您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> 空心玻璃微球


空心玻璃微球的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计122篇,主要集中在化学工业、原子能技术、一般工业技术 等领域,其中期刊论文89篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献545859篇;相关期刊53种,包括中国学术期刊文摘、材料导报、材料科学与工艺等; 相关会议9种,包括2013年中国涂料工业协会防腐涂料分会年会暨第二届中国涂料技术创新高峰论坛、第十次全国热处理大会、第十一届全国核靶技术学术交流会等;空心玻璃微球的相关文献由232位作者贡献,包括张占文、李波、漆小波等。



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  • 张占文
  • 李波
  • 漆小波
  • 唐永建
  • 陈素芬
  • 初巧妹
  • 魏胜
  • 师涛
  • 师韬
  • 傅依备
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李建; 张立新; 李瑞懿; 杨啸; 张挺
    • 摘要: 介绍了几种高压气态储氢容器,包括高压储氢气瓶、高压复合储氢罐和玻璃储氢容器.高压储氢气瓶包括全金属气瓶和纤维复合材料缠绕气瓶,其具有充放氢简单、氢气浓度高等优点,是目前唯一商业使用的高压储氢容器.高压复合储氢罐是通过储氢材料存储氢气实现固态储氢,并在粉体材料之间的空隙也参与储氢,实现气-固混合储氢,具有体积储氢密度大、充氢速度快、低温下工作性能好等优点.玻璃储氢容器包括空心玻璃微球和玻璃毛细管阵列,是一种新型的高压储氢容器,其具有质量体积密度高、安全性好、成本低、无氢脆现象等优点,有望与燃料电池组合应用于各种移动电子设备.目前相关理论研究已证明了其有作为储氢容器的潜力,但由于其相关配套等器件还不完善,离商业化应用还有一段距离.本文比较了几种商用的高压储氢气瓶性能,重点介绍了玻璃储氢容器的储氢机理、技术现状及相关研究,并对几种储氢容器未来的技术研究方向进行了展望.
    • 潘碧宸; 任鹏禾; 周特军; 蔡圳阳; 赵小军; 周宏明; 肖来荣
    • 摘要: 以碳纤维增强环氧树脂作为基体材料,设计并制备了一种轻质、环保的隔热涂层.为解决基体材料与涂层之间热膨胀系数差别大导致易于开裂的问题,同时实现具有高反射率和低热导率的目标,通过添加聚氨酯、TiO2、SiO2、Al2O3等填料制备连接层、阻隔层、反射层等三个不同功能层形成复合隔热涂层.通过优化涂层脱落时间、反射率、热导率等,得到连接层、阻隔层、反射层最优厚度分别为80、120和90μm.优化后的隔热涂层具有优异性能:涂层的反射率高达0.95,导热系数为0.048 W·m-1·K-1,隔热温差为20.1°C;耐热冲击性能良好,190°C的最大失重率为3.7%,并在随后保持稳定;在160°C连续保温4 h后表面变黄,但无明显脱落现象,同时,纳米填料颗粒保持原状态.
    • 史爱娟; 路向辉; 刘晨; 杨士山
    • 摘要: 为研究空心玻璃微球(HGMs)对硅橡胶涂层动态性能的影响,采用分离式霍普金森压杆实验装置,对添加不同含量HGMs的硅橡胶进行了应变率范围为3000~5000s-1的动态加载,获得了屈服应力及其对应的应变、形变功密度和绝热压缩过程的材料温升.结果 表明,添加不同含量HGMs的硅橡胶具有明显的应变率效应,且随着HGMs含量的增加,形变功密度及其绝热温升均增加,但温升不超过10K.
    • 李亮亮; 沈飞; 屈可朋; 王辉; 肖玮
    • 摘要: 为评估炸药装药的易损性,设计了不同密封条件(状态1:端盖为2个压力膜/2个钢堵头;状态2:端盖为4个压力膜)及包覆层导热系数(状态3:端盖为4个压力膜,空心玻璃微球(HGMs)部分代替包覆层中的硅橡胶)的烤燃弹结构,研究了奥克托今(HMX)基含AI炸药(HAE)装药在液体燃料外部火烧条件下的响应特性.结果表明,端盖压力膜和空心玻璃微球(HGMs)包覆层均可达到降低炸药装药易损性的目的.泄压面积及包覆层导热系数对炸药装药的快速烤燃特性影响不同,包覆层导热系数降低的烤燃弹(弹体完整,装药和端盖喷出,装药无稳定燃烧),其响应等级较不同密封条件的烤燃弹(弹体完整,装药稳定燃烧)降低.泄压面积与HAE装药表面积的比值大于0.015时,炸药装药即表现为稳定燃烧状态;空心玻璃微球含量超过5%时,烤燃弹端盖及炸药装药喷出,炸药结构完整,不出现燃烧状态.
    • 齐梦慧; 黄勇; 史瑞廷; 冯建鸿; 胡勇; 易勇; 李波; 唐昶环; 张占文
    • 摘要: The morphology on the surface of hollow glass mircospheres(HGMs)in inflating process was investigated in this work.The experimental results indicate that the main factors influencing the surface of HGM include temperature and pressure, and higher temperature and pressure contributed to the formation of surface morphology.After the appearance of the erosion-like surface morphology,the surface roughness of HGMs increased significantly.However,after some time of storage,the surface roughness of HGMs decreased.The reason for erosion is crystallization and phase separation in essence.The components of crys-tal mainly consist of the elements of Na and B.The converse transfer of the elements of Na and B causes the decrease of surface roughness of HGMs.%对空心玻璃微球(HGM)在高温充气过程中的表面形貌进行了研究.分析局部晶化出现的时间和条件,并通过其表面形貌、成分分析探究了其随时间的变化规律.研究结果表明:影响 HGM高温充气后表面形貌的因素主要有充气温度和充气压力;充气温度越高、压力越大表面形貌发生变化所需时间越短.导致表面形貌变化的本质原因是结晶分相,结晶成分主要由 Na,B等元素组成.HGM的表面结晶分相使其表面粗糙度大幅度升高,但随着脱离充气环境后放置时间的延长而又逐渐降低.其表面粗糙度降低的主要原因是 Na,B等元素的逆向迁移.
    • 周德洋; 张彤; 王晓东; 俞娟; 黄培
    • 摘要: With functional polyimide as matrix material and hollow glass microspheres as filler,polyamide acid solution was synthesized by in-situ polymerization,and the hollow glass microspheres (HGM)/polyimide (PI) composite films with different HGM contents were prepared by casting.Then the effect of HGM contents on the mechanical properties,dielectric performances and thermal stability of the PI composite film was investigated.The results show that the addition of HGM can improve the thermal stability of the composite film,of which the glass transition temperature is about 363 °C.With the increasing of HGM content,the tensile strength reaches the maximum with the 3% HGM addition,while its elastic modulus has a rising trend.With the change of the addition of hollow glass microspheres,breakdown strength remains a high value.With the increase of the mass content of the hollow glass microspheres,the dielectric constant of the polyimide composite film decreases.When its content is 9%,dielectric constant can be reduced by about 70% and the dielectric loss is less than 0.05,so the hollow glass microspheres/polyimide composite film shows excellent low dielectric properties.%以功能性聚酰亚胺为基体,空心玻璃微球为填料,采用原位聚合法合成聚酰胺酸溶液,流延成膜,制备了不同含量的空心玻璃微球/聚酰亚胺复合薄膜,研究了不同空心玻璃微球含量对复合薄膜力学性能、介电性能和热稳定性能的影响.结果表明,空心玻璃微球的加入能够保持复合薄膜的热稳定性,其玻璃化转变温度在363°C左右;复合薄膜的弹性模量处于上升的趋势,当空心玻璃微球的质量分数为3%左右时拉伸强度达到最大;同时随着空心玻璃微球含量的增加,击穿强度依然保持在很高的数值;空心玻璃微球含量增加时,复合薄膜的介电常数出现降低的趋势,当含量达到9%时,薄膜的介电常数可以降低70%左右,同时介电损耗因数在0.05以下,表现为较为优异的低介电性能.
    • 齐梦慧; 吴小雪; 史瑞廷; 唐昶环; 张占文; 易勇
    • 摘要: 为实现大分子气体的充人,对空心玻璃微球(HGM)开孔使分子半径较大的Ar气从微孔进入球内,再对微孔进行封胶处理.空心玻璃微球表面的微孔将导致其力学性能(耐压强度)发生改变.运用扫描电子显微镜观察微孔周边形貌并对封胶后的HGM进行了耐压强度测试.结果表明:开孔后,空心玻璃微球孔口处完好,未出现微裂纹,随着孔径的改变,其耐压强度有所差异,当孔径为15μm时,空心玻璃微球的耐压强度降低量最小,其减少值为11.9%;利用有限元分析法对不同孔径的HGM在外压下所受应力进行模拟,模拟结果表明微球的加工孔径越小,其所受应力越小,与实验结果相吻合.
    • 杨晓翔; 朱清帅; 鲍睿; 晏石林; 李永静; 丁志胜
    • 摘要: 通过实验和数值模拟方法研究了空心玻璃微球/环氧树脂复合材料隔热性能.首先使用ANSYS/APDL建立代表性体积单元,探讨了模拟过程中模型尺寸、填料体积分数、填料平均粒径及基体与填料导热系数之比(λm/λp,λm保持不变)对复合材料导热系数的影响.数值研究结果表明:当代表性体积单元尺寸大于500μm时,模型尺寸对复合材料导热系数的计算结果影响较小;复合材料导热系数随填料体积分数和λm/λp的增大而减小,且基本不受填料粒径影响.其次,将复合材料导热系数实验值和计算结果进行对比,比较发现导热系数计算结果和实验值及Agari模型理论值吻合较好,证明了计算方法的可靠性.同时,空心玻璃微球的掺入有效地降低了树脂的密度.轻质隔热的空心玻璃微球/环氧树脂复合材料有潜力成为一种具有广泛应用前景的节能环保材料.%The thermal insulation performance of hollow glass bead/epoxy composites were studied by experiment and numerical simulation method.The representative volume element was established by ANSYS/APDL parametric finite elements analysis technology,and then the effects of model size,volume fraction,particle size and ratio of thermal conductivity of matrix and particle (λm/λp,λm remain a constant) on the thermal conductivity of composites were investigated.The numerical results show that model size has little influence on the thermal conductivity of composites when it is larger than 500 μm.The thermal conductivity of composites decreases with the increase of volume fraction of particle and λm/λp.What is more,the thermal conductivity of composites is barely affected by the particle average size.By comparison,the calculated values are in good agreement with theoretical and measured values,which proves the reliability of the calculation method.In addition,the incorporation of hollow glass bead effectively reduces the density of the resin.Lightweight insulated hollow glass bead/epoxy composites have the potential to become an energy-saving and environmentally friendly material with a wide range of applications.
    • 齐连柱; 褚明福; 程亮; 郭文胜
    • 摘要: 作为惯性约束核聚变(ICF)第一代靶丸,空心玻璃微球(HGM)内充燃料气体的组分、比例和密度均有严格要求,气体总量的测定至关重要。介绍了同位素稀释质谱法(IDMS)测定空心玻璃微球内氘气气体总量的分析方法。该方法采用氢气为稀释剂,活性炭作为吸附剂制备氘气和氢气的混合气体,用质谱计测定样品中氢同位素丰度。通过热力学公式推导、计算,求得 H GM内氘气摩尔数。实验结果表明:用 IDMS 法测量HGM内痕量氘气总量切实可行,其测量下限为10-8 mol,测量结果的相对标准偏差小于5%(n=4或3,按照极差法计算),符合测量要求。%In inertial confinement fusion(ICF),the hollow glass microsphere(HGM)is the first pellet,and the measurement of gas gross,constituent and density in HGM is very important.In this paper,the measurement methods of the D2 gross in HGM by isotopic dilu-tion mass spectrometry(IDMS)are described.The mixture of D2 and H2 was firstly prepared with H2 as the spike and active carbon as the adsorbent.Then the isotope abundance of the mixture was measured by mass spectrometer.And the mole number of D2 in HGM was calculated with the gas state of equation.The results show that the trace D2 can be measured by IDMS,and the lower measurement limit is 1 0-8 mol.The relative standard deviation of the measurement is less than 5%(n=4 or 3,calculated by range method),meeting the requirement.
    • 严开祺; 王平; 张敬杰
    • 摘要: 空心玻璃微球作为一种新型高性能粉末材料,特殊的球形空心结构使其在低温绝热领域有很好的应用前景。文章综述了空心玻璃微球与珠光砂、气凝胶等粉末绝热材料和真空多层材料以及单纯高真空的低温绝热性能对比研究,并进一步综述了空心玻璃微球本身性能变化和金属包覆对其低温绝热性能的影响研究。另外,还介绍了微球绝热系统在1000 L、22700 L和218000 L储罐中的实际应用情况。%As a high performance powder material,hollow glass microspheres have a very good application prospect in cryogenic insulation for its special hollow spherical structure. The research on cryogenic thermal performance compari-son between hollow glass microspheres and aerogel beads,perlite powder,vacuum multi-layer insulation material and vac-uum only was summarized in this paper. Research on cryogenic thermal performance of coated microspheres and the per-formance of the bubbles itself was also summarized in this paper. What’ s more,the application of microsphere insulation system on cryogenic tanks of 1 000 L,22 700 L and 218 000 L was briefly introduced.
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