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等位酶的相关文献在1994年到2018年内共计202篇,主要集中在植物学、林业、遗传学 等领域,其中期刊论文196篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献70197篇;相关期刊83种,包括海洋科学、海洋与湖沼、昆虫学报等; 相关会议6种,包括2006年全国生物多样性保护与外来物种入侵学术研讨会、中国动物学会北方七省市动物学学术研讨会、中国水产学会2003全国海水设施养殖学术研讨会等;等位酶的相关文献由468位作者贡献,包括黎中宝、李翠兰、段毅豪等。



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  • 黎中宝
  • 李翠兰
  • 段毅豪
  • 马恩波
  • 郭亚平
  • 卢芙萍
  • 林鹏
  • 黄宏文
  • 李作洲
  • 王中仁
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 何贵平; 齐明; 程亚平; 徐肇友; 罗修宝; 何必庭
    • 摘要: 杂交育种是杉木遗传育种的主要途径。为合理进行杂交亲本选配,利用12个杂交组合和4个自交后代的杉木材积生长数据,通过采用等位酶技术和生理学方法,获得杉木亲本的基因型信息、光合速率和发芽种子的平均呼吸强度。然后研究亲本等位酶和生理性状差异性,分别采用杂种优势群法和预测模型法,来确定杉木杂交时亲本选配模式。杂种优势群法是先用聚类分析法对亲本群体进行类群划分,然后根据杉木细胞遗传学的研究结果,决定杉木杂交时亲本的选配模式:采用高光合速率(叶绿素含量)的亲本做母本,高呼吸速率的亲本做父本。预测模型法是从预测杉木杂交组合平均值表现大小的角度,提出亲本选配的方法:采用多元回归分析,来建立杂交组合子代的平均生长表现与亲本等位酶差异及生理指标间的预测模型,并用10年生的5个杂交组合的资料来验证预测模型的可靠性,结果发现多元回归预测模型是成功的。杂种优势群法与预测模型法的研究结果是相互依存的,两者配合使用效果更佳。研究结果在杉木杂交育种实践中具有实用价值。%Cross breeding is the main approach to genetic breeding of Chinese fir.In order to match cross parents reasonably,growth data of 12 cross combinations and 4 inbreeding combinations were used for study. The genotypes of the Chinese fir parents were obtained through the allozyme analysis.The photosynthetic rate of the parents of Chinese⁃fir at fast⁃growing period was measured by an indirect procedure.The average respiration rate of the parents was determined by infrared CO2 respirometer(GHX⁃3051H).On the basis of the study of the allozyme diversity of the parents,heterotic grouping method ( HGM) and forecasting model method ( FMM) were adopted respectively to study the parents’ apolegamy in crossing breeding of Chinese⁃fir.HGM depended on the results of the cluster analysis of parents allozyme information,then it was combined with the research re⁃sults of the Chinese fir cytogenetics,selecting the parent with higher photosynthetic rate as female;selecting the parent with higher respiratory rate as male.FMM was carried out on the parents’ apolegamy based on forecas⁃ting the average performance of the cross combinations.Firstly,using allozyme information and physiological in⁃dex relating to the volume growth,multiple regression models were established to predict the average perform⁃ance of the cross combinations and then the parent to be used as female or male could be confirmed.The accu⁃racy of these models was verified by the growth data of five 10⁃year⁃old cross combinations.Validation of the models reliability is feasible.The results of the two methods between HGM and FMM are mutually interdepend⁃ent,it is more effective that two methods should be used together.Therefore the HGM and FMM have applica⁃tion values in the practice of cross breeding of Chinese fir.
    • 翁春媚; 齐明; 王海蓉; 华朝晖; 包小梅
    • 摘要: 11 plus families were selected in 2010 from Cunninghamia lanceolata seed orchard in Suichang, Zhejiang province, for container seedling cultivation with one control in March, 2011 in Fuyang of the same province. Determinations of height and ground diameter were implemented in December of the same year. 9 allozymes were selected by polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis method using 10 embryosperms of 11 tested families. Adaptive distance model by Smouse(1986)and Bush (1987) was used, regression models between growth traits and allozyme genotypes had been established. The results showed that seedling height and ground diameter had great differences among families, five allozyme loci had evident correlation with seedling height growth and 5 ones hade significant correlation with ground diameter. The experiment proved that different allozyme loci had different marginal effects on fitness. The result demonstrated that allozyme analysis could be used for the early selection of parents in seed orchard of C. lanceolata.%从杉木种子园中采集11个优良品种自由授粉家系的分系种子开展杉木等位酶与早期生长性状间的相关研究,PAGE等位酶实验共筛选出9个等位酶用于遗传分析。结果表明,苗高、地径在家系间存在显著差异,研究群体存在丰富的遗传变异;有5个等位酶位点(基因型)与苗高生长显著相关,其中X8(MNR-1)和X14(SKDH-1)为正效应,其它X2(GOT-2)、X9(MNR-2)和X15(SKDH-2)均为负效应,不同位点对苗高性状表达的作用不等效;有5个等位酶位点与地径的生长显著相关,其中除了X15为正效应外(纯合体有利于地径的生长),其它X7(MDH-4)、X12(6PGD-2)、X14(SKDH-1)和X17(Me-2)均为负效应,不同位点对地径性状表达的作用也不等效;比较地径和苗高,还发现SKDH-1和SKDH-2同时对地径苗高有作用,但作用方向相反:SKDH-2纯合体BB有利于地径生长,SKDH-2杂合体AB有利于苗高的生长;SKDH-1纯合体BB有利于苗高生长,SKDH-1杂合体AB有利于地径的生长。
    • 刘萍; 马国珍; 马良
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨苦豆子不同种群的等位酶特性,从生化水平上分析其遗传变异.方法 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,研究来源不同的24个苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides L.)种群720个样本的遗传多样性,应用POPGEN 32分析数据,UPGMA绘制聚类图.结果 5个酶系统共检测到26个酶位点,多态位点百分数(P)为73.08%,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.337;Shannon信息指数(I)为0.517;各种群间基因分化系数(FST)为0.427;基因流(Nm)的平均值为0.687;种群间的遗传一致度为0.581 5~0.926 1,平均为0.769 0.聚类分析显示,种群间存在遗传分化.结论 苦豆子具有较高的遗传多样性,种群间的遗传分化是其遗传多样性的主要来源;各种群间的遗传距离与地理距离间没有明显的关系.
    • 张娜
    • 摘要: 我们可以用蝗虫的遗传多样性的变化来检测蝗虫种群的动态变化情况,这有利于研究蝗灾的发生于成为灾害的原理,有利于对蝗灾进行预报,进而有利于蝗灾的防治。对东亚飞蝗、大垫尖翅蝗、中华稻蝗、中华蚱蜢、亚洲小车蝗和黄胫小车蝗这六种蝗虫利用凝胶电泳的技术分析对其进行遗传分化分析,在所研究的12个基因座位中有有3个基因座在蝗虫的六大种群中均成呈单态分布,6个基因在在蝗虫的六大种群中呈多态分布,其余蝗虫的基因座位在这几个种群中至少有一个基因座位存在等位基因。研究表明六种蝗虫的遗传多样化水平均不高,我们可以通过蝗虫基因型和蝗虫等位基因频率的变化情况来对蝗虫种群进行检测,从而为防止蝗灾的发生提供指导和参考,进而提高防治效率。
    • 安方玉; 刘丽莎; 侯茜; 刘雪松; 楚惠媛; 张艳霞
    • 摘要: 通过对不同产地秦艽的含量和遗传多样性进行研究,为甘肃秦艽的就地保护提供理论依据。龙胆苦苷含量测定采用高效液相色谱法,遗传多样性和遗传结构进行研究采用等位酶分析技术。不同产地秦艽的有效成分龙胆苦苷的含量存在一定的差异,对秦艽的6个居群152株通过12个酶位点的分析表明,秦艽具有较低的遗传多样性。每位点平均等位基因数(A)为0.7694,多态位点百分率(P)为16.16,秦艽居群间的遗传分化系数(白t)为0.1247,说明其87.63%的遗传变异存在于居群问。通过对不同地区秦艽药材的有效成分含量和等位酶的分析,为保护野生品种、确保引种栽培秦艽药材的质量提供了科学依据。
    • 李密密; 吴林园; 郭建林; 孙小芹; 杭悦宇
    • 摘要: Taking 63 individuals of four morphological types (including types of purple petal-hairy fruit, purple petal-glabrous fruit, white petal-glabrous fruit and white petal-hairy fruit) of Orychophragmus violaceus (L.) 0. E. Schulz collected from four sample plots in Nanjing City of Jiangsu Province as the research objects, zymograms of peroxidase isozyme ( POD) , alcohol dehydrogenase ( ADH ) , glutamate dehydrogenase ( GDH) , superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and polyphenol oxidase ( PPO) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE technology. And the genetic diversity of four morphological types of 0. violaceus was studied on the basis of zymogram analysis results of five allozymes. The results show that five allozyme systems contain 12 loci and 32 alleles, in which, POD-1, POD-1, POD-5, POD-6, ADH-1, PPO-1, SOD-1 and SOD-2 are polymorphic loci. Besides common bands, every type of 0. violaceus possesses self-specific zymogram feature, in which, b-band and c-band of GDH-2 are unique allozyme band of purple and white petal type, respectively. Percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) of types of purple petal-hairy fruit, purple petal-glabrous fruit and white petal-hairy fruit all are 58. 33% , while that of white petal-glabrous fruit type is 66. 67%. And their average number of alleles per locus of types of purple petal-hairy fruit,purple petal-glabrous fruit, white petal-glabrous fruit and white petal-hairy fruit is 2. 42, 2. 25 , 2. 42 and 1. 83, their average expected heterozygosity is 0. 35, 0. 30, 0. 38 and 0. 29, respectively. Average of total genetic diversity of four moprphological types of 0. violaceus is 0. 61, average of genetic diversity within types is 0. 49, which is obviously higher than that among types (0. 12). Average of genetic differentiation among types is 0. 195 , showing 80. 5% of total genetic diversity of 0. violaceus originates from within types. The genetic identity between purple petal-glabrous fruit type and white petal-hairy fruit type is the lowest (0.724 4) with the largest genetic distance (0.322 5) , while that between two white petal types is the highest (0. 954 1) with the smallest genetic distance (0. 047 1 ). It is suggested that both intraspecific variation degree and genetic differentiation degree of O. violaceus are higher, but genetic similarity within each type is high.%以采自江苏省南京市4个样点的4种不同形态类型(紫花毛果、紫花光果、白花光果和白花毛果)诸葛菜[ Orychophragmus violaceus (L.)0.E.Schulz] 63个单株为研究对象,采用不连续聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术(SDS-PAGE)对过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)、乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)、谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)酶谱进行了分析,并基于5个等位酶的酶谱分析结果对4种形态类型诸葛菜的遗传多样性进行了研究.结果表明:5个等位酶系统共包含12个位点32个等位基因,其中POD-1、POD-4、POD-5、POD-6、ADH-1、PPO-1、SOD-1和SOD-2为多态性位点;除具有共有谱带外,不同类型诸葛菜还具有各自特有的酶谱特征,其中,GDH-2的b带和c带分别是紫花类型和白花类型的特有谱带.紫花毛果、紫花光果和白花毛果类型的多态位点百分率( PPL)均为58.33%,而白花光果的PPL为66.67%;紫花毛果、紫花光果、白花光果和白花毛果每个位点的平均等位基因数分别为2.42、2.25、2.42和1.83,平均期望杂合度分别为0.35、0.30、0.38和0.29.4种形态类型诸葛菜的总基因多样度平均值为0.61,类型内基因多样度平均值为0.49,明显大于类型间基因多样度平均值(0.12);类型间的基因分化系数平均值为0.195,表明总基因多样性的80.5%来源于类型内.紫花光果和白花毛果类型间的遗传一致度最低(0.724 4)且遗传距离最大(0.322 5),而2个白花类型间的遗传一致度最高(0.954 1)且遗传距离最小(0.047 1).研究结果显示:诸葛菜的种内变异程度很大、遗传分化程度较高,但在各类型内具有较高的遗传相似性.
    • 李军民; 丁小飞; 陈红林; 曹健; 王健
    • 摘要: 采用5种等位酶对长阳栓皮栎天然群体的遗传多样性和遗传变异进行了研究。共检测到7个基因位点,15个等位基因,其中5个位点为多态位点;群体多态位点比例P=71.4%,平均等位基因数A=3.2000,平均有效等位基因数AE=1.6090,平均期望杂合度HE=0.3563,观测杂合度HO=0.3625。长阳栓皮栎群体的遗传多样性较高,遗传变异水平较高。%Genetic diversity and genetic variation of Quercus variabilis Blume.of natural populations of Changyang were studied at the enzyme leve1.The results showed that 7 loci and 15 alleles were detected,of which 5 loci were exhibited polymorphism.Percentage of polymorphic loci(that is P) was equal to 71.4%,the average number of alleles per locus(that is A) was equal to 3.200 0,the average number of effective alleles per locus(that is AE) was equal to 1.609 0,the expected heterozygosis(that is HE)was equal to 0.356 3,and the observed heterozygosis(that is HO)was equal to 0.362 5.The genetic diversity and genetic variation of Quercus variabilis Blume.of natural populations of Changyang were high.
    • 张旭凤(译); 邵有全(译)
    • 摘要: 对于苹果异花受精效果最好和设计理想的果园,掌握花粉传播知识是必不可少的。本文使用等位酶标记法检测单一授粉品种“Idared”对两个苹果园的其他品种的花粉传播。每行种植品种中取样种子由“Idared”授精的比例变化范围为1-76%,尽管果树与蜂箱的距离远近不同,但是在观察花粉的传播上并无差别。授粉品种“Idared”授精成功,与坐果树的品种和其距离授粉树的距离有关。主栽品种的授粉效果,与授粉品种的花期重叠程度有关,与授粉品种的异交亲和性无关,同时要将其他授粉品种的花期也考虑在内,花期重叠程度才是成功授精的重要影响因素。文中对果园设计的指导作用也一并予以讨论。
    • 常建波; 雷光高; 黎中宝; 赵斌丽; 陈锦; 张桂玲; 王展林
    • 摘要: 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对半滑舌鳎野生和养殖4个群体的遗传结构进行了比较研究.结果表明,半滑舌鳎养殖群体遗传变异水平低于野生群体,两个野生群体的多态位点百分数、观察杂合度、期望杂合度、平均有效等位基因数的平均值(分别为21.275%、0.1177、0.0854和1.1499)分别高于两个养殖群体的平均值(分别为18.75%、0.1156、0.0741和1.1355).渤海与黄海野生群体间遗传分化较低,唐山野生群体与江苏连云港野生群体间遗传距离为0.0006,群体间分化较低(F=0.0109,M=22.5850).%Genetic structures of wild and cultivated populations of Cynoglossus semilaevis were investigated using the assay of vertical slab polyacrylamide gel eleetrophoresis. The results showed there were loss of genetic diversity in cultivated populations of C. semilaevis compared with wild populations, the average of percentage of polymorphic loci, the average of observed heterozygosity, the average of expected heterozygosities, and the mean effective number of alleles per locus of wild C. semilaevis populations (21.275%, 0.1177, 0.0854 and 1.1499, respectively) were all higher than those of cultivated C. semilaevis populations (18.75%, 0.1156, 0.0741 and 1.1355, respectively). The genetic differentiation between wild C. semilaevis populations was low, genetic distance, genetic differentiation and gene flow between populations were 0.0006, 0.0109 and 22.5850, respectively.
    • 葛雅丽; 席贻龙
    • 摘要: 应用单个体培养、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板电泳技术和特异性染色方法,以具有明显生化遗传差异的3个克隆萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)为对象,对长期(世代数大于200)和短期(世代数约为12)连续孤雌生殖后的轮虫进行了生活史特征和等位酶(PGM,GPI,MDH)分析.结果表明,除3个克隆轮虫的生殖后期历时和每个雌体一生中所产的后代数在长期和短期连续孤雌生殖后的个体之间均无显著的差异外(P>0.05),其它生活史特征在长期和短期连续孤雌生殖后的个体之间的差异均因轮虫克隆的不同而异.克隆对轮虫的胚胎发育时间、幼体阶段历时、生殖期历时、平均寿命、轮虫每个雌体一生中所产的后代数、幼体大小和幼体的耐饥饿时间均有显著的影响(P<0.05);连续孤雌生殖历期对轮虫幼体阶段历时、平均寿命、后代混交雌体百分率和幼体的耐饥饿时间均有显著的影响(P<0.05);而克隆和连续孤雌生殖历期间的交互作用对轮虫的胚胎发育时间、生殖期历时、平均寿命、幼体大小和幼体的耐饥饿时间均有显著的影响(P<0.05).长期连续孤雌生殖后的轮虫幼体阶段历时和幼体的耐饥饿时间均显著短于短期连续孤雌生殖后的轮虫,平均寿命显著长于短期连续孤雌生殖后的轮虫,后代混交雌体百分率显著高于短期连续孤雌生殖后的轮虫.3个克隆轮虫在长期和短期连续孤雌生殖后其3种等位酶的酶谱均未出现明显的改变.
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