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生物材料综述的相关文献在2013年到2014年内共计70篇,主要集中在基础医学、外科学 等领域,其中期刊论文70篇、专利文献943473篇;相关期刊1种,包括中国组织工程研究等; 生物材料综述的相关文献由129位作者贡献,包括刘斌、车小强、丁国华等。



论文:70 占比:0.01%


论文:943473 占比:99.99%





  • 刘斌
  • 车小强
  • 丁国华
  • 万宗明
  • 于振涛
  • 于淼
  • 任婷婷
  • 何兵兵
  • 何蔚
  • 余森



  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘茜; 王秀梅
    • 摘要: 背景:自组装多肽类材料因其独特的设计及良好的生物相容性和可降解性在众多三维支架材料中脱颖而出。目的:综述RADA类离子互补型自组装多肽支架材料的结构和功能化设计,从细胞三维培养方面探讨多肽类材料作为细胞载体材料在细胞治疗中的应用前景。  方法:由作者通过PubMed、Web of science数据库及CNKI数据库检索有关自组装多肽水凝胶的相关文献,检索词为“self-assembly peptide, tissue engineering;自组装多肽,组织工程”,检索文献量总计224篇,纳入包含多肽材料设计、功能化多肽材料、多肽材料用于细胞三维培养方面的研究,最终纳入48篇。  结果与结论:从物理结构角度讲,多肽材料可以在生理环境中自组装成具有纳米级纤维和较高孔隙率的水凝胶,最大程度上模拟细胞外基质的结构,保障细胞生存在一个真正的三维环境中。从生物功能角度讲,多肽材料可以根据不同需求复合特异性的生物活性短肽片断,赋予材料一定的细胞特异性,可以促进细胞的黏附、增殖或分化。%BACKGROUND:Self-assembling peptide scaffolds have attracted much more attention among three dimensional biomaterials due to its biocompatibility, biodegradation, and tailor-made properties. OBJECTIVE:To review the structure and design of functionalized self-assembling RADA peptide, and the recent advances in the use of RADA self-assembling peptide for three-dimensional cel culture in cel therapy applications. METHODS:Total 224 literatures related to self-assembling peptide and tissue engineering from PubMed, Web of Science and CNKI databases were screened out for this review. The keywords were“self-assembly peptide, tissue engineering”in English and Chinese, respectively. Final y 48 of 224 articles about the design, fictionalization, and three-dimensional cel culture of peptide scaffolds were included in this review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Self-assembling peptide could undergo spontaneous assembly into wel-ordered interwoven nanofibers in water and rapidly form hydrogel, which physical y mimics the architecture of natural extracel ular matrix to ensure a real three-dimensional microenvironment for cel s. In terms of bio-function, this material can be tailor-made with various bioactive short peptide motifs to promote cel adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation.
    • 刘茜; 王秀梅
    • 摘要: 背景:自组装多肽类材料因其独特的设计及良好的生物相容性和可降解性在众多三维支架材料中脱颖而出。目的:综述RADA类离子互补型自组装多肽支架材料的结构和功能化设计,从细胞三维培养方面探讨多肽类材料作为细胞载体材料在细胞治疗中的应用前景。方法:由作者通过PubMed、Web of science数据库及CNKI数据库检索有关自组装多肽水凝胶的相关文献,检索词为“self-assembly peptide, tissue engineering;自组装多肽,组织工程”,检索文献量总计224篇,纳入包含多肽材料设计、功能化多肽材料、多肽材料用于细胞三维培养方面的研究,最终纳入48篇。结果与结论:从物理结构角度讲,多肽材料可以在生理环境中自组装成具有纳米级纤维和较高孔隙率的水凝胶,最大程度上模拟细胞外基质的结构,保障细胞生存在一个真正的三维环境中。从生物功能角度讲,多肽材料可以根据不同需求复合特异性的生物活性短肽片断,赋予材料一定的细胞特异性,可以促进细胞的黏附、增殖或分化。
    • 车小强; 张松营; 陈云平; 刘斌
    • 摘要: 背景:抗菌剂如纳米载银、季胺盐、磷酸钙等,具有良好的抗菌作用,能对口腔中常见致病菌的生长起到抑制作用,将抗菌剂作为填料加入复合树脂,制成抗菌性复合树脂,是当前研究的一个热点。  目的:综述近年国内外关于抗菌性复合树脂的研究情况。  方法:以“复合树脂,抗菌剂,银离子,季胺盐,磷酸钙”为中文关键词,以“composite resin, antibacterial agent, silver ion, amine salt, calcium phosphate”为英文关键词,采用计算机检索1995年1月至2012年5月中国知网数据库 CNKI、PubMed 数据库和维普中文科技期刊数据库、万方数据库、Web of Science 期刊引文索引数据库及Nature数据库有关抗菌性复合树脂的文献。  结果与结论:抗菌剂分为天然、有机、无机、有机高分子抗菌剂。目前研究较多的有纳米载银抗菌性复合树脂、季铵盐抗菌性复合树脂、纳米磷酸钙抗菌性复合树脂等。体内外实验表明,抗菌剂的加入使复合树脂具有较强的抗菌性能,可阻断细菌的生长过程,进而减少继发龋的发生,延长修复体的寿命,且不改变复合树脂的理化性质。最新的研究中将多种不同性质的抗菌剂混合加入复合树脂中得到了具有更强抗菌性、机械性能的抗菌性复合树脂,这也将成为今后研究新型抗菌性复合树脂的重要方向。%BACKGROUND:Antibacterial agents with good antibacterial effects, such as nano silver, amine salt, and calcium phosphate, have a growth inhibition on common pathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Recently, it is a hot issue to make antimicrobial composite resins by adding the antibacterial agents to the composite resin. OBJECTIVE:To summarize recent studies on antimicrobial composite resin. METHODS:Databases of CNKI, PubMed, Wanfang, VIP, Web of Science, and Nature from January 1995 to May 2012 were searched by computer with key words of“composite resin, antibacterial agent, silver ion, amine salt, calcium phosphate”both in Chinese and English. Literatures concerning antibacterial agents and antimicrobial composite resin were included, and repetitive research was excluded. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Antibacterial agents are classified into natural, organic, inorganic, polymer agents. Currently, antimicrobial composite resins carrying nano sliver, amine salt, and calcium phosphate are often reported. The vivo and vitro experiments show that the composite resin with antibacterial agents has good antibacterial properties, which can inhibit the growth of bacteria, reduce the occurrence of recurrent caries, and prolong the in-service life of the prosthesis, and its physical and chemical properties have no apparent changes. In the latest study, the composite resin has better antibacterial properties and mechanical functions by addition with al kinds of antibacterial agents, which wil be the main direction of studying the novel antimicrobial composite resin in the future.
    • 车小强; 张松营; 陈云平; 刘斌
    • 摘要: 背景:抗菌剂如纳米载银、季胺盐、磷酸钙等,具有良好的抗菌作用,能对口腔中常见致病菌的生长起到抑制作用,将抗菌剂作为填料加入复合树脂,制成抗菌性复合树脂,是当前研究的一个热点. 目的:综述近年国内外关于抗菌性复合树脂的研究情况. 方法:以“复合树脂,抗菌剂,银离子,季胺盐,磷酸钙”为中文关键词,以“composite resin, antibacterial agent, silver ion, amine salt, calcium phosphate”为英文关键词,采用计算机检索1995年1月至2012年5月中国知网数据库 CNKI、PubMed 数据库和维普中文科技期刊数据库、万方数据库、Web of Science 期刊引文索引数据库及Nature数据库有关抗菌性复合树脂的文献. 结果与结论:抗菌剂分为天然、有机、无机、有机高分子抗菌剂.目前研究较多的有纳米载银抗菌性复合树脂、季铵盐抗菌性复合树脂、纳米磷酸钙抗菌性复合树脂等.体内外实验表明,抗菌剂的加入使复合树脂具有较强的抗菌性能,可阻断细菌的生长过程,进而减少继发龋的发生,延长修复体的寿命,且不改变复合树脂的理化性质.最新的研究中将多种不同性质的抗菌剂混合加入复合树脂中得到了具有更强抗菌性、机械性能的抗菌性复合树脂,这也将成为今后研究新型抗菌性复合树脂的重要方向.
    • 李伟; 戴江华; 罗军; 戴闽; 高乾坤
    • 摘要: 背景:目前研究多注重缓控释给药膜的缓控释效果及其生物相容性,也有开展缓控释给药膜参与损伤组织修复的机制研究,其中干细胞是损伤组织修复的关键因素,但干细胞与缓控释给药膜之间的联系尚未得到足够关注。目的:分析膜缓控释给药系统在组织损伤修复中的研究现状与进展。方法:以“缓释系统,膜,药物载体,组织损伤修复,干细胞归巢;sustained-release system,membrane, drug delivery,injuries and repairs of tissue,stem cel homing”为关键词,采用计算机检索Pubmed数据库、中国知网、Elsevier数据库1992年1月至2012年12月有关膜缓控释给药系统临床应用及实验研究的文章。结果与结论:在膜缓控释给药系统中高分子材料几乎成了药物和生长因子在传递、渗透过程中不可分割的组成部分。虽然药物缓释系统的发展与制膜技术都在不断的更新,但距离完全达到理想的应用标准还有一定的差距,如不具备主动吸引干细胞定向迁移与分布的生物学功能。近年来膜缓控释给药系统出现新的发展方向,即不仅能起到诱导干细胞定向分化的作用,也能诱导干细胞向损伤部位定向分布,从而促进损伤组织再生修复。%  BACKGROUND: At present many studies have pay attention to the sustained-release and control ed-release effects, as wel as biocompatibility, in membrane control ed release drug delivery system. There are also some studies addressing the mechanisms underlying injured tissue repair with these drug membranes, in which stem cel s are the key factors. However, the association between stem cel s and the sustained and control ed drug release membrane has not yet been paid enough attention. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the current research status and progress of membrane sustained-release system in the repair of tissue injuries. METHODS: Using the keywords of “sustained-release system, membrane, drug delivery, injuries and repairs of tissue, stem cel homing” in Chinese and English, a computer search of PubMed, CNKI, Elsevier databases was performed for articles published from January 1992 to March 2012. Articles related to clinical application and experiment research of sustained-release and control ed-release pharmaceutical polymer materials were included. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the membrane sustained-release system, polymer materials have almost become the critical part of drugs and growth factors in the process of infiltration and penetration. Although drug delivery system and membrane preparation technology are constantly updated, it is not enough to achieve the desired application standards, such as do not have the initiative to attract direct migration and distribution of stem cel s. In recent years, there is a new development trend for membrane sustained-release system, which not only can induce stem cel s homing to injury sites, but also can promote the differentiation and distribution of stem cel s, thereby promoting the renovation of tissue injury.
    • 何蔚; 刘明
    • 摘要: 背景:以α-氰基丙烯酸酯为主体的医用胶黏剂经过改性研究,在湿性环境中能产生较大粘接强度,如承载不同种类的药物,利用其能在体内自然降解的性能,不仅可以实现药物的缓释,还可以诱导新生骨组织的爬行替代。目的:分析氰基丙烯酸酯和纳米给药系统各自的理化特性及优缺点,阐明其将来的临床应用前景及尚待解决的问题。方法:检索PubMed数据库、中国期刊全文数据库2004年1月至2012年10月有关氰基丙烯酸酯和纳米药物骨靶向治疗的文献,检索英文关键词为“CyanoacrylatenanoparticledrugdeliverysystemTargetedtherapy”,中文关键词为“氰基丙烯酸酯;纳米给药系统;靶向治疗”。结果与结论:将氰基丙烯酸酯黏合胶复合纳米药物进行骨靶向治疗,是鉴于氰基丙烯酸酯及其衍生物具有在骨髓腔等湿性条件下能迅速黏合,强度较大,能生物降解等诸多优点。FDA已将氰基丙烯酸酯的适用级别从Ⅲ级提升至Ⅱ级,今后的课题若能充分利用纳米药物靶向治疗的特点优势,实现药物的高载荷和药物控释,通过交叉学科的互相渗透,针对提高骨一假体界面黏合强度、生物力学强度和弹性模量,研发复合型生物材料,改善单一材料在性能上的缺陷,靶向长效纳米药物黏合胶将是治疗骨肿瘤、骨结核和骨髓炎等疾病的一种重要手段。
    • 于振涛; 韩建业; 麻西群; 余森; 张明华; 张于胜
    • 摘要: 背景:保证生物材料优良的生物及力学相容性是研制开发外科植入物及矫形器械产品的关键,但目前对其研究缺乏系统性和统一性认识。目的:初步分析生物医用钛合金材料生物及力学相容性的概念、内涵,指导医疗器械产品的选型设计与应用。方法:应用计算机检索PubMed、Elsiver、Springerlink、CNKI及维普等数据库1995至2012年相关文献,围绕“生物及力学相容性”主题词,探讨合金成分、显微组织及相变控制和材料表面状态优化等因素对钛合金材料生物及力学相容性的影响规律。结果与结论:生物及力学相容性是一个综合评价概念。进行医用钛合金材料选型设计时,首先要求合金中的组成元素无不良反应,并保证其与组织、血液及免疫和全身反应的安全性,同时要求所添加元素对钛合金的机械性能等其他性能不良影响最小。钛合金中常见的合金化元素主要包括α相稳定元素、β相稳定元素和中性元素3类。要使生物医用钛合金植入材料获得优良的生物及力学相容性,对材料内部显微组织和相变进行控制,以及开展材料表面状态改性优化也至关重要。但不能单纯追求一种钛合金的低模量或高强度等某一单项力学指标与人体骨组织接近或匹配而简单判定其生物力学相容性的优劣。
    • 李玉萍; 孙利珍; 熊向源; 李资玲; 龚妍春; 韩笑
    • 摘要: 背景:利用具有生物相容性和生物可降解性的高分子材料作为载体,通过化学结合或物理包裹胰岛素,可提高胰岛素在体内的稳定性和生物利用度。目的:从类型、制备方法、特征、药理作用等方面综述国内外口服胰岛素载体的高分子材料的研究进展。方法:由作者应用计算机检索中国知网数据库、PubMed数据库和Elsevier 数据库2002年1月至2013年2月,与高分子生物材料和口服胰岛素载体相关的文章,中文关键词为“高分子生物材料、口服胰岛素、载体”,英文关键词为“polymeric biomaterials,oral insulin,carrier”。结果与结论:目前,主要用于口服胰岛素系统控缓释的高分子生物材料可分为天然高分子生物材料和合成高分子生物材料两大类。用于口服胰岛素载体研究的天然高分子材料,以壳聚糖、藻酸盐多见。合成高分子生物材料中聚酯类、聚丙烯酸酯类及其共聚物,因具有良好的生物相容性、生物降解性和生理性能,被用作口服胰岛素制剂的载体材料的研究报道较多。国内外有关口服胰岛素制剂的研究报道虽多,也有一些商品型口服胰岛素进入临床试验阶段,但至今尚未见到实际应用的临床报告。其主要原因是作为载体的高分子材料、胰岛素的生物利用度低、制剂的质量标准及稳定性问题尚未解决。因此,未来的研究将主要集中在:载体材料的选择或者对现有高分子聚合物进行物理和化学的修饰,研发出新型的聚合物基材料作为载体,以避免胃肠道对胰岛素的破坏和改善胰岛素在体内的吸收,获得理想的释药速度和良好缓控释效果。
    • 王雷; 余德涛
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND:Membrane guided bone regeneration technology has become an important method in repairing bone defects. With the deepening of the research, related concept and the mechanism of membrane guided bone regeneration have been gradual y confirmed, but there are stil some unresolved issues. OBJECTIVE: To review the classification of membrane tubes, performance, disadvantages and advantages in membrane guided bone regeneration, as wel as some unresolved issues in application and research. METHODS:The first author searched PubMed and CNKI databases to retrieve articles about the discovery of membrane guided bone regeneration and the concepts, classification of membrane tubes, performance, disadvantages and advantages during bone defect treatment, which were published from 1963 to 2013. The key words were“guided bone regeneration, guided tissue regeneration, bone defect treatment”in English and Chinese, respectively. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Membrane guided bone regeneration technique is a most promising treatment for bone defects, but for the treatment of long tubular bone defects, it is stil in the experimental stage. Currently, there is no membrane tube for long-segment bone defects. According to the material sources, the membrane tubes can be divided into:non-biological material, such as polytetrafluoroethylene, polylactic acid, silica gel, titanium film;biological materials, such as col agen membrane, chitin membrane, polyhydroxybutyrate. The membrane tubes can also be classified into nondegradable materials and biodegradable materials. Biodegradable materials have good histocompatibility and no cytotoxicity, which can degrade in a certain period after implantation;part of the membrane can also al ow free exchange of tissue fluid and nutritional substances. But there are stil some shortcomings that the degradation time is difficult to control and the volume is difficultly maintained under the membrane tube. New bone formation in non-biodegradable materials is complete. In the process of osteogenesis, the membrane tube cannot be absorbed and has to be removed secondarily, though it has good histocompatibility and better therapeutic outcomes. In the future, we should further improve membrane performance, so that the membrane tube can play a dual role, fixation and guided bone regeneration;a series of animal studies should be conducted to study the effect of stress on the membrane tube and osseointegration within the membrane tube, to master the law of osseointegration of membrane tubes, thereby providing evidence for repair of long tubular bone defects.%背景:膜引导骨再生技术已成为骨缺损修复中的重要方法,随着相关研究的深入,膜引导骨再生的相关概念和机制已经逐渐确定,但仍然存在一些未解决的问题。  目的:综述引导骨再生技术中膜管的分类、性能和优缺点及此技术的应用与研究中的问题。  方法:由第一作者检索1963至2013年PubMed数据及CNKI数据库有关膜引导性骨再生的发现及其在骨缺损治疗的相关概念与膜管分类、性能和优缺点方面的文献。英文检索词为“guided bone regeneration,guided tissue regeneration,bone defect treatment”,中文检索词为“膜引导性骨再生,引导性组织再生,骨缺损治疗”。  结果与结论:膜引导骨再生技术是治疗骨缺损的最有前景方法,但对于长管状骨缺损的修复使用还处于试验阶段,目前临床上还没有可以使用的长段骨缺损修复膜管。根据材料来源可将膜管分为:非生物性材料,如聚四氟乙烯、聚乳酸、硅胶、钛膜等;生物性材料,如胶原膜、几丁质膜、聚羟基丁酸酯等。按材料能否降解又可分为非降解性材料与降解性材料。可降解性材料具有组织相容性好、无细胞毒性特点,植入后可在一定时期内降解,部分膜还可以允许组织液和营养物质自由交换,但存在降解时间不易控制、膜管下容积难以维持的缺陷。新骨完全形成于非降解性材料内,成骨过程中膜管组织相容性好,引导性骨再生效果较好,但不能被组织吸收或替代,需二次手术取出膜管。今后应进一步改进膜管性能,使膜管可以兼聚固定和引导性骨再生作用;进一步进行一系列动物实验研究应力对膜管和膜管内骨整合的影响,掌握膜管骨整合的规律,为膜管在人体长管状骨缺损的研究和应用提供依据。
    • 胡雪峰; 郑立; 赵劲民
    • 摘要: 背景:肿瘤组织工程通过构建综合的培养模型,充分模拟肿瘤在体内生长的微环境,可以较好地研究肿瘤发生发展的动力学及相关治疗策略。  目的:综述肿瘤工程技术中的肿瘤细胞三维培养。  方法:以“tumor engineering;3D culture;biological materials;dynamic”为关键词,检索PubMed数据库1992年1月至2013年3月相关文献,纳入有关肿瘤工程、肿瘤细胞三维培养、生物支架材料及肿瘤微环境的相关文章。  结果与结论:三维培养因其可再现组织细胞的体内生长情况,已成为研究肿瘤耐药性、侵袭性和肿瘤微环境的重要平台,在许多领域表现出逐步取代平面培养技术的趋势,为肿瘤研究提供了一个非常接近于体内真实情况的研究平台。近年来,随着肿瘤工程学的发展,多种新型高分子聚合材料被应用于肿瘤细胞的三维立体培养,三维培养技术逐渐成为肿瘤生物学领域研究的热点,其利用各种方法及材料使细胞呈空间立体方式生长,形成类似体内生长环境的生物支撑或基质,建立细胞间及细胞与胞外基质间的相互联系,并形成特定的类似组织样的三维空间结构。生物材料就是种子细胞生长的土壤,在肿瘤工程中起着替代细胞外基质或组织、器官的基质的作用。而随着三维细胞培养技术在肿瘤研究中的广泛应用,其已成为肿瘤耐药、血管形成、细胞间相互作用、信号转导、干细胞等方面研究不可或缺的有力工具。%BACKGROUND:The tumor tissue engineering can build an integrated culture model to ful y simulate the in vivo microenvironment of tumor growth, which can be used to study tumor developmental dynamics and related treatment strategies. OBJECTIVE:To review the three-dimensional culture of tumor cells using tumor engineering technology. METHODS:PubMed database was retrieved for articles related to tumor engineering, three-dimensional culture of tumor cells, biological scaffold materials and tumor microenvironment published from January 1992 to March 2013. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Three-dimensional culture, because of its reproducible tissue and cellgrowth in vivo, has become an important platform for study of tumor resistance, invasiveness and tumor microenvironment. The three-dimensional culture has showed a trend to gradual y replace the flat culture technique in many fields, and provides a research platform which is very close to in vivo environment. In recent years, with the development of tumor engineering, a variety of new polymer materials have been used in the three-dimensional culture of tumor cells. Three-dimensional culture technology is becoming a hotspot in the field of tumor biology, in which, using a variety of methods and materials, the cells show a growth in the spatial manner to form a biological support or matrix similar to in vivo growth environment. Biomaterials have become the soil on which seed cells can grow wel , and plays an alternative to the extracellular matrix or the matrix of tissues and organs in the tumor engineering. Therefore, the three-dimensional cellculture has been widely used in cancer research, which has become a powerful tool to tumor drug resistance, angiogenesis, cel-cellinteraction, signal transduction, stem cells and other research.
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