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石棉肺的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计206篇,主要集中在预防医学、卫生学、内科学、特种医学 等领域,其中期刊论文197篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献9482篇;相关期刊73种,包括上海预防医学、中华劳动卫生职业病杂志、职业卫生与病伤等; 相关会议5种,包括第十三届全国劳动卫生与职业病学术会议、2011年尘肺病治疗专题研讨会、第七次全国劳动卫生与职业病学术会议等;石棉肺的相关文献由390位作者贡献,包括王绵珍、李洪洋、王家骅等。



论文:197 占比:2.03%


论文:8 占比:0.08%


论文:9482 占比:97.88%





  • 王绵珍
  • 李洪洋
  • 王家骅
  • 王治明
  • 罗捷
  • 陈艳霞
  • 刘启蒙
  • 李全路
  • 兰亚佳
  • 孙统达
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 职业性尘肺病是指在职业活动中长期吸入生产性矿物性粉尘并在肺内潴留而引起的以肺组织弥漫性纤维化为主的疾病。尘肺病不可逆转,一旦发病,终生无法治愈,死亡率高达22%。我国法定的职业性尘肺病有12种尘肺,矽肺、煤工尘肺、石墨尘肺、炭黑尘肺、石棉肺、滑石尘肺、水泥尘肺、云母尘肺、陶工尘肺、铝尘肺、电焊工尘肺、铸工尘肺以及根据《尘肺病诊断标准》和《尘肺病理诊断标准》可以诊断的其他尘肺病,最常见有:矽肺、煤工尘肺、石棉肺
    • 马璨; 孙冉; 赵永梅
    • 摘要: 对2019年北京市某区报告职业病病例资料进行描述分析.结果 显示,该区职业病病例以职业性尘肺病为主;石棉肺占职业病62.1%;病例平均发病年龄74.2±12.5岁,平均工龄21.3±12.5年;行业分布以交通运输业为主(13人,44.8%).提示朝阳区高发职业病为尘肺病,多为历史遗留问题,所以在关注在岗工人职业健康问题的同时,也应加强对离退休人员的健康监护.
    • 佟卉
    • 摘要: 目的通过对通州区尘肺病例流行病学分析,为该地区尘肺的有效预防管理提供依据。方法选取通州区疾病预防控制中心2006年1月至2019年12月收治的302例尘肺病例资料予以分析,包括性别、年龄、企业规模、职业病名称、病例类型、工种、接触职业危害工龄、合并症、尘肺病种类等。结果302例患者中男性164例,女性138例;年龄32~97岁,平均年龄(66.84±5.35)岁;大型企业23例,中型企业99例,小微型企业158例,22例企业不详;职业病名称方面:电焊工尘肺7例,滑石尘肺4例,煤工尘肺12例,其他尘肺病20例,石棉肺192例,水泥尘肺与陶工尘肺各1例,矽肺34例,铸工尘肺31例;工种主要为石棉编织制品工,占57.94%(175/302),接害工龄7~40岁,平均接害工龄为(9.38±1.27)年,所有尘肺病患者均无肺结核、肺及支气管感染、自发性气胸、肺心病、肺癌等合并症;其中死亡病例51例,首次晋期病例25例,新病例226例。1期尘肺187例,2期尘肺73例,3期尘肺42例。结论通州区尘肺病例流行病学中男性多于女性,病害主要来源于小微企业,患者以老年人群为主,职业病以石棉肺为主,主要工种为石棉编织制品工,接害工龄时间较长,多为新病例,且以1期尘肺为主。需要重视对早期家纺石棉职工的尘肺职业病筛查,告知相关从业人员应定期接受健康体检,便于尽早发现尘肺病。
    • 佟卉
    • 摘要: 目的 通过对通州区尘肺病例流行病学分析,为该地区尘肺的有效预防管理提供依据.方法 选取通州区疾病预防控制中心2006年1月至2019年12月收治的302例尘肺病例资料予以分析,包括性别、年龄、企业规模、职业病名称、病例类型、工种、接触职业危害工龄、合并症、尘肺病种类等.结果 302例患者中男性164例,女性138例;年龄32~97岁,平均年龄(66.84±5.35)岁;大型企业23例,中型企业99例,小微型企业158例,22例企业不详;职业病名称方面:电焊工尘肺7例,滑石尘肺4例,煤工尘肺12例,其他尘肺病20例,石棉肺192例,水泥尘肺与陶工尘肺各1例,矽肺34例,铸工尘肺31例;工种主要为石棉编织制品工,占57.94%(175/302),接害工龄7~40岁,平均接害工龄为(9.38±1.27)年,所有尘肺病患者均无肺结核、肺及支气管感染、自发性气胸、肺心病、肺癌等合并症;其中死亡病例51例,首次晋期病例25例,新病例226例.1期尘肺187例,2期尘肺73例,3期尘肺42例.结论 通州区尘肺病例流行病学中男性多于女性,病害主要来源于小微企业,患者以老年人群为主,职业病以石棉肺为主,主要工种为石棉编织制品工,接害工龄时间较长,多为新病例,且以1期尘肺为主.需要重视对早期家纺石棉职工的尘肺职业病筛查,告知相关从业人员应定期接受健康体检,便于尽早发现尘肺病.
    • 应士波; 张幸; 楼建林; 陈钧强; 陈艳霞; 沈蔚
    • 摘要: 石棉是国际公认的人类致癌物质之一.我国是石棉制品生产大国,尽管相关部门已在限定石棉使用范围、提高石棉加工行业准入以及石棉健康危害防治等方面做了大量工作,但是石棉相关疾病尤其是石棉所致癌症的危害和潜在风险依然较高.日本作为较早工业化使用石棉材料和石棉受害国之一,在防控石棉相关疾病的对策措施上积累了丰富的经验和教训.本文简述日本石棉健康损害救济对策,同时介绍日本在石棉相关疾病的诊断鉴定措施,以期对我国石棉相关疾病防治体系的完善提供有益参考和借鉴.
    • 李海月; 于贵新; 张非若; 叶研; 林英; 李征; 刘丽霞; 沈壮
    • 摘要: 目的 通过分析北京市新发石棉肺病例中家纺石棉接触人员发病特点,探讨家纺石棉作业对家庭和社会所造成的危害,为职业病防治工作提供科学依据.方法 根据石棉暴露原因将石棉肺病例分为家纺石棉组和工矿企业组.统计分析两组病例在性别、期别、开始接尘年龄、诊断年龄和潜伏期等方面的差异.结果 2006年以后北京市家纺石棉病发病持续处于较高水平,并在2015年超过工矿企业组;家纺石棉组女性所占比例、贰期及以上病例所占比例和潜伏期显著高于工矿企业组(P<0.05);家纺石棉组开始接尘年龄和接尘工龄显著低于工矿企业组(P<0.05).结论 家纺石棉作业主要受害者为家庭女性及其未成年子女,伦理问题突出;并且由于石棉肺潜伏期长,危害几十年难以消除,应加强石棉作业工人的追踪、随访工作,及早发现病人并给于干预.
    • 梁崟
    • 摘要: 目的 采用多层螺旋CT肺功能成像技术评价石棉肺患者的呼吸功能障碍程度和肺功能指标的改变及特点.方法 61例石棉肺患者与30名健康者根据用力肺活量和第1秒用力肺活量分为肺呼吸功能正常组、轻度损伤组、中重度损伤组.对每个受检者分别在深吸气末和深呼气末屏住气行全肺扫描,对肺容积、肺密度、小气道指标进行测定.结果 肺呼吸功能正常组、轻度损伤组、中重度损伤组的各项肺容积指标(吸气与呼气末肺容积、容积差、容积比)差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);各项平均肺密度指标(吸气与呼气末平均肺密度、肺密度差、肺密度比)差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);各项小气道指标(吸气与呼气末壁厚直径比率、支气管壁面积率)差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论 CT肺功能成像技术可以用来评价石棉肺患者的呼吸功能障碍程度.随着石棉肺患者肺呼吸功能障碍的发展,其肺总量降低,双肺的残气量逐渐增多,肺气肿逐渐加重,小气道壁和肺泡隔纤维性肥厚逐渐增厚.%Objective To evaluate the changes and characteristics of respiratory function and pulmonary function in patients with asbestosis by multi-slice spiral CT imaging.Methods 61 asbestosis patents and 30 healthy subjects were enrolled and divided into normal re spiratory function group,mild injury group and moderate/severe injury group according to forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in one second.The lungs were scanned at the end of inspiratory and expiratory phase,and the lung volume,lung density and small airway index were measured.Results There were significant differences in lung volume (inspiratory and expiratory volume,volume difference,and volume ratio) among the normal group,the mild injury group and the moderate/severe injury group (all P<0.05).There were statistically significant differences in the mean lung density (lung density at the end of inspiratory and expiratory phase,lung density difference,lung density ratio) among the three groups (all P<0.05).There were significant differences in the small airway indexes (tracheal wall thickness ratio at the end of inspiratory and expiratory phase,bronchial wall area ratio) among the three groups (all P<0.05).Conclusions CT lung function imaging techniques can be used to assess the degree of respiratory dysfunction in asbestosis patients.With the development of pulmonary respiratory dysfunction,the total lung volume decreased,the amount of lungs gradually increased,emphysema gradually increased,and the thickness of small airway wall and alveolar fibrous hypertrophy gradually increased.
    • 梁崟
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the changes and characteristics of pulmonary function in asbestosis patients engaged in different types of work by multi-slice spiral CT imaging.Methods Total 30 asbestosis patients were equally divided into three groups,who engaged in the work of raw asbestos processing,fiber combing and pressure molding,respectively.The pulmonary volume,pulmonary density and pulmonary small airway indexes were measured by a whole lung scanning at maximum inspiratory and maximum expiratory efforts.The pulmonary volume indexes include maximum inspiratory volume,maximum expiratory volume,pulmonary volume difference and pulmonary volume ratio.The mean pulmonary density indexes include the mean pulmonary densities after inspiratory and expiratory activities,pulmonary density difference and pulmonary density ratio.The small airway indexes include the diameter ratios of the wall after inspiratory and expiratory activities and the percentage of bronchial wall area after inspiratory activity.Results The differences of the gender,age,stage,and contact history of the patients are not statistically significant for all the groups (all P>0.05).The differences of the mean pulmonary densities after expiratory activity,the left and right pulmonary densities after expiratory activities,pulmonary density ratio,diameter ratios of the wall after inspiratory and expiratory activities,and the percentage of bronchial wall area after inspiratory activity are statistically significant among the three groups (all P<0.05).Further pairwise comparison showed that the differences of between the combing group and the raw material processing group in the above indexes are statistically significant (all P<0.05),while not statistically significant between the molding group and the raw material processing group (all P>0.05).The differences among the three groups in other indexes are not statistically significant (all P>0.05).Conclusions The emphysema with fibrous thickening in the alveolar septum and small airway wall is more severe in the workers who engaged in asbestos fiber combing comparing with in raw asbestos processing and asbestos pressure molding.Therefore,the medical protection of these groups of patients should be strengthened.%目的 采用多层螺旋CT肺功能成像技术评价不同工种石棉肺患者的肺功能指标改变及特点.方法 将30例石棉肺患者按工种分为压型组、梳纺组和原棉组,每组10例.分别于受试者深吸气末和深呼气末屏气行全肺扫描,测定肺容积指标(最大吸气与呼气末肺容积、肺容积差、肺容积比)、平均肺密度指标(吸气与呼气末平均肺密度、肺密度差、肺密度比)和小气道指标(吸气与呼气末壁厚直径比率、吸气末支气管壁面积百分比).结果 压型组、梳纺组和原棉组在性别、年龄、接触史、分期(Ⅰ期)方面差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).肺容积、平均肺密度和小气道指标中,3组间呼气末平均肺密度、呼气末左肺平均肺密度、呼气末右肺平均肺密度、呼气末与吸气末平均肺密度比、吸气末壁厚直径比率、吸气末支气管壁面积百分比和呼气末壁厚直径比率差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);进一步两两比较发现,梳纺组的上述指标分别与原棉组和压型组比较,差异亦均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05),而原棉组和压型组间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);3组间其余指标差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).结论 与压型组和原棉组比较,梳纺组石棉肺患者的肺气肿及小气道壁和肺泡隔纤维性增厚更为明显,应加强对这部分人的保护.
    • 刘梦瑄; 朱晓俊; 李涛; 肖培; 王丹
    • 摘要: Objective To analyze the levels and trends of the burden of disease attributable to asbestosis from 2006 to 2015. Methods Theincidence of asbestosis from 2006 to 2015 was used for calculation , with data of disability weight and remission rate from Global burden of disease study 2015 (GBD 2015) and DisMoD-MR 2.1 software for the calculation of duration and age of year onset. The reference template of GBD was adopted to calculate disability adjusted life year(DALY), year of life lost(YLL) and year of lived with disability(YLD) value in order to analyze the level and changing trend of burden of disease attributable to asbestosis. Results A total YLD attributable to asbestosis during 2006 and 2015 in China was 39632. The YLD burden of female was more severe than male, which accounted for 20361 in female and 19271 in male. In 2015, DALY attributable to asbestosis decreased from 8623.76 in 2006 to 6436. Among that, in 2015, YLD was 6436 and YLL was 73.76. 2006 had a highest level of DALY and 2008 had the lowest level of DALY, which accounted for 8623.76 in 2006 and 1558 in 2008. DALY during 2008 and 2015 had a fluctuant increase, and both male and female had such trend. Conclusion The level of burden of disease attributable to asbestosis is higher in male than in female during 2006 and 2015. Between 2006 and 2015, burden of disease attributable to asbestosis has a fluctuant increase trend.%目的 分析2006至2015年我国归因于石棉肺疾病负担的水平及变化趋势.方法 收集2006至2015年的新发石棉肺职业病报告数据,结合2015年全球疾病负担(GBD)研究中的伤残权重、缓解率,采用DisMoD-MR 2.1软件估算平均病程和发病年龄,使用GBD估算方法计算伤残损失寿命年(YLD)、早死损失寿命年(YLL)和伤残调整寿命年(DALY),分析归因于石棉肺的疾病负担水平及其随时间变化的趋势.结果 我国2006至2015年归因于石棉肺YLD总负担为39632人年,其中男性累计YLD为19271人年(占48.62%),女性累计YLD为20361人年(占51.38%).我国2015年归因于石棉肺DALY由2006年的8623.76人年下降至6436人年;其中,2015年YLD为6436人年,YLL为0人年;2006年YLD为8550人年,YLL为73.76人年.2006年归因于石棉肺造成的DALY最大(8623.76人年),2008年造成的DALY最小(1558人年),2008至2015年间DALY呈波动上升趋势.男性与女性DALY变化趋势趋于一致.结论 2006至2015年归因于石棉肺的疾病负担水平女性高于男性,YLD疾病负担总体呈波动上升趋势.
    • 聂晓静; 白荷荷; 韩小年
    • 摘要: Objective:To explore the anti-infective pharmaceutical care strategy for pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.Methods:The treatment was entirely supervised by clinical pharmacists,who were responsible for optimizing the therapeutic regimen including drug selection,drug dosage and the interval of drug delivery.Moreover,the adverse drug reactions were monitored regularly.Results:The development of disease was effectively controlled and the patient was discharged 29 d latter.Conclusion:Clinical pharmacists should provide the individualized anti-infective therapy and appropriate intervention for the patients with treatment,and make sure the use of drug in clinic is safe,effective and reasonable.%目的:探讨肺部铜绿假单胞菌感染患者抗感染治疗过程中的药学服务实践.方法:临床药师参与1例石棉肺合并肺部铜绿假单胞菌感染患者的抗感染治疗全过程,从药物选择、给药剂量、给药间隔等方面优化抗感染治疗方案,并密切监测药品不良反应.结果:患者病情得到有效控制,治疗29 d后出院.结论:临床药师对患者抗感染治疗进行个体化用药监护,适当干预,协同临床医师优化治疗方案,保障了用药安全、有效、合理.
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