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第三纪的相关文献在1956年到2022年内共计582篇,主要集中在地质学、古生物学、石油、天然气工业 等领域,其中期刊论文568篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献393227篇;相关期刊263种,包括沉积学报、地质学报、石油勘探与开发等; 相关会议9种,包括中国地球物理学会第二十九届年会、2011年广东省植物学会青年学者学术研讨会、第三届海峡两岸石油地质研讨会等;第三纪的相关文献由968位作者贡献,包括宋之琛、万晓樵、张云翔等。



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  • 宋之琛
  • 万晓樵
  • 张云翔
  • 胡受权
  • 高莉玲
  • 伊海生
  • 唐文松
  • 张志宏
  • 曾波
  • 朱明松
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 杨世雄; 余香琴
    • 摘要: 该文对《从木兰化石论茶树起源和原产地》一文中茶树(Camellia sinensis)起源于第三纪宽叶木兰(Magnolia latifolia)的观点进行评论和质疑。主要依据如下:第一,包括山茶科(Theaceae)在内的被子植物各类群早在中生代的白垩纪就已经起源,用新生代第三纪的化石来探讨被子植物科与科之间的系统演化关系欠专业;第二,山茶科的化石在白垩纪地层中已出现,远早于宽叶木兰和中华木兰(M.miocenica)生活的年代,后者不太可能是茶树的祖先;第三,山茶科隶属于菊分支(Asterids)杜鹃花目(Ericales),木兰科(Magnoliaceae)为木兰目(Magnoliales)成员,两者间的系统演化关系是相当疏远和复杂的,仅凭叶片的形态特征是下不了结论的;第四,现代茶树与宽叶木兰和中华木兰在叶片的形态结构上并非“有较多的相似之处”,并且,叶片属营养器官,受环境影响较大,其特征的相似性更多反映的是在生态环境上的相似,在系统演化上的意义多局限在科以下比较低级的分类阶元内,不适合用于亲缘关系很远的木兰科和山茶科之间系统关系的探讨。
    • 王娅然; 卢磊(图)
    • 摘要: 每一年,我们都会感受气候的寒暑交替、四季轮转,但早在人类出现之前,地球就已曾经历过多个轮次的气候变换。第四纪冰川是地球史上最近的一次大冰川期,气候酷寒,许多高纬度的区域都被广阔的大陆冰川所覆盖。剧烈的气候变化导致物种大面积灭绝,比如喜温喜热的第三纪区系植物在中纬度几近消失.
    • 张艳春
    • 摘要: 它是中国特有物种它是第三纪冰川期后残存下来的它被誉为"水上飞羽大熊猫"它就是本期主角——中华秋沙鸭有这样一种鸭科动物,头上稀疏直立的长羽好像刚喷了发胶,根根分明,每天梳着仿佛精心打理过的"杀马特"发型,它就是中华秋沙鸭。小档案中华秋沙鸭为鸭科秋沙鸭属的鸟类,喙形侧扁,喙、腿、足呈红色,头顶的长羽后伸成双冠状。
    • 董翔; 覃瑞; 龚汉雨; 刘虹
    • 摘要: 莼菜(Brasenia schreberi),又名马蹄菜、湖菜等,隶属睡莲目(Nymphaeaceae)莼菜科(Cabombaceae)莼菜属(Brasenia),是多年生宿根水生植物,也是第三纪植物区系的珍贵孑遗物种。莼菜性喜温暖,适宜于清水池生长。由地下匍匐茎萌发须根和叶片,并发出4~6个分枝,节部生根,形成丛生状茎,再生分枝。
    • 苏咏农
    • 摘要: 【起源与传播】梨起源于第三纪甚至更古的中国西部或者西南部的山区。先秦时期,以野生梨为主。秦汉以来,梨树的栽培数量和区域不断扩大。魏晋之际,梨树栽培、繁殖有了长足发展,于唐宋时期达到兴盛。元明清时,梨树的栽培实现区域化,并且梨在果品中的地位逐渐上升。
    • 孙博
    • 摘要: 在众多超跑品牌中,兰博基尼一直都是有着特立独行的设计语言,大家都在用圆润的线条让自己看上去更流线优美的时候,兰博基尼偏偏用像刀锋一样的凶悍外形割裂空气的阻碍。这一次它将自己的刀刃磨得更加锋利,带来了一辆只可能在科幻电影中才能出现的电动超级跑车LamborghiniTerzoMillennio。
    • 陈艳
    • 摘要: 相关资料记载:中华秋沙鸭是第三纪冰川期后存活下来的物种,距今已有1000多万年其分布区域十分狭窄,数量极其稀少,全球目前仅存不足1000只,属国家一级重点保护动物。由于这种鸭子以天然树洞为巢,又有人将它称作“会上树的鸭子”。
    • 彭泽琴; 扶桑拣影; 司北
    • 摘要: 从日本东京湾的竹芝码头出发,乘游轮驶向浩渺无际的太平洋,在经历了24小时的航行之后,零星的小岛便接二连三地闯入了游人的视野……这就是小笠原群岛,位于东京以南1000公里的太平洋上,由30多个大小岛屿组成,分别为父岛列岛、母岛列岛、婿岛列岛、硫磺岛等,总面积71.4平方公里,属于第三纪火山岛。
    • 摘要: 近日,内江市资中县首次发现国家一级重点保护鸟类——中华秋沙鸭。该物种为第三纪冰川期后残存,距今已有1000多万年,也是我国的特产稀有鸟类,堪称鸟类活化石,数量极其稀少。此次发现的为一只母鸭,已在内江逗留一个星期以上。中华秋沙鸭对水源要求非常高,这充分表明了内江生态环境得到较大改善。
    • 王扬; 刘星星; 李再军; 孙东怀; 孙有斌
    • 摘要: 通过对兰州盆地凤凰山剖面沉积物(厚约2484 m)的常量元素(Si、Al、Ca、Fe、K、Mg、Na)和碳酸盐含量分析,发现元素含量变化特征可分为三类:(1)元素Al、Fe、K和Mg赋存于细颗粒矿物中,与粒度分选和风化强度关系密切;(2)元素Si主要赋存于石英中,能良好反映沉积相变化;(3)元素Ca、Na与化学沉积盐类的生成有关,元素比值(Na/Al和Ca/Al)能揭示沉积环境演变。元素比值变化表明兰州盆地第三纪古环境变化可划分为四个阶段:54—43 Ma为三角洲河流相沉积,气候较温暖湿润;43—33 Ma Na/Al比值较高,钠盐大量生成,进入盐湖发育阶段,气候开始变干;33—23 Ma Ca/Al比大幅度波动,地层中含有大量石膏层,盆地经历了半干旱—半湿润的气候环境波动;23—9 Ma盆地从咸水-半咸水湖转变为风尘主导的干旱环境。综合凤凰山剖面的元素、磁化率、色度和粒度结果,认为第三纪以来兰州盆地古环境经历了三次阶段性变干的过程(~43 Ma,~33 Ma和~23 Ma);同全球气候和区域构造记录的对比表明,前两次变干可能同全球气候变冷关系密切,而早中新世的变干则可能是区域构造运动的结果。%Background, aim, and scope The Lanzhou Basin is rich in Tertiary mammalian faunas and experienced signiifcant sedimentary environmental evolution, making it an ideal site for paleontological, sedimentological, magnetostratigraphical and paleoclimatic studies. Located in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and the western margin of the Loess Plateau, the thick Cenozoic sedimentary sequence in Lanzhou provides critical evidence for the tectonic history of the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau and contains a large number of paleoenvironment information. The Fenghuangshan section is situated at the south edge of the Lanzhou Basin with continuous and stable strata ranging from 9 Ma to 54 Ma. The Tertiary sedimentary systems of the basin are divided into three formations, i.e., the Xiliugou Formation, Yehucheng Formation and Xianshuihe Formation, in order of decreasing age. Previous work mostly concentrated in mammalian fossils, rock stratigraphic units and the sedimentary facies research by the use of indicators such as particle size, magnetic susceptibility, chroma in the Lanzhou Tertiary Basin. But the geochemical characteristics of Tertiary sediments in the Lanzhou Basin is hardly investigated. The variations of the elements content in the sediments can relfect the lfuctuations of dry and wet climate. To explore the element geochemical characteristics and infer the stage and signiifcance of the Lanzhou Basin Tertiary sediments, we analyse the major elements of the sediments in the Fenghuangshan section at 9 — 54 Ma, combined with the strata features and the changes of sedimentary facies.Materials and methods We picked out 235 samples in the Fenghuangshan section, which has a total thickness of~2484 m. The sample age was obtained by linear interpolation of the paleomagnetic ages. Major elements were measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). The CM-700d spectral color measurement meter produced by Konica Minolta Company was used to test the color of sediments. The percentage content of carbonate was measured by gas method, using the formula: carbonate content = pneumatic × background value(measured value)/(temperature+273.15)/0.8309/sample quality to calculate the percentage content of carbonate samples.Results The results show that the major elements of sediments consist mainly Si, Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na in descending order, and the element content are weakly affected by carbonate content. According to the results of the correlation of each element content and Al, the seven elements were divided into three categories: (1) Fe (r2 = 0.9481), K (r2 = 0.7947), Mg (r2 = 0.8057) have a high positive correlation with Al. According to four element content curves, the results can be roughly divided into three parts with boundaries at 2012 m and 1438 m. (2) The relationship between Si and Al is more complex. There are little lfuctuations except that the elemental contents have large and frequent lfuctuation in the Yehucheng Formation and the lower part of the Xianhuihe Formation. (3) The correlation among Na (r2 = 0.1244), Ca (r2 = 0.1129) and Al are poor. The content of Ca was lower in the Xiliugou Formation, but increased signiifcantly from Yehucheng Formation (~2012 m) and was higher in the Xianshuihe Formation. The content of Na was quite low in the lower part of Xiliugou Formation and Yehucheng Formation, but generally high in the upper part of the Xiliugou Formation and the Xianshuihe Formation.Discussion The content of major element is closely related to sediment types and sedimentary facies, according to the results of the 7 major elements at the Fenghuangshan section. (1) Al, Fe, K, Mg that existed mainly in ifne-grain minerals relfect the effects of grain size sorting and/or weathering. In the period of 54 — 33 Ma, the contents of Al, Fe, K, Mg are low and stable, and associated with the coarse lfuvial facies sandstone, which has stronger transport power, related to warm and wet climate. The content of four elements have obvious periodic increase since 33 Ma, indicating the increasing of ifne particle input. Changes of element content suggested that the climate had a great dry-wet oscillation in 33 — 23 Ma. (2) Si enriched in quartz is well related to the changing sedimentary facies. In stage of 54 — 33 Ma, the high content of Si is related to coarse-grained fluvial sandstone. However, during 33 — 22 Ma, the content reduced and fluctuated frequently, which relfects the frequent interaction occurring of lfuvial-lacustrine facies (sandstone-mudstone). The Si content tends to be stable after 22 Ma, and the dust deposition dominated with the accidentally occurrence of lfuvial deposition. (3) Ca and Na may be associated with the formation of salts (i.e., salt and gypsum) during the chemical deposition, thus the Na/Al and Ca/Al ratios can be employed to infer the evolution of sedimentary environment. According to the element ratios and sedimentary facies research, the Tertiary paleoenvironmental evolution in the Lanzhou Basin can be divided into four stages: (1) lfuvial environment under a warm and humid climate at 54 — 43 Ma; (2) development of salt lake with high Na/Al ratios during 43 — 33 Ma; (3) lfuctuated salt lake from 33 Ma to 23 Ma with a signiifcant increase in Ca/Al ratio formed under semi-arid and semi-humid climate, and (4) shifts from salt-brackish lake to gradual aridiifcation environment lake after 23 Ma.Conclusions Combination of available proxy indicators including grain size, color, magnetic susceptibility and major elemental compositions suggests stepwise drying of the Lanzhou Basin occurred around 43 Ma, 33 Ma, and 23 Ma, respectively. Taking into account evidence of global cooling and regional tectonics, we tentatively attribute the ifrst two drying events to global cooling and the last drying in early Miocene to regional uplift of the northern Tibet Plateau.Recommendations and perspectives The results provide signiifcant stages of aridiifcation in the Lanzhou Basin. It is recommended that more work should be carried out to deepen the cognition of the Tertiary paleoenvironmental evolution in the Lanzhou Basin.
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