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移位术的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计143篇,主要集中在外科学、基础医学、眼科学 等领域,其中期刊论文134篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献107389篇;相关期刊67种,包括解剖与临床、中华手外科杂志、中华实验外科杂志等; 相关会议2种,包括第十四届全国中西医结合骨伤科学术研讨会、第十二届妇产科学新进展学术大会暨华润会议等;移位术的相关文献由327位作者贡献,包括陈振光、张发惠、郑和平等。



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  • 陈振光
  • 张发惠
  • 郑和平
  • 冯俊涛
  • 尹华伟
  • 徐文东
  • 徐静
  • 李铁
  • 沈云东
  • 蒋苏
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 孙成亮; 王寒; 邵毅; 蒋阳; 黄丹
    • 摘要: 髌骨脱位是导致犬跛行的常见原因,其多发于小型犬,幼犬发病为7.2%左右。根据患犬跛行程度及膑骨位置,髌骨脱位分为四个等级,一级髌骨脱位只需进行滑车沟加深手术复位髌骨;二级、三级髌骨脱位常需进行滑车沟加深、股四头肌游离、胫骨粗隆移位术来治疗;四级髌骨脱位除采取三级髌骨脱位的治疗方法外,常需根据具体情况采取胫骨截骨矫形术、股骨截骨矫形术以及人工膝关节置换术等进行治疗。
    • 陈冰
    • 摘要: 徐文东团队首次证实大脑可塑性可以"被诱发和被调控",是脑可塑理论体系的创新发展。严重创伤、脑中风等意外和疾病,是造成上肢残障的主要病因。仅我国因此而造成的终身残疾者就达三千余万,如何重建此类残障人群的肢体功能,一直是国际性的医学难题。
    • 周炎; 刘世清; 瞿新丛; 廖琦; 余铃; 黄涛
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨空心钉结合带筋膜跗外侧血管蒂骰骨骨膜瓣移位治疗距骨颈骨折的手术方法及临床疗效. 方法 2008年3月至2011年6月,对收治的12例距骨颈骨折采用空心钉结合带筋膜跗外侧血管蒂骰骨骨膜瓣移位治疗.术后非负重功能位外固定12~14周,并根据X线片显示骨折愈合情况确定负重时间.末次随访时根据美国足与踝关节外科协会踝与后足功能评分系统评价术后功能. 结果 12例术后随访12 ~ 48个月,平均24个月.1例出现切口皮缘坏死,经换药处理后愈合.距骨颈骨折均获愈合,愈合时间为16~ 24周,平均20周.末次随访时AOFAS踝与后足功能评分为55~ 96分,平均82.5分,其中优4例,良5例,可3例.2例发生距下关节轻度创伤性关节炎,口服消炎镇痛药后疼痛缓解;1例发生距骨体缺血性坏死,X线片显示距骨体骨质硬化,但未塌陷,嘱患者减少负重并定期随访观察. 结论 应用空心钉结合带筋膜跗外侧血管蒂骰骨骨膜瓣移位治疗距骨颈骨折,能改善距骨体血供,降低距骨缺血性坏死的发生,是有效的治疗手段.%Objective To investigate the surgical techniques and clinical efficacy of cannulated screws combined with transposition of cuboid periosteal flap pedicled with fascia and lateral tarsal artery in the treatment of talus neck fractures.Methods From March 2008 to June 2011,12 cases with talus neck fractures were treated with cannulated screws combined with transposition of cuboid periosteal flap pedicled with fascia and lateral tarsal artery.External fixation in functional position for 12-14 weeks,and the load time was determined by X-ray fracture healing.Functional results were assessed according to AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) score at last follow-up.Results Twelve cases were followed up for an average of 24 months (12 to 48 months).One case of skin flap necrosis healed by dressing.All the fractures healed,and the mean healing time was 20 weeks (16 to 24 weeks).AOFAS ankle and hindfoot mean postoperative score was 82.5 (ranging from 55 to 96) points.Among them 4 cases were excellent,good in 5 cases,fair in 3 cases.Two cases presented with mild posttraumatic subtalar arthritis and pain relief after oral anti-inflammatory analgesic.One case with avascular necrosis of talus body,and X-ray displayed sclerosis of talus body,but no collapse,and the patient was told to reduce weight and regularly followed up.Conclusion The application of cannulated screws combined with transposition of cuboid periosteal flap pedicled with fascia and lateral tarsal artery for the treatment of talus neck fractures is an effective treatment,which can improves the blood supply of the talus body and reduces the occurrence of avascular necrosis of the talus.
    • 岳素琴; 林涧; 郑和平; 林加福; 张发惠
    • 摘要: Objective: To investigate and evaluate the clinical application of the posterolateral aspect of the mid - forearm ( PLMF ). Methods:30 embalmed upper limbs of adult cadavers perfused with red latex were used for this study, the origin, branches, and distribution of the perforating arteries at posterolateral aspect of the mid - forearm were observed through meticulous dissection on one fresh cadaver, HAES - steril and ink compound was perfused through the brachial artery, after which the staining area of the skin isolated on the perforating arteries was measured. Based on the anatomical study, 11 cases of perforator flaps at the posterolateral aspect of the mid - forearm were harvested to repair soft tissue defects in the forearm and wrist. Results: Perforating branches of posterolateral midforearm originated from the radial musculoculancous branches of the posterior interosseous artery, the intermuscular branch and direct periosteal branch of the radial artery traveled through the space between extensor digitorum and extensor carpi radialis brevis supinator and abductor pollicis longus, supi-nator and abductor pollicis longus, emerging from the deep fascia subcutaneously at 12.5~15.8 cm below the lateral condyle of humerus. Several minute branches were emitted from these perforating branches to participate in the formation of the paraneural and intraneural vascular plexuses of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve. The diameter of the perforating arteries after piercing the deep fascia was ( 1.0±0. 3 )cm,( 0. 9 ±0. 2 ) cm and ( 0. 6 ±0. 2 )cm, respectively. The ink staining area was 13 cm x7 cm. Clinically, all flaps in 13 cases survived uneventfully without cyanose, swelling or blister. After 3 ~ 15 months of following - up, the colors and appearances of these flaps were excellent. Conclusions: The anatomy of the perforating arteries at the posterolateral aspect of the mid - forearm are relatively constant; and the flap based on them are profuse in blood supply, simple in surgical technique, and suitable for repairing soft tissue defects in either forearm or wrist.%目的:探讨与评价前臂后外侧中段穿支血管皮瓣的临床应用效果.方法:取动脉灌注红色乳胶的成人上肢标本30侧,解剖观测前臂后外侧中段穿支的起源、分支与分布规律;取新鲜成人上肢标本1例,行肱动脉插管灌注贺斯墨汁混合液并测量皮肤染色面积.临床设计前臂后外侧中段穿支皮瓣,并转位修复前臂、腕部软组织缺损11例.结果:来源于骨间后动脉桡侧肌皮支、桡动脉肌间隙支和桡动脉直接骨膜支的前臂后外侧中段穿支的位置相对恒定,在指伸肌与桡侧腕短伸肌的肌间隙、旋后肌与拇长展肌之间(肱骨外上髁下12.5~15.8 cm范围内)穿过深筋膜至皮下,并分出众多的细小血管与前臂后皮神经的神经旁和神经干血管链的分支吻合.其穿支穿出深筋膜后外径分别为(1.0±0.3)cm、(0.9±0.2)cm和(0.6±0.2)cm.墨染面积达13 cm×7 cm.临床11例术后皮瓣完全成活,皮瓣无青紫、明显肿胀、水泡等,创面I期愈合,经3~15个月随访,皮瓣色泽接近正常,质地和外形优良.结论:前臂后外侧中段穿支解剖位置恒定、血液供应良好,手术方法简单,适用于修复手部、前臂软组织的缺损.
    • 方光斌; 林文才; 万得文
    • 摘要: 探讨桡动脉腕上支筋膜逆行岛状皮瓣修复拇指桡侧皮肤缺损的手术方法及临床效果。采用腕上支筋膜逆行岛状皮瓣+前臂皮神经修复桡侧皮肤缺损。切取皮瓣面积:3.0~5.0,至最大3.0~8.0,结果显示15例全部成活。结论表明皮肤质地相似,桡动脉腕上支血管恒定,手术操作简单,手术成功率高,供区直接缝合。
    • 陈超勇; 郑和平; 林松庆
    • 摘要: 目的为甲瓣供区移植提供解剖学基础。方法在25侧经动脉内灌注红色乳胶成人下肢标本上重点观察跗外侧、内侧动脉、第一跖背动脉起始、走行、分支及管径,另在1侧新鲜标本上进行摹拟手术设计。结果跗外侧动脉发出点至足底深支发出点距离(7.5±0.8)cm,起始部管径为(0.8±0.1)mm;跗内侧动脉发出点至足底深支发出点距离(7.7±1.2)cm,起始部外径为(0.8±0.2)mm。结论以Y-V血管蒂延长技术设计的足底深支为蒂跗动脉皮瓣可以转移修复踇甲瓣供区缺损及远足部缺损。
    • 曹艳红; 孙长军; 谭森禄
    • 摘要: 目的:报道第一掌指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣转移修复拇指远端皮肤缺损的临床效果与体会.方法:应用第一掌指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣修复拇指远端皮肤缺损23例.结果:术后20例完全成活,3例因静脉回流障碍而部分坏死.结论:第一掌指背皮神经营养血管皮瓣易切取、损伤小,不牺牲主干动脉,供区多可直接闭合,是修复拇指远端特别是桡侧皮肤缺损的良好方法一.
    • 田军
    • 摘要: 目的 报道应用骨间前血管腕背支为蒂骨瓣逆行移位修复舟骨骨折的手术方法及疗效.方法 根据应用解剖学研究,设计以骨间前动脉腕背支为蒂的骨膜瓣,逆行移位修复手舟骨骨折.结果 临床应用94例,随访6个月~2年,在术后1.5~2个月均达到骨愈合,腕关节活动功能基本恢复正常.结论 骨间前血管腕背支为蒂的骨膜瓣移位术适合修复舟骨骨折.
    • 欧阳向华; 卢德文; 黄宇伦
    • 摘要: 目的:报告带桡动脉茎突返支为蒂纺棰形桡骨茎突骨瓣移位治疗腕舟骨骨不连临床应用效果。方法:以桡动脉茎突返支为蒂在桡骨茎突处用专用凿凿起一大小1.5cm×0.9cm×0.5cm的纺棰形骨瓣(骨瓣两端宽度为0.9cm,中间宽度为0.5cm),沿舟骨纵轴线凿出一同样大小的骨槽,将骨块植入,骨瓣周围的筋膜与骨槽周围的关节囊缝合,骨折端不用克氏针内固定,术后以石膏外固定。结果:18例舟骨腰部骨折骨不连全部骨性愈合。骨折端无移位,骨瓣无脱出,骨折平均愈合时间3.5个月。随访16~35个月,平均22个月,患者腕关节活动良好,腕背伸时无疼痛,对日常工作生活元影响。结论:该手术方法治疗腕舟骨骨不连疗效确切,手术操作简单,骨折愈合快,无需克氏针内固定,不需二次手术取,具有较高的临床应用价值。
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