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白口铁的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计269篇,主要集中在金属学与金属工艺、冶金工业、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文223篇、会议论文31篇、专利文献77554篇;相关期刊102种,包括河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)、西安交通大学学报、新技术新工艺等; 相关会议23种,包括第十四届华北地区热处理技术交流会、中国首届焊接及新技术交流学术年会、中国机械工程学会第二届青年学术年会等;白口铁的相关文献由336位作者贡献,包括王兆昌、邢书明、刘建华等。



论文:223 占比:0.29%


论文:31 占比:0.04%


论文:77554 占比:99.67%





  • 王兆昌
  • 邢书明
  • 刘建华
  • 马前
  • 王克非
  • 秦紫瑞
  • 姚三九
  • 张云鹏
  • 张羊换
  • 李云江
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张克平; 吴家祥; 姚亚萍
    • 摘要: 磨辊是辊式磨粉机的关键和易损部件,目前存在磨损严重、寿命短等问题.本试验以磨辊表层材料低铬白口铁为耐磨试样,以小麦籽粒粉料为磨料,采用与辊式磨粉机工况相似的三体磨料磨损试验机进行磨损试验,应用响应曲面设计对比分析了磨料粒度、转速和轧距对试样磨损性能的影响,确定了磨损失重最小的工况条件.结果表明:各个因素对磨损失重影响的显著性依次为:粒度、转速、轧距.因素之间的交互作用中,粒度和转速对磨损失重的影响较显著,其他不显著;粒度为1.00 mm、转速为400 r/min、轧距为0.25 mm,是降低磨损量的最佳参数组合,完成设定磨程的磨损失重为2.862 5 mg,与验证结果基本吻合.
    • 张克平; 姜良朋; 黄晓鹏
    • 摘要: 植物磨料磨损是辊式制粉工业中磨辊磨损失效的主要原因,热处理工艺是磨辊材料(低铬白口铁)表面硬度强化的一般手段。该文选用与辊式制粉工况相似的磨损试验机进行试验,利用正交试验考察了不同工艺参数热加工对低铬白口铁抗小麦粉料磨损性能的影响,并择选出最优工艺组合。基于最优工艺组合,以低铬白口铁原始件为参照,综合质量损失、磨痕特征及扫描电镜形貌等手段提取磨损特征,考察最优热处理工艺对低铬白口铁抗小麦粉料磨损性能的强化效果。试验推荐最优热处理工艺组合为:960°C(1 h)空淬+250°C(2 h)回火,实际生产推荐最优热处理工艺组合为:基于960°C淬火+250°C回火的表面热加工;经最优热加工工艺处理的低铬白口铁的磨损质量损失约为原始试样质量损失的42%,铸态组织内共晶碳化物断网现象明显,以半连续网状或孤立块状分布于基体;被磨面沟槽宽深度与棱脊峰谷值等磨痕特征及金属元素含量有所降低,试样硬度显著增加;磨损形式主要为微观切削、多次塑性变形与低周期疲劳磨损。该研究可为磨辊耐磨性能的提升以及降低加工过程对面粉的金属污染提供参考。%The wear of plant abrasive is the main reason to roller wear failure in wheat roller milling industry, while the heat treatment is the general strengthening means of surface hardness of low chromium white iron which is usually used as roller material. In this paper, 3 principles of abrasive wear were applied, and low chromium white iron was chosen as the test samples and wheat powder was chosen as abrasive. The wear test was conducted on wear test machine under the similar work process of industrial roller milling. The test was divided into 2 phases. In the first phase, 9 groups of samples were heat treated with different process parameters according to the design of orthogonal test, and then cooled to the room temperature by air cooling. The wear tests of wheat powder were conducted for all 9 groups of samples under room temperature condition for 2 h. The wear tests repeated 3 times and the average quality losses were recorded. The various factors of heat treatment process were sorted by SPSS (statistical product and service solutions) statistical analysis software. The effects of the factors in heat treatment process were analyzed, and the optimum process was obtained using Duncan multiple comparison. In the second phase, 2 groups of samples under identical conditions were contrasted. The first group of samples had not been heat treated, and the second had been heat treated according to the optimum heat treatment process. The wear test in the second phase contained 5 test cycles, and each cycle was conducted for 2 h. The various wear characteristics were analyzed, such as wear quality losses, and feature of wear surface; the metallographic examination, the energy dispersive spectrometer analysis and the scanning electron microscope morphology were performed. Then the reinforcement effects of heat treatment under the optimum heat treatment technology were investigated. The results showed that the optimum heat treatment technology is 960°C with 1 h air quenching and 250°C with 2 h tempering. The recommendation for roller production is that roller surface hardness should be strengthened according to the heat treatment process of 960°C air quenching and 250°C tempering. The wear quality loss of low chromium white iron samples under the optimum technological combination was about 42% of its original quality loss. The network broken phenomenon of eutectic carbide was obvious in cast structure, which existed in the form of semi-continuous networks or isolated blocks in the matrix. The groove trace of the worn surface was shallow and narrow, and the peak-to-valley value of ridges was low. The content of metal elements decreased while the non-metallic element content increased. The hardness increased significantly. The wear mechanism was mainly the micro-cut abrasive wear because wheat powder abrasive formed the "incompressible group", and the worn surface had obvious plough-cutting and furrow. Otherwise, if the wheat powder abrasive did not form the "incompressible group", the wear mechanism would be mainly the multiple plastic deformation and low cycle fatigue wear. The metal was finally separated from the sample matrix because of strengthening and exceeding plastic deformation. The research results can provide references for strengthening the roller wear-resistant performance and reducing the metal contamination during flour roller milling process.
    • 万鑫; 毛志平; 张治国; 李秀辉
    • 摘要: “南海Ⅰ号”是1987年8月发现于广东省阳江海域的一艘南宋早期木质沉船,是迄今为止世界上发现的海上沉船中年代最早、船体最大、保存最完整的远洋贸易商船.“南海Ⅰ号”沉船上发现的铁器文物为铁锅及铁钉,大量分布于船舱各处.本文运用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪、拉曼光谱等多种方法,对“南海Ⅰ号”沉船出水铁器基体及其夹杂物进行了分析.结果表明铁锅为过共晶白口铁及亚共晶白口铁,铁钉为亚共析钢.
    • 吴家祥; 张克平
    • 摘要: 为了研究小麦制粉过程中辊间压力对磨辊磨损性能的影响,本文采用与辊式磨粉机工况相似的三体磨料磨损试验机进行磨损试验,考察了在不同载荷压力下小麦粉料对白口铁磨损性能的影响,计算磨损失重,观察磨损表面形貌,分析磨损机制。结果表明:随着载荷的增加,磨损失重增大,磨损量与载荷压力成正比例关系。磨损机理是以显微切削作用为主的磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损交互作用的结果。
    • 马明明
    • 摘要: 1现状可锻铸铁产品生产中为了让白口铁中的渗碳体分解,必须经过严密的退火程序。退火质量的好坏在于其温度的控制,包括温度的均匀性、温度的稳定、升温降温的速度。目前,国内可锻铸铁退火炉的类型按燃烧方式分为,有燃煤型(分煤粉与块煤两种)、燃气型、电加热型。
    • 肖岸纯; 陈慧敏; 郑重; 孙涛
    • 摘要: 采用正交试验的方法研究了高铬铸铁复合变质处理.将国内外常见的几种性能不同但功能互补的变质剂(V、Ti、1#Re、B)组合成复合变质剂,选用四因素三水平正交设计表,采用直观分析和极差分析等方法分析了不同变质处理剂搭配及其水平对高铬铸铁性能的影响.试验结果表明:在本试验条件下,有利于高铬铸铁冲击韧性的最优组合为A1B3C1.有利于高铬铸铁的宏观硬度的最优组合为A1B2C3.通过对相关试验数据进行分析,可以很方便地优选出复合变质剂的组成,获得高铬白口铁几种常见变质处理元素搭配及其水平对白口铁性能的影响,可减少试验次数,降低试验成本,缩短研究周期.
    • 齐卫平
    • 摘要: 正众所周知,生铁分为白口铁、灰口铁、球墨铸铁。白口铁的断口呈暗白色、硬而脆、难加工,一般只用于炼钢,故又称为炼钢生铁;灰口铁的断口呈深灰色,具有较好的机械加工和铸造等性能,但强度较差,不能锻轧,只能用于锻造化工机械和铸件,故又被称为铸造生铁(简称铸铁);
    • 姚秀荣; 韩杰才; 左洪波; 刘兆晶; 李凤珍; 任善之
    • 摘要: The VC_p reinforced stainless steel composite was produced by in-situ reaction casting. The composite was tested for its wear resistance under the wet abrasive condition and corrosion resistance, compared with the wear-resistant white iron and stainless steel. The results show that the wear resistance of the composite is slightly inferior to that of the white iron, but much better than that of the stainless steel under the wet grinding abrasive condition. The corrosion resistance of the composite is much better than that of the white iron in the acid medium, and a little worse than that of the stainless steel. Thus the composite exhibits superior properties of wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
    • 谭银元; 许小平
    • 摘要: An investigation was concerned with the effect of alloying elements Nb,V,Cu and rare earth (RE) modifier on the structure and properties of high Cr-Mn white cast iron (15 %Cr,4 %Mn) by means of orthogonal matrix.The results show that alloying elements and rare earth can refine grain,change carbide morphology and distribution,and increase mechanical properties and wear-resistant properties.The optimum chemical composition and heat treatment process of multi-element low alloys high Cr-Mn white cast iron have been determined.%该文利用正交设计试验探讨了Nb、V、Cu在高铬锰白口铸铁中的合金化作用和稀土硅铁的变质作用。结果表明,合金元素能够细化晶粒,改善碳化物的形貌和分布,提高力学性能和耐磨性。确定了多元低合金高铬锰白口铸铁的最佳成分和热处理工艺。
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