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稳态分布的相关文献在1983年到2020年内共计117篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、财政、金融、经济计划与管理 等领域,其中期刊论文111篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献100110篇;相关期刊77种,包括运筹与管理、东方企业文化、郑州大学学报(理学版)等; 相关会议6种,包括2012年全国经济管理类博士后学术论坛、2011中国制冷学会学术年会、中国力学大会2011暨钱学森诞辰100周年纪念大会等;稳态分布的相关文献由200位作者贡献,包括朱翼隽、唐应辉、顾庆凤等。



论文:111 占比:0.11%


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论文:100110 占比:99.88%





  • 朱翼隽
  • 唐应辉
  • 顾庆凤
  • 云曦
  • 余玅妙
  • 田乃硕
  • 马永梅
  • 黄蜀娟
  • 包景东
  • 周宗好
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献





    • 林越; 刘廷章; 潘建; 曾福庚
    • 摘要: 文章提出了采用隐生灭过程研究电动汽车充电桩故障诊断的一般模型及分析方法,将状态转移仅发生在相邻状态之间的方式加以考虑,在给定规则下建立了隐生灭过程模型;利用生灭过程局部平衡方程组研究了充电桩发生故障的稳态分布,解释了稳态分布的物理意义.实验结果验证了上述理论分析的正确性,该文提出的模型和结论具有一定可行性与普适性,在一定程度上适用于诊断速度要求较高而精度要求低的其他电子设备故障诊断.
    • 苏又; 胡志军
    • 摘要: 基于不同服务速率的休假排队模型在实际生活中处处可见,对它的研究具有一定的应用价值,比如银行、食堂、体检中心、加油站,售票厅、快递站等,可为提高国民经济效益和顾客服务满意度提供一定的帮助.文章运用拟生灭过程、矩阵几何解等理论方法,确立状态转移图、无穷小生成元、转移概率矩阵,建立可变服务下带休假策略的排队模型,得出模型的主要指标.
    • 林越; 刘廷章; 陈一凡; 金勇; 梁立新
    • 摘要: 确定性的相似性传播(AP)聚类方法和统计性的隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)是2种常用的设备故障诊断方法,但电动汽车充电桩结构设计复杂且目前积累的故障样本不多,使用上述2种方法均不够理想.针对充电桩故障诊断本身具有的特点,结合AP聚类快速、准确提取故障的特征和HMM强大的故障分类能力,本文提出一种基于AP-HMM混合模型的充电桩故障诊断方法.为了研究充电桩长期工作的状态性质,采用马尔可夫平衡方程组求得充电桩发生故障的稳态概率值.实验结果表明,与传统模型相比,AP-HMM混合模型的充电桩故障诊断学习精度提高了3%以上.本文提出的混合模型具有一定的可行性与普适性,可在一定程度上用于速度要求低但精度要求高的其他电子设备故障诊断.%Affinity propagation (AP)of uncertainty hidden Markov model (HMM)and statistical clustering method are the two commonly used methods for fault diagnosis of equipment.However,since the structure of a electric car charging pile is complex and there are few fault samples on it,the above two methods are not ideal for fault diagnosis.According to the characteristics of charging pile with fault diagnosis,taking into account the AP clustering fast and accurate fault feature extraction and HMM powerful capability of fault classification,a fault diagnosis method of charging pile is presented based on AP-HMM hybrid model in this paper.At the same time,in order to discuss the long-term nature of the charging pile,the Markov equilibrium equations are used to obtain the stable probability of fault.The experimental results verify the correctness of the above theoretical analysis,and the results show that the AP-HMM hybrid model has the advantage of high diagnostic accuracy compared with the traditional model.The hybrid model proposed in this paper has certain feasibility and universality,and can be applied to the fault diagnosis of other electronic equipments with low speed and high precision.
    • 崔振东; 刘文斌
    • 摘要: 网络干预始终是基因调控网络研究的终极目标.本文关注于8种不改变调控规则的干预算法,对这些算法的设计角度进行了分析,发现MFPT、BOA、SSD、CSSD、UC这五种算法未对存在认知风险的状态加以约束,而conSSD算法、conCSSD算法、PC算法对此加以了限制;其次,这8种算法虽从不同的角度进行干预策略的设计,但所得干预策略的应用均能改善网络的长期动态行为.
    • 王俊芳; 郭进利; 刘瀚; 沈爱忠
    • 摘要: 零行列式策略不仅可以单方面设置对手收益,而且可以对双方的收益施加一个线性关系,从而达到敲诈对手的目的.本文针对零行列式策略博弈前期与稳态期的收益存在偏差,基于Markov链理论给出零行列式策略与全合作策略博弈的瞬态分布、瞬态收益及达到稳态所需时间.发现在小的敲诈因子下,敲诈者前期收益高于稳态期收益,敲诈因子较大时,情况截然相反,并且敲诈因子越大,越不利于双方合作,达到稳态也越慢.这为现实生活中频繁更新策略的博弈提供了一种计算实时收益的方法.此外针对敲诈策略与进化人的博弈,论证了双方均背叛状态下,进化人下次博弈时一定进化为全合作策略.通过对所有状态下策略更新过程仿真,发现进化人在四种情况下的进化速度有显著差异,并最终演化为全合作策略,表明零行列式策略是合作产生的催化剂.%Zero-determinant strategy can set unilaterally or enforce a linear relationship on opponent's income,thereby achieving the purpose of blackmailing thc opponent.So one can extort an unfair share from the opponent.Researchers often pay attention to the steady state and use the scores of the steady state in previous work.However,if the player changes his strategy frequently in daily game,the steady state cannot attain easily.It is necessary to attain the transient income if there is a difference in income between the previous state and the steady state.In addition,what will happen if evolutionary player encounters an extortioner? The evolutionary results cannot be proven,just using the simulations in previous work.Firstly,for the iterated game between extortioner and cooperator,we introduce the transient distribution,the transient income,and the arrival time to steady state by using the Markov chain theory.The results show that the extortioner's payoff in the previous state is higher than in the steady state when the extortion factor is small,and the results go into reverse when the extortion factor is large.Furthermore,the larger the extortion factor,the harder the cooperation will be.And the small extortion factor conduces to approaching the steady state earlier.The results provide a method to calculate the dynamic incomes of both sides and give us a time scale of reaching the steady state.Secondly,for the iterated game between extortioner and evolutionary player,we prove that the evolutionary player must evolve into a full cooperation strategy if he and his opponent are both defectors in the initial round.Then,supposing that the evolutionary speed is proportional to the gradient of his payoff,we simulate the evolutionary paths.It can be found that the evolutionary speeds are greatly different in four initial states.In particular,the evolutionary player changes his strategy into cooperation rapidly if he defects in the initial round.He also gradually evolves into a cooperator if he cooperates in the initial round.That is to say,the evolutionary process relates to his initial behavior,but the result is irrelevant to his behavior.It can be concluded that the zero-determinant strategy acts as a catalyst in promoting cooperation.Finally,we prove that the set of zero-determinant strategy and fully cooperation is not a Nash equilibrium.
    • 李慧雪
    • 摘要: 在非寿险精算之中,汽车保险不但是非寿险保险公司的重要业务之一,也是非寿险保险公司盈利的主要方式,如何合理制定保费标准,从而扩大受益至关重要.奖惩系统是马尔可夫(Markov)过程的一种特殊形式,进行马尔可夫分析,能够更好地帮我们评价奖惩系统好坏.本文简单介绍了Markov链的一些基本原理,并在基于汽车保险业务,建立了马尔可夫奖惩系统,推导了稳态分布和Loima-ranta效率表达式,并根据R语言数值模拟结果,对荷兰许多保险公司所采用的奖惩系统的优劣性进行了评价.
    • 宋亚飞; 赵建民; 张星辉; 许国泽; 刘伟
    • 摘要: 针对行星变速箱振动信号通常被强噪声淹没,难以进行故障诊断的问题,提出了基于参数优化形态滤波的行星变速箱故障诊断方法.应用稳态分布参数确定形态滤波结构元的长度,克服了依靠经验或者传统统计指标确定结构元长度,造成诊断结果不准确的问题,进而可以有效地对行星变速箱进行故障诊断,通过实例分析验证了模型的有效性.%Due to the fact that vibration signal is always submerged by strong noises, the planetary gearbox fault diagnosis is difficult to conduct.To solve this problem,a method based on parameter optimized morphological gradient filtering is proposed.The key idea is to optimize the structuring elements using stable distribution parameters.The results of an experimental data analysis show the effectiveness of proposed method.
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