg/L,respectively,to achieve the same removal rate.And the composite flocculant could adapt to a wider range of pH.Turbidity and flocculation stirring speed were the secondary factors affecting the flocculation effect when compared with the dosage and pH value.And the fourier tansform infrared(FT-IR) analysis of the flocculant showed that there was an interaction between PAC and CTS.
    • 牛福生; 李卓林; 张晋霞; 刘亚
    • 摘要: 在两种不同形状的搅拌槽中研究流体特征对微细粒赤铁矿絮凝特性的影响.试验结果表明:方形槽中,在转速1 000 r/min、作用时间4 min、轴向距离为2 cm的条件下能够形成粒径35.37 μm、分形维数1.628 9、沉降速度1.132 6 cm/s、密度4.62 g/cm3、孔隙率51.83%的絮凝体;圆形槽中,在转速1 100 r/min、作用时间4 min、轴向距离1.5 cm的条件下能够形成粒径35.67 μm、分形维数1.599 4、沉降速度1.063 7 cm/s、密度4.51 g/cm3、孔隙率54.38%的絮凝体.两者相比,方形槽中较小转速下就可获得更密实的絮凝体.%The influence of fluid flow features on flocculation characteristics of fine hematite was investigated in two stirred tanks with different shapes.The result showed that in the square tank, under the conditions of rotating speed of 1 000 r/min, reaction time of 4 min and axial distance of 2 cm, the floc was formed with an average diameter of 35.37μm, a fractal dimension of 1.628 9, a settling velocity of 1.132 6 cm/s, a density of 4.62 g/cm3 and a porosity of 51.83%.In the circular tank, under the conditions of rotating speed of 1 100 r/min, reaction time of 4 min and axial distance of 1.5 cm, the floc units was formed with an average diameter of 35.67 μm, a fractal dimension of 1.599 4, a settling velocity of 1.063 7 cm/s, a density of 4.62 g/cm3 and a porosity of 51.83%.In comparison, square tank could get the denser floc in low speeds.
    • 李娟; 邹晓; 孟凡丽; 孙嘉龙
    • 摘要: The aim of this paper is to study the bioflocculability and characteristics of different strains of Isaria cicadae by screening all 36 strains with kaolin.The results showed that GZUIFR-6722 strain can perform steadily with high bioflocculability.The active substrate was identified as some kind of extracellular metabolite.During the growth,the production of active substrate was related positively with the biomass.The flocculating rate was 91.47% after addition of 1.2mL/50mL bioflocculants.Moreover,the addition of 1% CaCl2 could promote the performance of the bioflocculants,and increased the flocculating rate to 94.89%.Furthermore,the results also indicated that inversion,standing time,temperature and pH had no obvious effect on flocculation.The findings suggest for application of the GZUIFR-6722 strain in the treatment of waste water.%为探究虫生真菌蝉花不同菌株之间产絮凝剂的差异及絮凝物的絮凝特性,以高岭土法对36株蝉花菌株进行了高产絮凝物的筛选及高产菌株的生长特性和絮凝性质的研究.实验筛选出稳定、高产絮凝物的蝉花菌株GZUIFR-6722,絮凝物活性物质是其胞外聚合物.该菌株在生长过程中生物量的积累和产絮凝物能力呈正相关.当菌株6722絮凝物投加量为1.2mL每50mL时,絮凝效果较好,絮凝率可达91.47%.1%的CaCl2能显著促进絮凝效果,絮凝率可达94.89%.颠倒次数、静置时间、温度以及pH对絮凝效果影响不显著.
    • 张鲁新; 鲁陈; 李吕木; 徐雅芫; 梁君; 刁欢; 丁维民
    • 摘要: An efficient flocculant producing strain was isolated, which could effectively flocculate suspended matter in piggery wastewater. The sludge from piggery sewage sedimentation tank was selected as the screening material. Screening was carried out by dilution plate method and screening medium. Colonies with smooth, large and sticky surfaces were selected. Then the plate was used to isolate and purify the strain, and then inoculated into the liquid medium. The flocculation rate of swine wastewater treated by bacterial fermentation liquid as index was rescreened. Finally, a flocculant producing bacterial strain FD-14 was obtained and identified by 16S rDNA. First, single factor experiments were conducted on the culture conditions, in order to determine the influence of 4 factors on the flocculation activity, such as culture temperature, pH value, rotational speed and time, L9 (34) orthogonal design was used to optimize the culture conditions of the strain. The culture conditions were optimized: Temperature: 30, 33 and 36°C; pH vale: 6.6, 7, 7.4; speed: 120, 150, 180 r/min, and incubation time: 42, 48, 54 h. Then the single factor experiment was used to optimize the carbon and nitrogen source of the medium. By using ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, phenol sulfuric acid method and Coomassie brilliant blue method was used to analyze the components of flocculant. Under the optimal conditions, strain FD-14 was cultured and fermentation broth was used as a crude flocculant, which had been applied to practical swine farm wastewater treatment. The results showed that FD-14 was identified asBacillus amyloliquefaciens based on 16S rDNA gene sequencing. The optimum culture conditions of strain FD-14 were 33°C, initial pH value 6.5, rotational speed of 150 r/min, and 42 h incubation. The results showed that strain FD-14 could use starch as an alternative inexpensive carbon source for the fermentation medium, the flocculation rate of 80.80% was not significantly different (P>0.05) from the original standard medium. The effect of substituting inexpensive nitrogen sources was poor; the flocculation rate of the best, ammonium chloride, was 67.38%, which was significantly less than the original standard medium (P0.05);对猪场实际应用结果表明,微生物絮凝剂和化学絮凝剂对猪场污水絮凝率分别为79.0%和62.7%,微生物絮凝剂比化学絮凝剂对猪场污水絮凝率高16.3%.解淀粉芽孢杆菌FD-14是生物絮凝剂高效产生菌,其产生的絮凝剂可用于猪场污水悬浮物絮凝.
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