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电子能谱的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计236篇,主要集中在物理学、化学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文114篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献692498篇;相关期刊86种,包括浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)、湘潭大学自然科学学报、分析测试技术与仪器等; 相关会议10种,包括中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会第二十二次学术会议、第九届全国摩擦、减摩、耐磨材料和技术学术研讨会、第八届全国激光科学技术青年学术交流会等;电子能谱的相关文献由582位作者贡献,包括张连俊、张杰、罗恩泽等。



论文:114 占比:0.02%


论文:10 占比:0.00%


论文:692498 占比:99.98%





  • 张连俊
  • 张杰
  • 罗恩泽
  • 赵嘉峰
  • 何煦
  • 刘吉山
  • 刘正太
  • 吴兆奎
  • 姚岐
  • 崔喜平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵伟; 何佳龙
    • 摘要: 稳态X射线管是一种重要的X射线辐照模拟装置,在辐照效应等研究领域有重要应用。采用蒙特卡罗模拟方法计算了50 kV,150 kV和225 kV管电压下的X射线能谱,并对X射线辐照下电子发射进行了模拟;研究了准直孔直径分别为2 mm,4 mm和6 mm条件下X射线的焦斑分布和电子发射弥散情况,以及不同能谱的X射线轰击到聚乙烯、聚酰亚胺、Si、SiO2、Cu、Ta和W等样品上产生的电子发射能谱和电流强度等特性,为X射线辐照下材料电子发射特性的实验研究和设计提供一定的理论基础和指导。
    • 陈剑楠; 陶应龙; 陈再高; 王玥
    • 摘要: 为深入研究系统电磁脉冲(SGEMP)特性,通过蒙特卡罗程序MCNP计算并总结了发射电子能谱、θ方向角分布以及光电产额等发射电子参数的变化规律,给出了不同X射线黑体温度下表征射线能量的能谱参数E1.利用3维全电磁PIC程序对SGEMP进行模拟,并将模拟结果与用X射线黑体温度T近似代替能谱参数E1取值方式下的模拟结果进行了对比.结果表明,低能射线的能谱参数与黑体温度近似相等;而高能射线的能谱参数与黑体温度存在偏差,会导致SGEMP模拟计算的电磁场峰值产生偏差.
    • 李立忠; 朱璐; 金焰; 陈锋; 喻珊
    • 摘要: 为监测和分析大气污染物,采集了湖北黄石市大气颗粒物样品,利用扫描电镜、电子能谱仪和X-射线光电子能谱仪对其进行了形态观察和化学成分分析.结果显示:颗粒物多为不规则形貌不同的颗粒,是各种尘源的混合体.各颗粒微区中C、O、Si、Ca、Fe元素较多,其次是Si、S、Al、Na等.Si的主要存在形式为硅酸盐、SiO2;Na的主要存在形式为Na2 SO4、Na3 PO4;Ca的主要存在形式为CaF2;S的主要存在形式为Fe2(SO4)3.%In order to monitor and analyze the air pollutants , the samples of atmospheric particles were collected in Huangshi City, Hubei Province.Their morphology and chemical composition were analyzed by SEM , EDS and XPS.The results indicated that the particles were mostly in irregular shape , being a mixture of various dust sources .Atmospheric particles were mainly composed of C, O, Si, Ca and Fe with small amount of Si , S, Al and Na in each microdomain.Element Si existed in the form of silicate or SiO2, Na in Na2SO4 or Na3PO4, Ca in CaF2, and S in Fe2(SO4)3.
    • 胡涛
    • 摘要: 电子能谱的测量是电子加速器性能检测的重要环节。本文设计了一种新的测量方法———多层吸收法来对电子能谱进行测量,它是基于在辐照电子加速器上应用最多的射程法,加入 Monte-Carlo 模拟和迭代算法而重建出入射电子能谱的一种方法。该方法具有操作简便、测量准确、无需复杂设备等优点。本文用该方法对6 MeV 加速器的电子能谱进行了测量,得到了较好的结果,且与磁谱仪的测量结果在误差范围内符合得很好,验证了其可行性。%The measurement of electron energy spectrum is an important part of the per-formance test of electron accelerator.A new method named multi-layer absorption method to measure the electron energy spectrum was designed in this paper.It is based on the depth-dose curves method,which can be used in most irradiation accelerators, and the Monte-Carlo simulation and iterative algorithm were added so as to reconstruct the electron energy spectrum.This method is easy,accurate and needs no complicated equipment.This method was used to measure the spectrum of 6 MeV electron accelera-tor,and the good results were obtained.The results agree well with the measurement results of magnetic spectrometer in the error range,and it proves that the credibility is very high.
    • 钱玲; 夏寅; 胡红岩; 张尚兴; 李振; 吕功煊; 陈港泉
    • 摘要: The characteristics of the main disastrous soluble salts and their contents in the site of Guo Ji Tomb of Sanmenxia had been analyzed by taking samples from Guo Ji Tomb, Liang Ji Tomb and Jin Dai Tomb where salt damages as salt efflorescence, flaking and piece falling existed. The regular patterns of salt formation were discussed using the testing methods of X-ray fluorescence( XRF) and ion chromatograph( IC) . The species,existing types and concentrations of salts in the GUO Ji Tomb and other locations were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectrometry(SEM/EDS)techniques. The results indicated that Na2 SO4 and CaCO3 are the main salts and small amounts of CaCl2、KNO3 and NaCl were also found. The concentrations of salts in the soil near the ground were higher than those of other locations and these salts caused heavy salt damages. The concentrations of salts in Liang Ji Tomb were higher than those of Guo Ji Tomb and Jin Dai Tomb with higher content of nitrates. It was found that contents of soluble salts were different at different locations, but in the neighboring region there existed certain regularity, which provides some useful information for the research and control of salt damages.%针对三门峡虢季墓遗址部分区域存在起甲、泛白、疱疹等由可溶盐引起的病害,在其遗址不同部位取样进行土遗址本体含盐分析。取样区域包括虢季墓、梁姬墓和近代墓遗址。采用X射线荧光光谱( XRF)和离子色谱( IC)分析所取样品的可溶盐成分、含量及可溶盐成盐元素在土遗址中的成盐规律。采用电子能谱( XPS)和X射线衍射(XRD)分析样品的物相组成及盐分状态,扫描电子显微镜/能谱(SEM/EDS)进一步考察含盐土质的颗粒组成、微观形貌等。结果表明:虢季墓取样区域所含盐分主要为Na2 SO4、CaCO3和少量的其他盐分如CaCl2、KNO3和NaCl等。靠近地面部位所取样品盐分含量高于其他部位,盐害表现更为明显。梁姬墓取样区域总盐分含量略高于虢季墓与近代墓,硝酸盐含量较高。而近代墓遗址可溶盐盐分含量略低,盐害不明显。在不同取样点可溶盐含量有所差异,但在邻近区域,其成盐具有一定规律性,这一点对于遗址基体中盐害的深入研究与防治具有重要意义。
    • 刘婉茹
    • 摘要: 清华大学号称“工程师的摇篮”,而这个摇篮中孕育出的工程师多为男性.女性工程师实属凤毛麟角。从这个层面上来说.国家大型科学仪器中心-北京电子能谱中心副主任、清华大学分析中心高级工程师姚文清堪称清华大学工程师界的一泓清流。
    • 王流火; 林博楚; 吕鸿
    • 摘要: Due to large short-circuit energy and serious erosion of faulted equipments,it is unable to determine fault position and direct reasons when high voltage gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear(GIS)happens large current short-circuit fault. In view of this,this paper analyzes and studies SF6 decomposition product of faulted GIS in some 220 kV substation and attachments on surface of faulted region by using energy disperse spectroscopy method. Combining disassem-bly return to depot and considering composition of breaker device,it analyzes reasons for causing the accident. Meanwhile, it studies impact on dielectric strength of GIS by ferruginous metallic particles and criticality of insulation deterioration in 220 kV GIS. The result indicates that the direct reason for the accident is ferruginous metallic particles in GIS breaker and the indirect reason is relax control on installation which makes GIS with defects. With the same voltage level,impact on die-lectric strength of GIS by metallic particles is more obvious,insulation deterioration is more severe and the GIS is liable to come up flashover.%高电压等级的气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear,GIS)在发生大电流短路故障时,常常由于短路能量较大,故障设备烧蚀严重而无法确定故障位置和直接原因。针对此,采用扫描电子能谱(energy disperse spectroscopy,EDS)法对发生故障的220 kV某变电站 GIS 设备 SF6气体分解产物及故障区域表面附着物进行分析研究,结合返厂解体,同时考虑断路器设备原件的成分组成,分析了造成事故的原因。同时,在实体220 kV GIS内试验研究了铁质金属颗粒对 GIS绝缘强度的影响和绝缘劣化的危险程度。结果表明:GIS断路器内存在铁质金属异物是造成事故的直接原因,厂内安装控制不严造成的带缺陷出厂为间接原因;在同一电压等级下,金属异物越大对 GIS 的绝缘强度影响越明显,绝缘劣化越突出,GIS 越易发生闪络事故。
    • 龙光波; 王艳芳
    • 摘要: 研究了耀变体喷流高能电子谱形成机制,从电子演化的输运方程出发,定量地解析了具有幂律形式、双幂律形式、对数抛物线形式、指数高能截断幂律形式的电子谱的形成过程.
    • 陈琼; 童国平; 李盛
    • 摘要: 利用SSH( Su-Schrieffer-Heeger)模型研究了2条聚乙炔链键与键平行和非平行结构耦合的电子能谱。两者的电子能谱与耦合强度之间有类似关系,但平行结构受耦合强度的影响更大些。在此基础上,将耦合链模型应用于锯齿型石墨烯纳米带的电子能谱计算,并给出了解析色散关系。同时,还研究了电子能谱与其耦合强度的关系,耦合越强,能带越宽。%The electronic spectrum of two coupled polyacetylene chains with bond-bond parallel and non-paral-lel was studied by using the SSH ( Su-Schrieffer-Heeger) model.Both the spectra were related to the coupling intensity, but the effect of the bond-bond parallel structure on the spectrum was obvious compared to the non-parallel .Based on this model, the electronic spectrum of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edges was calculat-ed and the energy dispersion relation was derived.The relationship between the spectrum and the coupling in-tensity was also discussed, which showed that the stronger the coupling was the wider the energy band ap-peared.
    • 王凯
    • 摘要: 2013年6月7~15日,亚美国际粒子物理与宇宙学高级研讨班会议在浙江大学召开。会议由浙江大学主办,并由浙江大学、国家自然科学基金委、中国科学院理论物理研究所、联合国教科文组织意大利国际理论物理中心及美国特拉华大学资助。粒子物理学实验近期有了多项重大突破。
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