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生态类群的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计84篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、动物学、植物学 等领域,其中期刊论文82篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献172468篇;相关期刊56种,包括中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)、海洋学报(中文版)、四川动物等; 相关会议2种,包括南方十三省区市水产学会第二十次学术交流会、第三届环北部湾高校研究生海洋论坛等;生态类群的相关文献由221位作者贡献,包括徐兆礼、卢振彬、王云龙等。



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  • 徐兆礼
  • 卢振彬
  • 王云龙
  • 史赟荣
  • 戴泉水
  • 朱进福
  • 杨杰青
  • 罗冬莲
  • 肖方森
  • 任一平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 彭建生(图)
    • 摘要: 猛禽是鸟中极具战斗力和攻击力的代表。作为鸟类六大生态类群之一,猛禽涵盖了鸟类传统分类系统中隼形目和鸭形目的所有种。全世界现生猛禽432种,其中隼形类有298种,号鸟形类有134种。在生态系统中,猛禽个体数量较其他类群少,但是却处于食物链的顶层,是典型的掠食者;从人类的角度来看它们对生态平衡也至关重要。
    • 王娇; 张崇良; 薛莹; 任一平; 王小林; 徐宾铎
    • 摘要: 根据2013-2014年在黄河口及邻近水域进行的7个航次的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,采用聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序等方法,研究了目前该水域生态环境条件下鱼类生态类群组成及其季节变化.研究表明,本次调查共捕获鱼类51种,隶属硬骨鱼纲10目27科43属;其中定居性鱼类30种,洄游性鱼类17种,河口性4种;暖温种30种,暖水种15种,冷温种6种.暖温种和定居种种数和平均网获量在各季节中均占绝对优势.春季鱼类27种,其中暖温种15种,定居性种类19种;夏季鱼类34种,暖温种和定居性种类分别为20和12种;秋季鱼类30种,暖温种和暖水种分别为16和14种,定居性种类18种;冬季鱼类15种,暖温种11种,暖水种2种,定居性种类12种.暖温性鱼类、洄游性鱼类平均网获量均在夏季最高.聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序分析表明,可将16种主要鱼类划分为A~D共4个种类群.A、B类群夏秋季在黄河口水域分布广泛,数量和质量上均占优势,该类群多为洄游性种类;C类群主要由定居种组成,各季节均有分布,春季和夏季分布较广,该类群已适应黄河口多变的环境;D类群主要为河口性鱼类,冬季较多.4个种类群平均网获量较高的站位主要集中在河口区.黄河口水域鱼类生态类群组成及其季节变化可能主要与水域温度变化、营养盐分布和鱼类洄游等有关.
    • 骆鑫; 蓝文陆; 李天深; 黎明民
    • 摘要: 为了探究人类活动对钦州湾浮游植物群落的影响,分别于2013年3月和7月进行了两航次综合调查.采用聚类和典型对应分析法,分别对浮游植物群落及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究.结果表明春夏两季浮游植物共有3门45属115种,其中硅藻100种、甲藻14种、蓝藻1种.两季浮游植物生态类群分别以暖温带广布种和暖温带近岸种为主,季节性差异明显.典型对应分析表明,影响浮游植物分布的主要环境因子是悬浮物、pH、盐度和营养盐.受入海径流和外来水团等因子影响,钦州湾浮游植物群落在夏季更易聚为相似性群落,春季则呈斑块化分布.
    • 杨杰青; 欧阳珑玲; 史赟荣; 晁敏; 袁琪; 王云龙
    • 摘要: 为探讨海南西北部近岸海域浮游动物群落结构,根据2016年11月(秋季)、2017年2月(冬季)、2017年5月(春季)和2017年8月(夏季)4个季节的浮游动物调查数据,对该海域浮游动物的种类组成、优势种及其生态类群、丰度和生物量进行了分析.结果表明:4个季节共鉴定浮游动物7门113属215种(含未定种),秋季最多(134种),冬季(113种)和春季(111种)较为接近,夏季(94种)最少,各季节均以桡足类和水螅水母类占优势.浮游动物种类的空间分布上,秋季和冬季整体呈现近岸和远岸较中间高,而春季和夏季由近岸到远岸呈逐渐增加的变化趋势.浮游动物种类随季节变动不大,但优势种更替较为明显,仅亚强次真哲水蚤(Subeucalanus subcrassus)和肥胖箭虫(Sagitta enflata)为4个季节共有优势种.优势种生态类群主要可分为暖温种、广温广盐种、近岸暖水种、热带暖水种及暖水广布种.浮游动物丰度均值秋季(124.75 ind./m3)与冬季(152.43 ind./m3)相近,春季(64.76 ind./m3)和夏季(74.44 ind./m3)相近,春季、夏季的丰度均值要明显低于秋季、冬季,平面分布上秋季和冬季呈现近岸高远岸低,但不同的是水深在大于20 m以上的海域,冬季平均丰度要稍高于秋季,而春季和夏季呈现近岸低远岸高的变化特点.浮游动物生物量冬季(263.68 mg/m3)最高,秋季(147.38 mg/m3)次之,春季(59.13 mg/m3)和夏季(61.45 mg/m3)相近,平面分布上与丰度分布趋势相似.
    • 杨杰青; 全为民; 史赟荣; 王云龙
    • 摘要: In order to discuss the temporal and spatial variations of zooplankton community in coastal East China Sea and based on the data obtained from 3 cruises of zooplankton surveys conducted in the coastal waters of East China Sea in May, August and December of 2013, the species composition, biomass and abundance, dominant spe-cies and ecological groups were investigated. The results showed that a total of 108 species belonged to 15 groups in 7 phyla, including undefined species, together with 14 classes of pelagic larvae. The 7 phyla including Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Annelina, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Chaetognatha and Urochordata. Copepoda and Medusae were the most dominant groups in numbers of species and abundance. The most dominant group of zooplankton was Cope-poda, including 47 species accounting for 43.52%. Medusae ranks second with a total of 19 species, accounting for 17.59%. There was a considerable seasonal variation in species of zooplankton in the coastal waters of East China Sea. In summer, the species richness was significantly higher than spring and winter. The linear relationship of species and latitude was negative correlated in May, August and December, which reached an extremely signific-ant level. The whole area average abundance and biomass of zooplankton of coastal waters in East China Sea changed seasonally. Both the average abundance and biomass in winter were the lowest, the average biomass was the highest in summer, and the average abundance was the highest in spring. The community can be divided into 6 ecological groups according to the tolerance of zooplankton in hydrological environment and the differences of liv-ing areas, which were coastal species of low salinity, wide temperature and salinity species, high temperature and salinity species, warm coastal species, warm water species and cosmopolitan species. In spring and winter the coastal species of low salinity, wide temperature and salinity species accounted for absolute advantage in the southern Yellow Sea coastal waters, but warm water species were in higher proportion in summer. However, in Yangtze River estuary and adjacent waters, the warm water species were the dominant community in spring, sum-mer and winter. What's more, in the central and southern coastal waters, warm water species play a dominant role in spring and winter. But the high temperature and salinity species, cosmopolitan species community was obvi-ously dominant in summer. Calanus sinicus was the only common dominant species in these seasons. Dominant species changed more obviously, and the dominant species turnover rate was 90.9% from spring to summer, which was 50% from summer to autumn.%为探讨东海近岸海域浮游动物时空分布特征,根据2013年5月(春季)、8月(夏季)和12月(冬季)东海近岸海域3个航次的浮游动物调查资料,分析了该海域春季、夏季和冬季浮游动物的种类组成、丰度与生物量、优势种季节变化及生态类群.结果显示,3个航次共鉴定浮游动物108种(含未定种),浮游幼体14类,隶属于7门15大类,其中桡足类和水母类的种类和数量占绝对优势,桡足类为最优势类群,共47种,占总种数的43.52%,水母类共19种,占总种数的17.59%.浮游动物种类季节变化较为明显,夏季种类显著高于春季和冬季.各季节浮游动物种类数目与纬度呈负相关.浮游动物平均丰度与平均生物量随季节变化较为明显,其中平均丰度与平均生物量冬季最低,平均生物量夏季最高,平均丰度春季最高.根据浮游动物对水文环境条件耐受性和生活海区的差异性将浮游动物群落分为6个生态类群:近岸低盐种、广温广盐种、高温高盐种、近岸暖温种、暖水种和大洋广布种.其中东海北部近岸海域春、冬季近岸低盐种和广温广盐种占绝对优势,夏季暖水性种群所占比例高;长江口及邻近水域暖水性种群在春、夏、冬三季中均占主导地位;东海中南部近岸海域春、冬季暖水性种群占绝对优势,但夏季高温高盐种、大洋广布种优势明显.各季节中华哲水蚤均为优势种,但其他优势种季节更替较明显,其中春、夏两季优势种更替率为90.9%,夏、秋两季为50%.
    • 戴红; 董炜峰; 张瑜; 陈瑶; 杨毕铖
    • 摘要: 为了解福清湾及其附近海域水环境和浮游生物状况,促进当地海洋渔业资源的开发利用,文章布设24个站位,采用2种网型,于2016年秋季对该海域浮游桡足类的种类组成、生态类群、优势种、主要优势种和丰度分布以及生物多样性进行调查分析;在此基础上,总结桡足类群落特征,并与历史资料进行对比.研究结果表明:福清湾及其附近海域桡足类种类丰富,共获取51种,哲水蚤目的种数和丰度占绝对优势;受浙闽沿岸流、台湾暖流和龙江不同程度的影响,以近岸暖水生态类群为主,近岸暖温和外海广布生态类群较多,河口生态类群最少;2种网型的共有优势种为亚强次真哲水蚤、太平洋纺锤水蚤和针刺拟哲水蚤,共有种且为优势种的有9种;主要优势种和丰度在各站位的分布有所差异;多样性指数处于中上水平,生态系统较健康和稳定,种类有小型化趋势;与以往调查相比,桡足类种数有所增加,真刺唇角水蚤丰度有所下降且非优势种,外海广布生态类群的增加表明该海域受台湾暖流高温高盐水的影响较明显.
    • 隋昊志; 薛莹; 任一平; 邹易阳; 于磊
    • 摘要: Based on the data collected in seasonal bottom trawl surveys in Haizhou Bay and adjacent waters in March,May,July,September and December,2011,the variations in the composition and characteristics of the ecological groups of fish communities were studied.The main basis for the division of ecological groups were adapting temperate,spawning,feeding and migratory types.The results showed that a total of 96 fish species were captured in the surveys,which bdonged to 71 genera,44 families and 13 orders.Fifty eight fish species were selected to study the ecological groups,which accounted for more than 95% of the total biomass of all fish species.Warm temperate fish species were dominant in Haizhou Bay,with their total biomass and number of species accounted for over 40% in each seasor.Species with pelagic eggs and those withdemersal and adhesive eggs were the main ecological groups in Haizhou Bay,with their biomass accounted for 48.17% and 31.19% of the total biomass of fish community in Haizhou Bay,respectively.With respect to feeding types,benthivores were the main feeding type in each season.The proportion of the biomass and number of migratory (including short-and long-distances) fish species were more than those of local species.Accorclig to the result of x2-text,ecological groups showedobvious seasonal variations.Thealtemation of different fish species was obvious,and the change of dominant fish species were various between seasons,presenting similar variations with the ecological groups.%根据2011年3、5、7、9和12月在海州湾及其邻近海域进行的5个航次渔业资源底拖网的调查数据,分析了海州湾鱼类的种类组成和生态类群结构及其季节变化.本次调查共采集96种鱼类,隶属于2纲13目44科71属,选取其中的58种鱼类(其生物量之和占所有鱼类总生物量的95%以上),依据适温类型、产卵类型、摄食类型和洄游类型四个方面,对生态类群进行划分和研究.研究表明,从适温类型来看,海州湾各季节暖温性鱼类的生物量和种类数均超过总数的40%,占首位,其次是暖水性鱼类和冷温性鱼类.从产卵类型来看,海州湾鱼类以浮性卵鱼类和黏着沉性卵鱼类为主,分别占总生物量的48.17%和31.19%.从摄食类型来看,海州湾各季节均以底栖生物食性鱼类为主,其种类数和生物量所占比例分别为55.17%和65.42%.从洄游类型来看,海州湾洄游鱼类(包括长距离洄游和短距离洄游)的种类数和生物量所占比例较大,分别为67.25%和57.11%.研究结果表明;海州湾鱼类生态类群存在极显著的季节差异(P<0.01);优势种的季节变化也十分明显,其变化规律与生态类群基本一致.
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