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皮张质量的相关文献在1996年到2020年内共计65篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、轻工业、手工业、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文64篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献82693篇;相关期刊33种,包括农民致富之友、科技致富向导、动物营养学报等; 相关会议1种,包括第六届(2016)中国兔业发展大会等;皮张质量的相关文献由83位作者贡献,包括刘振明、刘公言、李福昌等。



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  • 刘振明
  • 刘公言
  • 李福昌
  • 佟煜人
  • 刘磊
  • 孙海涛
  • 姜文学
  • 张勇攀
  • 张润华
  • 李正飞
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 申垒; 刘公言; 左文山; 赵晓宇; 刘磊; 李福昌
    • 摘要: This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary iodine supplemental level on growth performance,slaughter performance,meat quality and fur quality of 3 to 5-month-old growing Rex rab-bits. Two hundred 3-month-old healthy Rex rabbits with similar body weight were randomly divided into 5 groups with 40 replicates in each group and 1 rabbit in each replicate. Rabbits in 5 groups were fed basal diets supplemented with 0,0.2,0.4,0.8 and 1.6 mg/kg iodine(in the form of potash iodide), respectively. The adaptation period lasted for 7 days and the formal period lasted for 53 days. The results showed as follows:1) under the condition of there was no significant difference on initial body weight(IBW),dietary iodine supple-mental level had significant influence on final body weight(FBW)of Rex rabbits(P0.05); the highest ADG and ADFI was in 0.8 mg/kg group,and the lowest F/G was in 0.8 mg/kg group.2)Dietary iodine sup-plemental level had significant influences on hind leg muscle ratio and redness value of Rex rabbits(P0.05). 3)Dietary iodine supplemental level had extremely signifi-cant influence on fur area, fur whiteness and tear strength of Rex rabbits(P0.05). Considering all indexes of this experiment,the appropriate iodine supplemental level is 0.8 mg/kg for 3 to 5-month-old Rex rabbits(the measured value of diet iodine content is 0.92 mg/kg).%本试验旨在研究饲粮碘添加水平对3~5月龄生长獭兔生长性能、屠宰性能、肌肉品质和皮张质量的影响.选用体重相近的健康3月龄獭兔200只,随机分为5组,每组40个重复,每个重复1只.各组分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加0、0.2、0.4、0.8、1.6 mg/kg碘(以碘化钾的形式)的试验饲粮.预试期7 d,正试期53 d.结果表明:1)在初始体重(IBW)无显著差异(P>0.05)的前提下,饲粮碘添加水平对獭兔的终末体重(FBW)有显著影响(P0.05);0.8 mg/kg组獭兔的ADG和ADFI最高,F/G最低.2)饲粮碘添加水平对獭兔的后腿肌肉率和红度值有显著影响(P0.05).3)饲粮碘添加水平对獭兔的皮张面积、毛被白度和撕裂强度有极显著影响(P0.05).综合本试验测定指标,3~5月龄生长獭兔饲粮适宜的碘添加水平为0.8 mg/kg(饲粮中碘含量的实测值为0.92 mg/kg).
    • 高琴; 刘磊; 隋啸一; 孙海涛; 刘公言; 李福昌
    • 摘要: 本试验旨在研究饲粮钴添加水平对断奶至3月龄獭兔生长性能、屠宰性能、肌肉品质和皮张质量的影响。选择体重相近的断奶獭兔200只,随机分为5组(每组40个重复,每个重复1只),分别饲喂在基础饲粮中添加0、0.1、0.4、1.6、6.4 mg/kg钴(以硫酸钴的形式)的试验饲粮。预试期7 d,正试期60 d。结果表明:在初始体重( IBW)无显著差异( P>0.05)的前提下,饲粮钴添加水平对终末体重( FBW)有显著影响( P<0.05),对平均日采食量( ADFI)有极显著影响(P<0.01),对平均日增重(ADG)和料重比(F/G)均无显著影响(P>0.05)。随着饲粮钴添加水平的升高,FBW和ADFI均先升高后降低,并且均在饲粮钴添加水平为0.4 mg/kg时最高。饲粮钴添加水平对獭兔的全净膛率、半净膛率和及肌肉品质指标[ pH、失水率、剪切力以及肉色(亮度、红度、黄度值)]均无显著影响( P>0.05),随着饲粮钴添加水平的升高,全净膛率和半净膛率均有先升高后降低的趋势。饲粮钴添加水平对獭兔的皮张面积、皮张重量、皮张厚度均无显著影响( P>0.05)。随着饲粮钴添加水平的升高,皮张重量呈现先增加后降低的趋势,且在饲粮钴添加水平为0.4 mg/kg时最高。饲粮钴添加水平对胸腺指数、脾脏指数、肝脏指数均没有显著影响( P>0.05)。随着饲粮钴添加水平的升高,胸腺指数呈现先增加后降低的趋势,且在饲粮钴添加水平为0.4 mg/kg时达到最高。综合本试验测定指标,断奶至3月龄獭兔饲粮适宜的钴添加水平为0.4 mg/kg(基础饲粮中钴含量为0.27 mg/kg)。%This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary cobalt supplemental level on growth performance, slaughter performance, muscle quality and fur quality of weaned to 3⁃month⁃old Rex rabbits. Two hundred weaned Rex rabbits were randomly assigned into 5 groups with 40 replicates in each group and each replicate contained 1 rabbit. Rabbits in 5 groups were fed experimental diets which supplemented with 0, 0.1, 0.4, 1.6 and 6.4 mg/kg cobalt ( in the form of cobalt sulfate) on the basis of a basal diet, respectively. The trial lasted for 7 days for adaptation and 60 days for test. The results showed that dietary cobalt supplemen⁃tal level had significant influences on final body weight ( FBW) ( P0.05). With the increase of dietary cobalt supplemental level, the FBW and ADFI tended to be increased firstly and then decreased, and the highest values appeared when dietary cobalt supplemental level was 0. 4 mg/kg. Dietary cobalt supplemental level had no significant influences on eviscerated ratio, half eviscerated ratio and muscle quality indices including pH, drip loss ratio, shear force and meat color ( L∗, a∗and b∗values) ( P>0.05). However, with the increase of dietary cobalt supplemental level, the eviscerated ratio and half eviscera⁃ted ratio tended to be increased firstly and then decreased. Dietary cobalt supplemental level had no significant influences on fur area, fur weight and fur thickness ( P>0.05) . With the increase of dietary cobalt supplemen⁃tal level, the fur weight tended to be increased firstly and then decreased, and the highest value appeared when dietary cobalt supplemental level was 0. 4 mg/kg. Dietary cobalt supplemental level had no significant influ⁃ences on thymus index, spleen index and liver index ( P>0.05) . With the increase of dietary cobalt supplemen⁃tal level, the thymus index tended to be increased firstly and then decreased, and the highest value appeared when dietary cobalt supplemental level was 0.4 mg/kg. Considering all indices of this experiment, the appro⁃priate dietary cobalt supplemental level is 0.4 mg/kg for weaned to 3⁃month⁃old growing Rex rabbits ( the basal diet cobalt content is 0.27 mg/kg).
    • 刘公言; 赵楠; 朱岩丽; 刘磊; 梁才芝; 李福昌
    • 摘要: This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level on growth performance, fur quality, muscle quality and vitamin B6 metabolism of growing Rex rabbits. Two hun-dred 3-month-old healthy Rex rabbits with similar body weight were randomly divided into 5 groups with 40 replicates in each group and each replicate contained 1 rabbit. Rabbits in 5 groups were fed experimental diets containing 0 (control), 5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg vitamin B6, respectively. The trial lasted for 7 days for ad-aptation, and 53 days for test. The results showed that dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level had significant in-fluence on average daily gain (ADG) and average daily feed intake (ADFI) (P=0.017 8 and P=0.000 4, respectively) , and the highest values of ADG and ADFI were found when vitamin B6 supplemental level was 20 mg/kg. With the vitamin B6 supplemental level increasing, the feed/gain ( F/G) was firstly decreased and then increased, and it had the lowest value when vitamin B6 supplemental level was 20 mg/kg. Dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level had significant influences on fur weight and fur area ( P=0.040 0 and P=0.001 6, re-spectively) , but had no significant influences on fur thickness and wool length ( P=0.478 0 and P=0.756 2, respectively) . The fur weight and fur area in 20 mg/kg group were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level had significant influences on pH (P=0.039 4) , red value ( a?) ( P=0.013 1) , yellow value ( b?) ( P=0.023 9) and light value ( L?) of muscle ( P=0.002 5) . The muscle b? and L? were significantly lower than those in control group ( P<0. 05 or P<0.01) , while the muscle a?was significantly higher than that in control group ( P<0.05) . Dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level had no significant influences on muscle water loss rate and shear force ( P=0.216 1 and P=0.825 9, respectively) . Dietary vitamin B6 supplemental level had no significant influences on vitamin B6 con-tent in muscle, liver and urine ( P=0.028 3, P=0.000 1 and P=0.008 1, respectively) , but had no signifi-cant influence on vitamin B6 content in serum (P=0.112 9). The muscle and liver vitamin B6 contents in 20 mg/kg group were significantly higher than those in control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). Considering all indexes of this experiment, the appropriate vitamin B6 supplemental level is 20 mg/kg for 3 to 5-month-old growing Rex rabbits.%本试验旨在研究饲粮维生素B6 添加水平对生长獭兔生长性能、皮张质量、肌肉品质以及维生素B6 代谢的影响. 试验选用200只体重相近、健康状况良好的3月龄獭兔,随机分成5组,每组40 个重复,每个重复 1 只,分别饲喂在基础饲粮基础上添加 0 (对照)、5、10、20 和40 mg/kg维生素B6 的试验饲粮. 预试期7 d,正试期53 d. 结果表明:饲粮维生素B6 添加水平对平均日增重有显著影响( P=0.017 8) ,对平均日采食量有极显著影响( P=0.000 4) ,二者均在维生素B6 添加水平为 20 mg/kg 时达到最高值. 随着维生素 B6 添加水平的升高,料重比( F/G)有先降低后升高趋势,并在维生素B6 添加水平为20 mg/kg时达到最低值. 饲粮维生素B6 添加水平对獭兔皮张重量有显著影响( P=0. 040 0 ) ,对皮张面积有极显著影响( P=0.001 6) ,对皮张厚度和被毛长度无显著影响( P=0.478 0和P=0.756 2). 20 mg/kg添加组的皮张重量、皮张面积显著或极显著高于对照组( P<0.05或P<0.01). 饲粮维生素B6 添加水平显著或极显著影响肌肉 pH(P=0.039 4)、红度值(a?) (P=0.013 1)、黄度值(b?) (P=0.023 9)、亮度值( L?) ( P=0. 002 5 ) ,其中 20 mg/kg 添加组的 L?极显著低于对照组( P<0.01),b?显著低于对照组(P<0.05),a?显著高于对照组(P<0.05). 饲粮维生素B6 添加水平对肌肉失水率和剪切力无显著影响( P=0.216 1和P=0.825 9). 饲粮维生素B6 添加水平对肌肉中维生素B6 含量有显著影响(P=0.028 3),对肝脏和尿液中维生素B6 含量有极显著影响( P=0.000 1和P=0.008 1) ,对血清中维生素B6 含量无显著影响( P=0.112 9). 20 mg/kg添加组肌肉和肝脏中维生素B6 含量显著或极显著高于对照组( P<0.05或 P<0.01). 综合本试验测定指标,3~5月龄生长獭兔饲粮适宜的维生素B6 添加水平为20 mg/kg.
    • 崔久辉; 刘爱荣; 吕仕奇; 史金龙; 张宗才
    • 摘要: 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市属高寒气候区,为了解呼伦贝尔地区獭兔皮张质量,利用3年时间就不同品种、不同季节、不同月龄獭兔皮张质量进行研究试验。在呼伦贝尔地区采集獭兔皮张样品,送四川大学轻纺与食品学院进行检测,按照皮张面积、毛被厚度、毛囊密度、毛长度指标评定皮张质量优劣,得出呼伦贝尔高寒地区獭兔皮张质量在各品种中以金星獭兔品种质量较好,在四季中以春、秋季獭兔皮张质量较好,在不同月龄中以5.5月龄皮张质量较好。
    • 张军; 刘丽
    • 摘要: 羊疥癣病是由疥螨和痒螨寄生在羊皮肤里而引起的一种慢性寄生性皮肤病,具有很强的传染性,可在短时间内引起羊群的感染,影响羊的生长发育和皮张质量,危害严重。一、临床症状病羊烦躁不安,剧痒,不断在墙壁、栏杆处摩擦患部,用嘴啃咬,被摩擦的部位出现丘疹、结节、水疱甚至脓疱,逐渐形成白色的痂皮和龟裂,被毛随痂皮脱落。
    • 杨磊
    • 摘要: 中国毛皮产业在养殖方面,由于国家对新农村建设有约束,人们对动物福利的认知,养殖总体效益不稳定,养殖条件将进一步改善,皮张质量将逐步得到重视,开辟新养殖密集区的可能性不大。
    • 王向阳
    • 摘要: 水貂白底绒症是由于体内氨基酸、维生素和微量元素缺乏而引起的以水貂毛绒、皮张质量下降为特征的一种营养代谢病。失治、误治常常造成水貂生长迟缓及皮质、毛绒品质下降,养殖效益降低。
    • 魏国庆; 王默
    • 摘要: 羊螨病是由疥螨和痒螨引起的羊皮肤病。螨虫有疥螨和痒螨之分。由疥螨寄生于羊皮肤内所引起的皮肤病称疥螨病,又称"疥癣病、疥疮"等;由痒螨寄生于羊皮肤表面引起的皮肤病称痒螨病。羊螨病具有高度传染性,往往在短期内可引起羊群严重感染,影响羊正常的生长发育和皮张质量,
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