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粘附素的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计143篇,主要集中在基础医学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献105038篇;相关期刊49种,包括微生物学报、微生物学免疫学进展、中国免疫学杂志等; 相关会议6种,包括第三届京津冀畜牧兽医科技创新研讨会暨“瑞普杯”新思想、新方法、新观点论坛、第五届全军肝胆外科、第二届全军器官移植、第一届全军实验外科联合学术会议、中国畜牧兽医学会动物微生态学分会第四届第九次全国学术研讨会暨饲料和动物源食品安全战略论坛等;粘附素的相关文献由317位作者贡献,包括王继德、周殿元、张亚历等。



论文:76 占比:0.07%


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论文:105038 占比:99.92%





  • 王继德
  • 周殿元
  • 张亚历
  • 张振书
  • 白杨
  • 陈烨
  • 仲跻峰
  • 刘秀梵
  • 吴利先
  • 杨宏军
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 蔡明辉; 宋英莉; 陈竑量; 朱辉
    • 摘要: A组链球菌(Group A Streptococcus,GAS)是链球菌中致病性最强的细菌之一,可引起咽炎、脓疱病、猩红热、败血症等各种感染性疾病.GAS致病的最初阶段和最重要的阶段是在宿主特定的组织或器官上的粘附和定植,因此了解GAS粘附和定植机制对于GAS致病性的研究具有重要意义.以下将对GAS粘附和定植机制的研究进展作一简要综述.
    • 王双冉
    • 摘要: 螺杆菌感染是一个备受全球关注的问题,其中的幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)更是如此,相关数据显示,Hp感染了全球超过50%的人口,是人类最常见的一种慢性细菌感染的现象。大部分的Hp感染患者是在易感阶段——儿童期获得,大部分的菌体会定植于包括食管、十二指肠等区域的胃上皮生区,但近年来的研究发现胃外部分口腔和肠道也是Hp的憩息地。Hp在定植部位或者憩息地进行大量的繁殖,进而会引起机体出现一系列的疾病,如消化性溃疡、慢性萎缩性胃炎、胃癌、缺铁性贫血、特发性血小板减少性紫癜等。Hp感染给患者的健康带来了极大的危害,究其致病性因素是多方面的。该文就Hp的粘附素、鞭毛及其致病性进行综述研究。
    • 佘银; 罗芳; 高婉茹; 李鑫; 刘霞
    • 摘要: In recent years, the probiotic function of Lactobacillus has become the focus of research,the adhesion character of Lactobacillus to the intestinal mucosa is considered one of the important indicator for evaluating its probiotic function.New methods for studying the adherence character of Lactobacillus have also been emerging, such as surface plasmon resonance(SPR), computer molecular simulation(CMS). Understanding the nature of Lactobacillus-mucus interactions could be the key to elucidating the mechanisms of Lactobacillus adhesion within the host.At the same time,the physicochemical property of Lactobacillus and the external environment also affect its adhesion ability,such as cell growth stage,concentration of bacterial,pH value,protease and so on.This paper reviewed the research progress about the study methods,mechanism and the influence factors of Lactobacillus adhesion,and the future trends for research were also prospected.%近年来,乳酸菌以其益生功能成为研究的热点,而乳酸菌的粘附特性是评价乳酸菌益生功能的重要指标之一.目前,有关研究乳酸菌粘附的新方法不断涌现,如表面等离子体共振技术、计算机分子模拟法等.乳酸菌粘附素与胃肠道粘液受体相互作用的机理是阐明其粘附特性的关键.同时,乳酸菌的理化性质以及外部环境也会影响其粘附能力,如菌体生长阶段、菌液浓度、pH值、蛋白酶等.对目前国内外有关乳酸菌粘附特性的研究方法、粘附机理及其影响因素的研究进展进行综述,并对其研究的发展方向进行了展望.
    • 江银波; 曹二龙; 朱洪; 赵飞骏; 甄红娇; 张佳俐; 余坚; 曾铁兵
    • 摘要: Objective To construct the recombinant E.coli bacterial ghosts (EBG) expressing Treponema pallidum ( Tp) adhesin Tp0751 and to further investigate its potential immunoprotection against Tp infection. Methods E.coli DH5α cells transformed with the plasmids pHH43,containing phagephiX174 lysis E gene,were induced at 42 °C to produce EBG. The lysis rate was calculated and EBG were identified by DNA agarose gel electrophoresis and Transmission Electron Microscope ( TEM ) . E. coli BL21 cells with prokaryotic double expression recombinant plasmids pET28a-E′-Tp0751-E-box,containing lysis gene cassette (E-box),membrane anchor sequence E’-linker and target gene Tp0751,were induced to express recombinant prtotein Tp0751 at 28°C and to generate EBG at 42°C.Recombinant Tp0751 was identified by western blot.The lysis rate of recombinant EBG( rEBG) was calculated,DNA agarose gel electrophoresis and TEM were used to identify the EBG. Results The lysis rate of EBG was 98.13%.No DNA ladder was observed by DNA gel electrophoresis and TEM showed that the vast majority of bacteria were lysed into empty cell envelopes lacking cy-toplasmic content yet retaining unaltered morphological features of their living counterparts.At 28 °C,rEBG effectively ex-pressed Tp0751 that were specifically reactive with syphilitic sera by Western blot.At 42°C,the lysis rate of rEBG was 96. 37%.and similar to EBG tested by electrophoresis and TEM. Conclusion The recombinant EBG expressing Tp0751 are successfully constructed and expressed Tp0751 shows good immunoreactivity.%目的:构建梅毒螺旋体(Tp)粘附素Tp0751的重组大肠埃希菌菌影(E.coli bacterial ghosts,EBG),为深入评价其在抗Tp感染中的潜在免疫保护作用奠定基础。方法将含有噬菌体PhiX174裂解基因E的质粒pHH43转化E.coli DH5α,42°C温控诱导使其形成EBG并计算裂解效率,用琼脂糖DNA电泳和透射电镜( TEM)鉴定EBG。构建含有裂解基因盒E-box、膜锚定序列E′-linker及Tp0751目的基因的原核双表达重组质粒pET28a-E′-Tp0751-E-box,28°C诱导重组E.coli BL21表达Tp0751并用Western Blot鉴定;42°C诱导形成重组EBG(rEBG),计算裂解效率并用DNA电泳和TEM鉴定。结果构建的EBG裂解率为98.13%,DNA电泳未观察到DNA条带, TEM显示绝大部分细菌都裂解成缺乏胞浆成分的细胞空壳并保持活菌基本形态。 rEBG在28°C时高效表达重组Tp0751蛋白,且仅与梅毒患者血清特异性结合;42°C下其rEBG裂解率为96.37%,电泳和TEM鉴定结果与EBG的相似。结论成功构建表达Tp粘附素Tp0751的rEGB,其所表达目的蛋白具有良好免疫反应性。
    • 郑丹; 张丽丽; 李晓霞; 张晓欢; 宗辰; 李宇红
    • 摘要: 革兰氏阴性菌表面有很多结构和功能不同的菌毛,每个细菌大约有200-500个菌毛,常见菌毛如I型菌毛、P菌毛、F1C菌毛。菌毛能介导细菌对靶细胞的粘附和感染,参与免疫逃逸或生物膜的形成,有助于细菌抵抗宿主的机械防御,引起相关疾病。菌毛的粘附能力是细菌定植和组织嗜性的决定性因素,因此,菌毛是致病菌至关重要的毒力因子[1]。1 FimH的结构和功能I型菌毛是肠杆菌最常见的菌毛,由FimA(或PiLA),
    • 吴学敏; 庄培德; 毛凝; 林天龙; 龚辉; 杨金先
    • 摘要: 为深入探讨嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila,Ah)主要粘附素在菌体侵入宿主和介导宿主产生免疫过程可能扮演的角色,对Ah菌ZN1株主要粘附素重组基因的表达产物的部分生物学功能进行分析.通过酶联免疫吸附试验、细胞与Ah菌的粘附试验及粘附抑制和阻断试验,研究分析克隆表达的Mah-TrxA(硫氧还蛋白与主要粘附素形成的融合蛋白)生物学功能.结果显示:克隆表达的Mah-TrxA融合蛋白具有良好的抗原性和免疫原性,对不同Ah菌株有交叉粘附抑制的作用,抗原竞争性抑制试验和抗体阻断试验均能显著减少不同Ah菌株对EPC的粘附作用.因此,克隆表达的Mah-TrxA确为ZN1菌株的主要粘附素;基因工程技术以融合蛋白形式表达的Mah-TrxA与野生菌株ZN1表达的主要粘附素具有类似的生物学活性.%This experimentation was designed to help understand the antigenic and immunogenic rules of Aeromonas hydrophila (Ah). Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed the ratios of the antibody titers of the rabbit anti-ZN1-outer membrane protein (OMP) serum to the expression product, Mah-TrxA, and the recombinant protein of thioredoxin and a major adhesion agent and ZN1-OMP to be 1 : 3 200 and 1 : 12 800, respectively; and the ratios of the antibody titers of the rabbit anti- Mah-TrxA serum to Mah-TrxA and ZN1-OMP to be 1 < 12 800 and 1 : 1 600. Respectively. Carp epithelial tumor cells (EPC) were used to study the adhesion effect of different sources and serotypes of Ah to EPC, as well as the biological functions played by Mah-TrxA. The adhesion test indicated that Ah were separated from the fish, the serotypes were O:Ahl0501, O : 9, and O : CQ-11 the adhesion rate of Ah to EPC was greater than 97% ; ATCC7966 was separated from milk, the serotype was O : 1; and, the adhesion rate of ATCC7966 to EPC was 78. 5%. The results indicated that Mah-TrxA and the rabbit anti-Mah-TrxA serum could significantly inhibit or block the bacterial adhesion to EPC. It suggested that the fusion protein expressed through genetic engineering techniques in Ah had similar antigenicity and immunogenicity as the wild strain, ZN1.
    • 刘金叶; 冯娟; 徐力文; 苏友禄; 郭志勋
    • 摘要: 粘附是病原菌感染宿主的第一步,而粘附素在细菌的粘附过程中起着重要的作用,是病原菌一个重要毒力因子。随着对病原菌致病机理研究的不断深入,人们在革兰阴性菌中发现了一类新的粘附素——三聚体自转运粘附素(trimeric autotransporter adhesions,TAAs)。这类粘附素广泛存在于变形菌门,是一类多功能的蛋白,经由细菌的Ⅴ型分泌系统分泌到菌体表面。被分泌到菌体表面的TAAs在大小和氨基序列上存在高度差异,但是它们在结构上却存在惊人的相似,即构成了一个头部-颈部-锚定区这样三聚化的类似于"棒棒糖"式的表面结构。文章就其结构、分泌机制和各区域功能进行了描述,以期为进一步的深入研究提供参考。
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