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畸形足的相关文献在1979年到2022年内共计97篇,主要集中在外科学、儿科学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文93篇、专利文献13869篇;相关期刊50种,包括河北中医、中国临床医学、中国医学影像技术等; 畸形足的相关文献由345位作者贡献,包括伍江雁、刘昆、吉士俊等。



论文:93 占比:0.67%


论文:13869 占比:99.33%





  • 伍江雁
  • 刘昆
  • 吉士俊
  • 唐进
  • 张妮
  • 戴扎得·伊扎克
  • 梅海波
  • 赫荣国
  • 钟群
  • 叶卫华
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 徐海林
    • 摘要: 拇外翻畸形是第1趾骨进行性外展和内旋,第1跖骨内收、内旋和上抬以及第1跖趾关节外侧关节囊紧缩综合导致。覆盖内侧隆起的滑囊发炎和背侧皮神经受到刺激而出现疼痛和不适的症状。
    • 廖喜; 周德勇; 陈述; 燕华; 史强
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨Ilizarov技术联合Ponseti方法治疗大龄儿童僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2012年7月至2016年7月玉林桂南医院收治的36例(49足)儿童僵硬性马蹄内翻足病例的临床资料,术前均行负重位踝关节正侧位X线检查,根据安装Ilizarov外固定架治疗前是否进行Ponseti石膏矫正分为A组(未进行Ponseti石膏矫正)和B组(进行Ponseti石膏矫正).A组18例(24足),男13例,女5例,年龄为(9.5±2.3)岁(6~14岁).B组18例(25足),男12例,女6例,年龄为(9.8±2.1)岁(6~15岁).A组患儿直接安装Ilizarov外固定架治疗,B组患儿予Ponseti系列石膏矫正4~10次后行经皮跟腱松解术,然后安装Ilizarov外固定架治疗.两组患儿术后均佩戴足踝矫形器固定8~10周.两组患儿术后随访时行负重下踝关节正侧位X线片检查,测量并记录胫距角变化.采用国际马蹄内翻足研究会评定标准(ICFSG)评价术后疗效.记录并比较两组病人马蹄足畸形矫正时间、佩戴外固定架时间.结果 患儿平均随访时间为58个月(36~75个月).术后2年随访,两组胫距角比较,差异有统计学意义(t=2.468,P=0.017).A组24足,ICFSG评分优11足、良5足、可4足、差4足,优良率为66.7%;B组25足,优20足、良1足、可4足,优良率为84.0%,两组优良率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.667,P=0.034).B组马蹄足畸形矫正时间、佩戴外固定架时间均小于A组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05).A组有2例出现皮肤坏死,3例血管神经损伤,2例钉道感染;B组无相关并发症.结论 应用Ilizarov技术联合Pon-seti方法治疗儿童僵硬性马蹄内翻足可取得良好疗效,矫形效果满意,能最大程度保留足的外形和功能,值得临床推广.
    • 李鸿恩; 罗辉; 刘春花; 张嫣; 江魁明; 曾益辉
    • 摘要: 目的 观察产前多序列MRI诊断胎儿先天性马蹄内翻足(CTEV)的价值,并与超声诊断结果对比.方法 纳入 26胎经出生后证实的CTEV胎儿.A组孕周≤28周,B组孕周>28周,各13胎,均于产前超声检查后3天内接受单次激发快速自旋回波(SSFSE)、稳态采集快速成像(FIESTA)、弥散加权成像(DWI)及快速反转恢复运动抑制(FIRM)序列胎儿足部MR扫描.观察CTEV胎儿足部信号特点,比较MRI与超声诊断CTEV的准确率.结果 MR SSFSE、FIESTA及FIRM序列图像中,CTEV胎儿足部骨组织均呈低信号、皮肤肌肉均呈等信号;DWI图像中,长骨骨干及皮肤肌肉均呈低信号,骨骺端呈高信号.产前MRI共误诊1胎CTEV为多趾畸形,漏诊2胎及1胎双侧病变中的1侧CTEV,诊断CTEV的准确率为88.46%(23/26);超声共漏诊5胎,诊断准确率为80.77%(21/26).A组产前超声诊断CTEV准确率(100.00%)高于MRI(76.92%),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);B组产前MRI诊断CTEV准确率(100.00%)明显高于超声(61.54%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 多序列MRI可用于产前诊断胎儿CTEV.采用快速扫描技术、反复采集胎儿足部位置变化后冠状位图像有利于明确诊断.
    • 夏冰; 董英梅; 张宇; 刘福云; 袁俊英; 杨博; 王飞鹏; 牛学强; 胡伟明
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨Ponseti法治疗婴幼儿脊髓拴系综合征(TCS)继发性马蹄内翻足的可行性.方法 回顾性分析2014年3月至2017年3月于郑州大学第三附属医院小儿骨科接受Ponseti法治疗的53例马蹄内翻足患儿的临床资料.根据病因将患儿分为TCS组和特发组.其中TCS组19例(33足),男13例,女6例,中位数年龄2.8个月(范围:0.2~24.0个月),患足为单侧5例,双侧14例;特发组34例(45足),男18例,女16例,中位数年龄3.1个月(范围:0.1~21.0个月),患足为单侧23例,双侧11例.所有患儿均按Ponseti法进行石膏矫正,并于跟腱切断术后或末次石膏固定后3周、3个月、半年及之后每半年进行一次随访,记录患者并发症情况,末次随访时采用Dimeglio评分系统及国际马蹄内翻足功能评分(ICFSG)评估患儿治疗效果.采用独立样本t检验、Mann-Witney U检验或x2检验对两组患儿的检测指标进行比较.结果 经Ponseti法治疗完成初次矫正的过程中,TCS组石膏固定次数为(6.1±2.0)次,特发组为(4.8±1.0)次,差异有统计学意义(t=3.482,P<0.01);TCS组行经皮跟腱切断22足,特发组40足,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.279,P=0.598);TCS组初次治疗后复发18例,特发组8例,差异有统计学意义(t=11.149,P<0.01).TCS组16例(27足)完成初始矫正,成功率为60.6%(27/33);3例(6足)经9~10次石膏固定后无法矫正畸形,改行软组织松解术;特发组34例(45足)经Ponseti方法治疗全部达到初始矫正,差异有统计学意义(x2=6.488,P=0.011).末次随访时,TCS组行软组织松解术患儿共5例(9足),特发组2例(2足),差异有统计学意义(x2=6.110,P=0.013);未行软组织松解术的TCS组患儿ICFSG评分分级为(2.1±0.6)级,特发组为(1.8±0.7)级,差异无统计学意义(t=1.765,P=0.082).所有患儿在石膏矫形过程中无皮肤溃烂、褥疮、皮肤过敏等并发症发生.结论 使用Ponseti法治疗婴幼儿TCS继发马蹄内翻足治疗效果满意,患足功能恢复情况与特发性马蹄内翻足患儿相当.
    • 沈义东; 舒衡生; 王爽; 石博文
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨使用Ilizarov技术结合肌腱转移治疗僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析2015年8月至2018年2月,使用Ilizarov技术结合肌腱转移治疗11例(14足)僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形患者资料.其中男6例(8足),女5例(6足);年龄12~36岁,平均21.6岁;Dim6glio分级,Ⅱ级8足,Ⅲ级6足;同期行Ilizarov技术和肌腱转移术者7例(10足),分期手术者4例(4足).分期手术者一期行跟腱延长、跖筋膜松解、安装外固定架缓慢矫正畸形,二期行肌腱转移术,手术间隔20~32 d,平均26.5 d.术后在负重踝关节侧位X线片上测量胫距角及在Saltzman位X线片上测量胫跟角,并与术前比较;采用美国足踝外科协会(American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society,AOFAS)踝与后足评分评价术后功能;采用SF-36量表评价生活质量;采用ICFSG评分评价术后疗效.结果 11例患者均获得随访,随访时间6~36个月,平均20个月;马蹄内翻足畸形均得到有效矫正.踝关节活动:背伸由术前-19.9°±14.8°增加至末次随访时2.7°±1.6°,跖屈由术前38.5°±12.8°减小至末次随访时21.0°±9.2°.末次随访时Diméglio分级,Ⅰ级13足,Ⅱ级1足.胫距角由术前平均122.2°±16.6°下降至末次随访时100.8°±4.8°;胫跟角由术前平均-25.2°±9.2°增加至末次随访时-3.7°±2.8°.术前和末次随访时AOFAS踝与后足评分分别为(63.9±12.7)分和(85.2±9.7)分,两者比较差异有统计学意义(t=14.87,P<0.05);术前和末次随访时SF-36评分分别为(50.1±8.4)分和(63.7±8.1)分,两者比较差异有统计学意义(t=4.10,P<0.05).末次随访时ICFSG评分为3~v16分,平均6.6分;其中优7足,良6足,可1足,优良率为92.9%(13/14).结论 使用Ilizarov技术结合肌腱转移术可成功矫正僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形,近期疗效满意.%Objective To investigate the clinical outcomes of combined Ilizarov technique with tendon transfer for the treatment of rigid equinovarus foot deformity.Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of 11 patients (14 feet) with rigid equinovarus foot deformity who were treated by Ilizarov technique combined with tendon transfer without additional bony procedures from August 2015 to February 2018.The average age was 21.6 years old (range,12-36 years old) and 6 patients were males and 5 patients were females.According to Dimeglio classification,8 feet were grade Ⅱ and 6 feet were grade Ⅲ.Seven patients (10 feet) were treated with external fixator and tendon transfer simultaneously.Four patients (4 feet) underwent staging surgery,in which Achilles tendon lengthening,plantar fascia lysis and slow correction of deformity with external fixator were performed as the first stage operation,followed by the second stage tendon transfer.The average interval between the two operations was 26.5 days (range,20-32 days).The lateral tibiotalar angle on load-bearing ankle radiographs and tibiocalcaneal angle on Saltzman view radiographs were measured after operation,and compared with that before operation.Functional evaluation was performed by The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) and Ankle Hind foot Scale.Quality of life assessment was assessed by the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) Scale.The excellent and good rate of operation was evaluated by the International Clubfoot Study Group (ICFSG) scoring system.Results All patients were followed up for 6 months to 36 months with an average of 20 months.All cases achieved effective correction.There were no neurovascular complications in this group of patients.The preoperative ankle range of motion in dorsiflexion was-19.9°± 14.8°,and plantar flexion 38.5°± 12.8°.At the latest follow-up,the mean dorsiflexion increased to 2.7°± 1.6° and the plantar flexion decreased to 21.0°±9.2°.Preoperative Dimeglio classification included 8 feet in grade Ⅱ,6 feet in grade Ⅲ.At the latest follow-up,there were 13 feet in grade Ⅰ and 1 foot in grade Ⅱ.The tibiotalar angle was 122.2°± 16.6° before surgery and 100.8°±4.8° at the latest follow-up.The tibiocalcaneal angle of the Saltzman view was-25.2°±9.2° before surgery and-3.7°±2.8° at the latest follow-up.The mean preoperative AOFAS score increased from 63.9± 12.7 to 85.2±9.7,with statistically significant difference (t=14.87,P< 0.05).The average SF-36 score increased from 50.1±8.4 to 63.7±8.1,with statistically significant difference (t=4.10,P< 0.05).At the latest follow-up,the average ICFSG score was 6.6 (range,3-16).According to the classification of ICFSG score,there were 7 feet excellent,6 feet good,and Ⅰ foot fair,with an excellent and good rate of 92.9% (13/14).Conclusion Ilizarov technique combined with tendon transfer could achieve successful correction of rigid equinovarus foot deformity with satisfactory short-term results.
    • 张景义; 海国栋; 张春雷; 窦浚峰; 陈红浩; 马海龙; 杨昊飞
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨Ilizarov技术治疗成人僵硬性马蹄内翻足相关并发症的发生原因及预防措施。方法:回顾性分析2014年5月至2018年5月采用Ilizarov技术治疗的32例成人僵硬性马蹄内翻足患者的病例资料。男17例,女15例。年龄28~55岁,中位数37岁。儿时马蹄内翻足未得到有效治疗21例,烧伤致马蹄内翻足4例,创伤性马蹄内翻足7例。合并腓总神经损伤2例、小腿前外侧软组织广泛缺损5例。术后随访观察足部畸形矫正及并发症发生情况。结果:本组患者均获得随访,随访时间11~19个月,中位数13个月。足部畸形均得到矫正。3例出现关节活动障碍,行腓肠肌腱膜松解术及功能锻炼后关节活动障碍消失;1例神经损伤,给予营养神经药物治疗后神经损伤仍未恢复;1例出现血管损伤,调整进针点和减慢牵拉速度后血管损伤症状消失;2例出现皮肤热损伤,更换螺纹针或经原针孔换药后痊愈;3例出现踝关节前脱位,调整Ilizarov外固定架的铰链中心位置后关节脱位得以纠正;2例出现针道感染,给予抗感染药物治疗后感染得到控制;2例出现踝关节疼痛,给予口服镇痛药物对症处理后,仍有1例遗留踝关节疼痛;3例出现畸形复发,延长外固定时间后畸形得以纠正。结论:Ilizarov技术可以有效矫正成人僵硬性马蹄内翻足畸形,但因Ilizarov外固定架的构型较复杂、学习曲线较长、操作繁琐等,术后会出现各种并发症。临床应用Ilizarov技术时,应充分理解该技术的矫形原理,熟练掌握操作要领,严格把握适应证和禁忌证,规范术前计划,谨慎术中操作,重视术后支架的调整及护理。
    • 张元智; 路全立; 莫伟鹏; 张立峰; 姜助国; 徐志刚
    • 摘要: Objective To provide a method to modify accurately the Reverdin osteotomy template for hallux valgus using 3D reconstruction and printing.Methods From June 2015 to June 2016,11 patients (16 feet) with hallux valgus at our departments underwent weight-bearing X-ray examination and continuous spiral CT scanning of the feet.The outer turning angle of hallux averaged 33.50° ± 6.80°,the first intermetatarsal angle 12.20°± 2.90° and the distal metatarsal articular angle 15.20°± 2.60°.Their imaging Dicom data were imported into Materialise Mimics Innovation Suite v16.0 software for generation of 3D models of the pelvis which were then stored in stereolithography format and imported into Imageware 12 software.After optimal templates were reversely rebuilt to have the best angles and range for Reverdin osteotomy in the 3D models,they were manufactured by a rapid prototyping machine.The osteotomy templates were used in surgery to guide the osteotomy of hallux valgus.Correction of hallux valgus,bone union at the osteotomy sites and weight-bearing walk were observed postoperatively.Results Accurate angles of osteotomy were confirmed by postoperative radiography in all the 16 feet.Follow-ups for 6 to 12 months showed in the 16 feet a mean outer turning angle of hallux of 7.31 °±0.33° (from 5° to 11 °) and a mean correction of 21.92°± 4.8° (from 13° to 24°).Bone union was fine at the osteotomy sites and no pain was reported during weight-bearing walk.Conclusion 3D reconstruction and printing can produce a patient-specific template for accurate Reverdin osteotomy for hallux valgus,leading to increased contact area and fine union of the osteotomy ends.%目的 利用三维重建和3D打印技术为改良Reverdin截骨术治疗(踇)外翻畸形手术方案的制定和实施提供一种精确截骨的方法.方法 对2015年6月至2016年6月我们收治的11例(16足)(踇)外翻患者在负重位行X线检查和足部连续螺旋CT扫描,测量平均(踇)外翻角为33.50°±6.80°,第一跖骨间角为12.20°±2.90°,跖骨远端关节角为15.20°±2.60°.将原始Dicom格式数据导入Ma-terialise Mimics Innovation Suite 16.0软件,三维重建足部模型,将足部三维重建模型以.stl格式保存,导入Imageware 12.0软件,根据Reverdin截骨方式设计最佳截骨线及角度,然后建立与截骨范围解剖学形态一致的截骨模板,3D打印模板实体,手术时将建立的截骨模板与第一跖骨头贴合,沿截骨模板进行截骨,克氏针固定.术后观察(踇)外翻角度改善、截骨愈合及负重行走情况. 结果 16足截骨角度满意,术后经6~12个月随访,(踇)外翻角度为7.31°±0.33°(5°~11°),平均校正度为21.92°±4.8°(13°~24°),截骨处骨愈合好,负重行走无痛. 结论 通过计算机辅助技术设计的改良Reverdin截骨模板为(踇)外翻畸形矫正术提供一种个性化、精确截骨的方法,增大了截骨后截骨端接触面积,截骨处骨愈合好.
    • 李敬春; 荀福兴; 刘远忠; 李惠先; 梁会营; 徐宏文
    • 摘要: 目的探讨x线在先天性马蹄内翻足(CCF)患儿经Ponseti方法治疗后畸形复发预测中的意义。方法 回顾分析2007年12月至2012年12月广州市妇女儿童医疗中心采用Ponseti方法治疗的57例CCF患儿(CCF)的病历资料。依据畸形复发情况将全部病例分为康复组和复发组。在行Ponseti方法治疗前1 d对患足行X线检查,并分别于治疗后第3、6.9、12、18、24和36个月行双足背屈应力下正、侧位X线检查,测量正、侧位距骨跟骨角(CTAOPP,CTAOSP)、正、侧位距骨一第1跖骨角(VIM-AOPP,FTMAOSP)和侧位胫骨跟骨角(CTA)。以统计学方法分析各项测量指标随时间变化的趋势及其对马蹄内翻足复发预测的价值。结果2组间CTAOSP,FTMAOSP与CTA的差异有统计学意义(P均〈0.05);不同性别间各个角度指标差异均无统计学意义(P均〉0.05);性别与CTAOSP这2个因素对畸形复发的影响存在交互作用,CTAOSP越小的女性患儿畸形复发的可能性越大。Ponseti方法治疗后12个月的CTAOSP具有最大的AUC值。结论X线检查在CCF患儿经Ponseti方法治疗后畸形复发的预测中有意义,其中Ponseti方法治疗后12个月的CTAOSP的预测诊断意义最大。
    • 郭占豪; 孙克明; 王军建; 刘方娜
    • 摘要: 目的:比较Ilizarov外固定架联合有限矫形手术与单纯Ilizarov技术在治疗青少年Ⅲ度马蹄内翻足畸形中的临床疗效.方法:57例Ⅲ度马蹄内翻足畸形青少年患者,按治疗方式不同分为Ilizarov外固定架联合有限矫形手术组(35例)和单纯Ilizarov技术组(32例).术后对两组患者进行体格检查,按照ICFSG评分标准进行术后足恢复评分,并比较分析2组患者术后感染、神经血管损伤和肌力不平衡等并发症的发生率.结果:Ilizarov外固定架联合手术组与单纯Ilizarov技术组患者在治疗后的ICFSG评分均明显低于治疗前(P<0.05);联合手术组患者术后足恢复的优良率为91.89%,显著高于单纯Ilizarov技术组的75.00%(P<0.05).联合手术组的并发症发生率为8.11%,明显低于单纯Ilizarov技术组的18.75% (P<0.05).结论:Ilizarov外固定架联合有限矫形手术与单纯Ilizarov技术相比,能有效提高青少年重度马蹄内翻足畸形恢复的优良率,且明显降低术后并发症的发生率,值得临床推广应用.%Objective:To compare the clinical efficacy of Ilizarov external fixator combined with finite orthopedic surgery and pure Ilizarov technique in the treatment of adolescent Ⅲ degree talipes equinovarus deformity.Methods:According to different treatment method,57 patients with Ⅲ degree talipes equinovarus deformity were divided into Ilizarov external fixator combined with finite orthopaedic surgery group (35 cases) and pure Ilizarov technique group (32 cases).After the operation,the patients received the physical examination,the therapeutic effect was evaluated according to the ICFSG rating criteria,and the incidence of complications such as postoperative infection,nerve vessel damage,and muscular imbalance were compared between the two groups.Results:The ICFSG scores of patients after therapy by Ilizarov external fixator combined with finite orthopedic surgery and pure Ilizarov technique were significantly lower than those before therapy(P<0.05).The optimal rate of postoperative foot recovery in the combined surgery group was 91.89%,which was significantly higher than that in the pure Ilizarov technique group (75.00%,P<0.05).The incidence rate of postoperative complications in the combined surgery group was 8.11%,which was lower than that in pure Ilizarov technique group (18.75%,P<0.05).Conclusions:As compared with pure Ilizarov technique,the Ilizarov external fixator combined with finite orthopedic surgery can effectively improve the optimal rate of postoperative foot recovery for the adolescent patients with Ⅲ degree talipes equinovarus deformity,and significantly reduce the incidence of postoperative complications,worthy of clinical popularization and application.
    • 包贝西; 张建中
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the relationship of Clarke angle and Chippaux-Smirak ( C-S ) index with the medial longitudinal arch and to explore the feasibility in the diagnose of flatfoot deformity by using the Clarke angle and C-S index. Methods A total of 162 subjects ( 308 feet ) were enrolled, whose weight-bearing anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films and Harris mat footprints of both feet were collected. On the weight-bearing lateral X-ray films, the talo-first metatarsal angle, calcaneal pitch angle, talus tilt angle and talocalcaneal angle were measured. On the Harris mat footprints, the Clarke angle and C-S index were measured. According to the talo-first metatarsal angle, the subjects were divided into 4 groups: normal arch group, mild flatfoot group, moderate flatfoot group and severe flatfoot group. The difference and correlation analyses were conducted between the medial longitudinal arch measurement results and the corresponding Clarke angle and C-S index. Results The Clarke angles were ( 42.79 ± 6.93 ) °, ( 31.73 ± 8.44 ) °, ( 21.07 ± 12.6 ) ° and ( 5.50 ± 1.19 ) ° in normal arch group, mild flatfoot group, moderate flatfoot group and severe flatfoot group respectively, and the differences among them were statistically significant ( F = 63.90, P = 0.000 ). The C-S indexes were 0.37 ± 0.05, 0.41 ± 0.05, 0.46 ± 0.11 and 0.69 ± 0.20 in normal arch group, mild flatfoot group, moderate flatfoot group and severe flatfoot group respectively, and the differences among them were statistically significant ( F = 39.70, P = 0.000 ). There was a negative correlation between the talo-first metatarsal angle and the Clarke angle, and the correlation coefficients were -0.646 for the left foot and -0.752 for the right foot. The talo-first metatarsal angle and the C-S index were positively correlated, and the correlation coefficients were 0.514 for the left foot and 0.575 for the right foot. There was a significant correlation between the medial longitudinal arch and the Clarke angle and C-S index. Conclusions The Clarke angle and C-S index are reliable indicators to measure and evaluate the medial longitudinal arch. The footprint measurement results can be helpful in the early diagnosis and grading of flatfeet, and further guide the secondary prevention of flatfeet.%目的 研究足印角及C-S指数与扁平足内侧纵弓的相关性,探讨应用足印角及C-S指数诊断扁平足的可行性.方法 选取162例受试者(308足)的双足负重正侧位X线片和Harris Mat足印图.负重侧位X线图像上测量距骨第1跖骨角,跟骨倾斜角,距骨倾斜角和距骨跟骨角.Harris Mat足印图测量足印角及C-S指数.根据距骨第1跖骨角将研究对象分为:正常足弓组,轻度扁平足组,中度扁平足组和重度扁平足组,将内侧纵弓各测量结果与其对应的足印角和C-S指数进行差异性及相关性分析.结果 足印角:正常足为(42.79±6.93)°,轻度扁平足为(31.73±8.44)°,中度扁平足为(21.07±12.6)°,重度扁平足为(5.50±1.19)°,差异有统计学意义(F=63.90,P=0.000);C-S指数:正常足为0.37±0.05,轻度扁平足为0.41±0.05,中度扁平足为0.46±0.11,重度扁平足为0.69±0.20,差异有统计学意义(F=39.70,P=0.000);距骨第1跖骨角与足印角呈负相关关系,左足的相关系数为-0.646,右足的相关系数为-0.752;距骨第1跖骨角与C-S指数呈正相关关系,左足的相关系数为0.514,右足的相关系数为0.575;内侧纵弓与足印角及C-S指数呈显著性相关关系.结论 足印角和C-S指数是测量和评价扁平足内侧纵弓的可靠指标;足印图测量结果有助于扁平足的早期诊断和分级,并指导扁平足的二级预防.
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