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粘土矿的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计194篇,主要集中在矿业工程、地质学、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文165篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献35568篇;相关期刊124种,包括中国粉体工业、非金属矿、中国非金属矿工业导刊等; 相关会议5种,包括中国地质学会2009年学术年会、2005年中国耐火材料工业全面、协调、可持续发展战略研讨会、第三届全国沉积学大会等;粘土矿的相关文献由329位作者贡献,包括冯雅丽、刘开亮、周吉奎等。



论文:165 占比:0.46%


论文:5 占比:0.01%


论文:35568 占比:99.52%





  • 冯雅丽
  • 刘开亮
  • 周吉奎
  • 易发成
  • 曹慧君
  • 李浩然
  • 池汝安
  • 罗小兵
  • 万洪强
  • 佘宗华
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李真
    • 摘要: 中村矿区位于霍西盆地的中西部,铝土矿含矿岩系中山西式铁矿(硫铁矿)、铝土矿、粘土矿为同源沉积矿产。其中,铝土矿与粘土矿除宏观特征外,是利用化学成分圈定出的同体共生矿产。因而,铝土矿体的稳定性与圈定矿体所采用的不同指标有关。
    • 段世轻; 魏磊
    • 摘要: 焦作地区粘土矿赋存在石炭系本溪组,矿体受本溪组控制呈透镜体产出,层控地质特征明显.在焦作地区开展了大量粘土矿勘探工作,积累了大量地质资料,分析总结焦作地区粘土矿赋存地质特征,以期为粘土矿地质勘查工作提供一点指导意义.
    • 李真
    • 摘要: 中村矿区位于霍西盆地的中西部,铝土矿含矿岩系中山西式铁矿(硫铁矿)、铝土矿、粘土矿为同源沉积矿产.其中,铝土矿与粘土矿除宏观特征外,是利用化学成分圈定出的同体共生矿产.因而,铝土矿体的稳定性与圈定矿体所采用的不同指标有关.
    • 摘要: 2015年4月11日20时20分,湖南省怀化市溆浦县井湾矿业有限责任公司耐火粘土矿(以下简称"井湾耐火粘土矿")发生较大瓦斯爆炸事故,造成4人死亡(其中事故造成3人死亡,企业救援过程中造成1名救援人员死亡),1人受伤。调查认定,这是一起非法开采煤炭导致的生产安全责任事故。
    • 李家旺; 司民真; 毛焕旭
    • 摘要: To analyze the main mineral composition of the newly found clay minerals in Chuxiong,Yunnan and to determine whether the major minerals are attapulgite clay,this paper conducts tests and researches with infrared spectrum and X-ray fluorescence spectrum on the five kinds of the newly found clay samples.In terms of the infrared spectrum of five samples,the absorption band at 3 437 cm-1 is the hydroxyl vibration caused by the water of crystall ization in attapulgite clay,the absorption band at 3 651 and 3 621 cm-1is symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration caused by the hydroxyl of the structure water connected with Mg,Al octahedral on the edge of the hole of att apulgite clay;The absorption peak at 3 699 cm-1 is hydroxyl stretching v ibration with internal structure between the tetrahedral and octahedral structur e of Mg,Al connected;absorption peak at 1 633 cm-1 is the hydroxyl b ending vibration absorption peak of the structure and absorption water,Absorpti on peak at 1 010 cm-1 is the bond's (Si-O)characteristic peak of cova lent bond (Si-O-Al),Absorption peak at 913 cm-1 is dioctahedral hyd roxyl (Al2OH) deformation of the vibration characteristic absorption peak,ne ar the absorption band at 536 and 536 cm-1 is the bond's (O-Si)charact eristic peak of covalent bond (Si-O-Si).The experiments showed that clay mi nerals of five samples contain higher composition of attapulgite clay,It is fo und that infrared spectra of three black sample ware compare with spectrum of attapul gite clay similarity in more than 93%,three black samples containing compositi on of attapulgite clay is very high;the five kinds of attapulgite clay samples may be attapulgite clay minerals.The attapulgite clay formula of attapulgite clay samples is mainly Al5Si8O20(OH2)4·4H2O.%为了分析云南楚雄新发现粘土矿中主要矿物组成,确定其主要矿物是否是凹凸棒石粘土,对其五种样品进行了红外光谱与X射线荧光光谱的测试与研究.结果发现,3 437 cm-1处的吸收带是凹凸棒石粘土中的结晶水的羟基振动引起的,3 621和3 651 cm-1处的吸收带是与凹凸棒石粘土孔道边缘的Mg,Al八面体相连的结构水的羟基的对称和不对称伸缩振动产生的;3 699 cm-1处的吸收峰是与结构内部的四面体结构和八面体之间的Mg,Al相连羟基的伸缩振动;1 633 cm-1处的吸收峰是结构水与吸收水羟基弯曲振动的吸收峰;1 010 cm-1处的吸收带是共价键Si-O-Al的Si-O键的特征峰,913 cm-1处的吸收带是二八面体的羟基(Al2OH)的变形振动的特征吸收峰. 表明: 粘土矿的五种样品均含有较高凹凸棒石粘土成分;三种黑色样品的中红外光谱与谱库中凹凸棒石粘土谱图比对的相似度在93%以上,三种黑色样品含凹凸棒石粘土成分很高,五种粘土矿样品的主要矿物均是分子式为Al5Si8O20(OH2)4·4H2O的凹凸棒石粘土粘土矿样品的凹凸棒粘土的.
    • 张志旭; 吴根义; 许振成
    • 摘要: 湖南红壤主要由富含硅铝的高岭土和蒙脱石组成,选取这两种粘土矿作为吸附介质在实验室环境下模拟了四环素的吸附过程,通过高效液相色谱和红外光谱检测分析了四环素的主要基团在不同吸附阶段的变化,结果表明-OH是影响吸附速率和吸附量的主要基团,发生的吸附在解吸过程中也难于解吸;C=O主要在吸附后期起作用,吸附能力不强,易解吸,可能与其吸电子能力较弱有关.%Red soil in Hunan Province is consist of Kaolin&Montmorillonite, 2 kinds of typical clay minerals rich in Si&Al. We conducted experiments on the tetracycline(TC)adsorption in the laboratory by selecting the clay minerals above as adsorptive medium, monitored and meseasured by HPLC and FTIR. The variation of main groups of TC were exhibted in different adsorption phases. Results showed that-OH was the main group which affected adsorption rate and adsorption capacity, the adsorption with-OH was hard to be desorbed once it was formed. C=O had its' effect in the later adsorption phase, but the adsorption ability was weak and the adsorption was easily desorbed. It was likely related to the weaker electrophilic ability.
    • 张志旭123; 吴根义1; 许振成14
    • 摘要: 湖南红壤主要由富含硅铝的高岭土和蒙脱石组成,选取这两种粘土矿作为吸附介质在实验室环境下模拟了四环素的吸附过程,通过高效液相色谱和红外光谱检测分析了四环素的主要基团在不同吸附阶段的变化,结果表明-OH是影响吸附速率和吸附量的主要基团,发生的吸附在解吸过程中也难于解吸;C=O主要在吸附后期起作用,吸附能力不强,易解吸,可能与其吸电子能力较弱有关。
    • 摘要: 9月29日下午16时,哈萨克斯坦总统纳扎尔巴耶夫视频连线一声令下,中色股份承建的巴夏库铜矿项目粘土矿选厂正式投料生产。在巴夏库粘土矿选矿厂现场,哈萨克矿业公司总裁诺瓦丘克先生(Mr.Oleg Novachuk)按下启动按钮,铜矿石连续投入到半自磨机中,这标志着巴夏库粘土矿选矿厂正式投料生产。巴夏库铜矿项目年处理3000万吨铜矿石,设计年限40年,矿石平均品位0.36%,创造2500个就业岗位。在前10年,该项目年产10万吨矿含铜和12万盎司的黄金。
    • 曹慧君; 徐祥斌
    • 摘要: The clay bioleaching slag has been investigated corresponding on silicon fertilizer indicators.The test of composition and hazardous elements verified that the fertilizer produced by clay bioleaching was in accordance with national standards for silicon fertilizer,which was supported by effective silicon concentration 20.63%,moisture 1.49,particle size 95% minus 250 μm screen, preceding the standard and hazardous elements lower than the standard limitation.The dissolution kinetics of effective silicon,Cu,Zn,Pb and Cd also have been analyzed,showing that the stable fertilizer response of effective silicon,Cu and Zn during three months and gradually reducing concentration of Pb and Cd with non-toxic to the crops,which indicated that the bioleaching slag of clay could be used as long-term silicon fertilizer.%对粘土矿微生物浸出渣进行了硅肥指标测试,结果有效硅含量20.63%、水分1.49%、细度95%通过250μm 筛,达到农业对硅肥的要求,且有害元素含量低于国家标准限量。该浸出渣中有效硅、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd 的溶出动力学实验表明,肥料在88天内能够稳定提供有效硅、有益元素 Cu 和 Zn,有害元素 Pb 和 Cd的含量国家标准限量且岁时间的延长逐渐减少,不会危害作物。
    • 张五河
    • 摘要: 随着工业的迅速发展,各种矿业中的丰富资源不断的发掘开采,提高了人们的物质文化生活。二氧化硅在工业中有很广泛的应用于耐火砖,石英玻璃,制备硅酸盐水泥,陶瓷等诸多行业,与我们生活都息息相关。所以对于粘土矿中SIO2的提取、检测技术不断的探索完善,对于提高粘土矿中有效硅含量的测定方法,了解对结果的影响对有效使用有很重要的意义。
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